Reborn to Strive

Chapter 18


Although Yan Jiangtao made a fuss, it didn't affect Shi Zhen's business. He quickly sold out the remaining pork head meat, and then said to Guan Baiyu, who was a little absent-minded: "Xiaoyu, let's go eat wontons. Go to the vegetable market and buy some wonton wrappers, and when you get home, I'll pack the wontons for you to eat."

Guan Baiyu nodded.

Shi Zhen went to the store, asked for a bowl of wontons, and asked the store owner to give him another bowl: "I don't really like these soups and watery things, just eat a few."

It's one o'clock in the afternoon. The bun shop's business is the best in the morning. Now the business is not very good, and there are only the two of them in the shop.

When the wontons were served, Shi Zhen scooped a few from the big bowl, and gave the rest to Guan Baiyu.

Guan Baiyu glanced at Shi Zhen, his eyes a little sour.

Wontons are so delicious, how could his brother not like them

Small wontons cost one dollar a bowl, and the bowl is a big sea bowl, and there are about twenty or thirty wontons in it.

Guan Baiyu ate slowly, thinking that this was the best thing he had ever eaten.

His adoptive parents didn't have much money, but he was willing to spend money on his sister. When her sister was young, when his adoptive mother took his sister to town, she would buy her a bowl of wontons, and when she came back, she would proudly tell others about his sister. I have a good appetite and can eat a large bowl of wontons by myself.

But he... His grandma didn't like to spend money on him, and this was the first time he had wontons.

Shi Zhen waited for Guan Baiyu to finish eating, and went to the vegetable market with him to buy some wonton wrappers before returning home.

When they got home, the fire in the stove had already been extinguished, and Shi Zhen used chopsticks to poke the pig's head, and continued to simmer on the fire.

The stove was stuffed with burnt-resistant wood, so there was no need to watch it all the time. Shi Zhen cut a piece of lean meat from the face of a pig's head that had not yet been cooked, chopped it with a knife, and added spring onions, salt, and monosodium glutamate. Good stuffing, ready to pack small wontons.

The skin of the small wontons is very thin, and the fillings inside are generally very small. The bowl of wontons they ate in the town before, the meat filling inside was only the size of unsoaked soybeans.

"I'll make the wontons, I'll put more fillings for you, and keep them better than the ones sold in the town... When the wontons sold in the town are made by others, the fillings are either empty or scallions." Shi Zhen laughed. .

This was the first time Guan Baiyu heard such a statement, so he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and after watching Shi Zhen wrap a few wontons, he followed suit.

The Guan family members all have dark skin and generally have a square face, but Guan Baiyu has a pointed face. Even if he is a little too thin now and looks uninspired, he can still see that his facial features are very good.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Shi Zhen asked casually, "Your deskmate often bullies you in school? What's his name?"

Guan Baiyu raised his head and smiled at Shi Zhen: "He just said a few words to me, but it's actually nothing... He was jealous of me because of his poor grades."

Shi Zhen said: "If he bullies you in the future, tell me."

Guan Baiyu rolled his eyes: "Well."

"Do you have lice on your head?" Shi Zhen asked again.

Guan Baiyu's expression froze.

There is a canteen in their village, and generally all odds and ends are sold in the canteen.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Guan Baiyu came to the store sullenly and bought medicine for lice and roundworms.

The commissary is also one of the meeting points of the villagers. Several men came over with bowls and bought bulk liquor. They were chatting while drinking. When they saw Guan Baiyu coming to buy medicine, they all said, "Bai Yu, your cousin is very good. Pay attention!"

"Your pork head meat is also delicious. Is there any more at night?"

"Would you like to buy some wine for your cousin to go home?"

Guan Baiyu rarely gets along with these people, and he doesn't know how to respond, so he can only say: "I have pig head meat in my family..."

When Guan Baiyu returned, Shi Zhen asked him to take the roundworm medicine. After thinking about it, he took it himself.

After eating, he crushed the medicine for lice, added water, and combed it on Guan Baiyu's head.

After combing, he also asked Guan Baiyu to comb it for himself.

It's embarrassing, he also has lice on his head.

These days in rural areas, people don't like bathing in winter, and they don't wash their hair often. There are many people with lice. But after another seven or eight years, the conditions will improve, and there will be fewer people with lice.

Guan Baiyu was very careful when combing Shi Zhen's hair, which made Shi Zhen's scalp itchy. When he finally finished applying the medicine, he took Guan Baiyu to wash his hands, and he washed them cleanly before he dared to touch and eat.

This pot of pig's head was stewed at more than four o'clock. Shi Zhen took it to the town again, planning to catch a night market. As for Guan Baiyu, let him continue to stew the pig's head at home.

In the evening, there is also a group of humane vegetable markets to buy food. They all have to go to work during the day, and they just got off work now.

Shi Zhen kept saying hello, but it took about an hour for the pork head to be sold out.

After the sale, he went to buy another stainless steel basin, and then went home.

It was a bit late when he went back. Shi Xinghuo had already gone home. Seeing him, Shi Xinghuo began to say what he did during the day and what he ate at noon—they ate soy stew again at noon today, which he liked very much.

Shi Zhen listened to him with a smile, grabbed him by the way, and smeared lice-killing medicine on his head. Of course, he also gave him some roundworm medicine.

Ascaris medicine is enough to take once, and the medicine for killing lice should be used continuously for several days. When there is no lice at the end, as long as you don't go too close to people with lice and wash your hair more, you will not get infected again.

That night, many people who lived nearby came to buy pork head meat. About half of the pig heads were sold. Shi Zhen also stewed the remaining two pig heads and put them in two stainless steel pots to wait for tomorrow morning. Sold in town.

The next day is Monday. I eat wontons and rice noodles in the morning. I cook in an iron pot, and there is often a layer of rice noodles at the bottom of the pot. When Guan Baiyu couldn’t bear to use more firewood, there was almost no rice cakes. Recently, he bought a lot of firewood. When I came back, the rice was a little thick.

Before they were eating, they shoveled down and chewed it. Yesterday, there was a lot of rice, so the rice was left behind. Shi Zhen waited after making the wontons, brushed a layer of oil in the pot, put the rice on it and baked it. , drizzle a little more oil and fry it... It's crunchy and crunchy, especially delicious.

It's just a little oily, and most people are reluctant to eat it like this.

For the next few days, Shi Zhen remembered to apply medicine to Guan Baiyu every day. The lice on Guan Baiyu's head were finally gone, and the lice on his own head also disappeared.

In addition, he is busy going back and forth every day, and he can sell about four pig heads a day, earning about 40 yuan.

He finally had a little more money, but he still didn't dare to spend it - if he ran out of money now, he wouldn't be able to expand his business at all.

However, some necessary money still needs to be spent... Shi Zhen bought suitable knives one after another, as well as cutting boards, iron scales, shampoo, towels and the like.

After selling like this for four days, on Friday, the business was not very good, and he only sold three pig heads.

In particular, there are very few villagers who come to buy pig head meat from him, but some people go to the town to buy a pig head and come back to stew and eat it, so that the price of pig head has risen to seven cents a pound.

No matter what, when it is no longer unsalable, the price will go up.

Fortunately, Shi Zhen ordered it with Zhu Butcher. Although the price has increased, it is not impossible to buy it.

Although business is not so good in normal times, it will be better on weekends, but even so, on Saturday afternoon, Shi Zhen left home and went to the next village to find someone.

These days, he inquired with the villagers, and he already knew enough about Yan Jiangtao.

Yan's family belongs to a nearby village. Yan Jiangtao's father bought a loom a few years ago and went home, and then the family became prosperous. Now there are six looms in the family, and they even hired someone to watch it.

After their family became rich, Yan Jiangtao became rich and arrogant. He was a little bit uncomfortable with Guan Baiyu in school, and always asked Guan Baiyu for trouble.

Guan Baiyu said that Yan Jiangtao did nothing, but according to what Shi Zhen heard, Guan Baiyu was not less bullied by Yan Jiangtao.

Such a person... deserves a lesson.

But the person Shi Zhen went to was not Yan Jiangtao, but another person, a person who joined his engineering team earlier than Guan Baiyu in his previous life, and has been working with him since then.

When he was doing engineering here, he did everything by himself at first, and he only used people from his own village, but later the business was not successful, so he recruited some local people, and that person was one of the people he recruited. , This person is one year older than Guan Baiyu. He was born in 1978. According to what he has heard, he has graduated from junior high school and is now a idler without a job.

This person bragged to him a lot back then, saying that when he was in junior high school, he walked sideways in the school and was the boss in the school. Shi Zhen wanted to see if it was true.

The person Shi Zhen was looking for was named Qian and called Qian Qiqi. When Shi Zhen passed by, he was lying on a reclining chair in the main room of his house, looking at him lazily.

Shi Zhen asked, "Are you just getting money?"

"Yeah? What's wrong?" The man glanced at Shi Zhen lazily.

Shi Zhendao: "I heard that you fight very well... Let's make a gesture?"

When Qian Qi heard Shi Zhen's words, he turned over from the reclining chair with his feet on the ground, and was surprised: "You came to compete with me? I am so famous now?"

Shi Zhen said: "Anyway, I heard that you are very powerful."

In recent years, martial arts dramas have become popular. At this time, young people do not have time-killing things like computers and mobile phones. They are full of energy and nowhere to use in their restless adolescence. They are more enthusiastic about fighting and other things.

And money is one of the people who are particularly keen.

When Qian Qiqi first entered his construction site, he even used the sand from the construction site to practice iron sand palms during his breaks, and repeatedly poked his good hands into the sand until it swelled up the next day...

At that time, he listened to martial arts stories on the radio and watched martial arts TV, which was also highly recommended by Qianqi.

At this time, when the money came up, he should have been very interested in martial arts.

Qian Qiqi's face was full of excitement. He didn't expect that his reputation was already so great that someone he didn't know came to play in the gym... He could not wait to have a match with Shi Zhen right away.

"Okay, just hit!" Qianqi shook his arms, twisted his neck, and started to move his shoulders.

Shi Zhen didn't do any preparatory activities, and at this moment... he felt a little bit different.

Before his death, Qian Qi had diabetes and fatty liver, with a big belly and a greasy face, but now he is a thin young man.

I just don't know what he was thinking, but there was a little beard on the top of his lips... When he was young, he had a few stubble beards, which made people feel very unpleasant.

When Shi Zhen was in the village, the fights were very fierce. No one in the nearby village could beat him. Later, he became a foreman. Because of the martial arts novels recommended by the money, he also practiced specially, that is, he cultivated himself later. Don't do this kind of thing again.

But even if he hadn't fought in years, he knew where people were weak.

What's more important is that Qian, who is one year older than Guan Baiyu, is only sixteen years old now, and he is only 1.7 meters tall.

Shi Zhen bullied the minor and quickly pinned him to the ground: "You're not as good as me."

"What was your move just now?" Qian Qi didn't get angry after being knocked down, but he couldn't help but wonder how Shi Zhen knocked himself down.

Shi Zhen said: "I have learned a little from people before, and I know where people are weak..."

"Can you teach me?" Qianqi asked without thinking.

Shi Zhen said: "Of course, but I'm very busy and don't have time."

"You can teach me whenever you are free... By the way, where are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?" Qian Qi asked like a machine gun, his slender face full of curiosity.

Shi Zhen laughed: "I didn't live here before, I just came here not long ago."