Reborn to Strive

Chapter 23


Since the third class of junior high school and Yan Jiangtao have been at the same table, Guan Baiyu has been found fault by Yan Jiangtao on a daily basis.

Words, he can ignore, occasionally Yan Jiangtao kicked his legs, pierced his arm with a pen, he also endured.

He wanted to study hard and didn't want to conflict with Yan Jiangtao.

At most, he secretly threw caterpillars into Yan Jiangtao's schoolbag.

He didn't dare to go too far, for fear that Yan Jiangtao would retaliate against him.

A few days ago, he poured muddy water on Yan Jiangtao's head, first because he was really angry, and second because Shi Zhen's appearance gave him confidence.

And now, he was more angry than ever.

Guan Baiyu looked at Yan Jiangtao gloomily.

Yan Jiangtao was inexplicably a little uneasy. He was extremely disgusted by the way Guan Baiyu looked at him. He immediately said, "What are you looking at? Look at me and beat you."

Guan Baiyu wanted to beat Yan Jiangtao right now, but he still had to take an exam in the afternoon.

Picking up his schoolbag, Guan Baiyu went to the toilet.

He wiped the vegetable soup off his bag with a rag, but it was too late. This bag was originally sewn by himself, and it is not waterproof at all. Now the books in the bag are wrinkled because of the water, and there is a smell of food.

Guan Baiyu wiped his schoolbag clean, then took a rag and went back to wipe his stool.

Yan Jiangtao crossed Erlang's legs, his legs were shaking, watching Guan Baiyu busy with his work with great interest, and his shaking legs were knocking on Guan Baiyu's table legs. Not beaten.

But most of the people around them dare not speak out. Yan Jiangtao is rich and has many friends, and most of them in the Kuaiban just want to study hard, so they have nothing to do with people like Yan Jiangtao.

Guan Baiyu cleaned the table and chairs, and when he was going to wash the rag, the girl sitting behind Guan Baiyu chased after him: "Guan Baiyu, do you want to tell the teacher? I will testify for you that the soup was poured by Yan Jiangtao. "

Guan Baiyu nodded and went to the office with the girl.

The teachers of the first and second grades of their school were arranged to invigilate other schools, but the teachers of the third grade did not go and stayed in the school.

When Guan Baiyu and the girl entered the office, they saw their head teacher was sitting in their seats reading a tome novel. When he saw them coming in, he asked, "What do you do?"

Before Guan Baiyu could speak, the girl said, "Mr. Chen, after Yan Jiangtao finished his meal today, he poured the rest of the vegetable soup on Guan Baiyu's stool and schoolbag!"

Chen is their common surname here in Anshan Town. There are many people with the surname Chen here. Their class teacher has the same surname as the invigilator.

Hearing the girl's words, he subconsciously said, "Did he accidentally?"

"He did it on purpose!" the girl said.

Guan Baiyu also said: "Yan Jiangtao did it on purpose, he admitted it himself. During the previous exam, he threw paper balls at me and framed me for cheating."

Their head teacher prefers Yan Jiangtao, Guan Baiyu knew about this a long time ago.

But what needs to be said is still to be said.

"Yes! During the exam, Yan Jiangtao also told the invigilator that Guan Baiyu cheated, how could Guan Baiyu cheat!" The girl followed closely. She and Guan Baiyu were in the same exam room, and she was about to talk about it.

Guan Baiyu followed: "At that time, Yan Jiangtao threw a ball of paper at me, and he framed me."

The girl was busy doing the questions at the time, and she didn't know how the paper ball came from. Now that she found out that there was something about Yan Jiangtao in it, she was suddenly filled with righteous indignation.

The head teacher was also a little embarrassed: "I see, you go back first and call Yan Jiangtao."

It was so painless and slimy again.

Guan Baiyu had long given up relying on the teacher to get justice, and after hearing the words of the head teacher, he didn't stay much longer, and left the office with the girl.

"Yan Jiangtao is too much!" The girl kept talking, but she stopped after entering the classroom. She was also afraid of Yan Jiangtao.

Back in his seat, Guan Baiyu looked at Yan Jiangtao and asked Yan Jiangtao to go to the office.

The smug expression that Yan Jiangtao had always maintained disappeared. He bullied Guan Baiyu a lot before, and Guan Baiyu basically kept silent. He went to the teacher last semester

After the teacher did not agree to change seats, he did not go to the teacher.

Unexpectedly, Guan Baiyu would have the courage to find a teacher today!

Glancing at Guan Baiyu, Yan Jiangtao went to the office, but after a while, he came back, beating and beating on his seat.

Guan Baiyu ignored him and just looked at his English textbook.

Of all the subjects, English was the worst he learned.

For the same word, when the teacher taught them, he might pronounce this sound today and that sound tomorrow. He went to ask the teacher, and the teacher simply told him to ignore how the word was pronounced and just memorize it.

But memorizing words is a more painful thing for him.

He is happy to memorize Chinese texts and long ancient poems, but he doesn't want to memorize English. Even if he does, he will forget it the next day.

However, all the students in their class are like this, so his English score can also be in the top five in the whole class.

Yan Jiangtao made a lot of noise, but Guan Baiyu didn't respond at all, which made him even more annoyed.

Guan Baiyu looks down on him just because of his grades!

Let him be patient!

Just like Guan Baiyu, he can't make any money after reading books!

Their family runs a loom and can earn thousands of dollars a month, but a school teacher can't earn that much in a year!

Yan Jiangtao thought so, kicked Guan Baiyu's stool, and went to chat with the boy in the front seat.

"My shoes cost more than 100 a pair! They are famous brands!" Yan Jiangtao proudly showed off, not forgetting to make fun of Guan Baiyu, "Guan Baiyu, did you pick up your shoes? Did you pick up clothes from the trash can? Shoes? Do you want me to give you my old clothes? Forget it, I won't give you any more, you are so dirty, I feel sick just thinking about my old clothes on you!"

Guan Baiyu did not move at all, making the person who was talking to Yan Jiangtao full of embarrassment.

No matter what Yan Jiangtao said, it didn't take long for the exam in the afternoon to begin.

During the exam in the afternoon, the invigilator continued to wander around Guan Baiyu, and from time to time came to look at Guan Baiyu's exam papers. Fortunately, nothing else happened, and Guan Baiyu passed all the exams smoothly.

When the exams are over, the students are on vacation—tomorrow is Saturday, there were classes in the morning, but they didn't go to school just after the exams.

How nice to have two days to play! The students in the class were all elated.

Guan Baiyu walked to the school gate and saw Shi Zhen riding a bicycle: "Brother!"

"Let's go," Shi Zhen laughed, "go home."

Guan Baiyu smiled and rolled his eyes, the mess he encountered in school didn't make him so uncomfortable anymore.

Shi Zhen sent Guan Baiyu home, and then hurried to town to close the stall.

Shi Zhen's stall now sells braised eggs and braised dried bean curd in addition to cold-cut pork heads.

He sells braised eggs and dried tofu so cheaply that some people who come to town to play will pay fifty cents to buy them as snacks.

There are even students who buy braised egg bean curd from him for breakfast in the morning.

As a result, business is much better.

Because of the money he hired, someone could watch the stall in the town all the time, so his stall could be set up from morning to night, and more things were sold.

Now that he sells pig heads, he can no longer sell one pig head in an hour as he did at the beginning, but because of the long selling time, he can also sell four pig heads in one day. As for eggs and dried tofu, he cooks one each time. The cauldron, but by noon, it was basically sold out.

He actually wanted to do more, but Guan Baiyu's family only had one pot, which was not enough.

Shi Zhen has already decided that he will buy two coal stoves this weekend. In the future, he will cook pig's head on the coal stove. When he buys dried bean curd and marinated eggs in the town, he will also put a coal stove underneath. Let customers eat hot.

In addition, Shi Zhen also wanted to buy a rice cooker, so that cooking at home would be easier.

Cooking with an iron pot will cause a very thick pot to grow, and someone must watch it. It is very troublesome, not to mention that it still occupies the pot.

After one day, his net profit after deducting costs is about

Seventy or eighty, after deducting the salary and various household expenses, I can save an average of 60 a day. However, because the business did not last long and I purchased some daily necessities, the total savings now is only 60. Four hundred dollars.

It takes money to buy a coal stove, money to buy briquettes, and even more money to buy a rice cooker and what he has in mind.

The bigger tricycle he liked costs seven or eight hundred yuan.

But if there is such a car, he can definitely relax a lot, and the stall can be placed directly on the tricycle.

Shi Zhen has started a business in his previous life, and he also knows many people who started their businesses from a poor and a poor life.

If he does it all over again, it is inevitable that he will go this way.

When Shi Zhen arrived in town, the marinated eggs and dried tofu had already been sold out, but there was still a lot of pork head meat left.

The leftover pork head was stewed this afternoon. It's been cold recently, so it doesn't matter if I sell it tomorrow, but Shi Zhen and Qianqi continued to sell it for a while. The pork head meat is almost sold out before closing the stall and going home.

At this time, Xinghuo, the next stone, also came.

Shi Zhen tied something that was not easy to carry to the back seat of the bicycle, and asked Qian to get up and ride the bike back. Shi Xinghuo and himself, each with a basket, carried the odds and ends and walked back.

When they got home, it was already dark.

Because he was busy late, Shi Zhen recently asked Qian to get up to eat at his own house, and the same is true today.

Guan Baiyu had already prepared the rice, Shi Zhen took the rice out of the pot, fry a large plate of buckwheat scallions and scrambled eggs, and fry lettuce shreds with dried tofu, and finally put the remaining cold-cut pork head and boiled Eggs on the table, is a hearty meal.

After eating, Shi Zhen gave Qianqi five yuan and said, "Get up, you have been working long hours every day recently, and I will give you ten yuan a day from tomorrow."

In fact, starting from the provision of bicycles by Qianqi, his salary of 5 yuan for Qianqi seems to be a bit low.

Now that Qianqiu is very familiar with things and his hands and feet are quick, it is obviously inappropriate to give Qianqiqi five yuan a day.

Salary increases are inevitable.

Qian Qi refused without thinking about it: "Master, no need, I will eat meat and eggs with you every day, and I will basically just sit and watch the stalls during the day..."

"You don't eat much," Shi Zhen said with a smile, "That's the decision."

Qianqi is a local, and he likes to run around and meet many people. Asking Qianqi to help him watch the stalls is really great!

If nothing else, people from Qianqiqi's village will buy some cooked food here more or less when they arrive in the town.

Qian got up and left after eating. Shi Zhen chatted with Shi Xinghuo again and asked about the Shi Xinghuo construction site.

The river mud has been dug up, and now Shi Xinghuo is moving stones and cement there every day. Although he is a little tired, it is not dangerous. He can do it.

The most gratifying thing is that Wang Cheng found that Shi Xinghuo's income returned to 15 yuan a day. Although he had to do all the work to get it, it was still something to be happy about.

Shi Zhen asked Shi Xinghuo to set the fire, and he himself began to deal with the pig head to be sold tomorrow.

When it was finally settled, Shi Zhen saw Shi Xinghuo lying in the straw pile behind the stove, already drowsy. As for Guan Baiyu, he just washed the pots and pans they used today.

He also washed his bag.

Guan Baiyu has become more and more clean recently.

Shi Zhen added some firewood to the stove.

He had been busy all day, and he did the tiring work such as moving goods back and forth, purchasing items, etc., all by himself. At the moment, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he went into the next room and lay directly on the straw piled up in Guan Baiyu's room. down.

Guan Baiyu followed up to see it, and hurriedly said, "Brother, go and lie down on the bed."

"No, I'm dirty." Shi Zhen said, took out the money box again, and began to calculate today's income, by the way.

He also took this opportunity to chat with Guan Baiyu.

In his previous life, Shi Zhen had also read some books on education. It was mentioned above that he must communicate more with adolescent children.

So he took time to chat with Guan Baiyu every day.

Such chats allow them to understand each other and broaden Guan Baiyu's horizons.

Guan Baiyu grew up in the countryside. I saw him selling cooked food well before, and he said he didn't want to go to school anymore, and wanted to sell cooked food too... Shi Zhen relied on chatting to dispel his thoughts.

Today, Shi Zhen told Guan Baiyu about the big city: "The big city is completely different from here, there are many dozens of-storey houses there, and the people who live there take the elevator to go up and down the stairs... You will go to the big city in the future. Read and see."

Guan Baiyu heard a lot of what Shi Zhen said, and already knew how good the big city is, but reading requires money.

He knew that Shi Zhen wanted him to continue his studies, so he just said, "Brother, are you busy right now? I'll show you the booth tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Shi Zhendao: "It's enough for one person to see the money, Xiaoyu, your grandparents' biggest wish is to have a college student at home, I'm sure I can't, now it's up to you. Do you watch the fire at home on weekends, and read books by the way? "

It's really easy to see the fire, Guan Baiyu nodded: "Okay."

Of course he can't just watch the fire tomorrow, he can also do some other housework, such as cooking.

He has to go out...

Thinking of Yan Jiangtao's accusing him of cheating and throwing vegetable soup on his schoolbag today, Guan Baiyu's heart fires again.

Today, these two things are absolutely impossible for him to endure.

When he was in school, it was not good for him to make a fuss about it, and it also had no effect on Yan Jiangtao. For a person who didn't want to study, it didn't matter whether he got zero marks for cheating in the exam or was criticized by the teacher.

But he can make trouble elsewhere.

Having been at the same table with Yan Jiangtao for more than half a year has given Guan Baiyu a deep understanding of Yan Jiangtao. Yan Jiangtao is very afraid of his father.

And Yan Jiangtao's father is very respectful.

I think it is also, who came from poverty and lived a very dignified life before, and now has money and is highly sought after, who doesn't love face

Guan Baiyu plans to go to Yan Jiangtao's house tomorrow.

Shi Zhen counted the money, and one fell asleep without paying attention, but after a while, he suddenly woke up, got up and went outside to see what happened to the pig's head in the pot.

The pig's head was already stewed. Shi Zhen fished it out and put it into another pig's head to stew. At the same time, he was thinking about making some other food to sell, such as cold pork head meat.

What he is selling now is too easy to be imitated, and he has to innovate.

After buying a tricycle, he also plans to call his family to help. If there are many people, they can do more business and improve the living conditions of the family.

The life in their village was really hard. There was no grain to grow on the mountain, and without extra grain, it was impossible to raise chickens and pigs.

They rarely have the opportunity to eat meaty food. If they don't eat meaty food, people are very hungry and need to eat more food, but they don't have food yet.

When Shi Zhen was a child, he often went hungry.

So after he became rich, he was like other people of his age. He loved to eat and wanted to eat meat. They couldn't see the food being wasted. Even if they were full and saw that there was food left, they would find a way. stuff it all in my stomach...

When Guan Baiyu died, he weighed one hundred and eighty pounds.

If he wasn't tall enough, he would be out of shape.

However, when Guan Baiyu passed away, he lost weight, and his interest in food became less and less every day.

Shi Zhen is not a picky eater, the only thing he doesn't like is potatoes.

People in their village often eat potatoes as food, and they also eat potatoes as vegetables. The practice is very simple... He had to eat it at that time, but later, when his living conditions improved, he didn't like it.

On the other hand, Guan Baiyu likes to eat potatoes.

It was precisely because his childhood was so bad that Shi Zhen came out to work without hesitation at the age of eighteen.

But in his last life, for various reasons, although he was prosperous, his family did not enjoy much happiness.

When he was at home, he would help his father with the farm work, but when he left, his father would not be able to do it alone.

The stepmother can only help.

Something happened to this gang, and his stepmother accidentally broke her leg.

People in their village don't usually go to big hospitals, but his stepmother went to a nearby village and found a doctor who was good at treating bone injuries. She saw a doctor and tied her legs.

However, it didn't take long for the injury to worsen. The doctor couldn't see it, so he asked them to go to the big hospital. His father went to the big hospital with his stepmother on his back, and he learned that the amputation was needed.

At that time, he and Shi Xinghuo were still working on the construction site, not to mention that they didn't get paid, and they had no contact with their family.

Where is their home? His father and his stepmother pulled a total of four children, and they were poor in the mountains, and they had no savings at all.

In the end, they found a husband's family for his step-sister, and took a thousand five-dollar gifts for the operation.

Among them, the dowry is generally seven or eight hundred, and the dowry of 1,500 yuan is definitely an exorbitant price.

His step-sister is one year older than him, and like his stepmother, she is not very good-looking and does not like to talk. She only knows how to work on weekdays.

In her situation, the family was willing to pay a lot of money to marry her, and there was no doubt that what they valued was not her looks or talents, but... The man who married his step-sister had a problem.

The man has serious liver disease.

At that time, although he knew about his step-sister's marriage, he didn't know that there was something wrong with the man his step-sister married. It wasn't until he became rich and returned home that his step-sister came to lend him money to treat the child. Find out how things started.

But it was too late, his step-sister was also infected with liver disease, and even the child born by his step-sister was also sick.

The family had liver disease and could not do heavy work, and he has been spending money to support them since then.

And his stepmother brought another daughter from his family, his stepsister, and his own sister, all of which were not satisfactory in their previous lives.

The relationship between the three of them was not very good.

Where is his stepmother? Even after he gave a lot of money, lost a leg, and her daughter was unhappy in her marriage, she still died early.

His father is similar. After he became rich, he couldn't control his diet. He liked sweets and fatty meats. There were no less than three highs... He died of illness before he died.

Shi Zhen didn't want his family to repeat the same mistakes. The first thing he had to stop was his stepmother breaking her leg.

This is what happened this summer, so he plans to call them here in May and June to work with him.

His father is forty-five this year, and his stepmother is forty-nine years older than his father. Although they look very old because of their long-term hard work and poor food, they should be much better raised, and they can do something when they come here. small business.

No matter how hard it is to do a small business, it is better than farming in the mountains.

His step-sister is nineteen this year, and his step-sister is seventeen this year. The two of them can also do small business or find a job here. As for his sister, she is one year younger than Guan Baiyu, and he wants her to study.

Shi Zhen thought a lot this night, and fell asleep after thinking about it.

People who do manual labor, even if they can't restrain themselves from thinking and thinking, they still won't lose sleep.

The next day, Shi Zhen went to the town to set up a stall early in the morning as usual, and then found that there was a stall similar to his in front of the vegetable market, and the products were exactly the same.

Shi Zhen had anticipated this situation for a long time, so he didn't care too much, and he didn't cut prices to engage in price wars. They were all small businesses and made some hard money. If they cut prices again, they really wouldn't make much money!

Shi Zhen didn't cut prices, and it was the same over there.

It was a middle-aged couple who set up a stall selling pig's head, braised egg, braised tofu, and the prices of the items on their stall were exactly the same as Shi Zhen's, and they looked similar.

Shi Zhen even had an impression of that man - this man came to him to buy things several times.

Shi Zhen was not surprised that someone was robbing business, but when he got up, he was very angry: "Master, they learn from us!"

"Cold-cut pork head meat and lo mei are not my original practice," Shi Zhen reassured him, "If you can make more money than working in this kind of small business, there must be others doing it. When there is less money, there will be no new arrivals, and the market will balance supply and demand.”

Money sounds confusing.

Shi Zhen said: "Okay, let's set up a stall... I'll go buy a coal stove, and then go buy some more.

Plastic sheeting... It's not raining recently, but in a few days, it may rain every day, and then we will have to build a shed with plastic sheeting. "

In a few days, it will be Qingming. At that time, in J City, it would rain at every turn.

Wait, it's Qingming, can he go wholesale some fake flowers to sell

Local people like to burn some silver ingots folded with tinfoil, and he can also get some to sell.

They are all small businesses that can't make big money, but they can make money.

Shi Zhen thought so, without delaying what he had to do.

He went to buy two coal stoves, asked where to buy briquettes, and bought a large bundle of plastic sheeting.

If it rains, use a bamboo pole to build a simple shed and cover it with plastic sheeting to keep the wind and rain out.

Shi Zhen's mentality is good, but he is very unhappy with the money, especially after adding a stall, the things they sell are almost halved.

Many old customers who used to buy things from their side would go to the opposite stall to buy something and try something new. The taste of things sold in different stores is always different.

When Shi Zhen came back from shopping, he saw Qian got up with a sad face, and immediately said, "Don't worry, we can sell other things in a few days."

He was still uneasy when he got money: "Master, otherwise you'd better pay me five yuan a day..." His master's future income might be halved...

"I told you that I would give you ten yuan a day, so that's ten yuan," Shi Zhen laughed, "I can't ask the horse to run and not eat grass." He still wants to do other business!

It's not that you really don't want money when it comes to money. In the end, there is no objection, but you can't help it, and glared at the person on the opposite side.

The middle-aged couple was embarrassed.

They were obviously doing business for the first time, and they were a little embarrassed to shout, but because they were newcomers and there were people who knew them, the business was okay.

That is... When someone he knew came to buy something, the middle-aged man would sometimes blushed and couldn't speak.

Shi Zhen looked funny.

He hung a coal stove on both sides of the bicycle, said hello to Qianqiqi, and prepared to go home first.

On the other side, Guan Baiyu stewed a pig's head, put it in a pot, put rice in the pot, steamed two dishes, and left the house.

He plans to go to Yan Jiangtao's father.

Guan Baiyu didn't know where Yan Jiangtao's house was, but he knew the general direction.

In addition, Yan Jiangtao's house has a loom, which should be very famous. When the time comes, if you ask for directions, you will definitely find a place.

Guan Baiyu put on his worst clothes, carried his book that was damaged by Yan Jiangtao yesterday, and ran towards the village where Yan Jiangtao's family lived.