Reborn to Strive

Chapter 25


Shi Zhen just came out to work not long ago, and he hasn't made any money yet, so he doesn't plan to go back to Qingming this year.

He was thinking of making more money in April and May, so that he could go back in June to pick up his family.

Guan Baiyu didn't know what Shi Zhen was thinking, and when he heard Shi Zhen say that he would go to the grave with him, he couldn't help feeling guilty - he lied to Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen chatted with Guan Baiyu and hurried to town.

The money is still waiting for him to deliver meals.

After giving money for the meal, Shi Zhen went to the town shop that sold funeral supplies such as wreaths.

Tomb-sweeping day is coming, this store has bought a lot of things, Shi Zhen asked the price one by one, and finally bought ten packs of tin foil, and also specially learned how to fold silver ingots.

There are several ways to fold silver ingots, and he learned the best way to fold them.

The price of tin foil is not expensive. It is one yuan per pack. It is very thin. One side is yellow and the other side is silver. With a little force, the silver side will fade.

After buying tinfoil, Shi Zhen walked around the town again and found that there were very few items sold in the town for tomb sweeping.

I don't know if there is a place to buy it...

At this time, it is much more difficult to buy goods than later generations, and it is even more difficult to buy cheap goods.

Therefore, various small workshops can earn a lot of money during this period.

Many people took advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, but many of them later lost their property.

Back at the booth, Shi Zhen found that there were more than 20 braised eggs and dried tofu left before they were all sold out.

"Someone wants to treat enough food, so he bought all the eggs and dried beans. He didn't want the pork head and meat, so he didn't want it." Qianqi said.

Shi Zhen nodded.

Although some people follow the trend today and sell the same things as him, but because it is Saturday, many people come to buy vegetables in the afternoon, and the things on his side are sold out one after another.

However, it is estimated that we will not be able to sell four pig heads a day in the future. Let’s try stewing three pig heads every day. Braised eggs and braised bean curd can still be used as usual. The market for these two is bigger than pig head meat.

As for new products, he wants to make a profit during the Qingming Festival these days, so he won't bother.

Shi Zhen thought so, and said to Qian Qiqi: "Get up, I want to borrow your bicycle to go to Changxi City tomorrow, is that okay?"

The most convenient way to go to Changxi City is to take a bus, but after he went there, he wanted to look everywhere to see where he could get suitable goods.

There are a lot of places to run. Without a bicycle, he has to hire a tricycle... It is more convenient to ride a bicycle.

Tired at most.

"Okay!" Qian Qiqi agreed.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen smiled and said, "I'm free at the moment, just watch the stall for a while, you can go to the side to practice."

Qian Qiqi's eyes lit up, and he immediately went to the side to practice his arms.

He didn't practice for a long time, but because of his confidence in Shi Zhen, he also felt that martial arts should start from the basics, so even if he didn't see the effect, he insisted on it.

He must become a martial arts master!

Shi Zhen is more willing to do business, and he is not stingy at all. He is completely different from the middle-aged man who followed the trend and sold pig head meat, but turned out to be shy.

He speaks well.

For example, when you see a woman in her 40s or 50s, she calls her sister, and when she sees a woman in her 20s and 30s, she calls her sister directly.

As for seeing men, as long as they are neatly dressed, they will call the boss, and those who look at their families are not very well-off, calling their boss will be ridiculed by them, so they will call it big brother.

"Sister, I just stewed this pork head in the morning. It's very fresh and tastes good. You can buy it back and add a dish to keep your family likes it!"

"Boss, your children like to eat lean meat? This one is mostly lean meat. I'll cut it for you!"

"Brother, you bought so much, I will give you an extra piece."

Shi Zhen looks good. Although his clothes are ordinary, he packs them neatly. He always greets people with a smile, which is very pleasing.

It didn't take long for him to sell out what he was holding, and then together with Qianqi, he packed up his things and went to Shi Xinghuo to go home together.

When Shi Zhen returned home, Guan Baiyu had already prepared the dishes.

In the pot is a large pot of stewed pork with cabbage, on which is a steaming rack with rice, and a bowl of dried tofu with garlic leaves on the table.

The four of them ate and went home with money, while Shi Zhen and others continued to work and prepare for tomorrow's business.

During this period, Shi Zhen told Guan Baiyu and Shi Xinghuo that he was going to Changxi City tomorrow.

Changxi City has developed well in recent years. Last year, it was established as a city. It is not far from Anshan Town, but at this time, people from Anshan Town rarely go to the city.

Guan Baiyu felt that Changxi City was far away: "Changxi City... How did you get there, brother? It's far away, right? I haven't been there yet!"

"I'll go there by bicycle, and I'll be there in an hour or two." Shi Zhen laughed.

It took an hour or two to ride!

Guan Baiyu used to think that the town was far away, but it only takes ten minutes to ride a bike to the town...

"Xiaoyu, when you are on your summer vacation, I'll take you to Changxi City to play. It's pretty good there. There are big parks and a big library." Shi Zhen actually didn't know much about Changxi City, but the book There must be Changxi cities like Guan Park, but for Guan Baiyu at this time, no matter what, it will feel very big.

Guan Baiyu was really full of yearning.

After Shi Zhen finished the pig head, he said hello to Guan Baiyu, and went out with the tin foil.

The tinfoil, a pack of 1,000 sheets, is bought by the locals during the Qingming Festival. Usually, they buy one-fifth of the tinfoil, and if someone dies, the family will buy two whole packets of tinfoil, and let the relatives and friends who come to wake up fold them into pieces. Ingots, burn together when buried.

Shi Zhen bought ten packs in one go, he definitely couldn't finish it, and he didn't want to spend time on it, so he wanted to ask the old lady in the village to help him fold and give him some money.

The first person he went to was Guan Jianguo's mother. He was familiar with this old lady.

In the early days, the Guan family was actually a big landlord, but unfortunately they encountered several prodigal sons one after another... In the generation of Guan Baiyu's grandfather's grandfather, the Guan family was defeated.

Guan Baiyu's three grandfathers and brothers have not lived a good life since they were born. When they grow up, the poor and the white family will not be able to marry a daughter-in-law.

Guan Baiyu's grandfather was the oldest and was able to do his best to marry Guan Baiyu's grandmother, but his second brother, Guan Jianguo's father, was almost thirty and could not marry a wife. Later, Guan Baiyu's grandfather brought two A younger brother went to Guan Jianguo's mother's house to help with the work. After working for a few months, he promised to work for three consecutive years before Guan Jianguo's mother married Guan Jianguo's father.

At that time, Guan Jianguo's mother was only 19 years old, and because he had just started menstruation, he didn't like his 30-year-old Guan Jianguo's father at all.

Guan Jianguo's mother didn't have time to think about anything when she was young. She didn't have time to give birth and raise children to do farm work all day long, but now that she's old... She doesn't want to be with her husband anymore.

Now she lives with Guan Jianguo, and her man lives with Guan Jianguo's brother. The two usually don't communicate much, and they don't go to the ground. They help their son cook at home.

As for why Shi Zhen knew about this... Recently, those old ladies like to chat at the door of his house smelling the fragrance from his house. Guan Jianguo's mother will talk about the past from time to time. .

When Guan Jianguo was born, his father was almost forty and his mother was only in his twenties. Now Guan Jianguo's father is seventy and his mother is fifty-nine.

But everyone is getting old these days, and a person of fifty-nine looks like an old lady.

When Shi Zhen passed by, Guan Jianguo had already had dinner, the light was on in the main room, the old lady was sitting next to him, and several children were playing in the room.

Guan Jianguo and his wife both make money, their family is well-off, and only one daughter loves their children. Others' children can not only eat a few candies when they come to his house, but they will not reprimand them. Homes get together.

At the moment, a few children are playing with a syringe without a needle. After pumping water, they shoot at a bamboo tube a few steps away to see who can accurately inject the water into the bamboo tube.

Shi Zhen went to talk to the old lady and asked her if she would break the ingot, saying that he

If I want someone to help me fold the ingots, I will give you two yuan after folding a pack of tin foil.

The old lady said she knew how to fold without even thinking about it. Seeing that Shi Zhen had a lot of tinfoil in his hand, she asked Shi Zhen to fold all of them for her.

Shi Zhen said: "I want this ingot tomorrow night. You can't fold it all for you, so let's go, come to me tomorrow after you fold this package, I'll give you the money, and then give you the next package."

The old lady agreed, and then asked Shi Zhen what kind of ingot he wanted.

Shi Zhen chatted with her, only to find that she would only fold the simplest, not the more complicated one he wanted, and could only teach her on the spot.

Fortunately, she learned a few times, and she will.

When she learned, Shi Zhen took the rest of the tin foil to find another old lady.

Folding Yuanbao makes very little money, but the old ladies in the village are very willing to do it. They are all rural people and usually have no income at all. For them, one dollar is good.

Shi Zhen walked around the neighborhood, and when he met the old lady, he asked her if she wanted to fold.

He gave out a total of six packs of tinfoil, and then went back. When he was about to reach Guan Baiyu's residence, Shi Zhen saw that the door of Guan Baiyu's adoptive father's house was open, and Guan Baiyu's adoptive mother was sitting at the door, taking care of leeks, so he went over and asked: "Auntie, I'm looking for someone to fold ingots. I'll give you two yuan after folding a pack of tin foil. Do you want to fold it?"

He has a job here. It's not very good to find someone irrelevant to do it or not to find Guan Baiyu's adoptive father's family, so he specifically asked.

Zhang Xiumei asked, "What kind of ingot are you going to fold?"

Shi Zhen took out a piece of paper and folded one on the spot to show her.

Zhang Xiumei said: "I haven't folded this before. If you teach me again, I can fold it."

Shi Zhen taught it twice more. Zhang Xiumei was young and learned quickly.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen planned to give her a pack, but Zhang Xiumei said, "You still have four packs? Give them all to me."

"I want it urgently. It's better to fold it for me tomorrow night."

"If it can be folded, Jin Jin can help at home during the holiday, and Jin Jin's father can also fold it." Zhang Xiumei said.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen gave Zhang Xiumei all the four packs of tin foil in his hand.

Zhang Xiumei smiled while holding the four packs of tin foil, and picked up a handful of leeks from the ground to Shi Zhen: "Do you want leeks? The first stubble, it's very tender."

"Thank you." Shi Zhen accepted it with a smile, and was about to leave with the leeks in his hand, but he was stopped before he took a few steps: "Hey, wait a minute."

It was Guan Jinjin, Guan Baiyu's younger sister, who stopped Shi Zhen.

When Zhang Xiumei heard her daughter shouting "Hello", she immediately reprimanded her: "Jin Jin, you can't say hello when calling someone else!"

Guan Jinjin was not afraid of his mother, and immediately said: "I don't know what to call him! Hey, Guan Baiyu's cousin, Guan Baiyu was bullied at school yesterday, do you know?"

Guan Jinjin is two years younger than Guan Baiyu and is in the first year of junior high.

Nowadays, there are not many entertainment activities, and the children in the countryside basically get together to play. For the past two days, Guan Jinjin went to a friend's house to play poker every day.

Then she heard from her friends that Guan Baiyu was bullied by Yan Jiangtao at school, and she also found out that Yan Jiangtao went home.

Mrs. Guan refused to bring Guan Jinjin, her granddaughter. Guan Jinjin was always brought by her parents. Her mother put her in a basket when she went to mow the grass, and her father let her sit on the ridge when she went to farm.

She has very little contact with Guan Baiyu, she is not familiar with Guan Baiyu at all, she belongs to Guan Baiyu, she neither hates nor likes, and doesn't want to contact him.

But recently, Shi Zhen occasionally sends them some braised beans or something, and she has a good impression of Shi Zhen.

The thirteen-year-old girl has a cute, black and round face, that is, when she grows up, her round face will become square because of the strong genetic genes of the Guan family.

Although this girl didn't read much, she was very capable when she grew up. She bought a house and settled down in Changxi City by herself...

Shi Zhen asked, "Guan Baiyu was bullied? By whom?"

Guan Jinjin said: "I don't know what Jiang Tao is called before, but someone told me about it this afternoon. They said that Yan Jiangtao was fighting Guan Baiyu in school... I heard that Guan Baiyu couldn't stand it anymore, and I found it today. Yan Jiangtao went to his house, and Yan Jiangtao was beaten. But I don't know what happened."

Shi Zhen took a deep breath and smiled at the little girl: "Thank you for telling me about this."

Guan Jinjin waved his hands generously: "No thanks!"

Shi Zhen left quickly, and when Shi Zhen left, Guan Jinjin said to her mother, "Mom, Guan Baiyu's cousin is so beautiful!"

The men here are generally short in stature. Now the younger ones are a little taller, but many are less than 1.7 meters.

Standing among these people, Shi Zhen stood out from the crowd and stood out.

His facial features are also good, and he has a calm temperament that is different from others.

Every time Guan Jinjin saw him, he had to take a few more glances.

Zhang Xiumei glanced at her daughter and asked, "Have you finished your homework?"

"It's done." Guan Jinjin said, she hasn't done it yet, but she doesn't really want to do it... Anyway, her mother is illiterate and doesn't know.

Zhang Xiumei said: "When you're done with your homework, you can fold the ingots. After you fold a pack, you will have two yuan. If you fold it, the money will be given to you." Zhang Xiumei, who has no good face towards Guan Baiyu, is very painful to her daughter. of.

"Mom, then teach me!" Guan Jinjin immediately said, for two yuan, she can spend one yuan to buy a long rubber band, and the remaining one yuan to buy snacks.

No, how about just two bucks off? She's going to get four bucks off!

Guan Jinjin learned faster than her mother, and began to fold after learning.

She has quick hands and feet, and she folds better than her mother in a while, and the speed is even faster.

Seeing that his mother was teaching his father and father to fold... Guan Jinjin grabbed two packs of tinfoil and said, "Mom, mom, give me two packs, I'll fold two packs and you can fold two packs!"

Zhang Xiumei did not object. She spent a lot of time teaching her husband how to fold. As a result, her husband's fingers were too thick and he couldn't do the delicate work well. When folding, his cracked hands would rub off the silver powder on the tin foil.

"Forget it, you can take care of the leeks, I'll deal with it." Zhang Xiumei gave up and asked her man to help.

From time to time, their family would go to town to sell vegetables, which could be considered an income.

Guan Guangguo smiled and went to tidy up the leeks. He tore off the yellow leaves on the leeks, cleaned them one by one, bundled them with straw, and said, "I'll take these leeks to the town tomorrow and sell them, you guys Fold ingots at home."

"Yeah." Zhang Xiumei responded.

Guan Guangguo said again: "I heard people say that raising chickens is very profitable. Do you want me to buy some chickens to raise?"

"We don't have any land to support, right?" Zhang Xiumei hesitated.

Guan Guangguo said: "If you can raise them, you can keep them in these two rooms, but if you want to raise chickens, you won't be able to raise silkworms this year... They raise chickens and earn five or six thousand a year. Qian, it's better to raise chickens."

In the past, their family raised a lot of silkworms and raised several batches, but they earned more than 1,000 a year. Sometimes their own mulberry leaves were not enough, so they had to buy mulberry leaves from others.

Zhang Xiumei said: "Then you have to ask how people raise them before they can raise them."

As they discussed, they did the work at hand.

When Shi Zhen returned home, he saw Guan Baiyu peeling eggs.

Boiled eggs should be peeled first and then marinated. At this moment, Guan Baiyu has already peeled off a large pot of white and tender eggs.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"I wanted to sell ingots in the town during Qingming, so I bought some tinfoil and asked them to fold them." Shi Zhen said.

"Is there any more? I can fold it too."

"You have a lot to do at home, and you don't need your help." Shi Zhen wanted to ask about Yan Jiangtao, but he didn't know how to speak - Guan Baiyu's eyes were red at noon today, because he was bullied, right? But Guan Baiyu didn't tell him.

Guan Baiyu thought of the fire at home and the peeling of eggs. There are indeed many things, but there is no need to break ingots.

He had already peeled a pot of eggs, and wiped his wrinkled hands with a towel because he had been catching eggs from the water, and said to Shi Zhen, "By the way, brother, I have something for you."

"What?" Shi Zhen asked subconsciously.

Shi Xinghuo fell asleep behind the stove again...

Guan Baiyu glanced at Shi Xinghuo, took out a roll of money to Shi Zhen with Shi Xinghuo on his back, and said in a low voice, "Brother, this is

My grandmother left it for me, three hundred yuan... Don't you want to buy a tricycle? Is it enough to add this money? "