Reborn to Strive

Chapter 28


Shi Zhen bought a piece of pork belly that day, but didn't buy any other vegetables.

He is not rich now, it is better to be frugal.

Because the pork head meat, braised egg, braised bean curd and dried bean curd that I ate every day a while ago were all braised, this piece of pork belly Shi Zhen didn't want to stew like this anymore, so he just boiled it in plain water.

Half of it didn't cook for too long, so he fished it out and took it to worship his ancestors. After he came back, he sliced it, added garlic leaves and fry the pork in a pot. He put the remaining half in the pot and simmered for a long time. After slicing, sprinkle with garlic paste. Drizzle with soy sauce and make a Shi Zhen version of garlic white meat.

With a few more vegetables, the dinner will be very rich, and Guan Baiyu's eyes narrowed even more.

It was the first time that this child who had never seen the world had eaten twice-cooked pork. Shi Zhen gave him a piece of the twice-cooked pork.

As for Shi Xinghuo... What is delicious, he eats it first as a respect, and then eats rice with vegetables after eating meat.

After dinner, people came to present the folded silver ingots one after another. Shi Zhen paid the wages, and then took the time to settle today's account.

Today, he earned more than 200 yuan from the stall selling ingots, and the cooked food stall over there also earned more than 30 yuan. He earned nearly 250 yuan a day.

For him, this is a huge amount.

But the fake flower ribbons he bought have almost sold out, and he shouldn't be able to earn that much tomorrow, at most a hundred or so.

But even so, he could earn more than 300 in two days, plus the 300 that Guan Baiyu gave him and his previous savings, he could already buy a tricycle, and then buy something else.

With a tricycle, he can also do other business.

After entering April, the weather will get hotter and hotter, and it is no longer suitable to sell cold-cut pork head.

The next day was Qingming, and Shi Zhen went out as usual to set up a stall to sell silver ingots, and he really earned more than 100 yuan.

With the money, he did not delay at all. On April 6, he took the bus and went to Changxi again.

Shi Zhen first found a store that sold tricycles, bought a big and capable tricycle, and rode the tricycle to buy the largest rice cooker. He also walked around the farmers market in Changxi City and entered A snakeskin bag of peanuts.

Local people generally do not grow peanuts, so buying peanuts in Changxi City is cheaper than buying them in Anshan Town.

Returning home with these things, Shi Zhen began to prepare for his new business.

Shi Zhen intends to continue selling the braised eggs and dried tofu. He wants to change the cold cut pork head to cold pork head meat. In addition, Shi Zhen also plans to sell rice balls every morning, and fry ham, sausage, rice cakes and tofu on a coal stove at night. What are you selling.

He wants to make as much money as possible in the past two months.

The family's living expenses, Guan Baiyu's tuition... There are many places where money is needed.

It takes time to develop new products. Shi Zhen has been trying for a long time, trying little by little, until he has finished mixing a pig's head, and then he can find the taste that best suits the local people.

In his last life, he ate cold pork head, mostly with chili oil and coriander, but at this time, people in J City couldn't eat spicy food, so they could only use less or even no chili peppers. No one even sells coriander here, even if it has been 20 years. Many people don't like to eat it, so they can be eliminated directly.

Shi Zhen finally used soy sauce, sugar, minced garlic, vinegar and other condiments to mix it with seasonings. He also prepared some chili oil. If anyone likes spicy food, add chili oil to them.

Pig head meat Shi Zhen also plans to sell it in different parts, such as the price of pig ears and pig nose, which can be sold more expensive than other parts of the pig head.

As for the selling method, the pork head meat will be cooked in advance, and the seasonings will be mixed in advance. When the customer comes to buy it, he will cut a piece of meat for the customer, weigh the amount, calculate the price, and then cut it into small pieces and mix it for the customer on the spot. Shredded cucumber, tofu skin and fried peanuts are also added.

Summer in J City is long, and when the weather is hot, such a cold dish should be popular.

The cooked food stall still manages the money, and Shi Zhen does other business by himself.

He found a shop selling fried dough sticks in town and asked them to put the fried dough sticks in the pot and continue to fry them until the water in the dough sticks was drained and the dough sticks became very crispy.

Then, he

I cooked two pots of glutinous rice in a rice cooker, put them in a large cylindrical pot, wrapped them in a quilt to keep warm, and brought them to town.

When someone came to buy rice balls, he dug a spoonful of rice from the pot, put it on a plastic sheet, wrapped fried dough sticks and other fillings and squeezed tightly to make rice balls.

There are two kinds of rice balls, one is sweet, which contains fried dough sticks, fried peanuts, and white sugar mixed with sesame seeds, and the other is salty, which contains fried dough sticks, fried peanuts and fried pickles.

As for the price of rice balls, it is set at 50 cents a piece. Of course, if someone wants a rice ball of 1 yuan, he can also squeeze it, and then put more rice and more fillings.

If the customer pays more, he can also add a whole ham sausage to the rice ball.

Shi Zhen's cooking skills are not very good, at least the roast chicken and braised duck sold by other cooked food stalls in the town, even if he can make it, no one else makes it delicious.

So he chooses simple things to sell. For example, this rice ball has no technical content. After a few tries, most people can make it.

And Shi Zhen thought of doing this because at the construction site, the cook he hired would make rice balls for everyone's breakfast in the morning.

The cook was not as refined as him, and he didn't put fried dough sticks, and he didn't distinguish between salty and sweet. It was rice wrapped with pickles and fried peanuts and kneaded into balls, but everyone felt delicious.

The cook was always making "fried noodles" for everyone to eat. In fact, after a large bucket of noodles is cooked, put it in the hot oil and soy sauce and mix it, and the last person will give it to a large bowl.

Shi Zhen had thought about selling fried noodles, improving the taste and selling it for 50 cents a bowl, someone should have asked for it. But it’s best to use plastic bowls to sell fried noodles, unlike rice balls, which can be packed in plastic bags, which invisibly increases the cost. He weighed the pros and cons and finally chose rice balls.

A small business like rice balls won't make much money, but it won't be too bad either.

On April 10, 1994, the 30th day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the market should be opened.

On this day, Shi Zhen sold rice balls for the first time in the town. The cold-cut pork head at Qianqiqi was also changed to cold pork head.

The booths of the two were next to each other, and it didn't take long for regular customers to come.

"You don't sell cold-cut pig's head anymore?" A customer who often came to buy pork's head was disappointed, but he still decided to try the new cold-cut pig's head. "How is this cold-cut pig's head sold?"

Qianqi said the prices of different parts, and the man asked for a pig's ear after listening.

Qianqi took a pig's ear, cut the pig's ear finely with the knife, and then put in the cucumber shredded tofu skin and fried peanuts in turn, then added a spoonful of the sauce prepared in advance by Shi Zhen, put in the garlic paste, and mixed. After it is ready, it is handed to the client.

The guest saw a large plate of pig ears after mixing, and was very satisfied. He reached out and took a piece of pig ears from the cold salad he just bought. After eating, he licked his fingers: "It tastes good."

"Then you can buy it again next time!" Qian Qiqi smiled, "This cold pig's ear is especially good for drinking!"

It's pig ears and peanuts, so it's really suitable for drinking!

It was rare to come up with a new dish, and many people came to buy it, and naturally some people noticed Shi Zhen next to him.

Shi Zhen has been setting up stalls in the town for nearly a month, and he has a familiar face. At this moment, he greets people coming and going, and asks them if they want to buy rice balls. Some people come out early to buy vegetables and have not eaten breakfast. Stop and buy.

Some of them wanted to buy breakfast for their family members to take home, and even bought several in one go.

The rice ball is 50 cents a piece, the price is not expensive, and it is full of fried dough sticks and peanuts, and it must be delicious to eat.

Like the pig head, the rice balls are made on the spot, and the fillings can be changed according to each person's different tastes. For example, some people don't eat fried dough sticks, and some people don't eat peanuts.

Of course, most people want them all.

The primary school, junior high school and high school in the town are not far from the vegetable market. Shi Zhen and the others set up a stall on the roadside outside the vegetable market, which attracted many students to stop. Shi Zhen was willing to shout, and more people came to buy rice balls.

Some children are very rich, and they want not only luxury rice balls for one dollar, but also ham sausages, which are especially rich.

The large pot of rice prepared by Shi Zhen gradually bottomed out, and by nine in the morning, there was not much left.

No one had bought breakfast at the moment, so he scraped off the last rice and made three rice balls.

He and Qian had been busy for a few hours and were already hungry, so we ate one for each person first, and gave the rest to Guan Baiyu.

Guan Baiyu's taste is quite interesting. He has to put pickles and sugar, and of course fried dough sticks and peanuts. The taste finally mixed... It turned out to be very good.

Guan Baiyu hasn't gone to school these days. He helps him with his work every morning and night. During the day, when he sets up a stall, he goes to Xinhua Bookstore to read books, and he has a very fulfilling life.

After going there for two days, every time Guan Baiyu went to the Xinhua Bookstore, he would bring a notebook and a pen and do the questions directly there. He was really diligent.

Shi Zhen used to hear people complain about how his children didn't like to learn and refused to learn. Now, when he meets Guan Baiyu, who is active in learning, he thinks that anywhere is fine.

Your own children are outstanding!

Shi Zhen delivered the rice ball to Xinhua Bookstore, then went home and started to prepare for the evening business.

He plans to spend two or three hours at night selling fried sausages and the like.

At this time, there are not many entertainment activities for everyone, and some people will stroll around the town at night to watch a movie or something. Shi Zhen has already stepped on it and has a good view of the place.

That night, Shi Zhen set up a stall in front of the cinema, selling all kinds of fried food.

Among them are sausages, ham sausages, rice cakes, dried tofu, chicken hearts, shrimp chips and so on.

These things are easy to buy, and they are available in the town. Although the profit is not particularly high, the cost is not high, and you can make a profit by selling it.

Shi Zhen also prepared some fried peanuts, mixed them with fine salt and put them aside for sale. If anyone wanted it, he would use a spoon to scoop a spoonful into a disposable cup, about half a cup, and he sold it for fifty cents.

There are a lot of people who buy it.

On the first day of the booth, Shi Zhen was afraid that there would be too much preparation to sell. Except for the ham sausages, which could be stored for a longer time, there were very few preparations. By 9 o'clock in the evening, they were almost sold out.

It is to have two different stalls every day, which is very tiring.

But he was tired and he made a lot of money. He could earn about 20 to 30 yuan selling rice balls in the morning, and 20 or 30 yuan selling fried things at night.

There are also other people in the town who set up stalls. They usually only sell one thing. They only sell breakfast or go to the movie theater in the evening to sell some carrot cakes, stinky tofu, etc. They can probably earn a salary. In his words... three stalls can add up to one. Earning around 90 yuan is considered a high income.

It was almost ten o'clock when Shi Zhen came home that night. He just scrubbed and went to bed. He woke up at four in the morning, walked into Guan Baiyu's house lightly, and cooked rice with a rice cooker.

Just as Shi Zhen cooked the rice, he saw Guan Baiyu come out of the bedroom.

"Xiaoyu, why did you get up so early?" Shi Zhen frowned.

Guan Baiyu waited until he came home yesterday before going to bed, and woke up so early today, he slept too little!

"Brother, didn't you get up so early?" Guan Baiyu looked at Shi Zhen disapprovingly.

Shi Zhen was speechless for a while.

Guan Baiyu said, "Brother, let me help you."

Shi Zhen thought about it for a while, but didn't refuse, only said: "When I'm gone, you can go back to sleep again."

Guan Baiyu nodded.

Braised eggs and dried tofu had been marinated on the coal stove last night, and they were already delicious. The pig's head was taken from Zhu's butcher's house last night, and it was already cooked in the pot.

Guan Baiyu helped to pick up these things from the pot, and took a knife to cut the shredded cucumber tofu skin on the side, while Shi Zhen began to prepare seasonings and fry peanuts.

Also, the sesame sugar used for making the rice balls should also be made fresh - if you don't make it on the same day, it will get damp after a long time.

Of course, the pickles should also be cut into small pieces before frying.

By the time they did all the prep work, the rice was already cooked in two pots.

At six o'clock, Shi Xinghuo and Qianqi came.

A few people ate something, and Shi Zhen asked Guan Baiyu to go to bed, and went to the town with the others to set up a stall.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Shi Zhen closed the stall and sent a lunch box to Guan Baiyu, who was studying in the Xinhua Bookstore, which contained rice balls and pork lean meat with cucumber and tofu skin. It was lunch for Guan Baiyu.

After the meal was delivered, Shi Zhen went home and took a nap, rested until 1 pm, and then got up to prepare for the stall at night.


At about five o'clock, Shi Xinghuo and Guan Baiyu Qian got up and came back together. After everyone had eaten, Shi Zhen went to the town to set up a stall, while Guan Baiyu and Shi Xinghuo prepared the braised egg and dried bean curd, as well as the pig's head to be used tomorrow. .

Shi Zhen couldn't do it all by himself, and now he has taught Guan Baiyu to do a lot of work.

In fact, if Shi Xinghuo were smarter, Shi Zhen wouldn't let Shi Xinghuo do small jobs, and let him help at home, but Shi Xinghuo... There are only three kinds of spices used in Shi Zhen's stewed eggs, and there is no specific amount of them. Shi Xinghuo still did not dare to do it, saying that he would not.

Shi Zhen couldn't do anything about him either.

At six o'clock in the evening, Shi Zhen set up his own stall at the entrance of the cinema, and the people in the town came out after dinner.

Everyone likes fried things. Many people come to Shi Zhen to buy things. The peanuts fried in the morning can also be sold together.

If there is no accident, at 9:30 in the evening, he can close the stall, go home at about 10:00, pack up, and go to bed at 10:30.

Shi Zhen felt that he could adapt to this schedule and intensity, and he didn't plan to change it for the time being. As for the future... When his family came here, he could let them do all the business, and he could free up his hands to do something else.

"Boss, I want two strings of fried sausages, two strings of fried chicken wings, and two strings of dried tofu." Young men who come shopping with their girlfriends are always very generous.

"Give me a bunch of fried ham." Another child was greedy when he saw Shi Zhen's stall, so he came over to buy a bunch of parents who coaxed their children.

Shi Zhen was busy when suddenly there was another person beside him.

Guan Baiyu is here.

There are street lights outside the cinema, but the lights are not bright. The bright yellow light makes Guan Baiyu look more gentle.

Shi Zhen asked, "You're here?"

Guan Baiyu had uncontrollable excitement on his face. He narrowed his eyes and said happily to Shi Zhen, "Brother, in the previous league, I won the third prize in the city!"

This was what Guan Jinjin told Guan Baiyu after dinner tonight.

The results of the city league came out, and he once again took the first place in the school.

Forget it, his grades were very good this time, and he actually won an award in the city.

In this exam in the third year of junior high school, Changxi City will judge awards. Although the number of first prizes is not many, the number of second prizes and third equivalents adds up to a lot, and there are hundreds of them.

It's just that Xiaqiu Junior High School couldn't get a single award in previous years.

But this year is different, Guan Baiyu won the third prize.

This award is not too precious in other junior high schools. For example, in the junior high school in the town, someone has won the first prize, not to mention the second prize and the third prize.

But in Xiaqiu Junior High School, this was a record-breaking!

There are a lot of students in Xiaqiu Junior High School. This year, there are two places recommended for the city's key high schools. With this result, Guan Baiyu can get one. Of course, Guan Baiyu should go to the school to confirm this.

Knowing this, Guan Baiyu was overjoyed, and immediately came to the town to look for Shi Zhen.

"It's amazing!" Shi Zhen laughed and put a ham sausage in the pot.

He sells a lot of things, but his family has not eaten much.

They are still too poor.

But now, he wanted to fry some for Guan Baiyu to eat.

"It's nothing... It's all because you bought me some exercises." Guan Baiyu said modestly, but the corner of his mouth couldn't help but tick up.

Shi Zhen picked up what the guest wanted from the oil pan with chopsticks, rolled the bamboo stick with a paper towel, brushed on a local sweet sauce, and asked if they wanted something spicy...

After giving out the fried skewers ordered by the customer, Shi Zhen picked up the ham sausage that had just been placed in the pot, brushed it with sauce, sprinkled a little chili powder and handed it to Guan Baiyu.

Guan Baiyu was able to eat spicy food in his previous life, but he has not practiced it in this life, so he can only eat a little spicy food for the time being.

"Brother, this is for me?" Guan Baiyu was a little surprised, and said again, "I don't need it, I'm not hungry now!"

"This is not to fill the stomach, it is a snack, and it is also a reward for you," Shi Zhen handed him the fried sausage, "Come on, you will get a good score in the high school entrance examination, and in the future college entrance examination, you will also get a good score! When the time comes, I will Reward others to you!"


Bai Yu held the fried ham sausage, his eyes curled up, and he nodded seriously: "Yeah!"

After nodding, he handed the ham sausage to Shi Zhen's mouth: "Brother, you can eat it too."

Shi Zhen wanted to refuse, but seeing Guan Baiyu's appearance that he would not eat it, he still took a bite.