Reborn to Strive

Chapter 33


Shi Zhen didn't take Guan Pingguo seriously.

He has met people like Guan Pingguo before.

Such people are timid, incompetent, and at best a little annoying, but not very harmful.

Don't say anything else, just say that he has just scolded Guan Pingguo. Guan Pingguo seems very angry, but in a few days, he can come over to borrow money like no one else, and he doesn't dare to hold grudges. At most, he scolds him in private.

In ordinary life, Guan Pingguo was often stabbed with words such as "no son" and "extinct family". He really wanted revenge, but he couldn't get revenge at all.

In contrast, Yan Jiangtao, a minor, is much more harmful. After all, he has never suffered grievances before, so if he suffers a little, he has to take revenge. He is still rich and has the ability to take revenge on others. .

Without Guan Pingguo clamoring to borrow money, Shi Zhen continued to do business, unaffected by what happened just now.

On the other hand, Guan Baiyu was uneasy.

He didn't mind Shi Zhen because of Guan Pingguo's words.

He knew that Shi Zhen was really kind to him.

In the past, his grandmother also let him work. Before his grandmother died, he was paralyzed on the bed, and he served him. However, his adoptive father and the others brought food over, and his grandmother was unwilling to give him a bite of the meaty food in it.

He knew that his grandmother had been through too much hardship before to protect her food like this, but he still felt uncomfortable.

What about Shi Zhen? Some delicious food these days, Shi Zhen gives priority to him and Shi Xinghuo!

Even if his brother really stopped him from studying, he would be happy to let him do white jobs, not to mention that his brother has been urging him to study hard.

But Guan Baiyu understood this in his heart, but he was afraid that after hearing this, Shi Zhen would feel uncomfortable because of being misunderstood, and... So his brother owed money outside? He doesn't even know about it!

No wonder his brother was reluctant to spend a penny.

When he got money and got his salary, he would buy food and clothes. Shi Xinghuo had money, and he was thinking about eating fried skewers, but his brother was very restrained and did not buy anything other than daily necessities.

In this case, his brother spent a lot of money on buying books and tape recorders for him, will he have no money to pay off his debts

Taking advantage of the lack of people, Shi Zhen changed the coal stove under the pot for briquettes.

He is used to using coal stoves now, but he has to admit that coal stoves are very inconvenient to use, compared to gas tanks, which are much easier to use...

But the gas tank plus the gas stove costs a lot of money.

After changing the briquettes, Shi Zhen saw that Guan Baiyu was a little absent-minded, and immediately asked, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

Guan Baiyu asked in a low voice, "Brother, how much do you owe?"

Shi Zhen was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I don't owe money."

Speaking of this, Shi Zhen thought of something, and said to Guan Baiyu: "Xiaoyu, when you grow up, don't lend money to others easily, and don't lend money to others easily, it's even worse to give people a guarantee... Of course, in yourself Within the limits of our ability, it is possible to borrow money from banks for legitimate reasons.”

Shi Zhen knows that if you want to expand your business, loans are essential, but too much debt can also drag people down.

And lending money to others... How many people who got rich during this period ended up losing everything because they invested everywhere or lent money to others.

He never expected how wealthy he would become, but only hoped that he could keep his wealth and that Guan Baiyu could have whatever he wanted... So from the very beginning, he decided to play steadily.

Life is very long, sometimes a person does not need to be good, as long as he does not make mistakes, he can already throw off a large number of people.

These days, most people are still used to eating at home, so there are fewer people at noon, but after lunch time, there are more people in the town.

In early May, the highest temperature is generally in the 20s, which is the temperature suitable for playing outside.

Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu divided the work and sold a lot of fried skewers.

However, the most popular lottery tickets in the town are those lottery tickets. Many people actually won the lottery. They left with electric fans and bicycles, and even the TV was taken away.

Everyone looked at the winner with envy, but Shi Zhen noticed that there were more people who didn't win.

Among these people, there are still many who have spent dozens or hundreds of lottery draws... If you have the money, why not just buy an electric fan

Guan Guoping was also among them. He came to buy a few lottery tickets in the afternoon, but he still didn't win the lottery, and finally left in despair.

Shi Zhen got up at four this morning, and by eight o'clock in the evening, he couldn't hold it any longer. The fried skewers on the left and right were almost sold out, so he packed up and went home early.

The next day, he got up early in the morning as usual, and immediately went to sell fried skewers after selling the rice balls.

After several days of work, even if Shi Zhen was young and vigorous, he couldn't hold it back.

If he can sleep at noon, he won't be too tired, and Guan Baiyu doesn't need to help him, he can rest.

But these days, he has made a lot of money.

Shi Zhen had been busy on the 5th, and finally, on the afternoon of the 6th, he settled the account for the past few days.

He would now keep part of it for capital and save the rest, and after five days of work, his savings was over fifteen thousand.

Over the past few days, he has been earning more than 100 yuan almost every day.

Shi Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. After setting up the stall the next morning, he went to the bank to make a passbook and deposited the money.

He went to inquire about high school tuition a few days ago.

The tuition fees for high schools in Changxi City are uniform, and they are all 600 yuan per semester. In addition, they have to pay for books, school uniforms, accommodation, etc., as well as some living expenses for students.

Guan Baiyu has very few things. He also needs to buy hot water bottles, bedding, mats, and other daily necessities for him. He also needs new clothes, new shoes, umbrellas, water glasses, etc., and the total cost is at least fifteen thousand.

Even fifteen thousand may not be enough.

They stayed in the countryside and could get through anything, but they couldn't go to high school for Guan Baiyu, and they didn't have anything.

Now that Guan Baiyu has the money to study, he will save the money for his family to bring him here. It doesn't have to cost too much, but the residence must be found in advance.

His stepmother broke her leg during the summer vacation, and Guan Baiyu's high school entrance examination was on June 25th. Shi Zhen planned to wait for Guan Baiyu to finish the examination, and then set off immediately to go back to his hometown and bring all his family out.

In this case, there is still a month and a half.

After Shi Zhen came to Anshan Town, he wrote a letter to his family to report that he was safe, and also wrote his address in the letter he sent, but he did not receive a reply, and he did not know whether his family received his letter... In the past two days, he can Write another letter.

In fact, Shi Zhen can make phone calls. Although his house does not have a phone, they have a phone in their village.

But... When the eighteen-year-old Shi Zhen left the village, he memorized the village's phone number by heart, but now Shi Zhen has long forgotten that number.

Guan Baiyu knew about Shi Zhen's savings of 1,500 yuan. Shi Zhen told him and showed him his passbook.

Shi Zhen would do this for two reasons. One is that Guan Baiyu used to be too poor, so he used to search, and people didn't have the confidence to look at it. Shi Zhen felt that letting Guan Baiyu know how much money the family had would make Guan Baiyu more confident.

The second and most important point... Guan Baiyu is the only one for him.

His father has his stepmother and other children. His sisters and sisters don't have a good relationship with him and they all have their own families. He doesn't mind helping them, just like he is happy to help Shi Xinghuo, but he can't do anything about it. Treat them as your own, and your brothers will settle accounts, right

But Guan Baiyu is different.

When he was with Guan Baiyu in his last life, he regarded Guan Baiyu as his daughter-in-law. At that time, he was outside, whether bragging or hiding his wealth, but in front of Guan Baiyu, he always disclosed his financial situation in full. of.

He couldn't get the project money, he couldn't tell others, he wanted to act like a light cloud and tell his relatives and friends that there was nothing to do, but he could hold Guan Baiyu and scold that bastard who didn't give money.

He made a lot of money, and he couldn't tell others that his father would let him give money to his younger siblings. His relatives could always find a reason to borrow money from him, but he could show off to Guan Baiyu and count him happily in front of Guan Baiyu. Money all day.

Not long before Guan Baiyu's death, he also said that he would give Guan Baiyu's life

Xi Shi bought a house, but unfortunately he hasn't bought it yet, and Guan Baiyu is gone.

After that, he talked a lot, and he didn't know who to talk to.

Once again, he wants Guan Baiyu to grow up well and choose the life he wants to live, even if Guan Baiyu wants to become a biological child, he will not stop him.

But he probably won't like anyone else.

He was also used to not hiding anything from Guan Baiyu.

What does he make money for? Not to make Guan Baiyu live a good life.

Guan Baiyu didn't know what Shi Zhen was thinking, but usually Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo had a very clear accounting calculation. They didn't tell Shi Xinghuo a lot of things, just told him... He could feel that in Shi Zhen's heart, Oneself is more important than Shi Xinghuo.

He was very happy.

That night, Shi Zhen went to sell fried skewers again, and Guan Baiyu was doing various preparatory work at home, such as cooking marinated eggs or something.

These jobs are very simple, and he would have done them all long ago.

Since there is a coal stove, many things are slowly stewed in the coal stove. When Guan Baiyu first used iron tongs to change the coal briquettes, he always accidentally crushed the burnt briquettes, but now he changes the coal briquettes. The speed of the cake is called a fast!

After changing the briquettes, put a pot of eggs on top, and Guan Baiyu poured water into it again.

Pouring the water in advance will make the pot very heavy, and he can't move it, so he can only come here.

At this moment, someone came in from outside the house and wanted to buy some braised bean curd.

There happened to be ready-made dried bean curd, and Guan Baiyu weighed some for the other party.

The man bought something, but didn't leave. Instead, he asked Guan Baiyu: "Xiaoyu, are you really not going to school in the future?"

"Who said that?" Guan Baiyu was puzzled.

"What your little grandmother said, she said that you would not go to school in the future, and set up a stall with your cousin... I heard that your cousin gave a lot of money, how much did he give you?" the man asked.

Guan Baiyu was a little unhappy: "Little grandma is talking nonsense, I have to study in the future."

"Doesn't it cost a lot of money to go to high school and secondary school? Where do you get the money? And you don't go to school anymore." That person didn't believe Guan Baiyu's words.

In fact, there is no need for Guan Baiyu's little grandma to say, they already have such doubts.

Guan Baiyu doesn't go to school, but runs to the town every day, and it seems that he doesn't plan to continue his studies.

But they also feel normal.

Other people's parents are good, and they didn't study after graduating from junior high school. Guan Baiyu really wanted to study, but it was strange.

"I've only been studying at home recently." Guan Baiyu frowned.

But the man was still saying, "It's better if you don't read, you can earn money to support yourself earlier. Your cousin bought a tricycle and a tape recorder, so he earned a good income, right? You work with him, and you will always get paid... By the way, Does your cousin have a partner?"

Guan Baiyu was taken aback.

The man laughed: "If he doesn't have a match, I can introduce him to him." Shi Zhen is tall and tall, and looks good. As soon as he came to the village, many people took a fancy to him.

However, he came from outside. I don't know the details, so everyone didn't think much about it.

But it's been a while since Shi Zhen came here. They have some understanding of him. This young man can talk and work hard... There are many people who want to marry him!