Reborn to Strive

Chapter 34


The woman in front of me who came to Guan Baiyu to buy dried tofu and wanted to introduce him to Shi Zhen was also Guan's family.

She is the wife of Guan Jianguo's eldest brother Guan Xingguo, called Chen Juanjuan.

Guan Jianguo's brother is six years older than Guan Jianguo, and he is almost forty now. He married a woman who was older than him... The woman in front of him is in his early forties, and he has done a lot of farm work, so he looks a little old. .

Chen Juanjuan is illiterate and has no job, but she gets along very well in the village and is very popular.

This has a lot to do with her being the eldest daughter before she got married and her father's early death. She was very capable of marrying after pulling in a few older brothers and sisters. People in the village would go to her when they were undecided when it came to funerals and weddings. .

She usually takes care of the vegetable field at home very well, and from time to time she sells some vegetables in the town, and she can earn a few yuan to support her family.

Occasionally, she also works part-time as a matchmaker and receives matchmaking gifts.

She came to tell Guan Baiyu this now because someone in the village asked her about Shi Zhen.

"Your cousin shouldn't have a match, right?" Chen Juanjuan asked again.

Guan Baiyu knew that Shi Zhen didn't have a target. If Shi Zhen had a target, it was impossible not to tell him.

But he didn't want to tell Chen Juanjuan.

After Chen Juanjuan said that he would introduce a partner to Shi Zhen... He felt panic from the bottom of his heart.

Now his brother likes him very much, but what if his brother gets married and has children

Will his brother be so nice to him then

He was in the country, and he really saw a lot of conflicts between brothers. Some of them were brothers. They used to be very kind to their younger brothers, but after they got married, they started to look down on them.

In fact, Chen Juanjuan's husband Guan Xingguo and Guan Jianguo, brothers, have a bad relationship.

At that time, all the Guan family were poor. Guan Xingguo's parents tried their best to get the money and let Guan Xingguo get married.

But even so, Guan Xingguo couldn't marry a young and beautiful one, he could only marry an old girl like Chen Juanjuan.

When Guan Xingguo got married, Guan Jianguo was only in his teens, and the Guan family did not split up. Logically, their family should save money together to marry Guan Jianguo.

But Guan Xingguo was unhappy, and not long after the marriage, he was clamoring for separation.

Although Guan Baiyu's second grandmother was stingy and stingy, she had a very clear mind and knew that the eldest son had already thought of it. If the two of them insisted not to separate the family, the family would probably be in chaos... As soon as she gritted her teeth, she separated Guan Xingguo out. Of course, it was also said that Guan Xingguo would have elderly people in the future.

After Guan Xingguo was separated, the second grandmother began to worry about her youngest son's marriage, but she couldn't find a suitable one because she had no money.

Even if Guan Jianguo had an active mind and found a job to make money when he was young, he still didn't get married until he was twenty-eight years old.

But he was lucky. The wife he married was not only young and beautiful, but also literate and had a job.

With this old incident... The relationship between Guan Jianguo and Guan Xingguo is naturally not much better.

My brothers are far away, I and Shi Zhen are just cousins, and they haven't grown up together...

Guan Baiyu's breathing was messed up.

Seeing that Chen Juanjuan would not leave without an answer, Guan Baiyu said, "Auntie, my brother is only eighteen this year."

Chen Juanjuan was a little surprised: "Is he still so young?"

Shi Zhen is tall and has great ideas in doing things. They all thought he should be able to get married in his early twenties, but he was only eighteen

"Well, my brother is still young." Guan Baiyu said.

A man must be at least 22 years old to get married, and now it is recommended to get married at 24 years old. Guan Baiyu feels that Chen Juanjuan knows that Shi Zhen is only eighteen, so it is time to give up the year of marriage, but he doesn't want Chen Juanjuan's eyes to shine: "Xiaoyu , Aunt asked you something... How is your brother's family? Does he have any brothers? Are you planning to take root here? Hey! Is it mainly because he is willing to join the family? Your sister Lanlan is the same age as you, and now she doesn't want to study, I have already gone to work in the factory, and I just want her to recruit me a son-in-law."

Chen Juanjuan and Guan Xingguo have two daughters. The eldest daughter, Guan Lanlan, was born in 1979, the same year as Guan Baiyu, but a few months older than Guan Baiyu.

Guan Lanlan is also in the third year of junior high school. In fact, his original grades were OK.

But she didn't want to study anymore, and she entered the slow class without telling her parents, and that's fine. She and her little sister found a factory to work together, and they didn't go to school anymore.

Chen Juanjuan was very helpless about this, and she couldn't do anything about her daughter. After thinking about it, she thought about finding a partner for her daughter earlier, lest her daughter talk on her own, and finally talk about something inappropriate.

As soon as Shi Zhen came, she felt that this young man was good, but he looked a little older. Later, seeing that Shi Zhen was so powerful, she even gave up the idea of recruiting Shi Zhen as her son-in-law, for fear that Shi Zhen would not like it.

But now she knew that Shi Zhen was only eighteen years old... She was moved again.

It doesn't matter if you ask.

"Hey, if your brother is willing, we will not give him less dowry, and we will also buy them a bicycle TV! Our house is also well built, and we have some belongings... Xiaoyu, when your brother comes back, you can help me ask. ask him."

Guan Baiyu was stunned.

Guan Baiyu looked stupid, Chen Juanjuan only thought it was the first time he encountered this kind of thing when he was young, and he couldn't react, and said earnestly: "Xiaoyu, in fact, if you don't study anymore, you have to think about your own affairs. Your parents will definitely not marry you a wife, and you will most likely go to someone else's house in the future... You can find it now, and find a better family. "

In their villages, it costs a lot of money to marry a daughter-in-law.

Guan Guangguo would definitely not pay Guan Baiyu to marry a wife, and it would be very difficult for Guan Baiyu to marry by himself.

If nothing else, now that they are married here, they must have at least a two-story house. How can Guan Baiyu have it

Guan Baiyu has no elders to help him, so there is only a small amount of land allocated to others in the village, how can it be enough to support the family

The best way out for him is to find a rich family without a son and become a son-in-law.

In this way, there are houses and fields.

Many men in their locality can't afford a wife, so they all do it. In the past, some people had many sons, but they ended up leaving two at home and let the rest become son-in-law.

For those poor families, brothers still vie to go out and become son-in-laws. After all, they are destined to live a poor life at home, but when they go to a rich family, they can lie down and live a good life, drinking and eating meat.

Probably because in the early years, the work of raising silkworms, reeling silk, weaving and spinning, etc. was mostly done by women, and women could also make money, even more than the men who farmed the land, so the status of local women was not high. So low, recruitment is also common.

When Chen Juanjuan talks about this, she thinks of Guanguang country, there is Guan Jinjin.

Guan Guangguo didn't care about Guan Baiyu, his adopted son. His thoughts were on his daughter, and he must have wanted to recruit her daughter. Shi Zhen was only eighteen years old, and he was five years apart from Guan Jinjin, so it was barely suitable... She still had to start early.

Guan Baiyu was dumbfounded, but Chen Juanjuan asked him for a long time to ask Shi Zhen's thoughts.

After speaking, Chen Juanjuan left.

Guan Baiyu looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

He only had some trivial tasks left at hand. Usually, at this time, he would take out the radio and learn English from the radio.

But he really didn't care today.

If his brother gets married and goes to someone else's house, then... then...

Qian Qi used the radio to listen to the radio, but Guan Baiyu never heard of it when he used it alone. He used it to learn English.

But at the moment, he was so confused that he really couldn't learn, so he found a channel with clear voice to listen to the radio.

However... He listened to it for a long time and didn't know what he heard.

Repeatedly in my mind, there was only one thought - what would he do if his brother got married and had children

Shi Zhen didn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening as usual.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, he saw Guan Baiyu open the door and came out, and smiled at him: "Brother, you are back."

Shi Zhen wanted to say something to him—he always disapproved of Guan Baiyu not sleeping and waiting for him to come back.

But Guan Baiyu was very stubborn, and it was useless to say it.

Shi Zhen sighed secretly, didn't say anything, just quickened the movements of his hands.

He quickly finished the task at hand and went to bed, so that Guan Baiyu could sleep with him.

After Shi Zhen came back, he would simply eat something.

He basically doesn't eat anything when he sells fried skewers

Well, I ride a tricycle back home with a bunch of things, tired and hungry, and I can fall asleep after eating something warm to warm my stomach.

Guan Baiyu was waiting for him at home and prepared something for him every day. Today, Guan Baiyu prepared a bowl of steamed eggs for him.

The egg had been ready for a while, but it was not completely cool. Shi Zhen scooped a few spoonfuls to eat it, only to find that there was even minced meat underneath.

It tastes really good!

Shi Zhen finished eating quickly, Guan Baiyu had prepared warm water for him, he went outside to rinse himself as usual, then entered Guan Baiyu's room, avoiding Guan Baiyu to change clothes alone.

There was no one outside at night. In fact, he specially wore his underwear to take a bath, and he didn't want Guan Baiyu to see anything.

In the end he likes men, to avoid suspicion.

Shi Zhen took a shower and went to sleep, and when he left, Guan Baiyu's face showed concern again.

He didn't want to listen to his aunt and tell his brother about finding a partner.

So... just don't know about it!

In the blink of an eye, a new day came, and Guan Baiyu's performance was as usual.

Normally, after Shi Zhen and the others set up their stalls at six in the morning, Guan Baiyu would sleep at home and go back to the town until after eight o'clock.

The same is true today.

After arriving in town, he first went to Shi Zhen.

Someone gave him a bowl of boiled broad beans this morning, and he thought of bringing it to Shi Zhen as a snack.

As a result, just before arriving at the booth, Guan Baiyu heard a middle-aged woman talking to Shi Zhen, and what she said was similar to what Chen Juanjuan said: "Young man, do you have a partner?"

Shi Zhen is very popular in the town.

When he usually sets up a stall, when he sees someone around him who needs help, he is willing to help. There are a few lonely and widowed elderly people in the town who are not doing well. After the difficulties, they will also send them rice balls from time to time.

He is happy to help people within his capacity.

The town is not big, many people know what he does, and many people like him, but Shi Zhen never thought that someone would want to introduce him to someone.

After all, in his last life, he was not very likable because he was a foreigner.

By the way, he has been speaking the local dialect all his life, and the people in the town don't know he is a foreigner...

"Sister, I'm only eighteen, and I still don't want to find someone." Shi Zhen smiled and talked to the man.

"It's only eighteen, that's really a little small," the middle-aged woman smiled, "My son is two years younger than you, and you still call me sister!"

"Sister, you look young!" Shi Zhen said.

The woman was very happy when she heard it, covered her mouth and smiled.