Reborn to Strive

Chapter 39


When Shi Zhen sold out the fried skewers and went home that night, he learned of what happened at Guan Kai's house.

He was a little surprised, but not surprised.

In the bottom rural areas, there are generally more men than women, and women are relatively rare.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a woman at the bottom who cannot marry, only a man who cannot marry a wife.

In J City, after 20 years, due to the increase in the number of foreigners, except for very few local men, they will not worry about not being able to marry a wife. Even an old man like Guan Kai and his father can find a good old lady, but in At this time, there were still more men than women.

The preference for boys over girls here is not serious, but there are still some. Going forward twenty or thirty years, things like drowning or throwing away baby girls will happen from time to time.

In addition, many women from the countryside marry into the town, but the women from the town marry into the countryside... Anyway, Shi Zhen never heard of it.

Usually, rural men find good jobs, jump out of the farmhouse and become urbanites before marrying urbanites.

Before Shi Zhen set up a stall in the town, he heard people say that a certain family in the town married a country daughter-in-law to the stupid son of the family, and the child he gave birth to was stupid again.

Shi Zhenting sympathized with that woman, and he understood why that woman made such a choice back then.

People who have never done farm work will not know how tiring it is, especially before the 1990s, when almost all farm work was done by manpower, and the harvest of the fields was still related to the belly of the whole family.

When planting rice, the leeches will wrap around the legs, and the legs are still bleeding when they are torn off.

And ordinary people can't eat anything good at home.

A person who has lived too hard can be coaxed away with a little thing, and it is quite normal for a young woman to marry a fool in order to eat and drink enough.

Due to various reasons, there are many people in rural areas who cannot marry wives. A few years ago, bachelors bought a wave of wives, but in the past two years, because of the crackdown, they no longer have this opportunity.

In such a big environment, it is really easy for a woman to find a man who is willing to marry her, and it is normal to find a man who is a few years younger.

His stepmother is older than his father, and his appearance is not as good as his father.

However, his stepmother is a woman who is weak and obedient in the traditional sense and willing to give, but this aunt of Guan Baiyu is obviously not.

"Brother, do you think they will divorce?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"Definitely." Shi Zhen said.

Just now Guan Baiyu rambled, and also said some things about his aunt's past.

She was once suppressed by her mother-in-law in the first few years of her marriage, and had a very bad life. Later, she probably turned her back on the extreme, so she didn't take what her mother-in-law said seriously, and instead confronted her mother-in-law and scold her at home every day.

But in the past two years, she has changed again. She does her own way and only cares about her own happiness, putting on makeup and going out to play all day.

Shi Zhen said: "Xiaoyu, do you know what kind of person can live well?"

"What kind of person?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"People who are good to themselves." Shi Zhen said.

If a person is good enough to himself and is ruthless, he can live well anywhere.

Guan Baiyu was a little dazed.

Shi Zhen smiled and said, "Okay, go to bed early."

The affairs of the little grandmother's house had nothing to do with Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu, but Guan Guangguo, Guan Jianguo, Guan Xingguo and the others were all affected.

Because Guan Wenguo didn't want to divorce, he asked these cousins to give him courage and let this person accompany him to his wife's adulterer's house to find trouble.

But the adulterer is also a local, and also has relatives, friends, and cousins!

There are more cousins than him.

Moreover, Guan Wenguo has an average relationship with Guan Jianguo and the others. For the sake of being cousins, Guan Wenguo and the others are willing to embolden Guan Wenguo, but it is impossible to help Guan Wenguo fight.

Guan Wenguo doesn't fight himself, why do they fight

It's not their wives who are running away!

Speaking of which, Guan Jianguo, Guan Xingguo, and Guan Baiyu's adoptive father, Guan Guangguo, no matter how they are, they are very kind to their wives and take care of their family.

For example, when Guan Xingguo married his wife, he was clamoring for separation.

Guan Guangguo and Zhang Xiumei had no children in their early years. His mother had a conflict with Zhang Xiumei, and he also stood by Zhang Xiumei.

Guan Jianguo doesn't have any major conflicts with his parents, but he has a right idea and doesn't listen to his mother very much every day.

Before Guan Wenguo's mother said bad things about Guan Wenguo's wife everywhere, Guan Wenguo still kept silent, and they looked down on Guan Wenguo.

After a few days of trouble, Shi Zhen got the news that Guan Wenguo and his wife were divorced.

Guanwen has no property in the country, as for the house and fields... The foundations of the house and fields belong to the village collective and cannot be divided.

Even Guan Kai was registered with the Guan family's account, and the Guan family would not let anyone take him away.

Guan Wenguo's wife finally went out of the house.

After the divorce, she went back to her parents' home, and after a few days, she set up a few tables of wine and married herself out again.

The speed is astonishing, and it also makes many women... quite envious.

During this time, the little grandmother's family became the talk of the villagers, basically saying that the little grandma was too much and forced her daughter-in-law away. By the way, I sympathized with their family - both of their brothers had no wives.

But everyone wouldn't say it in front of the little grandma, and the little grandma... When she sees someone, she will go up and talk to others, saying how disrespectful her ex-daughter-in-law is and how bitter her son is.

Then she took the time to reveal all the broken things in her family.

Shi Zhen didn't even know what she was thinking.

Normal people know that domestic ugliness cannot be made public, but she... just likes to show her own ugliness.

For example, she smugly said how she taught Guan Kai not to kiss his mother, so Guan Kai wanted to divorce his mother, and Guan Kai rushed to beat his mother.

Then after a few minutes, she started to say that Guan Kai was cold-blooded and didn't care about his son.

According to her own statement, when Guan Kai was a child, she didn't take Guan Kai to her own mother, and even taught Guan Kai to scold his mother. Now Guan Kai has developed to beat his own mother... In this case, Guan Kai's mother can It is strange to pay attention to Guan Kai.

Shi Zhen suspected that Guan Kai's mother would make up his mind to divorce, which had a lot to do with being brokenhearted by his son.

Guan Kai has been scolding his mother in the village recently, and his mouth is full of foul language, which makes people tired of watching.

However, none of this has anything to do with Shi Zhen. He was busy setting up his own booth, and he has been vacant recently. After Shi Xinghuo has done more preparations for him, he will do more and more things!

Shi Zhen originally planned to let him go out to do small jobs, but now that he has done most of the preparatory work, Shi Zhen asked him to stay at home to help.

The main reason is that there is no suitable job for him outside.

In his last life, Shi Xinghuo was crushed to death, which left a little psychological shadow on Shi Zhen.

The work of digging river mud is not bad, but he would not dare to let Shi Xinghuo build a house.

Since Shi Xinghuo took over most of the preparatory work, Shi Zhen has free time to do other things, and Guan Baiyu can also concentrate on reading.

Shi Zhen gave Shi Xinghuo and Qianqi an increase in wages, he raised it to fifteen yuan a day, Shi Xinghuo gave ten yuan a day.

At the same time, thanks to Shi Xinghuo's help, he added some new products to the cooked food stall.

The new products are Braised Chicken Wing Tips and Braised Chicken Feet.

These two are very suitable for drinking, and many people buy them.

This is the current situation... Shi Zhen found out that he needed a freezer.

When the weather is hot, things can easily go bad, so he can only go to Zhu Butcher's house early in the morning to get fresh pig heads to cook, which is a bit too tiring.

If he has a refrigerator freezer, some preparations can be prepared in advance.

But freezers and refrigerators are not cheap.

Next, he plans to rent a shop to open a shop... Shi Zhen really feels that every time he makes some money, he feels that there are many places to spend money.

After thinking about these things, Shi Zhen got up at four o'clock this morning, and then rode a tricycle to the next village to find Butcher Zhu to get the pig's head.

When the weather was cold, butcher Zhu would kill the pigs the night before and sell them in the town the next day. But now that the weather is hot, if the pigs are left overnight, they will become sticky in the afternoon the next day. Gooey, the meat doesn't look right.

Therefore, butcher Zhu now makes an appointment to kill the pigs at one o'clock in the morning. After killing them, he takes them home to deal with them, and then goes to the town to set up a stall after four in the morning.

Butcher Zhu's days have been turned upside down, and it is obviously hard work, but if you want to make money, you can only do this.

When Shi Zhen arrived at Zhu Butcher's house, the door of the main room downstairs of Zhu Butcher's house was open, and there was a light inside. When Shi Zhen entered, he saw Zhu Butcher cutting pork.

He goes to kill pigs with others every day, and then gives Shi Zhen the head of his own pig and the heads he bought with others.

Shi Zhen would also buy large pieces of lean meat from him, cook them at home, and bring them to the town for cold salads.

In fact, cold beef should be more suitable, but right now in Anshan Town, you can't buy raw beef at all, after all, the people here don't raise cattle.

"Uncle, I'll get the pig's head." Shi Zhen said when he saw Butcher Zhu.

Butcher Zhu quickly weighed the pig's head and calculated the price with a dirty calculator.

Shi Zhen took out the money to pay the bill on the spot.

Butcher Zhu likes to do business with Shi Zhen, because Shi Zhen never owes money and pays it on the spot every time.

A person who does a small business likes customers like him the most.

After Shi Zhen paid the money, he said to Butcher Zhu, "Uncle, please help me split it."

"Okay." Butcher Zhu agreed, picked up the bone cutter, and started to chop from the chin of the pig's head, first taking out the pig's tongue completely, followed by the pig's brain.

Shi Zhen wants pig tongue, and he still sells cold pork tongue.

But he didn't want the pig brain, and gave it to Butcher Zhu every time.

Nowadays, many people believe that pig brains can make up for brains, and Zhu Butcher can sell pig brains.

After buying good things, Shi Zhen hurriedly went home to deal with them, and then went to the town to set up a stall...

The cooked food stalls have a lot of products, and they are placed all day every day, earning at least fifty a day.

Shi Zhen was worried that Qianqi would think about starting a new career, but he didn't. Qianqi has been doing it very carefully, and he was getting his salary in a safe and secure manner.

Shi Zhen asked him the reason, only to know that he felt that the preparation work was too troublesome, and he didn't want to do it, so he didn't go to the stall by himself.

Thinking about it carefully, it is normal for money to make such a choice.

Qian Qi is only sixteen years old, he can calm down and set up a stall in the town all day, he is already very powerful, let him do other things after setting up a stall... He is too busy.

Moreover, to show others that the stall can guarantee the income during drought and flood, and the profit and loss of the stall is borne by oneself, it will cost a lot of money.

As far as money is concerned, being diligent and earning more than 400 wages a day is indeed better than going out to set up a stall by yourself.

Today, Shi Zhen sells more rice balls than at the beginning.

However, these are not scattered customers, but orders from some nearby factories and workshops.

Nowadays, most of the factories in the town work in three shifts. Female workers work from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, called the day shift, and from 4:00 pm to 12:00 midnight, called the evening shift, from 12:00 midnight to 8:00 am There is another shift, called the late night shift.

According to the regulations, the day shift has a lunch, the night shift has a dinner, and the late night shift has breakfast.

Those factories usually don’t make their own breakfast for their female workers, but buy them from the town. The factory owners want to save costs, so the rice balls that are 50 cents a piece and have a large amount are a good choice.

Sometimes when there are so many orders, Shi Zhen even had to cook an extra pot of soy sauce lard rice, and then let Shi Xinghuo help him make the rice balls.

Although Shi Xinghuo was very slow in making rice balls, he still knew how to make rice balls, and it didn’t matter if the rice balls didn’t look good.

Such an order would allow Shi Zhen to earn an extra five yuan and ten yuan a day.

Don't underestimate this money. At this time, some people want to earn it but can't earn it.

After setting up the stall this morning, Shi Zhen did not go home immediately, but went shopping in the town.

He wants to rent a house.

It won't take long for Guan Baiyu to take the high school entrance examination, and he plans to pick up his parents and sisters after Guan Baiyu's high school entrance examination.

Guan Baiyu's house is now full of things by him, and Guan Jianguo's house that he and Shi Xinghuo rented is also full of things, and his family will definitely not be able to live with them when they come here.

He also didn't want them to live in the village. First, it was too close to Guan Baiyu, and he was afraid that Guan Baiyu would be bullied. Second, the village was far away from the town, and it was inconvenient to go back and forth.

In fact, if it wasn't for Guan Baiyu, he would definitely rent a house in the town, not in the village.

Of course, renting a house in town will be more expensive, that's for sure.

And the rent at this time, relative to income, is higher than in later generations.

The main reason is that there are too few houses at this time, and people in the town generally do not have enough homes to live in, so there are fewer houses that can be rented out.

Whose family is not crowded these days

Shi Zhen had already inquired about it before, and this time he went directly to see the house.

There are two houses in town for rent.

One is the collective dormitory of the former silk factory.

The toilets in this house are shared, and the kitchens are built on their own balconies. As for the place to live... It is a house of about 20 square meters, which can be divided into two rooms, one for eating and one for sleeping.

The people who live here have moved to another place because they have children at home. The house is furnished and rented out for 50 yuan a month, excluding utilities.

As for the other house, it is an old two-story building.

This building is in an old alley, with the same small buildings on both sides. It says it has two floors, but the upper floor is actually an attic.

The house is not very big, there are two rooms at the bottom, the front and the back, adding up to about fifty or sixty square meters, the attic above is slightly smaller, about thirty or forty square meters, and there is a particularly small one at the back, but five or six A small square patio where you can dry clothes or something.

The house has been unoccupied for a long time, the roof needs to be repaired, there is no furniture, and the rent is 400 a year.

The main reason is that the owner lives in Changxi City now. He doesn't live here, and he is not very short of money. He is too lazy to charge dozens of yuan a month for rent, so he just pays it on an annual basis.

Because of this, rents are cheaper.

When he first came to Anshan Town, Shi Zhen could only rent the first set.

After all, that set has furniture, which can save him a lot of trouble, and the rent that needs to be paid at one time is not much.

But now, he has saved a lot of money in bits and pieces, has the money to repair the roof, and can pay for a year's rent at a time...

Shi Zhen chose the second house without hesitation, and discussed renting with the person who showed him the house.

It was a retired teacher in his sixties who lived in the next house.

Shi Zhen decided that he wanted to rent a house. He took out a piece of paper and wrote a receipt to Shi Zhen, which stated that he rented the house to Shi Zhen for one year and received 400 yuan.

After writing, the retired teacher said some things to pay attention to when renting a house, such as not making the house more dilapidated than it is now, and for example, not making too much noise at night to affect the surrounding people.

While talking, he also said something about the original owner.

Shi Zhen had no interest in the original owner. He had heard it before, but when he learned the name of the original owner, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

The original owner... is Guan Baiyu's grandfather, his own grandfather.