Reborn to Strive

Chapter 43


Why did Shi Zhen suddenly come back? The family was very curious.

Glancing at Zhao Dongjuan, Shi Zhen asked his father, "Dad, have you read the letter I sent back before?"

His father is illiterate, but his sister can read letters to his father.

Shi Dalin immediately said: "Look, you said that everything is fine outside, you found a job, and you can make a lot of money."

When Shi Dalin said "I can make a lot of money", Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Qiujuan were very happy, but Zhao Dongjuan rolled his eyes beside him.

Shi Zhen said: "Dad, the outside is completely different from where we are now. I came back this time because I wanted you to live outside with me."

"Going to live outside?" Shi Dalin was taken aback, "What about the land at home?"

Shi Dalin has lived in the village all his life. He has only been to the county town once. His son asked him to go outside.

"The land at home can be planted by others." Shi Zhen said.

"But… "

"Dad, I'm too busy doing business outside and need your help."

Shi Zhen knew that although his father couldn't speak, he was particularly fond of him.

He said that it was good to be outside, but his father might not be willing to go out. He said that if he wanted his father to help, his father might be willing.

"You came back because you wanted your parents to go out and work for you! It's a good idea." Zhao Dongjuan was eccentric.

"Dongjuan." Zhao Meiyun whispered.

Zhao Dongjuan pouted in disdain.

Shi Zhen didn't take her words seriously, and said to his father: "Dad, when I came back, I wanted you to help me, and I would take my sister out too. If the rest of the family wants to go out with me, they can follow me, but I don't want to. does not matter."

Shi Zhen knew very well that as long as he persuaded his father, his stepmother would definitely follow him out.

His eldest sister doesn't have to worry. His eldest sister is not assertive. Whether it is his father's words, his stepmother's words, or his words, his eldest sister will listen.

If Zhao Dongjuan doesn't want to go... that's the best, of course, there is a high probability that Zhao Dongjuan will follow.

Zhao Dongjuan is actually the smartest of the three sisters.

Shi Dashan tangled: "Your sister still needs to study..."

"I just want her to follow me to study outside." Shi Zhen said.

He didn't care at all when he was studying, but his grades were in the top of the class.

Where's his sister

At this time, his sister has not seen the outside world of Huahua, and there is no fun in the countryside. She is very willing to study. When she was in elementary school, the first thing she did when she came home every day was to finish her homework. , as long as the excess is not done less.

Shi Zhen, who had never done homework when she was studying before, felt helpless when she saw that she had worked so hard and could not get good grades in the exam.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with poor grades. The most important thing is that he doesn't want his sister to know nothing but spend money like in his previous life. Every time he finds a man, he still depends on her for food.

In fact, she also has advantages, and Shi Zhen wanted to take her out to see if she could be an art student or something.

By the way, let’s transform the concept of consumption and love.

Children... should be better to teach

But at the moment, his sister is not at home, but is studying in junior high school.

The junior high school was too far from their village, and the children in the village lived on campus and went home once a week.

When he used to be at home, he would usually visit his sister once on Wednesday to bring her some food, and when he was away, I'm afraid no one would visit her.

His father never cared about this, and the stepmother was separated by a layer.

"Shi Ting's grades are the same, right?" Zhao Dongjuan asked.

Shi Dalin also said: "Yeah... will it be too troublesome?"

Shi Zhen didn't want to talk about this, and simply continued to talk about his difficulties: "Dad, I don't get up until four o'clock every day, and I don't go to bed until after ten o'clock at night. I'm really tired... Go and help me."

Shi Zhen never complained before, and Shi Dalin was deeply distressed when he heard it: "Why do you make yourself so tired? You are not made of iron... If I can do those jobs, I will do them... Just go out and eat and drink. Lazar's…”

"Dad, although I'm a little tired outside, I can make twenty yuan a day." Shi Zhen didn't reveal his real income, lest his dad be frightened.

Shi Dalin was stunned: "Twenty dollars a day?!"

Twenty bucks, not two

They grow shiitake mushrooms in the village, and they earn a few hundred dollars a year. Shi Zhen earns twenty dollars a day, and six hundred dollars a month!

It's so lucrative!

Now Shi Dalin can't even care about his own land. He's been working at home for a year, and he can't earn what Shi Zhen earns in a month.

And his son is so busy, he is definitely going to help: "I'll go with you."

Shi Zhen knew this would be the result, and smiled.

"Dad, you don't know anything about the outside world, why do you want to go? What if you can't earn as much in the future? And you don't even know what brother is doing outside..." Zhao Dongjuan shouted.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen looked at Zhao Dongjuan: "If you don't want to go, you can stay at home, the food at home is enough for you."

Zhao Dongjuan closed her mouth and looked at Shi Zhen dissatisfied.

After Zhao Meiyun's divorce, Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Dongjuan took her last name.

After Shi Dalin married Zhao Meiyun, he did not let the two stepdaughters change their surnames, but the names were changed. Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Dongjuan called Shi Dalin "Dad".

Others don't know what Shi Dalin is thinking, but treating two stepdaughters is no different from his youngest daughter.

"Azhen, the meal is ready." Zhao Qiujuan brought a bowl of gnocchi to Shi Zhen.

This is made by mixing flour and water to make a batter, pouring the batter into water and cooking it. An egg and some pickles are also added to the gnocchi.

This is a good thing that is not usually eaten in their house.

Shi Zhen took the chopsticks and ate it, Zhao Dongjuan saw it, and had to look at it with jealousy.

When Shi Zhen was eating, Shi Dalin asked about Shi Xinghuo.

Shi Zhendao: "He has also made some money in the past few months. In the end, I didn't let him follow him, but I brought back the money he made in the past three months."

Shi Xinghuo made all the money and gave it all to him, and now he has saved over a thousand.

Before he came back, he asked Shi Xinghuo what to do with the money. Shi Xinghuo said he wanted to give the money to his parents, and Shi Zhen brought the money back.

Tomorrow he will go to his uncle's house to deliver money.

Shi Zhen's uncle's family gave birth to three sons and one daughter, and Shi Xinghuo was the eldest.

Their family is good, and Shi Zhen has always had a good relationship with them in his last life.

It's just that people in their village who are older than him or the same age as him, such as his cousins, have a problem - because they haven't read any books, it's hard for them to be on their own.

This reading refers to the most basic, elementary and junior high school education!

Most of the people he took away from the village didn't even know pinyin and couldn't recognize the characters completely. He asked them to help keep an account, and they could make a bunch of typos.

Later, I used a computer and asked them to make a form, but they absolutely couldn't do it.

So these people, after working hard with him, are basically able to get rich, but it is difficult to expand their business.

But they themselves are very satisfied.

In fact, if he hadn't met Guan Baiyu, or if Guan Baiyu loved studying, he might have been similar to them.

When he was young, the teachers at their school didn't learn pinyin well, how could he learn it

Shi Zhen's bed was originally placed in the dining room, next to the stove, but since he was away these days, the family put it away.

After Shi Zhen had eaten, he went to the back yard to rinse his body with well water. When he returned to the house, his father had already remade his bed and was bending over to wipe his bed.

Shi Zhen quickly grabbed the rag and wiped it himself.

In the forty years before his father, he had a really hard life. Whatever happened to him in the future, he had to make his father a better life.

Shi Zhen walked all the way for two days, but he didn't have a good rest. He lay down and fell asleep. The next day, he was woken up by the rustling sound. When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhao Meiyun was cooking lightly.

Shi Zhen slowed down, then got up from the bed and asked, "Aunt Zhao, what do you have for breakfast?"

Zhao Meiyun smiled at Shi Zhen: "I made porridge, and your dad asked me to steam the bacon marinated for the New Year."

Shi Zhen heard the words and said, "I came here to bring something to eat this time, and I'll take it out."

When he came back this time, he brought some things to share with the villagers, and Shi Xinghuo also asked him to bring some things back.

Shi Zhen opened his snakeskin bag, took out a bag of fried peanuts mixed with salt, and put it on a plate at home.

No one grows peanuts on their side of the mountain. He hasn't eaten peanuts a few times since he was a child. Before he came, he happened to wholesale some, so he brought a lot of them, but most of them were raw, and not many were fried.

In addition, he also brought a lot of dried salted fish, which they did not have on the mountain, but the price is not expensive to keep, suitable for giving to the villagers.

In addition, there are candies and snacks, which the children in the village should like.

The things Shi Zhen brought home were normal things, but Shi Xinghuo was different.

Among the things he asked Shi Zhen to bring home to his parents was a large glass of lard.

Shi Xinghuo bought a large enamel cup, boiled a full cup of lard and put it in, and then tied it in a plastic bag and gave it to his family... Actually, it was quite realistic.

They are on the mountain, and it is indeed not easy to get lard.

Just as Shi Zhen took out his things, he saw his uncle hurried over.

As soon as his uncle Shi Dashan came in, he asked, "Azhen, are you back? Where's Xinghuo?"

Shi Zhendao: "Uncle, it's very troublesome to come back, I will let Brother Xinghuo continue to work there, but Brother Xinghuo asked me to bring something for you."

"He works outside alone, is it okay?" Shi Dashan was a little worried about his eldest son.

Shi Zhen said: "It's okay, Brother Xinghuo can do things like dredging mud and digging rivers by recruiting small workers outside."

"Yes, he can do all these tasks! Ah Zhen, I'm really bothering you, I want you to take him with you all the time." Shi Dashan said.

"It's okay, Brother Xinghuo is very obedient." Shi Zhen said.

"Oh, that's all he has."

As he was talking, Shi Zhen had already taken out the lard that Shi Xinghuo had brought in his bag: "Uncle, Brother Xinghuo asked me to bring this lard to you, and I also brought back some peanuts and salted fish. , you take some back to eat."

Shi Zhen quickly packed out a packet of salted fish and a packet of peanuts for his uncle.

"I have troubled you to work with Xinghuo, how can you take your things, you can keep these and eat them slowly." Shi Dashan said.

Shi Zhen said: "Uncle, take it. By the way, Xinghuo also asked me to give you the salary he received in the past few months... The money is here."

As Shi Zhen said that, he took out a roll of money and gave it to Shi Dashan.

The roll of money was not thick, but Shi Dashan was stunned when he saw it.

This is a hundred-yuan bill, or several!

"This money, this..." Shi Dashan felt that the money was hot, "Azhen, Xinghuo didn't do anything bad, did he?"

"Uncle, you are thinking too much," Shi Zhen couldn't help laughing.

Shi Dashan opened his mouth: "Why so many? How long has it been..."

"Xinghuo works outside and earns about ten yuan a day on average," Shi Zhen said.

"He earns ten yuan a day, but it's not that much..." Shi Dashan counted and found that there were one thousand in it. He thought of something and said, "Azhen, I said before that he will give you half of the money he makes. , didn't you take it?"

"Uncle, I earn more than him, so I won't take his." Shi Zhen said.

"What about his food and drink? You can't let him eat and drink yours!" Shi Dashan was very upset, his son knew that without Shi Zhen, his son would have to beg for food when he was outside.

"I asked him to help me with the work," Shi Zhen said. "Uncle, I'm not someone who wants to suffer. This money belongs to Xinghuo, you can take it."

Shi Dashan finally left in a trance.

Shi Zhen was very grateful to his uncle in his last life.

When Shi Xinghuo died, his uncle didn't blame him, and lent him part of the compensation that the man gave.

Without this money, it would be very difficult for him to make a fortune in his last life.

Shi Dashan was called by Shi Dalin. Seeing that his son gave his brother a thousand dollars, Shi Dalin was a little dazed: "Azhen, can Xinghuo earn so much?"

"Dad, Xinghuo is very strong and works diligently." Shi Zhen said.

"That's true." Shi Dalin thought of his stupid nephew who knew how to work.

But no matter what… Shi Xinghuo could make a thousand dollars when he went out for a few months, but he didn’t lose any money after he went out.

Shi Dalin was still a little nervous at first, but now he is relieved.

As he was talking, breakfast was ready.

Of course, the porridge Zhao Meiyun made was not white rice porridge, but multigrain porridge, a kind of food that Shi Zhen didn't like very much.

If the multi-grain porridge can be boiled as soft as canned eight-treasure porridge, Shi Zhen would like to eat it, but they make it at home and eat it, and they don't have the time to boil it for too long.

The miscellaneous grain porridge that has not been boiled for a long time, eats a grain of throat, how can white rice porridge be delicious

But no matter how unpalatable the multigrain porridge was, it was better than letting him eat potatoes.

As soon as Shi Zhensheng sat down with the porridge, Zhao Meiyun brought the steamed bacon and put it in front of him.

There are four children in this family, and Shi Zhende admits that he is the most valued one.

After all, he was Shi Dalin's only son.

Zhao Qiujuan understands this very well and takes it for granted, but Zhao Dongjuan is different, she is always jealous.

For example, at this moment, Zhao Dongjuan gave Shi Zhen a dissatisfied look.

Shi Zhen was speechless - why is Zhao Dongjuan dissatisfied

If their whole family is from the city, and Zhao Meiyun still has a job like Shi Dalin, then Zhao Dongjuan is dissatisfied with this kind of discriminatory treatment, which is normal.

But their family is in the country, even in the mountains.

In the early years, his father did most of the work in the fields. Zhao Meiyun had the most to do, but when he was thirteen or fourteen, his strength surpassed that of Zhao Meiyun, and he was the one who started the fight.

What about Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Dongjuan? They definitely have to do the work, but they do it lightly.

He and his dad usually choose water at home and water in the fields, and never let women do these things.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Dongjuan wants to get the same treatment as him... How is it possible!

It is impossible for Zhao Dongjuan to get the same treatment as his own sister.

There is a lot of difference between blood and no blood.

If Zhao Dongjuan had the same father and mother as him, even if she was annoying, Shi Zhen wouldn't hate her.

Although the bacon was placed in front of Shi Zhen, Shi Zhen had never been a monopoly since he was a child.

Today he is even less interested in this bacon.

The Chinese New Year's bacon has been put into the present, and the taste has changed. How can the peanuts brought back are delicious

Shi Zhen loves peanuts, and so do everyone else.

While they were eating, other people in the village came over and asked Shi Zhen what was going on outside.

Shi Zhen said something that he had encountered.

"Shi Zhen, why didn't you go to a big city, but a small place?" Someone was puzzled.

Shi Zhenxin said nonsense: "The big city is too big, I don't know what to do there when I go there."

Someone immediately helped to speak: "Yes! What should I do if I get lost in a big city?"

You said a lot to everyone, and many people were tempted and wanted to go out to work.

Shi Zhendao: "Going to work outside really earns a lot of money, but it also costs a lot. You need money for renting a house. I can settle down outside this time. In fact, I found a relative from my mother's side. It's a big deal, without him, I wouldn't be able to make money so quickly."

Shi Zhen is very willing to take the villagers out to work, but now is not the time.

Now he doesn't have that ability.

Shi Zhen told these people in front of him that he made money by selling food and doing a small business outside, and the place where he stayed was still a small town, and it was not easy to find a job... Most people in the village gave up their thoughts.

The rest of the people who didn't give up their minds... Shi Zhen didn't mind taking them out, but he didn't dare to make sure that he was looking for a job.

After chatting with these people, I distributed the peanuts and dried salted fish that I brought, and it was over in the morning. After lunch, Shi Zhen said hello to his father, and planned to go to the junior high school to see his sister.

There were still some fried peanuts, and Shi Zhenquan brought them along, as well as some snacks, such as bottled sweet milk.

His sister's junior high school was about two hours away from their village, and Shi Zhen walked around and got there in about two hours.

The teaching building is a two-story building with square cement walls. There is a bamboo fence at the front and back of the house to keep the chickens raised in the nearby farms out.

The fence in front is surrounded by an open space, which is also the playground in the school, while the fence in the back is a vegetable field.

It was planted by the school teachers, mainly for their own consumption. Occasionally, they cooked for the children in the school.

This school has no guards, few teachers, and only one class per grade.

When Shi Zhen arrived, the students were in class. When he found his sister's class, he saw his sister sitting in the middle of the classroom, staring blankly at the teacher.

He almost didn't recognize his sister.

He is familiar with all kinds of skin care products and cosmetics, and basically has all kinds of beauty instruments. He also does medical beauty from time to time. Even if he is in his 40s, he looks like a younger sister who is not in her 30s. skinny.

But even if she is black and thin, she is the best looking in this class.

Shi Zhen took a look at the people around her... In this class, some girls came to class with their children.

This is not uncommon on their side.

Adults are busy, and the elderly can't take care of too many children. When parents, they will let the older children take care of the younger ones.

The older kids are going to school, and the younger ones are really unwatched, so the older kids will take the kids at home to school and go to class with them.

Yes, they, in general, are women who take care of the children, and men are generally asked to do the work in the fields.

Their ancestors have lived like this for generations, until people's physical strength becomes less and less important, everything will change silently.

Shi Zhen stood at the door of the classroom for a while, and the students inside saw him and turned to look at him, waiting for his sister to turn her head...

The teenage girl jumped up at once: "Brother!"

The teacher didn't get angry when she saw it, and said in non-standard Mandarin: "Shi Ting, go out quickly, you all go far!"

Then, Shi Zhen saw his sister rushing out of the classroom at a trot.