Reborn to Strive

Chapter 44


No matter how close brothers and sisters are, when they grow up, it is easy to drift apart.

Before Shi Zhen was reborn, the number of times he met his sister became less and less.

They didn't talk to each other when they met. His sister didn't care which brand came out all day long, that is, what happened to her children.

These Shi Zhen don't care and don't want to listen.

And when Shi Zhen persuaded her to find something to do, at least not to waste money, she turned to him, or simply ran away.

The most important thing is that Shi Ting wants to buy everything when she sees it. When she has no money, she swipes her credit card. Her financial situation is in a mess!

This is basically the case every time: Shi Ting spent too much money at the beginning, afraid that he would say that she would hide her ideas from him, tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall. Will do this again, but I can't help but buy it next time.

In the years when he was in a bad mood, her sister was inattentive and even ruined her credit report.

His sister also has him. If it wasn't for him, or if he didn't have money, this would probably be someone who could not get out of the online loan pit and drag the whole family down... Lao Lai.

What made him angry was that his two brother-in-laws had almost the same kind of virtue—even though they were incompetent, they still wanted to be good at everything.

It's just that the former is too ugly, and that person's parents are even more difficult to explain. The milk powder he bought for his niece, even a grandmother can hide it from her granddaughter... As for the latter, he has done his duty as an old white face.

Shi Zhen had a problem with his younger sister in his previous life, but now that he saw the fourteen-year-old girl running towards him, he remembered various things about her when she was a child.

Their mother's health is not very good, so she can only do simple housework at home, at most take care of the vegetable fields in front of and behind the house.

After her sister was born, her mother's health was even worse.

Although he was young at that time, he knew that he couldn't be tired of his mother, so he always helped to take care of his younger sister.

He fed his sister, coaxed her to sleep, and when her sister was a little older, he would probably drag a small oil bottle by his feet when he went out to play.

When his mother died, his sister was only four years old, and the skinny little man howled in his arms for two nights.

The land in their mountains is completely different from the fertile fields in Anshan Town.

Anshan Town is located in the plain, and the country's land is also nearby. The villagers go out to farm the fields, carrying their hoes and walking to the sky for ten minutes. It is very convenient to come and go. If you are thirsty, go home and drink water. It doesn't matter at all.

But here they... Their land is not near the village at all. When his father went to farm, he often had to climb a mountain for half an hour.

Their land is also very barren, and there is no river on the mountain, so they often have to carry water for irrigation.

Also, they grow shiitake mushrooms, not in greenhouses as they did later. They all go to the mountains to pick suitable wood and cut holes on them to grow them.

His dad went out to work, usually for a whole day, not likely to work all morning, come back and cook for them and then go back to work.

Therefore, when his mother died, he and his sister were unable to go to school.

First, his sister was always crying and couldn't live without him. Second, the elementary school was quite far away. At the age of eight, he couldn't take his sister on the mountain road for more than an hour to go to school.

At that time, he could only watch his sister cook at home and take care of the vegetable field at home.

It is also because of this that his father hurriedly married his stepmother.

After his stepmother came, his sister was taken care of, and he was freed from housework and could continue to study. Later, their family bought sheep to raise, and life was getting better and better.

Therefore, Shi Zhen has always respected his stepmother.

As for his sister... He has to admit that when he was young, the most important thing in this family was his sister.

After all, it was his own poop and pee to pull it big.

Seeing his younger sister now, Shi Zhen is more like seeing his daughter.

His "daughter" must not be raised crookedly in this life.

"Brother, you're back!" Shi Ting saw Shi Zhen, laughed at first, then cried with a "wow", and reached out to hug Shi Zhen: "I miss you so much!"

Shi Zhen was caught off guard, and was a little embarrassed to pat her on the shoulder. Some time ago, he didn't think much about this sister.

Fortunately, Shi Ting didn't know, she let go of Shi Zhen after hugging her: "Brother, did you bring me something good when you came back?"

Shi Zhen took out peanuts for her to eat: "No."

Shi Ting was a little disappointed at first, but her eyes lit up when she saw the peanuts, she ate it quickly, and asked Shi Zhen if she wanted it.

Shi Zhen said no, she just stuffed them into her mouth one by one, saying it was delicious.

Thinking that 20 years later, Shi Ting will hardly eat at home, so she likes to look for food everywhere, and occasionally comes to see him and he cooks, but Shi Ting doesn't like to eat either... Shi Zhen thinks that her younger sister is still cute at this time.

Shi Zhen regained his senses, and saw a colorful headband on his sister's head.

This red and green color match... Even if Shi Zhen likes bright colors, he still finds it ugly.

"Your headband..."

"Brother, I made this myself, isn't it beautiful?" Shi Ting's eyes lit up, "I learned it from others, you can make it by weaving wool onto a rubber band!"

Shi Zhen said with difficulty: "Not bad."

Shi Ting said again: "Brother, some people in our school use rubber bands bought in the county seat. That's good-looking. They also have cards... Brother, I want them too."

Shi Zhen: "…"

Shi Ting didn't realize Shi Zhen's speechlessness, and said again: "By the way, brother, do you know Huluwa? Someone in our class bought Huluwa's pencil case. The pencil case has two layers!"

Shi Ting didn't ask for a pencil case, but her eyes clearly wanted it.

Shi Zhen sighed secretly and said, "Tingting, I came back to take you to the place where I work and live with me. When I get there, I will buy it for you."

His sister really liked these since she was a child.

Although he wanted his sister to change, he really wanted to not buy it for her at all, and the suppression would be ruthless. In the future, his sister might rebound even more severely.

Only teach slowly.

"Brother, you are so kind!" Shi Ting said happily, and began to tell Shi Zhen about the school.

Shi Zhen's village is considered poor, and Shi Ting is also considered poor in their school, but the little girl is beautiful and will not be bullied.

Even when she was chatting with Shi Zhen, her focus was very crooked. She always said that whoever was wearing new clothes, whoever used vanishing cream, and whoever could eat several packs of instant noodles a week.

Shi Zhen: "…"

He remembered that his sister's focus was so crooked in her previous life.

He didn't think much about it at that time, only felt distressed - how could his precious sister not have something that others have

After all the money, he is very happy to spend money for his sister. Whatever his sister wants, he can buy everything he can.

In addition, he loved face at that time, and he didn't like to tell his family when it was a little difficult, so his sister became more and more able to spend...

After Shi Zhen fed his sister peanuts, he first took his sister to the school dormitory.

In fact, it can't be called a dormitory, it's just a big shop, and a small room can live in twenty or thirty people.

In the dark room, one after another was less than one meter wide, and the wooden beds were placed against the wall. Some personal items were placed on them. These things were also written with names or marks. His sister's bed was in the middle, among the piles of beds, it was considered clean and tidy, and there was a jar of pickles on the bedside.

His sister acted like a spoiled brat: "Brother, after you left, I ate pickles every day, and I almost vomited!" In the past, her brother would give her food, and occasionally she could eat rabbit meat, which was very fragrant.

Shi Ting showed a greedy look.

Shi Zhen: "…"

Shi Zhen chatted with his sister, and then went to ask about the transfer.

At the same time, Anshan Town.

Guan Baiyu is preparing skewers with Shi Xinghuo.

Before Shi Zhen left, let him rest at home and wait for the results to come out.

But he felt that he didn't need to rest, and in contrast, he wanted to do something for Shi Zhen.

For such a thing as setting up a stall, it is originally a long time not to set up, the customers are easy to run away, and there may be an exact same stall coming out and directly stealing all the business.

His brother accompany him to take the high school entrance examination, and he stopped for two days. This time, he will stop for a few more days... What should I do if the business is robbed by others after not showing up for so long

With this in mind, the night Shi Zhen left, Guan Baiyu pushed the kushikatsu stall to town to sell kushikatsu.

Before Shi Zhen set up a stall, he often came to help, but now that Shi Zhen is away, he manages the stall alone, and it is not a problem.

With the experience of setting up a fried skewer stall, Guan Baiyu set up a stall selling rice balls the next morning.

Shi Zhen didn't have a particularly good craftsmanship, and the business he chose to do was very simple. Guan Baiyu got started very quickly, and he did the business in a decent manner.

In this way, Guan Baiyu has been doing business for two days.

He was doing the work that Shi Zhen was used to, and Shi Xinghuo helped, but he was still very, very tired, and his hands and feet were sore.

When his brother started, no one helped him. Some time ago, in addition to setting up a stall, his brother was also responsible for arranging the rented house...

Guan Baiyu was very distressed, and then he worked more seriously.

His brother's relatives are coming. Although his brother doesn't talk about his family, he still values his family based on his performance.

He behaves a little more capable, his brother might think that he is better than his sisters and sisters, and his brother's family should like him a little more.

Guan Baiyu went to set up a stall in the town that night, and found that there were a few more stalls in the town.

Recently, more and more people come out to play at night. Naturally, there are others like them who are thinking about setting up stalls.

Next to Guan Baiyu, there was a stall selling vermicelli soup and dried stinky tofu, and there were also several tables set up in this stall for those who came to eat.

The stall owner is a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s. He sells beef vermicelli soup for 50 cents a bowl and fried stinky tofu for 50 cents and 6 dollars. The business is pretty good.

Guan Baiyu was selling when he saw one of his female classmates come to his stall with a man of about the same age.

If there is no accident, the two should be talking about objects.

Before Guan Baiyu came to help Shi Zhen, he met a lot of people he knew, but this was the first time he met a classmate, and his classmate even talked about someone...

Guan Baiyu looked at the other party curiously.

"Guan Baiyu, are you selling fried skewers?" The girl was curious.

"Well," Guan Baiyu smiled at her, "Do you want to buy it?"

The girl looked at the boy beside her, and the boy immediately asked her what she wanted to eat, and then the two chose something for two dollars.

The fried skewers sold by Guan Baiyu are at least 50 cents for the meaty ones, while the plain fried skewers like rice cakes and dried tofu can be bought for 50 cents for two skewers.

After all, these things are cheap.

Guan Baiyu helped her to fry it, sprinkled chili powder and handed it to her, and she asked, "Guan Baiyu, are you still going to study?"

Guan Baiyu laughed: "Go."

"Then you now..."

"Earn tuition." Guan Baiyu laughed.

The girl sighed with emotion: "It's good... I'm not going to study anymore, it's too annoying! Guan Baiyu, I've found a job now. I work in a sofa factory. When you want to buy a sofa, you can come to our factory."

One after another, others came to buy fried skewers, and the girl walked away with the boy beside her.

Guan Baiyu always thought that he would feel embarrassed when he saw his classmates while setting up a stall.

But actually not.

Right now, he just misses his brother.

I don't know when his brother will be back...

Shi Zhen stayed in the village for three days before leaving with his family.

There is a big business in Anshan Town, and he can't leave it behind for too long.

The most important thing is that Guan Baiyu's results are coming out soon, and he wants to go back and see.

Shi Dalin agreed to go with Shi Zhen, and of course Zhao Meiyun would follow. Both Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun had to leave, and Zhao Qiujuan would not stay in the mountains.

As for Shi Ting... Shi Zhen promised her that he would buy her a nice pencil case and schoolbag and issue a card after going out... She was the one who wanted to go outside the most.

Zhao Dongjuan didn't look good all the time, but she wouldn't stay. In the end, the whole family left the mountain with big bags and small bags.

Shi Dalin was reluctant to keep everything at home, so he took everything he could with him, so that each of them had to take a lot of things.

The ones who took the most were of course Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin, and Zhao Qiujuan also took a lot.

Zhao Meiyun's waist is not good in recent years, so she takes less things. As for Zhao Dongjuan...

The things she was originally asked to take were only slightly less than Zhao Qiujuan, but she opened her mouth to explain why Shi Ting didn't need to take so many things.

Indeed, Shi Ting carried her schoolbag and her clothes, but did not take anything else.

She is the youngest after all, and she is still Shi Dalin's own daughter, and Shi Zhen spoils her again... Zhao Meiyun usually doesn't let her work.

In order to avoid trouble, Shi Zhen would probably take some of the things Zhao Dongjuan had to carry on his back and tell Zhao Dongjuan to shut up.

But this time, after thinking about it, he took a pack of things from what Zhao Dongjuan was in charge of taking and gave it to his sister, and asked her sister to take it.

Shi Ting didn't feel anything wrong, she just wanted to go outside to live a good life, happily holding it in her hand.

But after walking a mountain road with something, Shi Ting couldn't do it: "Brother, I can't walk anymore."

"I carry more than three times as many things as you." Shi Zhen glanced at her, he and Shi Dalin directly carried the burden!

Shi Ting burst into tears.

Shi Dalin couldn't see his daughter like this, so he immediately said, "Tingting, give your father something."

Shi Ting was about to give it when Shi Zhen said, "Tingting, my father is not too young, and he is tired too."

"Then..." Shi Ting was pitiful.

Shi Zhen said: "You carry it on your back... When you get to town, I'll buy popsicles for you to eat."

Shi Ting swallowed and continued on the road.

She was tired all the way, and she was swaying when she got there. At this time, Shi Zhen said again: "Tingting, do you like dresses? The big red one, hold on, wait until Anshan Town, I will give it to you. Buy one."

Shi Ting suddenly regained his spirits.

Seeing his sister like this, Shi Zhen wanted to laugh a little.

Walking on the mountain road is completely different from walking on the flat land, especially if you occasionally go uphill, it is really tiring.

Shi Zhen felt that his sister's physical strength at the moment was really good.

Twenty years later, even if his sister didn't bring anything, she might not be able to walk this way!

While walking, Shi Zhen followed his stepmother all the time. On the way, he helped his stepmother carry something on the back: "Aunt Zhao, your waist is not good, don't carry too heavy things."

His stepmother broke her leg when he went to work with his father in his last life, and now he is afraid that something will happen to his stepmother on the way out.

Hearing what Shi Zhen said, Zhao Meiyun was very moved, so Zhao Dongjuan secretly said "fake kindness", but no one cares about her.

They went all the way to the place where Shi Ting was in junior high school, and then Shi Zhen spent money and asked someone to take them to the county seat by tractor.

Their family usually buys something, or does some errands, and they are all in the nearby towns, and the county towns don't come very often.

But except for Zhao Meiyun, everyone else has been here.

Zhao Qiujuan is 20 years old this year. She actually said a marriage before. Shi Zhen was sixteen and she was eighteen at that time.

Thinking that his sister was going to get married and that he should buy something to dress up, Shi Zhen brought his sister and sister to the county town and bought some food.

But that marriage didn't work out in the end.

Zhao Meiyun still loves her two daughters very much. As for Shi Dalin, because Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Dongjuan were very old when they came with Zhao Meiyun, their surname was not Shi, so Shi Dalin meant that the two stepdaughters got married and gave a betrothal gift. He doesn't want it, and he doesn't give him a dowry.

Of course, the Shi family is their natal family, he recognizes this matter, and if there is anything that needs to be contributed, he is willing to contribute.

Shi Dalin's approach is actually better than that of many relatives.

Many relatives took the dowry and did not give the dowry!

When Zhao Meiyun got this from Shi Dalin, she was very happy, and she felt that her daughter would be able to speak to a good family.

At that time, Zhao Qiujuan did meet someone with a good family background, and Zhao Meiyun was also easy to talk. She told the family that the dowry should be given according to the number of people around her, and she would leave it all to her daughter as a dowry.

Zhao Meiyun said this because she wanted the family to value her daughter, but when the family heard what she said, they didn't want to give the betrothal gift.

Said that since it was a cutscene, they would not borrow money to save face.

Also, according to local customs, the man's family will send wine and pork to the woman's family, as well as some miscellaneous things. Generally, the woman's family will take these, add some eggs or something, and hold a wedding banquet.

As a result, the family said that Shi Dalin was not Zhao Qiujuan's biological father, so there was no need to send wine and meat, they didn't give it away! .

If the family really wanted to talk about it, they saw that the Shi family was good to talk, and they had to make an inch.

This incident made Zhao Meiyun angry, and Shi Dalin and Shi Zhen were also annoyed, and the marriage finally came to an end.

Zhao Qiujuan is not worried about getting married!

In the countryside in Anshan Town, there are more men than women, not to mention them in the mountains. Although Zhao Qiujuan looks average, but she works neatly, she is already the best girl, and many people want to marry her!

By the way, after the Shi family refused to talk about the marriage, the family came up again, saying that the marriage could be discussed slowly, that they were willing to double the amount of pork and wine, and that the bride price could be returned without dowry... They kept saying that they really wanted it. Zhao Qiujuan only wants Zhao Qiujuan.

Of course, Zhao Qiujuan didn't get married in the end, and Zhao Meiyun was looking for a better husband's family for her recently.

If Zhao Meiyun didn't break her leg in her previous life, Zhao Qiujuan would have married well. With her character, as long as she didn't encounter a top-notch husband's family or other accidents, her life would not be too bad.

Their mountains have changed little over the years, but the county town remains the same every year.

The county seat at this moment is much more prosperous than when Shi Zhen brought a few sisters here.

Shi Ting turned her head, her eyes lit up.

Shi Zhen thought about his promise to buy her ice lollies before, so he found a store, and bought six ice lollies for two cents apiece, one for each family member.

"I do not need… "

"What popsicles do I eat!"

Zhao Meiyun and Shi Dalin were a little embarrassed and refused to eat.

Shi Zhen said: "Eat, what is this?"

Zhao Meiyun and Shi Dalin still ate.

This kind of two-haired popsicle is not small, and it is very sweet to eat. After sucking the sweetness, there is only one piece of ice left.

But in summer, ice is also delicious.

Shi Ting squinted her eyes and asked Shi Zhen, "Brother, what are we going to eat tonight?"

When she said that, she looked at the steamed bun shop not far away.