Reborn to Strive

Chapter 52


Shi Zhen was in the city before, and when he saw someone embroidering, he realized that it was a kind of work that he could take home to do, and he wanted to do it. There is a reason for this.

He remembered that before the Qingming Festival, he asked someone in the village to help him fold ingots, and the money he gave was very small, but everyone was willing.

After all, it was because most of the older women in the village were unemployed and had no money.

He took such a job back, and he could make money himself, and he could also make money for them.

If there is no money in hand, then no matter what you do, you will have no confidence. The society is so realistic, so if there is an opportunity, the villagers are willing to find jobs.

The driver of the sweater factory recognizes the road in Ansan Town.

He drove very fast, and he didn't need to stop halfway like a bus, so he arrived at Anshan Town in less than half an hour, and under Shi Zhen's guidance, he drove the car into Guan Baiyu's village.

The roads in the village are relatively small, but fortunately, trucks can pass.

After Guan Jianguo, because Guan Jianguo had a tractor, the road to the door of his drying yard was widened, so that trucks could drive in and make a U-turn on his drying yard.

Now is not the age of seven or eight years, there are not many cars on the road, and the children can't help but catch up when they see one occasionally.

But suddenly an unfamiliar truck came, and the people who were idle nearby were still in the sun and gathered together.

Shi Zhen pointed to Guan Guangguo's house, and told Mr. Zhou that it was his relative's house. He also said that he usually rented and lived in the town. Sweaters are all embroidered for the villagers.

The manager Zhou saw Shi Zhen smiling and greeting the people in the village. He obviously knew each other, but he didn't doubt what Shi Zhen said.

Although Shi Zhen looks average in clothes, he can tell from his conversation and his handwriting that he is educated and his family situation should be good.

Such a person will not go to great lengths to deceive him about two hundred sweaters.

These two hundred sweaters are worth more than the thousand yuan deposit that Shi Zhen placed with him, but the sweaters produced by their factory are not pure wool, and the cost is estimated to be around one thousand yuan.

When Shi Zhen went out to sell rice balls this morning, he asked Guan Baiyu and Shi Xinghuo to help clean the house where he and Shi Xinghuo lived.

Even he and Shi Xinghuo's bed, he let them move to Guan Baiyu's house.

From now on, he and Shi Xinghuo slept outside Guan Baiyu's house.

Shi Xinghuo's work is not necessarily reliable, but Guan Baiyu's work is absolutely reliable. When Shi Zhen opened the door, he saw that the house was cleaned up and the ground was covered with plastic sheets.

It was the plastic sheet he bought before to keep out the rain on rainy days.

After Mr. Zhou read it, he felt relieved. He left 200 sweaters, told Shi Zhen to come get them the day after tomorrow, left a phone number, and left.

When he left, someone came to ask Shi Zhen what this person was here for.

Shi Zhen didn't hide it, and directly told them that he took over the job and asked people to help with embroidery.

He took out the sample again and said: "I don't know how to embroider this flower now, and there is only one sample... I need to think about the embroidery method first. Do you have a good handwork? Can you embroider with me? Try one piece, don't worry, as long as the embroidered one can pass the customs, I will definitely give you money here."

Most people in the village are not confident, and they have never seen anyone embroidering like this. Many people hesitate to speak.

In the end, it was Guan Baiyu's adoptive mother, Zhang Xiumei, who stood up: "It doesn't look difficult to embroider, I can try it... How much does it cost to embroider one piece?"

Shi Zhendao: "I can give you a little more for the embroidery sample, and one piece of embroidery is one yuan. Of course, for the sample, my request will be higher."

The pattern on this dress is a bit cumbersome. It is necessary to fix the paper with the printed pattern on the dress, and then embroider according to the pattern above.

Of course, it is a sweater after all, and the thread used for embroidery is also wool, which is relatively thick, so the speed of embroidery should not be too slow, and it will not take a whole day to embroider one piece.

This dress, the price given by the sweater factory, is one yuan and two hairs for embroidery.

Shi Zhen planned to try embroidering it himself. After determining the time it would take to embroider one piece, he would calculate the price and send it to the villagers.

Generally speaking, if you can earn fifty cents for an hour of embroidery, the women in the village are very happy to do it. If you can earn one yuan an hour, they are very happy... He had asked them to fold ingots before, but they were busy for hours, and they could only earn two!

At this time, manpower is really cheap.

After Zhang Xiumei stood up first, other women soon said they wanted to try embroidery samples.

Shi Zhen has also lived in the village for a few months. He probably knew the situation of these people, so he chose a few and embroidered with him.

The women looked around the samples for a long time before they started embroidering.

They are doing this kind of work for the first time, and they are very careful not to make mistakes, and they also strive to embroider exactly the same as the sample.

Even the petals of a flower, they embroidered a few stitches, they all counted in advance.

Shi Zhen also took a piece of clothes to embroider.

People who have done a lot of farm work, such as his father, will have particularly thick hands, which are full of chapped, sometimes chapped so much that they have to wrap their fingers with tape or something.

With such a hand, it will be more difficult to do fine work, and it will not be able to hold the needle and thread.

However, he is still young, so it is not so serious. Although there are calluses on his hands, they are not chapped.

The needle for embroidering the sweater is still thick and long, and he has no problem holding it.

Shi Zhen took the needle and followed suit.

He is not good at everything, but he has worked a lot since he was a child, and has always been very hands-on, and he can embroider exactly the same as the sample.

For a piece of clothing, Shi Zhen stopped and embroidered it for fifty minutes.

Before he finished embroidering, Zhang Xiumei had already embroidered one piece, and among the others, some had finished embroidering and some had not finished embroidering.

This is their first time embroidering, so it will be a little slower, Shi Zhen pondered, this dress can be embroidered quickly, after a few more pieces, it should be able to embroider two pieces in an hour.

If the embroidery is slow, it is estimated that only one piece can be embroidered in an hour.

Shi Zhen thought for a while and gave the price of the embroidered clothes: "I still need more than a dozen samples of this clothes. You can embroider the samples here at one yuan. After the samples are embroidered, you can take the clothes from me and go back to embroider. Seven cents a piece, take it today and give it to me tomorrow."

These women were apprehensive at first, afraid that they would not be able to do this job, but now that they have embroidered one piece, they have a bottom line.

They usually have to cook and have a lot of work at home, but after dinner, they can spare at least seven or eight hours to embroider.

After you are done, you can make at least ten yuan for embroidery a day

That month is three hundred!

Shi Zhen also gave them this price after calculating it.

Although he exploited a lot, but... who made him short of money now

Just be a capitalist.

When these women were embroidering the samples, other people in the village came to watch, such as Guan Jianguo's mother, who came to see it. She asked for clothes and embroidered beside her.

It's embroidered well!

After twenty samples were collected, Shi Zhen began to distribute the sweaters in his hands.

Some people tried to get ten or fifteen pieces, but Zhang Xiumei was ruthless and asked for thirty pieces.

"Auntie, can you finish embroidering?" Shi Zhen was a little worried.

Zhang Xiumei said, "You forgot, Jin Jin is on summer vacation!"

Shi Zhen: "..." This is to ask Guan Jinjin to help with embroidery? But Zhang Xiumei's family still raises chickens... But there's not much work in the fields recently, and Guan Guangguo has also raised chickens. Those chickens can be taken care of by Guan Guangguo alone.

Of course, the biggest reason why Zhang Xiumei came to him to do the work should be that raising chickens is not profitable.

Recently, near Anshan Town, many people keep chickens at home. The price of chickens has not been able to go up, but the feed is more expensive because more people buy it.

The sweater factory only gave Shi Zhen 200 sweaters, ten for you and 20 for me. These clothes were quickly picked up by the women in the village.

As for Shi Zhen, he used a notebook to write down the names of each woman and the number of clothes they took away.

Of course, he also specifically explained to them that they should not get their clothes dirty. They should be more careful when embroidering. If the embroidery is not good enough, he wants them to rework them.

They were all from the village, and Shi Zhen knew that they would not hide their clothes after taking them away.

But if he didn't pay attention and sent them more, for example, he wrote down ten pieces for them, and finally gave them eleven pieces, then they would probably keep the extra piece from him.

Therefore, even if these clothes were already bundled in bundles of ten when they were delivered, Shi Zhen still counted them carefully before giving them to them, and let them count them on the spot.

Giving too much clothes will not work, and giving too little will certainly not work.

After everyone left, Shi Zhen relaxed.

With these two hundred pieces of clothes, after deducting the extra money paid by people to make samples and the rebate to the general manager Zhou, he could earn about 70.

So sometimes finding the right way to do business really earns more than working hard.

This job is undoubtedly the easiest but the most profitable of all the jobs he has done since his rebirth. When the business is on the right track, he may be able to earn a hundred a day.

Not to mention that he doesn't plan to do just this, he also wants to go to the town to set up a stall selling cold drinks at night.

Shi Zhen planned his future and planned to buy the freezer as soon as possible.

Of course, he had to wait for the business in his hand to get on the right track for a few days.

If he can contact a few more sweater factories, maybe in the future, there will be hundreds of women in this village and nearby villages who will take work from him.

In the 1990s, there were quite a few villages that made money by doing this kind of handicraft. For example, in some villages, the whole village made lighters together.

In some villages, the whole village uses glue to stick hairpins together.

And the whole village stringed beads together and made bracelets and necklaces.

On their side, is it good for the whole village to do secondary processing of sweaters together

Shi Zhen was very busy. He went to Changxi City early in the morning, and the others were just as busy.

After Guan Baiyu helped Shi Zhen clean up the Guan Jianguo house rented by Shi Zhen in the morning, he went to the town to teach Shi Ting a lesson.

He found that Shi Ting's foundation was very poor, so he took his elementary school textbooks to Shi's house, and started teaching from punctuation marks and land acquisition.

Cough cough... This teaching, he found that his basic foundation is not very good.

And Shi Ting's math is really not very good.

Guan Baiyu was very serious about teaching, teaching and teaching, and saw Zhao Qiujuan come back with the rice ball stall.

Guan Baiyu stood up immediately: "Sister, where is my brother?"

Zhao Qiujuan said, "Azhen has gone to Changxi City."

"Oh..." Guan Baiyu was a little disappointed.

Zhao Qiujuan is very happy, she has done business independently today, and she has handled so much money, and she always feels that she is not the same.

"I sell rice balls in the morning, and I have some peanuts and egg skins left. Do you want to eat them?" Zhao Qiujuan asked.

Guan Baiyu is not very interested, but Shi Ting is interested: "Yes!"

Zhao Qiujuan took it out and gave it to Shi Ting.

When making rice balls, each ingredient must be scooped with a spoon. Later, these ingredients are easy to mix together.

For example, there are pickles and mustard in peanuts.

This thing looked a bit dirty, but Shi Ting didn't dislike it. After all, she couldn't eat it before, so she took a chopstick to eat it.

At this time, Zhao Dongjuan also came and grabbed a handful of peanuts.

Shi Ting didn't feel that anything was wrong, but Guan Baiyu was a little speechless - would it not be good to grab it directly

Well, he was infected by his brother and loved to be clean.

Zhao Meiyun began to ask Zhao Qiujuan about the stalls.

Shi Zhen planned to give the stall to Zhao Qiujuan, and Zhao Meiyun was very happy when she learned of this.

Going to a stall can make money!

Her eldest daughter has an income, and she can marry better in the future.

Zhao Meiyun's knowledge is about getting married.

Zhao Qiujuan happily talked to her mother about the previous stalls, and said, "Mom, I think I can learn it in one more day."

"Have you learned to be a white worker?" Zhao Dongjuan asked.

Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Meiyun were speechless for a while.

Zhao Qiujuan paused and said, "Azhen said, I will give this stall to me in the future, and the money I make will also be mine."

"It's a good thing for you to get up before dawn," Zhao Dongjuan said. "He must be tired of doing this, so he asked you to do it."

Guan Baiyu was a little stunned.

His brother used to get up every morning to sell rice balls and fried skewers at night, and he had to cook meat for the deli stall during the period. He was so busy that he didn’t have time to sleep. Occasionally, he could fall asleep after resting on the straw for a while, just for the family’s well-being.

Even if this person doesn't appreciate it, he's still yin and yang weird

If it wasn't for the unfamiliarity, if it wasn't for Zhao Meiyun and the others being embarrassed, Guan Baiyu really wanted to say something to Zhao Dongjuan.

But this is Shi Zhen's family...

Zhao Qiujuan was also angry: "It's not like he hasn't done it before, he was the one who set up this stall before!"

That said, but Zhao Qiujuan can't do anything about Zhao Dongjuan.

Zhao Dongjuan is so old, she can't beat her.

Sometimes, in order to prevent her from causing trouble, she and her mother even thought of ways to give her more benefits.

Shi Zhen's rice ball stall has not yet been fully handed over to Zhao Qiujuan.

But the fried skewer stall, he has completely given it to his parents.

Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun didn't know much about arithmetic. They came back late yesterday, so they didn't count the profit, but they always felt hot when they received more than 100 yuan in their hands.

In order to change the subject at this moment, Shi Dalin asked Guan Baiyu to help calculate the profit of their stall.

What was prepared at the booth yesterday, there are roughly a few, although there are differences in some places, but still can calculate the approximate profit.

Guan Baiyu did the math for them, and found that they earned more than twenty yuan yesterday.

When Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun got this answer, they were stunned.

How can they earn so much in one day

No, it can't be said that one day, they are busy for a long time.

No wonder their son had to let them go outside, it was so nice outside.

People from their village should also come outside.

Zhao Qiujuan was also a little confused: "Can you earn so much by setting up a stall?"

Guan Baiyu said: "Selling fried skewers makes more money, not necessarily for rice ball stalls, but if you have additional orders, you can earn so much. Unfortunately, my brother was too busy before and needed help from others, so the money I earned, He didn't take it all."

Shi Dalin and the others knew about this, and Shi Xinghuo had saved a thousand!

And no matter what kind of business, it is always difficult to do it at the beginning. How to buy and deal with the materials is a problem. They also have Shi Zhenjiao, so it is easy to get started.

When Shi Zhen started doing it, it must have been difficult.

Guan Baiyu ate at Shi's house at noon, and he also bought the food.

Shi Zhen was afraid that if he and Guan Baiyu didn't buy it, the family would eat something random, so he instructed Guan Baiyu to buy some meat dishes and eggs.

However, the cooking was taken away by Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Qiujuan. While the two were doing it, they also complained that Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu bought too much food.

After dinner, Guan Baiyu taught Shi Ting for a while. During this period, Zhao Qiujuan also came over and listened to the class together.

Zhao Qiujuan wanted to listen, but Guan Baiyu was very happy and taught Zhao Qiujuan pinyin seriously.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that Guan Baiyu stopped and prepared to go home.

His brother... should have come back, right

Guan Baiyu hurriedly ran home and saw Guan Jianguo rented a house to his brother. His brother was sitting on a bamboo chair, holding a sweater in his hand, bowing his head very seriously... Embroidery

Shi Zhen thought that he was fine tonight, so he kept a few sweaters for himself to embroider, after all, he could make money.

He was so used to his work that he felt a little uncomfortable when he stopped.

Seeing Guan Baiyu, he casually let go of his clothes: "Xiaoyu, are you back?"