Reborn to Strive

Chapter 54


"Brother..." Shi Ting looked at Shi Zhen tearfully.

Today Guan Baiyu told him a lot about Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen embroidering at home is a trivial matter. In contrast, some other scenes of Shi Zhen's hard work made her even more uncomfortable.

It turns out that her brother is so pitiful!

Zhao Qiujuan only heard Guan Baiyu's last words, but she couldn't help but panic - after Shi Zhen gave her the stall, went to embroider

This this…

She felt that the stall was a bit hot, but in fact, she could embroider...

Shi Dalin, Zhao Meiyun and the others had nothing to do and were sitting beside them. It was also uncomfortable to hear. Zhao Meiyun said, "Ah Zhen, otherwise you'll have to set up the fried skewer stall..."

As long as they have food to eat, they don't need such a stall.

Shi Zhen said: "Aunt Zhao, you can just set up the stall, I'm going to do something else."

Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun always felt embarrassed.

Shi Zhen felt a sense of relief.

He had been in charge of his family for too long in his last life. Although he took them out in this life, to be honest, he didn't plan to take care of them like he did in his previous life.

His parents really want to say that they are not too old. With a kushiage stall, they can definitely support themselves, so that he can let go and do his own thing.

Before it was time to eat, Shi Zhen told them something about doing business: "Mom and Dad, and sister, when you collect money, you must be careful, if someone comes with a hundred-yuan bill. When you buy things, you directly say that you can’t find them, don’t take money from others, so as not to receive fakes.”

"Some people are preoccupied with buying things, so don't pay too much attention to them."

"Don't get tired of setting up a stall, and you must pay attention to what you eat... You should eat some meat at every meal, some eggs every day, and less sweet and oily things."

Shi Zhen slowly explained his parents.

"Azhen?" Shi Dalin felt that what Shi Zhen explained at the beginning was no problem. Later, the more Shi Zhen said more carefully, he felt that something was wrong.

Shi Zhen said: "Dad, I found a job, that is, I got a sweater and sent it to the villagers for embroidery. This job requires me to watch from the village, and I won't come to dinner in the future."

In the future, I'm afraid that many people will bring him sweaters every day and give him their embroidered sweaters... He'd better stay there all day.

And... he didn't want to be here.

When his stepmother came to his house, he was already nine years old, and they were separated by a floor. Moreover, his stepmother and Zhao Qiujuan were traditional women who were brainwashed. He used to be fine when he was a child. With him, it's kind of flattering.

This time he brought them out of the mountains, and they were even more sincere, but he was not used to it.

As for his dad, his dad has always been the kind of person who only knows how to work hard and rarely communicate with them. Their father and son, they didn't talk much before.

Needless to say, Zhao Dongjuan, no one likes being targeted.

Now that the family has income, the income from the stall can still be obtained on the same day... He doesn't have to look after everything.

Shi Zhen said: "Dad, I'm too busy, I can't bear to come here."

Shi Zhen said that he would not come to eat in the future, and emphasized the matter of diet: "Dad, eating too much sugar is not good for your health, you must pay attention..."

Shi Dalin was puzzled: "Why is eating sugar a bad thing?"

"If you eat too much, you will get sick." Shi Zhen said.

Shi Dalin felt a little weird.

But he always felt that he was illiterate, so he was willing to listen to his children, so he thought about eating less.

Other things, Shi Zhen did not explain, his parents are so old, he does not need to be raised as a child.

They may be reluctant to eat and drink now, but there are more stalls, and after earning money, they will always be willing to do so.

After Shi Zhen had eaten, he left with Guan Baiyu and Shi Ting.

He planned to let Shi Ting go to their side in the future and follow Guan Baiyu to class.

Put Shi Ting under your nose, always feel relieved.

Shi Zhen took Shi Ting and Guan Baiyu away, and Zhao Meiyun said to Shi Dalin: "I don't know where A Zhen lives, it's not far, it shouldn't be far, right? I can give him something to eat in the future. A little, I have nothing to do during the day."

Zhao Dongjuan stabbed a sentence: "Do you think people don't like you for something like this?"

"Dongjuan!" Zhao Meiyun said angrily.

"You set up a stall and can earn more than 20 a day. Big sister's rice ball stall can also earn more than ten yuan a day, right? He could earn 1,000 a month before, but he has been hiding it from us, and I don't know how much he has secretly hidden. Money." Zhao Dongjuan said.

Zhao Meiyun didn't expect Zhao Dongjuan to say this, and looked at Shi Dalin worriedly, for fear that Shi Dalin would be angry.

Shi Dalin didn't say anything, but Zhao Qiujuan summoned his courage and said: "After he came out, did he have the capital to make a stall immediately? Renting an apartment to buy ingredients requires money. The two cauldrons in my stall are just It needs a lot of money! Brother Xinghuo also said that his dredging work was initially given by Azhen, and the money Azhen made from dredging was enough to buy anything. I am afraid he borrowed money to buy many things. , will I have to pay back the money later? And the gas stove and rice cooker at home, and the tricycle that A Zhen rides, this is also a big deal!"

Zhao Qiujuan also secretly made an account, and Shi Zhen brought her several pots, rice cookers, and this cart for this rice ball stand for her... This can't be hundreds of thousands!

She was worried that Shi Zhen had no money to spend.

Zhao Dongjuan choked and was speechless.

Zhao Meiyun said to Shi Dalin: "Dalin, Dongjuan, she is not sensible..."

Zhao Meiyun was very afraid of Shi Dalin's anger, and was very dependent on Shi Dalin. Shi Zhen was sure before that as long as his dad was willing to come out, Zhao Meiyun would definitely come out too, because of this.

It's dependent, not emotional.

On their side, everyone works hard. After paying the food every year, the remaining rations are not enough to eat. They always find a place to open up wasteland and grow some potatoes and sweet potatoes, so that the family will not be hungry.

When life has exhausted its strength, everyone will not talk about feelings, but pay more attention to reality.

Zhao Meiyun didn't divorce the man in front of her because she gave birth to four daughters. She divorced because she couldn't have children.

There was no family planning at that time. If she could still give birth, no one would want her no matter what.

I don't know how much it will cost to get another wife.

And she was a woman who couldn't give birth, and she also had two daughters. It was really difficult for her to remarry. It was also a coincidence that she met Shi Dalin.

But she and Shi Dalin didn't have a child, and when Shi Dalin's child is older, Shi Dalin can completely drive her away... Others will say that she is pitiful, but for Shi Dalin, it is beneficial.

Zhao Meiyun wanted to marry Zhao Qiujuan in their village, just hoping that someone would take care of her.

As a result, Zhao Dongjuan always found trouble for her at home.

At this time, Shi Dalin finally said: "Dong Juan, are you an adult too? You already have an ID card. If you think of something, go find a job."

Zhao Dongjuan's expression stiffened.

Shi Dalin said nothing.

He didn't want to be told that he treated his stepdaughter harshly. If there was any problem with the two stepdaughters, they usually didn't speak.

If his son is disobedient, he will beat and scold.

But his son is obedient, so he doesn't need to beat and scold him... Whether it's his son or Zhao Qiujuan, they are both diligent people. If there is any work at home, they can do it easily.

Over the years, Zhao Dongjuan has always been angry at home, and Shi Dalin is also annoyed. After eating, he said to Zhao Meiyun: "Azhen told me before that I should not give Tingting money, lest Tingting learn badly, Dongjuan Don't give money there, don't give her money, she will always find a way to find a job to do it."

Zhao Meiyun agreed immediately.

Shi Dalin doesn't care about the family's account. He will count the money he makes from buying fried skewers, but let Zhao Meiyun hold it, let her look at the household expenses, and then say: "We can earn enough, just listen. Vibrant, eat better."

Who doesn't want to eat better? Although he has only been eating and drinking for a few days, he is not willing to let him drink multigrain porridge again.

Zhao Meiyun agreed and turned to look for the eldest daughter, avoiding the younger daughter to ask her about the rice ball stall.

Of course, Zhao Qiujuan didn't hide anything from her mother, she said it all.

"Selling a rice ball, can you still earn twenty a day?" Zhao Meiyun was a little excited. When Zhao Qiujuan said her kiss, she wanted people to treat her daughter better. The bride price was only 800, and she thought that 600 would be fine, but now, Zhao Qiujuan is on her own. , you can earn the betrothal gift in a month.

"What did your brother say about this money?" Zhao Meiyun asked.

Zhao Qiujuan did not hide it, and told her that Shi Zhen told her to pay some food expenses to the family, and the rest was saved to buy a house.

Zhao Meiyun was moved when she heard about buying a house.

If her daughter bought a house, of course she could live there!

"Azhen is really nice, I plan for you like this! That's all we do. You pay me 100 yuan a month. I'll tell your dad that the money will be saved for you." Zhao Meiyun was delighted.

"Mom, that's for food."

Zhao Meiyun said, "You're not married yet. There's no reason to pay for meals at home, and your sister, doesn't she pay?"

She could never treat her eldest daughter badly.

Zhao Meiyun thought so, and said in a low voice, "Qiujuan, Mom also saved some money in private before, but it was very little, only a few dozen yuan in total... I should be able to save some more in the future, and when you buy a house, Mom will give you the money. "

In the past, the family had no income, and she had no money, but now that so much money is passed from her hands every day, it is no problem to save some private money.

If she can buy a house for her eldest daughter, her eldest daughter will be a city dweller in the future.

Zhao Meiyun turned her head and told Shi Dalin that after Zhao Qiujuan set up a stall, she planned to pay 100 yuan to her home every month.

She deliberately didn't say it was for food.

Shi Dalin didn't know how much Zhao Qiujuan's rice ball stall made a day, so he thought that it would be good to have two hundred yuan a month.

Zhao Qiujuan is willing to pay 100 yuan to the house, which is very sincere.

But he didn't want to take advantage of his stepdaughter, so it wasn't a kiss after all.

Shi Dalin said, "Then you save it for her and use it as a dowry for her in the future."

Zhao Meiyun guessed that Shi Dalin would say so, and responded with a smile.

On the other side, Shi Ting arrived at Guan Baiyu's village.

Shi Ting grew up in the countryside, but the countryside where she lives is completely different from the countryside in Anshan Town.

Everything around her stunned her.

The people here are in good spirits, the cement roads are so flat, and there are spacious and flat cement drying fields at the door of every household.

She felt that the fences in front of their gates were particularly beautiful.

Even, there are bricks made of mud... How much does this cost!

When Shi Zhen arrived in Guan Jianguo, there were already some women chatting in Guan Jianguo, waiting to give him the sweater by the way.

Shi Zhen ignored Shi Ting, opened the door and started to check the sweaters they brought.

Some people embroider very well and can pass directly, but some people do not embroider very well and do not match the size of the sample.

Shi Zhen asked them to go back to work.

Fortunately, there are very few people who need to be reworked. For the first time, everyone did it very seriously. At most, they didn't pay attention to some mistakes.

When Shi Zhen registered them, they all wanted to get some more clothes, but Shi Zhen didn't have them here.

"The clothes are gone now, but they will be back tomorrow."

"You line up and take your time."

"Your clothes are not good here, you need to change them."

There are more than 100 pieces of clothes, and it takes a lot of time to look at them one by one.

Shi Ting just watched her brother mixed with a group of aunts and talked to them about how to embroider wool sweaters.

Her brother could even point out what was wrong and why it was wrong. Some people did not embroider a petal or something. Her brother took the needle and made it up for him!

Shi Ting's eyes widened.

Her brother is too great, right? Anything will do!

It just always feels a little wrong.

Guan Baiyu also felt that something was wrong.

Shi Zhen is more than 1.8 meters tall, but the older women in their village are generally more than 1.5 meters tall, and they are still very thin. Shi Zhen now has the feeling of an old hen with a flock of chicks.

No, he can't think that way!

His brother clearly stands out from the crowd!

When Shi Zhen registered, people came to hand in sweaters one after another.

The person who took the clothes from Shi Zhen yesterday actually embroidered them all.

The contract Shi Zhen signed with the factory was to pay once a month, and he followed the villagers, and that's what he said.

At this moment, he wrote down all the embroidery quantities and prices in the notebook, and was busy for a whole hour.

The main reason is that some people have to rework the wrong embroidery... Fortunately, people who know them around are willing to help them, and all the rework is completed within an hour.

The women in the village finally dispersed. Shi Zhen looked at the clothes and thought about it, "Xiaoyu, you and Tingting are staying here. I'll make a phone call. If possible, let them deliver some more clothes today."

He had previously agreed with the President Zhou that he would come over tomorrow to take the clothes away and bring some new ones over.

But now that these clothes are ready, Mr. Zhou left a phone call for him again... Shi Zhen pondered to make a phone call.

In Guan Baiyu Village, there is still a gap between the rich and the poor.

Guan Baiyu's adoptive father's family was considered poor, Guan Jianguo was considered a good family, and of course there were also wealthy families.

Some people have even installed telephones.

This is a big deal. Shi Zhen asked the price of a phone before, and learned that it would cost 3,000 to install a phone.

Shi Zhen found a family with a phone installed, and proposed to make a phone call. The family agreed, and they didn’t want Shi Zhen’s money.

The old lady in the family just went to Shi Zhen's place to deliver sweaters, and Shi Zhen made up for the missing embroidery.

Shi Zhen called Mr. Zhou and said that the clothes were already embroidered. Mr. Zhou immediately said that he would bring someone to pick up the goods immediately and give him new ones by the way.

Shi Zhen naturally would not disagree. After the two finished speaking, they simply hung up the phone.

When Shi Zhen called, the old lady kept watching. Seeing that Shi Zhen only called for more than fifty seconds, she breathed a sigh of relief. She went back to the door and sat down. Brother, will the clothes come later?"

Shi Zhen said, "Yes."

Then he saw the old lady move the stool, followed him to Guan Jianguo, and sat down in the alley separated from Guan Jianguo and the house next door.

There are houses on both sides, it will not be exposed to the sun, and there is a cool breeze, which is suitable for sitting and chatting, and ... waiting for work.

Forget it, she also invited some people she knew to come over, so after a while, the alley was full of people.

Shi Zhen: "..." Everyone is really obsessed with making money.

Shi Zhen thought it was quite interesting, but he didn't think much about it, but it was President Zhou who came here with the truck, and was surrounded by a group of aunts as soon as he arrived, and some of them couldn't react.

But seeing that these aunts all want to take clothes to embroider... This time, Mr. Zhou, who came here with 500 pieces of clothes, was relieved, not afraid that Shi Zhen rolled his clothes and ran away.

President Zhou first unloaded the clothes from the car, and while Shi Zhen was distributing them next to him, he went to see the clothes that everyone embroidered yesterday.

In the factory before, he gave the work to people outside the factory, and the clothes he handed in always had problems of one kind or another. As a result, the clothes in Shi Zhen's place turned out to be... all embroidered well

Mr. Zhou said: "The people on your side have very good hands!" Usually, the first time you embroider, you can't embroider well.

"Everyone of me gave samples, and I checked them later. If they didn't embroider, they had to rework them." Shi Zhendao.

President Zhou's eyes lit up: "That's it, that's good!"

Mr. Zhou briefly looked at 200 pieces of clothes and was very satisfied. He left some samples and 500 pieces of unembroidered clothes according to Shi Zhen's request before leaving.

And as soon as he left, Shi Zhen was surrounded by women in the village.

"I want fifteen pieces!"

"Give me ten."

"I want twenty pieces!"

Shi Zhen got busy and gave them clothes.

Seeing this, Guan Baiyu quietly counted twenty pieces and put them aside.

He can also embroider twenty pieces!

Seeing this, Shi Ting said: "Brother Bai Yu, give me a few pieces too, I can rust too."

Shi Ting lived in the mountains. The living conditions were quite poor in the past, and she had no pocket money. She thought about it and asked, "Is it worth seven cents to embroider one piece?"

Can I give her money? Five hairs are fine!

She has so many things she wants to buy!