Reborn to Strive

Chapter 58


In the 1990s, there were many petty thieves, and Shi Zhen was very careful on the way back, lest he would be targeted.

Fortunately, he is a tall man, dressed in ordinary clothes, and he is safe all the way.

The bus stopped in the town, Shi Zhen got out of the car and was about to walk home.

On the way home, he noticed that some low-lying places in the town were also flooded.

But because it happens every year, everyone is used to it, just a group of children in briefs playing in the water.

Shi Zhen went to Shi's house first.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Qiujuan were both at home, making dinner, but Shi Dalin was not there. He wanted to earn more, so he went to set up a stall outside.

As for Zhao Dongjuan... Shi Zhen didn't see it and didn't know where she went.

Shi Zhen came here because he planned to give them the money Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Meiyun had earned by embroidering clothes these days.

It's better to give this money earlier than later.

When Shi Zhen went to Changxi City to get money this time, he brought the ledger with him. Now he took out the ledger and settled the money earned by Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Dongjuan.

The two embroidered a total of 317 yuan and 50 cents. Shi Zhen had no loose banknotes, so he took out the whole money and asked them to find it.

Zhao Qiujuan immediately said, "Just give us three hundred!"

"Brothers will settle the account." Shi Zhen smiled, he had already decided to learn from the lesson and calculate more clearly.

Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Meiyun were a little embarrassed, but they still found money for Shi Zhen.

When Shi Zhen left, Zhao Qiujuan took out one hundred and twenty to her mother, then grabbed the remaining banknotes, took out the passbook and said to Zhao Meiyun, "Mom, I'll go out and save some money."

Since Zhao Dongjuan flipped over something once, she has learned to behave.

All the money she earns now is locked up, and as long as she collects one hundred, she will go to the bank to deposit it.

She went to the bank a lot, and everyone in the bank knew her!

Zhao Meiyun is old and lacks energy. Although Zhao Dongjuan is willing to embroider some clothes these days, she can't embroider two pieces in one day.

The clothes that Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Dongjuan embroidered usually add up to half of Zhao Qiujuan's.

At this moment, Zhao Qiujuan gave her mother one hundred and twenty, and she earned the rest.

Originally, her mother gave her money for the private house, and she also said that the money earned from embroidering clothes would also be given to her. She was very happy and thought that she could buy a house with her mother.

But in fact, these days, for the sake of family peace, and to coax Zhao Dongjuan not to talk nonsense in front of Shi Ting and Shi Dalin, her mother has given Zhao Dongjuan money one after another, and there are dozens of them.

She wanted to save money to buy a house, but the rice balls she sold were reluctant to eat, but Zhao Qiujuan had the money to buy all kinds of snacks, and now she has to settle accounts with her own brothers.

Shi Zhen hurt Shi Ting so much, Shi Ting wanted to eat popsicles, and Shi Zhen asked her to spend money!

Why should she spend the hard-earned money on her sister

Zhao Qiujuan saved money and started to read Shi Ting's textbook when she got home.

When she became an adult and went to learn Pinyin, she felt that Pinyin was not difficult. She followed Shi Ting before and learned about it.

Right now, she doesn't plan to learn mathematics and English, and she doesn't know how to learn it, so she plans to recognize and read.

You can't understand anything in the future.

Zhao Qiujuan used a stupid method to recognize characters, that is, copying textbooks.

She didn't set requirements for herself. When she had work, she would definitely have to work. When she was free, she would take the elementary school textbook and copy it.

How many can I remember.

Speaking of which, Zhao Qiujuan feels a little sympathetic to Shi Ting. Shi Ting has to copy the texts to do every day, but she has more questions to do. , she didn't have time to go out to play.

On the other hand, Zhao Dongjuan was still beside her with a yin and yang anger, saying that they were fooling around, and they would not be able to go to university any more.

She doesn't want to go to college!

Shi Zhen left Shi's house and went to see his father who set up a stall outside.

His father did as he said, cleaned himself up, and set up a stall in front of the cinema. He was obviously very happy to see Shi Zhen.

Now he comes out at ten in the morning and goes back at ten in the evening. He doesn't go home for dinner in between, so Zhao Meiyun brings the meal over.

After all, there is really a lot to earn by setting up a stall.

He spends the whole day like this, and can save forty or fifty dollars from his capital every day.

"Dad, don't be too tired." Shi Zhen said.

"What's so tiring?" Shi Dalin looked at Shi Zhen seriously.

Also... Shi Zhen looked at Shi Dalin, whose complexion was much better after only a month, and didn't stop him any more.

He stood for a while longer, and then heard Shi Dalin chanting again to go back and build a house.

Shi Zhen: "..." Shi Zhen didn't know what to say, because in his last life, after earning money outside, he also thought about going back to build a house.


At that time, all the people in the village did this.

But in fact, it doesn't make any sense at all. Building a house in the mountains costs more than building a house outside. After all, the materials are not easy to transport in.

After that, no one lived there at all.

But Shi Zhen didn't use these to persuade Shi Dalin, instead he said: "Dad, we are all renting houses now, and we want to rent out the house. When we have the money, we can buy it here first, so that we can save the rent. I will go back to my hometown to build a house later.”

"This… "

"Dad, it's impossible for my sister and I to go back to the mountains. Do you still want to marry my sister in the mountains?"

That's definitely not what you want.

Shi Dalin is particularly fond of Shi Zhen's mother, who is a great beauty. Even if he is in poor health and can't work, he doesn't mind at all, and he can't wait to hold people in his hands.

He also hurts Shi Ting's mother-like daughter.

But he didn't know how it hurt, so he could only ask Zhao Meiyun to make something delicious every day—his son wouldn't let his daughter eat more fried skewers, and he couldn't even stuff his daughter with fried skewers, alas!

Shi Zhen chatted with his father and went home.

Some sections of the road were not flooded, and it was easy to walk, but some sections were flooded, and water had to flow through.

Shi Zhen was walking when he suddenly saw a child walking in front of him suddenly crooked and fell into the water.

He quickly stepped forward and fished it with his hands, and lifted the child out of the water.

This section of the road was a little deep, and it passed his knees, but the child would be submerged, not because of the water on the road, but because she accidentally stepped on the air and stepped on the side of the road.

On one side of this road is the river, and it is deep there!

The child who was picked up by Shi Zhen looked five or six years old. She was from the village. She was a little stunned at first, but she started to cry.

Shi Zhen held her in his arms and weighed her: "It's alright, it's alright, I'll take you home."

Shi Zhen didn't send anyone home either. He went to the drying yard in front of the house, put down the child and left.

He walked a little further and saw Guan Baiyu's house, as well as Shi Ting and Shi Xinghuo, holding a net, fishing for fish.

This net is propped up with bamboo poles, hold the net in one direction and scoop it out of the water, there is a chance to scoop up fish.

Shi Xinghuo is very powerful, and doing this is very easy. Shi Zhen noticed that there were already five or six small fish in the bucket that Shi Ting was carrying, either a two-finger crucian carp or a finger-sized white fish. .

In the river in front of their door, someone contracted the fish farming, but the black carp, grass carp, and silver carp raised by others would not run to the shallow water on the road. Only the small white crucian carp would swim up. If everyone caught it, the contract would be The people of the river don't care either.

"Where did this net come from?" Shi Zhen asked.

"I borrowed it from Uncle Jianguo," Shi Ting said. "Brother, I have dinner here. I want to eat fish!"

Just a few small fish, enough to eat? Shi Zhen said: "If you don't go back, the family will wait for you. If you like this fish, take it back and ask my sister to make it for you. You tell her that this kind of small fish is best if you fry it a little more."

Zhao Meiyun is an old-fashioned cook, she is reluctant to put it light and boil it. If she really wants to make something delicious, Zhao Qiujuan does it well.

Of course, Zhao Qiujuan's cooking skills really have to be said, even he can't compare.

Fortunately, Shi Ting is not picky at this moment, as long as it is meat, she likes to eat it.

"Also!" Shi Ting had no problem thinking that the meals at home were often more plentiful than Shi Zhen's.

As for Shi Xinghuo, when the Shi family first came here, he always ate at the Shi family for a while.

But later Shi Zhen felt that he was a big man, and it was inconvenient to go to Shi's house to eat every day, so he let him eat on his side.

Shi Xinghuo's current income is still received by Shi Zhen. However, it is not a problem for him to subsidize Shi Xinghuo all the time. Now he receives 100 yuan per month for Shi Xinghuo, which is counted as food, lodging, utilities, etc.

Shi Xinghuo's job of digging a hole for the water plant has temporarily stopped because of too much water, so he has been idle at home these few days.

Shi Zhen also had a very rare time... being free.

Shi Zhen was not used to this, and even cleaned the house thoroughly two days ago.

But today he has something to do... Shi Zhen released the news that people who had embroidered flowers before could come to him to collect money.

This kind of thing usually only needs to be told to one or two people, they will shout everywhere, and by tomorrow, everyone around me will know about it.

This is how gossip is passed on.

Shi Zhen lives in Guan Jian Country, and the first person to get the news is naturally the people near Guan Jian Country.

Zhang Xiumei is at home, serving her chickens.

She has not taken care of these chickens for some days. Before, she was busy embroidering clothes every day, so how could she manage these little ancestors!

But there were no clothes to embroider in these days, and the continuous rain was too wet, which made the chickens very lethargic, so she and her husband moved the dry straw from the upstairs to change the bedding for the chickens, so as to prevent the chickens from getting sick.

She was changing when someone came: "Xiumei, we have the money to sew woolen sweaters, go and get it!"

Zhang Xiumei was overjoyed and said, "Can I get the money? I'll go right away!"

She wanted to go out immediately, but suddenly realized that she was wearing overshoes, covered with chicken dung, and wearing dirty clothes, so she could only say: "Hey, I'll go there later, and change clothes first. !"

When Zhang Xiumei changed her clothes, Shi Zhen was already sending money to Guan Jianguo's mother.

This old lady was not working very fast. She could embroider about six or seven pieces a day. Shi Zhen did the math for her, and the total was one hundred and forty yuan.

He gave the money to the old lady. The old lady was very happy and gave Shi Zhen a dollar to buy popsicles.

One red bean, one mung bean and two sugar water, she ordered four in one go, and then shared two with her granddaughter.

It's really rare. This stingy old lady has never bought anything from Shi Zhen before. She is always unhappy when her son buys cooked food or ice lollies for her daughter.

But think about it carefully, a person of her age has spent her whole life planting land and has no savings at all. Now that she is old, she relies on her son to give tens of hundreds of dollars a year, and she has no money. How can she be generous

And these days, Guan Jianguo buys popsicles for his daughter from time to time, but he doesn't buy them himself, nor does he think of buying them for the old lady... It's not easy for the old lady.

After Guan Jianguo's mother received the money, many people came to collect the money one after another.

And after these people received the money, almost all of them were on Shi Zhen's side, buying popsicles or soda to eat.

At this time, no one controls sugar and does not eat sweets, because everyone usually has no snacks, and sweets are still very attractive to them.

The most important thing is... They used to come to Shi Zhen to get sweaters, and they have long been greedy for these things!

Shi Zhen had bought a lot of goods before, especially soda. After he made an agreement with the soda factory, they directly loaded him a cart.

And now... these things are being sold at a rapid rate.

Even the big bottle of Coke he kept at home was bought and brought home, saying that he wanted the whole family to celebrate together.

Among the people who came to get money, the ones who took less were only a few dozen yuan, but the ones who took more...

Of all the people, Zhang Xiumei took the most, and Shi Zhen recorded it in the ledger. She embroidered more than 500 yuan of clothes!

Although some of them were made by Guan Jinjin, the big head is definitely her... The hands and feet are really fast.

Zhang Xiumei took the money and was really happy, she bought three red bean popsicles to take home.

Shi Zhen was busy when suddenly someone came over with a bucket. Shi Zhen looked over and found out that it was the father of the child he had rescued earlier.

The child's father brought him a bucket of small fish: "Shi Zhen, thank you for picking up my daughter. This is the fish I brought with rice this afternoon. You can fry it and eat it."

These fish are mostly white fish, and there are some other small fish.

There are quite a lot of white fish in the river here. Usually, people don't think about going to catch them.

Some people use fishing nets directly, while others put some rice grains in the basket and pick up the basket when the white fish comes in to eat.

This person probably wanted to give something to thank Shi Zhen, but there was nothing to give, so he gave the fish he just caught.

Shi Zhen did not reject this kindness and accepted the fish.

He has never been in contact with this family in his last life, and he doesn't know what happened to his daughter, but today is indeed a bit dangerous, and it's nothing to get a bucket of fish.

The people who came to get the money came one after another, and Shi Zhen asked Guan Baiyu to collect the money and deal with the fish himself.

"Brother, let me come." Guan Baiyu said.

"I'm here, I'm fast." Shi Zhen laughed. Compared to killing fish, it must be easier to collect money.

When Shi Zhen dealt with the fish, it was already six o'clock in the evening, and no one came to get the money, so Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu went back, set up a frying pan, and fried all these finger-sized fish.

After frying, it is braised with soy sauce, sugar and other condiments. The taste is very good, and it can be chewed with the bones.

After a long time, it was already seven o'clock when they had dinner, and Shi Xinghuo was so hungry that he walked around the stove.

After eating Shi Xinghuo, he went out for a stroll, while Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu settled at home.

This month's sweater business, he can earn about 4,000.

At this time, in some coastal open cities, foreign-funded enterprises came to invest and build factories in China, and the wages offered to workers could be three or four thousand a month.

But there are also inland cities where many workers earn just over 100 a month.

In some small local workshops, a couple with a few or a dozen workers work day and night, earning tens of thousands a month.

There are also some remote places where water and electricity are not connected.

Shi Zhen doesn't compare with the rich. He is very satisfied with his income. At least now, Guan Baiyu and Shi Ting don't have to worry about tuition fees.

If he wants to make money in the future, he plans to buy some daily necessities while saving his own business capital.

Shi Zhen thought about his future.

There is not much road ahead for him.

After all, he doesn't have any diploma, and it's impossible to go to study again.

Studying at this time is much more difficult than later generations. He can never find a school to accept him now. As for adult education...

He had seen Guan Baiyu take the exam in his previous life. At this time, this kind of diploma was still valuable, and correspondingly, it was difficult to take the exam.

It is safer for him to continue to do business.

It's business... It's okay to do catering, and this is a period when the catering industry is booming.

But to be honest, he doesn't understand a lot, and he can't guarantee that he can make it bigger, and he doesn't have a delicious recipe.

In contrast, he was already familiar with the path he had traveled in his previous life.

As a subcontractor, he sometimes encounters a lot of bad things. For example, after Shi Xinghuo died in his previous life, he was particularly disgusted by some behaviors where safety measures were not in place on the construction site.

But when he started his own business, he wasn't a big boss, he was just helping with the work... He often found helplessly that if he really wanted to be qualified everywhere, he might end up losing money instead of making money.

Because the first 100,000 project, after someone took it, 50,000 directly took it or hired someone, then 40,000 to buy materials, and finally gave him 10,000 to do it.

Fortunately, he has been very careful, and there have been no accidents at his construction site.

He is too familiar with this line of work. He knows which people are pits to avoid, and which people are relatively better, so he can still do it.

Shi Zhen doesn't expect how much money he will make in this life, he thinks it's almost the same as in the previous life, and that's fine.

With his net worth in his previous life, no matter which city Guan Baiyu settled in in the future, he could buy him a house and a car.

As for himself, he does not have strong material desires, nor does he have high requirements for life. He does not mind living in Changxi City all the time.

That being the case, he still went the same way.

It's just that in his last life, he made it a little bit with Shi Xinghuo's death compensation. He was uncomfortable with the money. At first, he was really stretched. In this life, he can keep his feet on the ground and save money by himself.

The bucket of small fish, after Shi Zhen fried it, divided it into three parts. He and Shi Xinghuo had already eaten it, but Guan Baiyu had not finished it. Eat slowly.

Weirdly cute.

Seeing that he was healthy, Shi Zhen felt happy. Thinking that he was free these days, he said, "Xiaoyu, there should be a lot of people coming here tomorrow to get money, I can't leave... I'll take you the day after tomorrow. Let's go to Changxi City, and I'll buy you some things to start school with."

I haven't bought Guan Baiyu's schoolbag or anything. I have to buy Guan Baiyu a watch and some clothes...

Shi Zhen was thinking about what Guan Baiyu could use when he heard Guan Baiyu say, "Call Tingting, brother, do you want to buy it for her too?"

Shi Zhen was stunned for a moment, but finally smiled: "Well, call her."