Reborn to Strive

Chapter 65


After Guan Baiyu went to school in Changxi City, Shi Zhen was very busy.

He was not used to it, mainly because he was uncontrollably uneasy, but he forced himself to get used to it.

The top priority is to make more money.

Otherwise... To be honest, he didn't know what else he could do.

Guan Baiyu is already in high school, and he will soon go to college. When he graduates from college, he should buy a house and get married.

You will have to spend money everywhere.

Since Zhao Meiyun broke his leg, Shi Zhen's appetite has not been very good, he can't eat, and he can't sleep soundly, so he has lost some weight.

Shi Xinghuo has always been unable to notice these details. He goes out to work every day, but he eats well and sleeps well. After six months of coming out, he looks a lot more burly, but he is still very dark, after all, he gets a lot of sun.

When Zhao Qiujuan came to Shi Zhen's side to get the sweater, she saw it: "Azhen, are you losing weight?"

"Is there? I don't feel it myself." Shi Zhen smiled.

"Yes, your face is sharp... You must eat well, your body is the most important thing." Zhao Qiujuan said, taking out a bowl from Shi Zhen's cupboard, and pouring the pickled vegetables and roasted pork into the bowl.

After Shi Zhen didn't eat at their place, every time they came to pick up sweaters, they would give Shi Zhen meat dishes. Recently, her mother's leg was broken and she was recovering from her injuries on the bed. When she cooked, she gave more.

Her mother is reluctant to spend money. Even if she buys meat, she won't buy a lot. She will definitely add some other cooking, such as using potatoes to cook meat. She is different. Her bowl of roast pork with pickles is full of meat!

Shi Zhen eats more, he should be able to gain weight!

"I have a good meal." Shi Zhen laughed.

Shi Zhen is so old... Zhao Qiujuan said a few words and stopped talking. She put down the bamboo basket she was carrying, took out the embroidered sweaters inside, and got thirty sweaters from Shi Zhen, and walked back with her back. .

Her mother used to cook or something, even if she embroidered sweaters, she didn't do much embroidery, but recently her mother was lying in bed every day, so she could embroider a lot.

But she has too many things to do, so she can't embroider too much.

Shi Zhen sent Zhao Qiujuan away, but he was too lazy to cook, so he took out the leftovers and ate some of the meat that Zhao Qiujuan sent, and started to settle the account.

He made a lot of money in the summer vacation, saving a total of 6,000 - the money for embroidering sweaters for the second month, he has not yet received.

Guan Baiyu paid about 1,500 yuan to pay tuition fees and buy things. Zhao Meiyun broke his leg.

Now he has more than 1,000 deposits in his hands.

Shi Zhen planned to save 60,000 yuan and spend 50,000 yuan to buy a Changhe van. If he could buy a second-hand tractor, he would start building houses for rural people as he did in his previous life.

In terms of the purchasing power of money in this era, 50,000 yuan to buy a van is very expensive, but because of this, very few people buy a car in this era, and the role of a car is very big. Having a car can make a lot of money.

In Guan Baiyu's village, someone borrowed money to buy a truck, worked hard for two years, and then repaid the borrowed money.

His current savings is a bit small compared to 60,000, but if he saves carefully, he can still save money.

After calculating the money, Shi Zhen was a little lost.

Tomorrow is a small church, he plans to go to Changxi City to see Guan Baiyu, and also give Guan Baiyu something to eat.

Reading in No. 1 Middle School in the city is divided into small and small prayers, small prayers and large prayers.

This is mainly due to the inconvenience of transportation and it is not convenient for everyone to go home, so the school simply let the children go home once every two weeks.

During the small week, there are all-day classes on Saturdays, and classes on Sunday mornings. There is no class on Sunday afternoons. Everyone can go out to the school to buy something or something.

If it is a big week, after finishing the class on Friday morning, you can go home in the afternoon, and you can come to school on Sunday evening.

Guan Baiyu reported that that day was Tuesday and today was Saturday. This week, Guan Baiyu will not have class tomorrow afternoon. Shi Zhen wants to go to No. 1 Middle School to find him.

Early on Sunday morning, Shi Zhen went to the vegetable market to buy some chicken wing roots, took them home, marinated them, and packed them in bags.

After the driver who delivered the sweater came, Shi Zhen asked him to wait for a while and take him to Changxi City.

The driver took Shi Zhen 100 yuan before. Hearing this request, he agreed without even thinking about it. He also helped Shi Zhen move the sweater.

Shi Zhen distributed sweaters to the women in the village who were waiting to get them, and told his neighbors that he was going out, and he probably won't be back until four or five o'clock.

After everything was explained, he took a truck to Changxi City.

The driver also kindly sent Shi Zhen to the gate of No. 1 Middle School.

At this moment, the morning class of City No. 1 Middle School is not over yet.

Shi Zhen registered at the school gate and said that he was here to deliver food to his younger brother, so he was put in - there are quite a few people who come to school to deliver food in small weeks, and students can go out to the school gate to buy things.

If Shi Zhen came late, he didn't need to register.

After Shi Zhen went in, he did not go upstairs for fear of disturbing the students' study, but waited outside the teaching building.

Guan Baiyu went to high school and is still in the class. He has been actively participating in various activities these days. He was elected as the deputy monitor, and he was very popular in the class.

He usually attends classes, and he is very serious and never distracted, but today is a little different.

In the last class this morning, not only did he secretly pack his schoolbag, but he always looked out the window.

Fortunately, everyone is like this, he is in the crowd and is not conspicuous.

"I didn't expect you to be distracted!" Guan Baiyu's deskmate pushed a note to Guan Baiyu.

Guan Baiyu glanced at it and smiled.

His tablemate this time is a native of Changxi City. One of his parents is a civil servant and the other is a teacher.

Their home is in good condition, with a TV, a telephone, a refrigerator and a washing machine. He has erhu since elementary school, can roller skating, and has participated in many activities.

When he first talked to Guan Baiyu about the popular TV series in the summer vacation, Guan Baiyu didn't understand it at all, but this person did not look down on Guan Baiyu, and even invited Guan Baiyu to play at his house this week.

Guan Baiyu refused. He also went to the teacher and said that he wanted to go home to get something, and he might be a little late at night for self-study.

At the beginning of school, many students forgot to bring things, and the teacher agreed immediately.

Guan Baiyu didn't forget to bring anything, he just wanted to go back and see Shi Zhen.

I don't know what happened to his brother when he wasn't at home.

Obviously he hadn't seen his brother for a few days, but he missed his brother very much.

When the get out of class bell rang, Guan Baiyu picked up his schoolbag and rushed downstairs.

There were not many books in his schoolbag, but it contained two apples that Liang Qinxuan gave him, which he planned to take home for Shi Zhen to eat.

Because he was afraid that the time would be too late, and that he would not be able to sit in the high car, Guan Baiyu did not plan to go back to the dormitory, so he rushed towards the school gate when he got downstairs.

Then... he saw Shi Zhen.

Every time Shi Zhen came to Guan Baiyu School, he would dress a little better, and today was the same, he wore a black T-shirt and black pants.

This summer, he basically stayed at home to send and receive sweaters. He also went out to set up a stall to buy cold drinks at night. He didn't get much sun, and his whole body was a little white. With this black body, he looked good with a long body.

Guan Baiyu was stunned for a while.

"Why are you running so fast?" Shi Zhen asked.

Guan Baiyu didn't know what was going on, his face was a little hot, and at the same time he couldn't help asking: "Brother, why are you so thin?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days. How could I be thin? I'm wearing black today, so I'm just thin." Shi Zhen said.

Guan Baiyu looked at Shi Zhen suspiciously, but saw the muscles on Shi Zhen's arm... Guan Baiyu said, "Brother, I'm not at home, you can't be too fooled with food."

His brother will do his best to make the people around him live a good life, but he doesn't care what he eats and wears.

Let's just say that this dress is the only thing his brother can get his hands on. Basically, if something happens, his brother wears this dress.

"I eat very well every day." Shi Zhen said: "I marinated a pot of chicken wings this morning and brought some for you."

Shi Zhen has thought of cooking a pot of chicken thighs for Guan Baiyu, but Guan Baiyu now has seven roommates... If the family brings food to school, he always has to share it, and if Guan Baiyu eats it himself, then he must at least buy it. Ten chicken legs, a little too much, just made chicken wings.

Guan Baiyu saw the bag that Shi Zhen was carrying, and was in a good mood: "Brother, are you here to see me?"

"Why else would you come here?" Shi Zhen laughed.

Guan Baiyu was elated, and the smile on his face could not be concealed.

He thought about Shi Zhen a few days ago and couldn't sleep, but when he saw Shi Zhen, he immediately felt like he was full of blood and resurrected.

"Guan Baiyu, who is this?" The classmates about Bai Yu came downstairs and asked when they saw Guan Baiyu.

"This is my brother!" Guan Baiyu introduced.

Guan Baiyu was born in 1979, and his classmates were about the same age.

There are only children among them, but there are also many brothers and sisters, some even five or six brothers and sisters combined.

Guan Baiyu said that Shi Zhen was his brother, and everyone thought it was his brother, so they went to the cafeteria after saying hello.

The school cafeteria is cheap, and even if they want to go out, they will go to the cafeteria to eat first.

Guan Baiyu also plans to take Shi Zhen to the cafeteria to eat: "Brother, let's go to the cafeteria to eat, our school's food is delicious and cheap."

"Okay." Shi Zhen agreed, but he was skeptical of what Guan Baiyu said.

The food in the school cafeteria is cheap, there is no doubt about it, but it is delicious... Guan Baiyu has never eaten anything delicious, so he thinks so.

Guan Baiyu was about to leave with Shi Zhen, but was stopped again: "Guan Baiyu!"

This time, it was Liang Qinxuan who stopped Guan Baiyu. He shaved his head to make the acne on his forehead more conspicuous: "Guan Baiyu, I invite you to eat out!"

Liang Qinxuan has now regarded Guan Baiyu as a friend.

He talked to Guan Baiyu that day, and he beat and beat when he got home, forcing his father to let Chen Shaojin change classes.

It is said that if Chen Shaojin does not change classes, he will not go to school.

His father was recently obsessed and wanted to divorce his mother and protect Chen Shaojin's mother. He thought that his father would not agree to this request, but he did not expect his father to agree.

Chen Shaojin has now been transferred to other classes.

At that time Liang Qinxuan still thought that if Chen Shaojin was transferred by his father to the experimental class, it would be cheaper for Chen Shaojin, but his father did not do so - Chen Shaojin was transferred to another ordinary class, an honor student in that ordinary class, were transferred to their class.

Liang Qinxuan felt relieved at that time.

After this happened, the students in the class didn't have to look at him in a strange way, just... a little sympathetic to him.

When his father and Chen Shaojin were fucking, nobody in the school knew about it, but Chen Shaojin said it in the school, and it spread.

In recent years, with the emergence of a large number of upstarts in Changxi City, it is not uncommon for rich people to divorce their original wife and marry a young and beautiful woman.

When this happens, most people sympathize with the original spouse.

Before Chen Shaojin put himself in the position of the victim, others believed it, but then think about it more...

Even if Liang Qinxuan's father took the initiative and a slap didn't make a sound, Chen Shaojin's mother would definitely be happy.

And Liang Qinxuan's father is so rich, maybe Chen Shaojin's mother is the one who took the initiative.

Since then, everyone has a little sympathy for Liang Qinxuan.

Then, Liang Qinxuan shaved his ambition and decided to study hard... Of course, this didn't work, and he didn't do anything.

His house was very noisy.

Liang Qinxuan didn't want his parents to divorce, and his mother didn't want to leave either, but his father was determined...

"No, my brother is here, I want to take my brother to the cafeteria to eat." Guan Baiyu said.

Shi Zhen was a little surprised to see Liang Qinxuan greet Guan Baiyu, but he didn't say anything, instead he smiled at Liang Qinxuan: "Hello, I'm Xiaoyu's brother, are you Xiaoyu's classmate?"

"Yes!" Liang Qinxuan responded, and looked at Shi Zhen curiously: "So you are Guan Baiyu's brother who loves him very much!"

Liang Qinxuan and Guan Baiyu are not in the same grade, so they don't get along much these days, that is, they eat together at noon every day and chat by the way.

As long as Guan Baiyu talks about his own affairs, he will show off his brother... Liang Qinxuan has long been curious about Guan Baiyu's brother!

Seeing people at this moment, his feeling is... Guan Baiyu's brother is so tall!

Liang Qinxuan said: "I don't want to go home for dinner, otherwise I will invite you in the cafeteria!"

Guan Baiyu was not happy, he wanted to be alone with Shi Zhen, but Shi Zhen agreed: "You are still a student, it is not easy for you to treat yourself, I will just ask you."

Guan Baiyu's expression did not change, but suddenly Liang Qinxuan was a little uncomfortable.

His brother seemed to pay special attention to Liang Qinxuan!

He took it from the bottom of his heart and was not happy for his brother to pay attention to others.

But even though he thought so in his heart, Guan Baiyu did not refuse, and said, "Brother, you don't have a meal ticket, how can you treat a guest? I'll invite you!"

Guan Baiyu smiled and took Shi Zhen to the cafeteria, and then went to buy vegetables... According to Liang Qinxuan's habit, he bought all three different meat dishes sold in the cafeteria today, and bought two more vegetarian dishes, bringing a total of five dishes to the table superior.

The rice in the school is one block, one cent per cent. Most people eat one block. Many girls only need half a block. For those with a big appetite, they want to eat two.

Guan Baiyu himself had enough rice for one cent, but he bought Shi Zhen two cents.

The richness of the food was a bit beyond Shi Zhen's imagination, but he didn't say anything, after all, the food here is really cheap.

Guan Baiyu glanced at Shi Zhen and felt relieved when he saw that Shi Zhen was not unhappy.

He bought so many vegetables, on the one hand because... He had eaten Liang Qinxuan several times before, and on the other hand, because he wanted to give Shi Zhen something to eat.

The three of them ate and chatted while eating, and Shi Zhen asked Liang Qinxuan some questions without a trace.

But he didn't want to ask too deep, so he didn't know much information.

However, Liang Qinxuan and Guan Baiyu have a good relationship, which is certain... Shi Zhen pondered, there are some things that Guan Baiyu can ask.

Thinking like this, Shi Zhen also took out the braised chicken wing root he brought and gave it to Liang Qinxuan.

Liang Qinxuan was very satisfied with the meal: "This is much better than the school cafeteria!"

Liang Qinxuan left after eating. He didn't know Shi Zhen well, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Watching Liang Qinxuan leave, Shi Zhen asked Guan Baiyu, "Xiaoyu, how did you meet him?"

Guan Baiyu told the story of their acquaintance.

Shi Zhen didn't expect such a coincidence to happen... He wanted to help Liang Qinxuan, and immediately said: "Xiaoyu, something has happened to his family, I guess it's a little uncomfortable, you can accompany him more in the future, and enlighten him more."

"Yeah." Guan Baiyu replied with a smile, even more unhappy in his heart.

Why does his brother pay so much attention to Liang Qinxuan? ! He wants to dislike Liang Qinxuan now!

Seeing this, Shi Zhen felt relieved.

The Liang Qinxuan he knew was a vegetarian, and he felt disgusted when he saw meat, but when he ate just now, he only ate meat.

And Liang Qinxuan's state at that time was actually similar to him... I don't know what happened to Liang Qinxuan.

But no matter what, Liang Qinxuan should be much better about Bai Yu's presence.

Shi Zhen still believed in Guan Baiyu.

While Shi Zhen was talking to Guan Baiyu in Changxi City, a young man in shabby clothes got out of the car at the bus station of Anshan Town.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a driver washing dishes at a faucet next to him.

He stared at it for a while, then took his own cup and rushed over to get some water. After drinking two cups in a row, he took out some fried rice noodles and put it in the cup, then took some water, mixed it and drank it slowly.

God, he didn't find a place to get water before, and he was reluctant to buy water to drink, he was going to die of thirst!