Reborn to Strive

Chapter 72


City One Middle School.

Liang Qinxuan was tricked by Chen Shaojin once, and he always wanted to come back or beat Chen Shaojin.

Guan Baiyu was afraid that something would happen, so he had repeatedly advised him not to be impulsive. When he went back this time, he even told him to be careful, and he also focused on the child in his stepmother's womb: "Look at Chen Shaojin's insidiousness, his mother is not much worse. , you be careful, lest something happen to the child in his mother's belly, and it will be framed for you in the end."

Chen Shaojin is now very willing to listen to Guan Baiyu's words, and immediately nodded in agreement, and said: "I will be careful, but Chen Shaojin should be careful too, she is very precious to the child in her womb, and she avoids me when she sees me from a distance. "

"That's good." Guan Baiyu was relieved. In fact, Liang Qinxuan lives in school now, and he is still making up classes everywhere in the big week... It shouldn't be too much conflict with his stepmother.

When Liang Qinxuan talked about things at home, he was a little resentful: "My dad is so kind to that woman! He even invited two people to take care of that woman... Before my mother was at home, I had to do everything at home by myself!"

Liang Qinxuan complained to Guan Baiyu, and then was rushed to study by Guan Baiyu.

The exam is coming soon, you must study hard!

Guan Baiyu is now full of energy and wants to take the first place in the test.

It's a pity that there are too many excellent students in No. 1 Middle School, and he may not be able to win the first place.

After the first monthly test results, Guan Baiyu was fourth in class and seventh in grade—a total of two experimental classes.

However, although he did not take the first place in the test, he became a student who was the focus of the teacher. The head teacher also asked him to understand his family situation, saying that if his family had difficulties, he could apply for poverty subsidies.

This was something Guan Baiyu had never experienced before. He understood why his brother wanted him to go to a good school.

The difference is really big.

However, he didn't want the poverty subsidy. His brother bought him a lot of things, and he usually eats it well. If he goes to receive the poverty subsidy, other people will have opinions.

When the results of the mid-month exam came out, in the countryside near Anshan Town, on the new homestead of Mr. Wang's house, trenches had already been dug.

Cement was poured at the bottom of the ditch, and brickwork was started above.

When people in rural areas build houses, they are overseen by their own overseers and hired by workers to build them. The neighbors come to work as small workers. If they do more, everyone will know a little bit about building houses.

The house built by Mr. Wang's family is different, and people come to see it from time to time.

In the past, the village was full of two-story buildings of the same style. In fact, there was a reason. At that time, building a house was to lay a foundation and build a wall. When it was built to a height of more than three meters, prefabricated slabs were placed on top of the two walls to make floor slabs. Then continue building up the wall.

The so-called prefabricated board is a cement board poured with reinforced concrete. It is very strong and has a good bearing capacity. Ordinary people live on it normally and will never break.

That is, the prefabricated panels are all purchased, and the lengths are the same, so the houses built in this way may have different lengths, but the widths of the houses are the same, and the shapes are naturally not much different.

Of course, with the current technology, it is actually possible not to build such a simple house. For Mr. Wang's house, Shi Zhen poured a few pillars with reinforced concrete to make it stronger.

However, the walls are still made of red bricks.

There are several ways to build a wall. Some of them use more bricks, and some use fewer bricks. Mr. Wang is not bad, so he uses more bricks.

This morning, Shi Zhen dealt with all kinds of trivial matters, and then re-measured the cables, so that the masons must be careful when building the walls.

Walls must be built along these lines, and must not be crooked, which may cause problems.

"What the hell are you going to do? You can pull a thread? Who wouldn't! And the foreman... What foreman?" Among the masons, the master Zhang always disliked Shi Zhen.

He used to build houses for people, and everyone listened to him. He also built three-story buildings for people. He felt that Mr. Wang's house should be built using the method he used before!

But a Shi Zhen appeared!

Master Zhang was particularly resentful that he had to listen to a young man.

Shi Zhen usually doesn't argue with people, but that's in life.

He knows that he won't get any benefits if he wins, so he doesn't bother to fight with others.

And now in this situation... It's impossible for Shi Zhen to be unresponsive.

Shi Zhen picked up a brick and weighed it, looked at Master Zhang, and said with a smile, "I can do anything... or let's compare to see who builds walls and ground faster?"

"I've been building walls for decades, can you build walls faster than me?" Master Zhang sneered.

Shi Zhen was very sure: "Yes!"

If Master Zhang hadn't built walls for decades, he might not be as good as others, but now... Master Zhang has been in the industry for decades and is in his forties. No matter how skilled he builds walls, his hands and feet are not as good as those of young people. quick.

Shi Zhen, since he bought a tractor, he hasn't moved less bricks. He has been playing with bricks these past few days. Now the familiarity with bricks has returned.

He is eighteen years old, and he compares his hand speed with a man in his forties. That is really bullying others.

However, Master Zhang obviously didn't think so. He was clamorous and had to compare with Shi Zhen.

This situation attracted a lot of onlookers. The neighbors and Mr. Wang's family all came. They were quite interested in this kind of competition. They chose a wall and counted 100 bricks each. The two started to build.

Shi Zhen took a brick, threw it in mid-air and caught it, making a dashing gesture.

On the other side, Master Zhang was already building walls honestly, and seeing Shi Zhen's actions out of the corner of his eyes was a little distasteful: "Small frame."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Shi Zhen started to build.

Masons have special tools for laying walls. They will use the tools to dig cement and apply it to the bricks, and then build them up.

Too much cement will squeeze out, and if too little, it will not work. Of course, the master who has done it normally can control the amount of cement.

I don't know how many walls Shi Zhen has built in his previous life, so naturally he can't go wrong now.

He built up quickly.

The speed of young people is definitely faster than that of middle-aged people. After Shi Zhen concentrated on building the wall, the number of bricks around him decreased rapidly. Although Master Zhang's speed was also fast, he was not as fast.

When Master Zhang noticed this, he couldn't help being anxious, and when people are anxious, they are prone to mistakes.

And this kind of old master is actually used to working slowly, but after suddenly speeding up... The mistake of rubbing too much cement and not rubbing too little, he makes it again and again...

Shi Zhen felt that he was a bit bullying.

But why does he want to play? Isn't it just to bully people

After bullying, people will listen to him.

When it came to the last few bricks, every time Shi Zhen picked up a brick, he threw it upwards. When the brick spun and fell, his other hand just scraped up some cement, then caught the brick, smeared it with cement, and moved it to the ground. One click on the wall... Build it!

"Okay!" Some people around began to applaud.

Shi Zhen looks like he is juggling.

Shi Zhen also regained some of his youthful vitality.

Well, in everyone's eyes, he is very young now.

And his skill of playing with bricks was still learned with Qian Qiqi at the beginning.

When he was a child, his material life was too scarce, and he had no spiritual life. Later, when he started working, he also focused on money.

Having fun and the like has almost nothing to do with him.

As a result, the martial arts stories on the radio that everyone on the construction site listened to together gave him and the people in their village a great shock.

After that, many people followed Qianqiqi to practice iron sand palm by inserting sand with their hands, and diamond palm by splitting bricks with their hands.

The former is okay, the people who did the latter things were taught a hard lesson by Shi Zhen—did they take money for his bricks

But... Shi Zhen also secretly tried it at the time. He could really split the bricks by placing them on the ground. He couldn't split them even if they were placed on the ground.

And this action of throwing bricks was something they were bored and learned to practice. When he first met Guan Baiyu, he often threw bricks and played handsome in the presence of Guan Baiyu.

Who made Guan Baiyu like to watch it!

Because he threw too much, no one on the construction site could compare to him.

Throwing forward, throwing backwards and spinning... Shi Zhen will be.

Thinking like this, Shi Zhen performed a few more moves.

"it is good!"

"another one!"


The people around clapped their hands.

Shi Zhen put the last brick on the wall: "I'm done."

In fact, there are only a few bricks left in Master Zhang's place, but no one is paying attention to him. President Wang's six-year-old son rushed over to Shi Zhen and said, "Uncle, do you know martial arts?"

"I won't." Shi Zhen said.

"You will definitely, you look amazing, and I want to learn it too! I wanted to go to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts, but unfortunately my dad wouldn't let me go!" Xiao Pangdun said, "Don't worry, I can endure hardship, and I will do it. Horse-step! You teach me!"

Shi Zhen: "…"

Shi Zhen showed a hand, and harvested one, no, several of the little fans.

At that time, the children who were there to watch him play were not only the little fat man.

And these children looked at him with awe.

Not only that, but Mr. Wang's family also looked at him with admiration.

Although Mr. Wang's family is rich, it's hardship in the end. Previously, Mr. Wang's wife and parents had an opinion on Mr. Wang's request for more people like Shi Zhen—30 yuan a day! What's wrong with having this money!

But now they don't complain anymore, they still feel that Shi Zhen has real skills.

Not to mention, his bricklaying skills are really good, he must have been a mason for several years!

The most important thing is that young men who are handsome and polite to them are always more likable than middle-aged masters who are picky all day long. According to local customs, workers are invited to work at home. Tea, lunch, and snacks are also prepared at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Of course, if you don't prepare for these, you will have to pay more. In the current market, you need to pay five yuan more every day.

Workers eat snacks and eat together, evenly spread, one person can't eat five yuan, so most people choose to provide meals instead of paying five yuan more.

Although Mr. Wang makes a lot of money, no one else in his family is idle and willing to cook for the workers. His family provides meals, and the food is not bad.

Shi Zhen ate for a few days and was very satisfied with the food, but Master Zhang was probably always held by others when he went out, and because Mr. Wang's family was rich, he expected too much from Mr. Wang's family... He was picky from time to time and would not ask for it. people like it.

For example, yesterday afternoon, he did a strange thing. At that time, the "snacks" prepared by Mr. Wang's wife were bulk biscuits and watermelon, two packs of biscuits per person, and the watermelon was cut for everyone. After eating half of it, Master Zhang hugged the other half and scooped out the heart of the watermelon with a spoon.

Later, his two apprentices were embarrassed to eat the other half of the cut watermelon.

Master Zhang also felt that it was too perfunctory for people to make snacks for them with biscuits. He said that when he went to work at someone's house before, they would pack wontons for them to eat in the afternoon...

Shi Zhen: "..." This kind of thing, even if you are really dissatisfied, it would be stupid to say it.

It's good that masons are scarce now. In the future, there will be more people who will use this craft. It is estimated that everyone will not like to work with him.

Mr. Wang approved 180 square meters of the foundation, and Shi Zhen planned for him a slightly more complex apartment. There were many walls, so it was slow to build.

But because Shi Zhen has been staring at the side, in fact, compared to others, their progress is already fast.

Shi Zhen positions himself as a foreman, and usually takes care of all aspects, such as how to mix the cement better, how many times to sift the sand, and how many walls each person needs to build every day...

There is also how to build the scaffolding more firmly, etc., also pay attention.

After Shi Xinghuo happened in his last life, Shi Zhen has always cared about the safety of the construction site, and his knowledge is much richer than those of those who only built their own houses in rural areas.

Also because Shi Zhen is mainly responsible for dealing with these things, he occasionally leaves for a while, and everyone doesn't care.

Because of the construction of the house, Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu didn't get along very much during the three-day National Day holiday, and when October entered, the weather gradually became cooler.

In mid-October, cold drinks stalls can no longer be placed.

Having set up this stall for more than three months, not only did he make money from the freezer, but he also made a few thousand more. Shi Zhen was already very satisfied. Since he could not use the freezer for the time being, he went to town and found the stall he was setting up. Father, ask my father if he wants to use it.

Shi Dalin's barbecue stall, there are many foods that will go bad after a long time, it is best to store them in the freezer.

But Shi Dalin refused. He was very conservative in his business and did not dare to buy more. Basically, every night at eight or nine o’clock, he sold out the things that could not be stored for a long time.

"Dad, it's okay for you... How's business doing recently?" Shi Zhen asked him.

Shi Dalin said happily: "Okay, from morning to night, I can sell two hundred yuan a day! I estimate that I can earn seventy or eighty a day."

Because he earns a lot, Shi Dalin is particularly motivated. He now sets up a stall at the gate of the primary school in town every morning after six o'clock.

The primary school students in the town are all only children and have a lot of pocket money. Many people will come to him and spend fifty cents to buy a bunch of ham or sausage to eat.

After this wave of sales is over, he goes home and sleeps, and then goes to the town to set up a stall in front of the cinema. Most of the people who come to the town to shop during the day will pass by here, and the business is good!

In the afternoon, when the primary school was about to end, he would go to the entrance of the primary school... Next to the primary school, there is a kindergarten. Now there are some children whose parents don't buy them something to eat, so they refuse to go home!

When the students went home, Shi Dalin went to the cinema to set up a stall.

He is so busy, so of course he earns a lot. That is to say, he is not the only one selling fried skewers in the town. There is competition, otherwise he can earn more.

Of course, he is very satisfied with his current income.

He used to worry about the dowry money and the money for the banquet for his son's marriage, but now he finally doesn't have to worry about it - he can earn it in a month!

Of course, after chatting with people, he also found that if he gets married here... the cost is much higher than in their village!

But Shi Zhen is still young, a man must be 22 years old when he gets married, so don't worry, and Shi Zhen can make money himself, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Shi Zhen came here at noon, and there was no one in Shi Dalin's booth, so Shi Dalin chatted with Shi Zhen about family affairs.

Shi Dalin now gives Zhao Qiujuan 200 yuan a month, and asks Zhao Qiujuan to buy food and cook for the whole family, but he is too busy to set up the stall, so Zhao Meiyun will deliver the meal to him.

The town is not big, and Shi Zhen said that Zhao Meiyun had better walk more, so they let her go.

But now, Shi Dalin has saved nearly 3,000 and wants to buy a TV.

"Dad, you can buy it if you want, it's better to buy a color one." Shi Zhendao, he went to an electrical appliance store before and saw that the current 21-inch color TV looks like more than three thousand.

This price is very high compared to everyone's income during this period.

But he could understand his father's desire to buy a color TV.

They hadn't seen these before and always wanted it.

And there is a TV at home, Zhao Meiyun, Zhao Qiujuan and the others can also learn more about the world.

"Colored ones are too expensive..."

"I bought a black and white one, and I will definitely have to change it in the future. It's better to buy a color one in one step." Shi Zhen said. At this time, the quality of the color TV was very good. Shi Dalin bought it and could watch it for more than ten years.

"That's okay... Hey, if you buy it, I'll be the first one in our village to buy a color TV! You said that when we go back for the New Year, should we move the TV series back and show them?" Shi Dalin laughed, showing a sparse expression. Several teeth.

Shi Zhen didn't think it was a good idea to go back to the New Year with a TV show, so he changed the subject: "Dad, when will I take you to see your teeth and make a denture."

Today, Shi Dalin is actually inconvenient to eat anything. He barely bites off a lot of hard things and swallows them directly into his stomach, but he never tells anyone this, he just eats a few more soft foods.

"And dentures?" Shi Dalin was a little surprised.

"Yes." Shi Zhen laughed.

Shi Dalin suddenly yearned for it. He licked his teeth and said, "I have another loose tooth inside."

"Dad, you should rest more at home during the day." Shi Zhen advised him.

Shi Dalin smiled and said nothing, he wanted to make money.

Now that they started chatting, Shi Dalin also asked Shi Zhen about building houses for people.

He didn't quite understand why Shi Zhen was going to build houses for people - wouldn't it be nice to send and receive sweaters? Earn more than a mason!

In addition, Shi Zhen already has a freezer, and he can open a small shop. In the future, he will open a small shop and send and receive sweaters at the same time.

Shi Zhen laughed: "Dad, you can't make much money doing this."

In the last life, the people who opened a canteen in Guan Baiyu's village have been running a canteen all their lives.

"How much do you want to earn?" Shi Dalin was puzzled.

"For example... 100 million?" Shi Zhen laughed.

Shi Dalin felt that there was something wrong with his son's brain.

After chatting with his father, Shi Zhen drove his tractor parked not far away, and went to the station to pick up Guan Baiyu, who had gone home for the prostration.

A tractor is different from a truck. There can only be one person in front of it. Guan Baiyu moved a stool and sat in the tractor compartment, which was a little dirty because of the frequent loading. go home.