Reborn to Strive

Chapter 73


Guan Baiyu's school closed at noon on Fridays, and at noon on this day, the school did not care about meals.

In the past few times, Guan Baiyu didn't prepare, so he went home hungry, and didn't eat until he got home.

But he came back all the way, often a little over one, two hours later than their usual meal time.

Shi Zhen asked him to buy something to eat in Changxi City, and then go home after eating.

Thinking that the things at the station were too expensive, when Guan Baiyu went to the cafeteria for breakfast this morning, he simply bought an extra piece of fried rice with pickled vegetables, packed it in a plastic bag, and took it to eat when he left the school at noon.

The dishes that were not sold out the day before at school would be sold the next morning, and the rice that was not sold out the day before would also be fried into egg fried rice or pickled vegetable fried rice. Egg fried rice contains more eggs and some peas and carrots. What, a bowl of four cents, pickle fried rice is only two cents a bowl.

Pickle fried rice only puts a little pickle, but Guan Baiyu likes it because it's anti-hunger and cheap.

In addition, there are soy sauce noodles that also sell for 20 cents. Of course, the cheapest one is 10 cents of porridge.

Some people in their school are from poor families. They often buy two sets of fried rice with pickled vegetables in the morning and save one for lunch. Some people even bring food from home instead of buying food at school.

When the school first started, some students kept eating the food they brought from home. They were reluctant to throw away the hot food when they were damaged, and finally broke their stomachs.

Later, the principal also persuaded everyone on the school radio that the food brought to the school must be eaten on Monday and cannot be left for Tuesday.

There are also some girls with small appetites and their families are not rich, so two people buy one serving of vegetarian food and one serving of rice to eat, so that they can eat two or three cents for a meal.

If there is no Shi Zhen, if he is still admitted to the first high school... Guan Baiyu feels that he should apply for poverty subsidies, and then eat like this.

Now... He eats fried rice with pickled vegetables in the morning, and every now and then he spends 30 cents to add a fried egg to himself.

When Shi Zhen brought Guan Baiyu home, Shi Xingchao had already eaten lunch.

When they make breakfast in the morning, they usually cook more. Shi Xingchao eats the leftover porridge or rice at noon. As for the vegetables, he eats the leftovers in the morning. Eat a quarter.

When it rained occasionally, Zhao Qiujuan didn't come, so he cut some green onions, put in soy sauce lard, and made a bowl of soup with boiling water.

As far as Shi Zhen knows, his stinginess with food will be better until he has a son. He is more willing to his son, but once his son is not at home, he and his wife will spend a few cents on the Internet. A bag of mustard pickled in soup, you can eat a meal.

Because of their performance, because these two are in charge of the property of the entire community, they often work as security guards and cleaning...

Shi Xingchao's son always thought that his parents were poor and that it was not easy for his parents to support him, so he devoted himself to studying and wanted to make money to repay his parents.

After this child went to college, he stopped asking his parents for living expenses, and as a result...

His parents suddenly took out more than 10 million.

Shi Zhen sympathized with the child.

At noon today, Zhao Qiujuan brought over the stewed pig's feet with soybeans.

Shi Dalin gave Zhao Qiujuan two hundred yuan a month to buy vegetables. This is already a month's wages for some unprofitable factories. Now, the Shi family's food is pretty good.

Because Zhao Meiyun's leg is broken, he always eats pig's feet.

Shi Zhen put two pieces of pig's feet for Guan Baiyu, added some soybeans, let Guan Baiyu eat it, went to buy another chicken, asked someone to kill it, and simmered the chicken in a pot.

After he was done, he checked that it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, so Shi Zhen planned to go to the Wang's house to have a look.

"Brother, can I go?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"Of course," Shi Zhen said, "but there's nothing fun there."

"I'll just take a look." Guan Baiyu wanted to know how Shi Zhen worked.

Shi Zhen agreed and drove Guan Baiyu to the Wang's house with a tractor.

When they arrived, the people on the construction site had just eaten snacks.

Shi Zhen had told the Wang family before that he had to leave for a while, so he didn't need to prepare snacks for himself, and he didn't go to eat when he arrived, and took Guan Baiyu to see the unbuilt house.

The masons were building a big house, next to Mr. Wang's chubby son, with a group of children about his age, building a small house with red bricks.

The little fat man even took out sheets from the house and put them on two walls as a roof.

His family is really willing to let him spoil things.

The children were short, and the walls they built were low, and most of them collapsed and hurt their feet. In addition, the parents of these children were also watching, so Shi Zhen didn't need to worry.

It's just... As soon as Shi Zhen arrived, the Wang family's chubby dun rushed out and said to him, "Brother, you can show us martial arts again, okay?"

Shi Zhen: "…"

The little chubby guy from the Wang family should actually go to kindergarten... But because the kindergarten is too close to his home, he always slips home and walks around Shi Zhen.

"Martial arts?" Guan Baiyu was a little curious.

His brother had taught Qianqi some exercises before, and occasionally he would pull him to practice... But martial arts... His brother really knows

Shi Zhen suddenly remembered that in his previous life, Guan Baiyu liked to watch him throw bricks.

"It's not martial arts, it's just playing with bricks." Shi Zhen took a brick and played throwing.

No matter how he threw the brick, he could finally catch it.

Later, he added a brick, and there were more tricks to play.

Guan Baiyu didn't expect Shi Zhen to have this skill, so he was stunned, and the group of children kept "wow".

Shi Zhen was playing, and his mood improved. In the blink of an eye, Guan Baiyu was looking at him intently, but he didn't even think he was laughing.

Guan Baiyu's face suddenly turned red.

Shi Zhen noticed Guan Baiyu's expression and felt something was wrong. He stopped and grabbed the two bricks in his hands. Instead of looking at Guan Baiyu, he said to the children, "It's dangerous to throw bricks, you can't play. do you know?"

"Understood..." Wang's Little Fatty was a little lost.

Shi Zhen said again: "If you want to play, you can throw bouncy balls to play."

Recently, there is a new toy in the commissary, that is, one for fifty cents, a bouncy ball the size of a ping-pong ball, and Wang Xiaopang has several.

This kind of ball bounces up after being thrown on the ground. It's soft, and it won't hurt anyone if it hits it. No matter how they throw it, it's fine.

After listening to Shi Zhen, the little fat man took his friends and went to play the bouncy ball. If the bouncy ball was not enough, he threw the glass ball.

The thumb-sized glass balls are not harmful to them when they throw them like this. At most, they smash the balls, and Shi Zhen doesn't care.

After adjusting his mood, he walked towards Guan Baiyu and asked with a smile, "Am I good?"

Guan Baiyu's eyes lit up: "Amazing!"

His brother was just like that, full of power!

And... His brother used to give people a very quiet feeling, but just now, Guan Baiyu felt that he seemed very happy, and he laughed very loudly.

He likes his brother's energetic look.

At that moment, he was so excited... his heart beat faster!

Guan Baiyu's face was full of admiration, and he said, "Brother, you are really amazing!" Seeing him like this, Shi Zhen felt relieved.

Before Guan Baiyu was like that, it was a bit like the beginning of a love affair... Fortunately, it wasn't.

The kid just adores him.

After Shi Zhen and Master Zhang had built a wall, Master Zhang was at peace.

Master Zhang is at peace, not to mention the others.

Now that Shi Zhen brought his younger brother over, everyone smiled and greeted Guan Baiyu.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen immediately introduced Guan Baiyu to them, focusing on the fact that Guan Baiyu was a student in the experimental class of No. 1 Middle School.

Everyone must praise again, but Guan Baiyu is rather embarrassed.

Shi Zhen went out today, and after he came back, he started to build some walls. Of course, when building the walls, he couldn't help but play tricks again.

Does Little Fatty still like to watch Bai Yu

While Shi Zhen was working, Guan Baiyu kept watching from the side, his eyes sparkling.

His brother was very serious when building walls, and his movements were very skilled. Although he changed dirty clothes because of his work, he didn't know what was going on, but he just thought... he was very handsome!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the others left work one after another, and Shi Zhen also brought Guan Baiyu back to their residence.

As soon as he got home, Shi Zhen heard Shi Xingchao talking about Shi Xinghuo: "Brother, can you save some flowers, go for a walk when you go out for a walk, and even take a soda with you... You spend so much money every day, and it's not uncomfortable. Is it?"

Shi Xinghuo's face was blank: "Why do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Brother, you earn more than four hundred dollars a month, and your food expenses will cost you one hundred yuan, and it will cost you another hundred yuan for bits and pieces... You can spend too much!" Shi Xingchao hated iron. looking at Shi Xinghuo.

Shi Xinghuo was even more at a loss.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen asked, "What's wrong?"

Shi Xingchao immediately said: "Azhen, my brother spends too much money recently, he spends three or four dollars every day!"

Shi Zhen also knew that Shi Xinghuo had to spend three or four dollars a day. After all, Shi Xinghuo would give him his salary, and then he would give Shi Xinghuo pocket money.

But he didn't care too much.

Shi Xinghuo is also an adult. Now he goes out to work with the people from the waterworks. If his colleagues buy food, it's not good if he doesn't buy them.

Seeing that the day when Shi Xinghuo had an accident in his last life, Shi Zhen took care of him loosely.

Moreover, although he doesn't like to spend money, he has money in his hands. Shi Xinghuo spends a few dollars a day, which is nothing to him, and he will not stop him.

"He bought food, right? It's nothing." Shi Zhen said.

"How can he spend so much on food! He has enough to eat and drink three times a day, and he still spends three or four yuan. He... the big boss of others, doesn't spend so much!"

Shi Zhen: "..." The big boss doesn't spend three or four dollars a day.

Every time Shi Xinghuo asked him for money, he gave him five yuan. Sometimes Shi Xinghuo asked him again the next day, and sometimes two days later. Generally speaking, Shi Xinghuo spent around one hundred yuan a month. , can save more than two hundred.

Shi Zhen asked Shi Xinghuo, "What did you buy?"

Shi Xinghuo glanced at Shi Zhen and began to count the things he bought recently: "Watermelon, soda, biscuits, black fish noodles..."

It's all food... Shi Zhen asked, "Did you bring it for a treat?" Was it among colleagues

Shi Xinghuo nodded.

Shi Xingchao immediately exploded: "What are you asking others to do! That's someone else cheating on you! Brother, you don't want to marry a daughter-in-law? If you want to marry a daughter-in-law, you can't spend money indiscriminately, you must save it!"

Shi Xingchao has no objection to his brother's purchase of snacks. His brother used to buy ice lollies from Shi Zhen's side. At first, he would ask for a bite, but he tried it later, so he wouldn't ask his brother for it. After eating, they all watched his brother eat.

It's just... He thought that his brother was spending a few cents on Shi Zhen's side to buy food, and at most fifty cents a day, but he didn't expect to chat today... He actually learned that his brother spent so much!

Does this look like a day off

"Okay, Brother Xingchao, don't be angry... Brother Xinghuo, let's do this, you don't smoke anyway, so you can buy some snacks every day... I'll give you two yuan a day in the future, how about holding pockets?" Shi Zhen said.

At this time, two yuan can buy a lot of things, at least enough snacks to eat.

Shi Xinghuo has been following his colleagues around reading water meters recently.

Shi Zhen had seen the person he was following. He was obviously from a good family, so he was not willing to do dirty work, but he didn't seem to be bullying Shi Xinghuo.

Shi Xinghuo had brought back the dumplings he had given him before.

It may be that people's consumption is high, and after treating each other, Shi Xinghuo has more money.

"How can you spend two yuan a day!" Shi Xingchao felt that he couldn't use that much.

"Brother Xingchao, there are some children in the town who have two yuan in pocket money a day." Shi Xingchao closed himself.

Shi Xinghuo was fine with the matter of taking two yuan a day for pocket money.

"Okay, let's go eat!" Shi Zhen said.

Speaking of eating, Shi Xingchao said again: "Azhen, you actually bought chickens again, and old hens... Aunt Xiumei's chickens are much cheaper, why don't you buy them? Aunt Xiumei asked you if you want dead chickens, and you don't want them... "

Shi Zhen: "..." The white chickens raised are not as tasty as the old hens!

As for the dead chicken... He's really not interested.

Shi Zhen changed the subject: "Brother Xingchao, I'm going to take a shower, and we'll have dinner after that!"

Shi Xingchao stopped talking.

But Shi Zhen couldn't take a bath. He walked to the door and saw Liang Qinxuan.

When Liang Qinxuan saw Shi Zhen, he was very happy: "You are Guan Baiyu's brother! Is Guan Baiyu there?"

"Yes." Shi Zhen.

Liang Qinxuan breathed a sigh of relief, turned to a middle-aged man standing not far away and said, "Uncle Biao, my classmate's house is here! You go back first! Come and pick me up tomorrow morning."

After he finished speaking, he rushed into the room and said to Guan Baiyu: "Bai Yu! It's so dangerous! It's so dangerous! I almost got into a big event!"

"What's wrong?" Guan Baiyu asked.

Liang Qinxuan immediately said: "That woman gave birth prematurely! I finished my class at the teacher's place, and when I went home, I saw that woman was there, but my father was not there. I was afraid that she would frame me and ran out without entering the door. I played around outside. When I went back, no one was at home. Only after asking did I know that the woman had given birth prematurely. When I arrived at the hospital, the woman had already been sent for a caesarean section. Their mother and son will definitely frame me!"

Liang Qinxuan has been talked a lot by Guan Baiyu recently, and he is a little bit like a bow and snake, and he is afraid of being framed every day.

This time, his grandmother was framed, crying and saying that she did nothing, but his father didn't quite believe it when he saw it, which made his heart even more cold.

What bothered him the most was another thing.

At that time, he wanted to take his grandma away, but while his grandma kept saying that she didn't do anything, she was still thinking about the child in that woman's belly, and even kept saying that the woman was vicious and could not take care of the child until the child was born, She wants to bring.

His father didn't notice him at all, his grandmother was full of eyes, and there was only that child.

He had a feeling of being excluded from others, and if he couldn't stay any longer, he simply found his cousin who was driving in his father's company and sent him to Guan Baiyu.

Liang Qinxuan croaked and said, his eyes were red as he spoke, and he looked like he was about to cry.

But he didn't cry.

He noticed... what the house in front of him looked like.

Liang Qinxuan had never lived in such a dilapidated house in his life.

In this small room, there is a... The pillows above are made of cloth rolled with straw. There are three in total. There are three people sleeping here

And right next to Tongpu, is a table for eating, and next to it, is the place to cook.

The place is small and crowded, and the ground is still muddy!

"Guan Baiyu, is this your house?" Liang Qinxuan asked in a low voice. When he was outside, he felt that the house was very small, but he didn't expect it to be like this inside.

"Yeah." Guan Baiyu's expression was as usual, he felt that his home was fine.

Liang Qinxuan looked at the house again and felt embarrassed to complain to Guan Baiyu about what happened to him again.

Although what he experienced was a bit bad, but looking at the place where Guan Baiyu lives... He has lived a better life than Guan Baiyu, I don't know how much.

Liang Qinxuan broke away from the emotion of being abandoned by his relatives.

He thought of something more realistic - he let his cousin go because he wanted to sleep with Guan Baiyu today.

Now... he can't sleep in this place!

But his cousin... has left.