Reborn to Strive

Chapter 74


Liang Qinxuan's father, who had suffered a lot, occasionally told Liang Qinxuan about his experiences in his youth.

Even on him, there are still some marks left by his suffering.

For example, because there were so many burdens at that time, Father Liang's right shoulder was much lower than his left shoulder.

But since Liang Qinxuan could remember, his family was not short of money.

His parents probably suffered a lot in the past, and when they came to him, they couldn't bear him to endure a little bit of hardship, basically what he wanted.

He studied in the best schools in Changxi City in both elementary and junior high schools. Most of his classmates' parents are teachers or cadres, and their family backgrounds are generally good.

When he went to high school, there was no one from a poor family who was in contact with him.

It was said that Chen Shaojin, who was very close to him before, turned against him later...

Chen Shaojin's parents are both workers. Although their home is not very good, there is a set of two rooms and one living room that is divided into a factory, about 50 square meters, and the home is clean.

Today, for the first time, he knew that in such a small room, three people could sleep and cook and eat by the way.

The house is even muddy.

Liang Qinxuan was at a loss for a while.

He disliked this environment a bit, and sympathized with Guan Baiyu, and felt a sense of guilt inexplicably.

When he first met Guan Baiyu, Guan Baiyu told him about his family's situation. He sympathized with Guan Baiyu, but he really didn't know that Guan Baiyu was so poor.

Except for Shi Xinghuo, everyone else could see Liang Qinxuan's unease.

Shi Zhen said, "Liang Qinxuan, have you eaten? We are planning to eat, do you want to eat?"

"Okay, okay." Liang Qinxuan responded quickly. Although he had some opinions on the environment, he would be embarrassed if he refused to invite him to dinner.

Wait a minute, Guan Baiyu's family is not in good condition, if he eats it, will it leave the family without food

Liang Qinxuan was tangled, and he heard Shi Zhen say again: "Xiaoyu, prepare the meal, I'll take a bath."

He's been working outside and hasn't showered yet.

However, Shi Xinghuo came back early and had already washed it.

They bathed in the shed outside, and Shi Zhen went out directly.

Liang Qinxuan asked Guan Baiyu in a low voice, "Is he washing outside?"

Guan Baiyu said: "Well."

"Is there hot water there?"

"Wash with cold water."

Liang Qinxuan was in awe.

Today, the weather is a bit cold, and I even use cold water to wash it...

Before, I always heard Guan Baiyu say that his brother is very good, Liang Qinxuan didn't feel much, but now he also thinks Guan Baiyu's brother is very good.

Under such conditions in the family, Guan Baiyu's brother has never been indebted to Guan Baiyu!

Of course, Guan Baiyu is also very good. In such an environment, he still insisted on studying and was admitted to a high school!

Guan Baiyu is really worth his study!

Just thinking about this, Liang Qinxuan saw Guan Baiyu pick up a chicken from the pot, and he raised his knife and cut the chicken "bang bang bang".

He dodged a little subconsciously, Guan Baiyu used the knife very skillfully...

Guan Baiyu cut the chicken, added an egg and a little mustard to the chicken soup to make a mustard soup, and also fried a green vegetable... In addition to a little stewed pig's feet with soybeans and a plate of fried pickles, this meal is also considered a meal. Abundant.

The chicken was stewed in plain water, nothing was put in it, just pour a bowl of soy sauce and eat it directly.

Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu came back a little late, and after another toss, it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

After Shi Zhen finished washing, everyone could not wait to start eating.

Before Shi Zhen moved his chopsticks, he put a drumstick for Guan Baiyu and another for Liang Qinxuan.

He heard Guan Baiyu say some things about Liang Qinxuan, and felt that with Liang Qinxuan's provocativeness, it was estimated that this chicken would be enough to eat.

Liang Qinxuan really didn't like the dishes on the table very much.

Fortunately, not to the extent that you can't eat it.

He watched Guan Baiyu cook. Guan Baiyu loves cleanliness, and the dishes he cooks are also clean, and the hygiene meets his requirements.

Of course, it doesn't taste good.

Liang Qinxuan had undergone a great change, and he was in a bad mood and couldn't eat, but he felt that he really wanted to stop eating, as if he was disgusted, so he started to eat, eat and eat...

He went to the teacher to study again in the afternoon, and ran out to play again. He was already hungry, and finally he ate a lot, especially the pickle... He subconsciously tasted it, and he felt sour and appetizing, very delicious. .

Liang Qinxuan ate a meal with pickled vegetables and chicken legs.

Guan Baiyu knew that Liang Qinxuan was uncomfortable, and Shi Xinghuo and Shi Xingchao were still there, so he didn't ask Liang Qinxuan's family affairs in detail until Liang Qinxuan finished eating before taking Liang Qinxuan into his room.

Although there were some debris and straw piled up in Guan Baiyu's room, his bed was clean.

He only came back once every two weeks, and Shi Zhen specially asked Shi Xingchao to bask in the quilt for him.

Guan Baiyu moved a stool for Liang Qinxuan to sit on, and then asked him about the Liang family, intending to give Liang Qinxuan some ideas.

At least... He wants to keep the "Prince" from taking a detour.

Liang Qinxuan explained what happened to him in detail.

In the hospital at that time, Chen Shaojin gave him a vicious look, and then said that his grandmother poured oil on the ground, causing Chen Shaojin's mother to fall and give birth prematurely... Of course, his grandmother would not admit it.

He didn't think his grandma would do such a thing either.

Although his grandma didn't like that woman, she had no problem with the child in that woman's belly!

At that time, he wanted to take his grandmother out of the hospital, but his grandmother was not willing to wait for the child to be born safely.

Therefore, although his grandmother usually talks about that woman, she is not happy that his father divorced his mother and married that woman, and is not happy to see his father treat that woman well, but when his father sees Tianer buying supplements and delicious food at home, his grandmother I will never let that woman eat.

"If I had been at home or had gone home at the time, it would have been unreasonable." Liang Qinxuan said.

Guan Baiyu felt the same way.

In fact... Liang Qinxuan was not at home at the time, and some people wanted to throw dirty water on him.

In the hospital, Grandma Liang didn't admit that she poured oil on the ground. Father Liang calmed down and didn't think it was her mother's doing.

At least not his mother did it on purpose.

Chen Shaojin said, "Is it Liang Qinxuan?"

If Grandma Liang's people were ranked first, Father Liang and Liang Qinxuan would definitely be tied for the first place, followed by the unborn child, she immediately said, "Xiaoxuan hasn't entered the house today, how could he harm your mother? I think it was your mother who directed and acted and wanted to deal with this old woman like me!"

Liang Qinxuan came back once before. When he opened the door, he saw Chen Shaojin's mother and asked a question. Knowing that his father hadn't come back, he turned around and left.

Grandma Liang, stepmother Liang Qinxuan, and two nannies at home all saw this.

Father Liang also felt that his son would not do such a thing. He doubted it, and thought it might be the two nannies or his mother who accidentally spilled oil on the ground.

Hope the baby is okay now.

Chen Shaojin's mother's name is Yuan Xiangyang, and his name is a bit masculine.

Liang's father was determined to divorce and marry her, mainly because he felt that Yuan Xiangyang had paid too much.

They reunited after a long absence, and after the revival of the old love, Yuan Xiangyang's husband, who had always treated her badly, found out about their affair and beat Yuan Xiangyang many times.

Yuan Xiangyang divorced and went out of the house. The injury was not healed, and he found out that he was pregnant with his child.

She suffered again at such a young age, and the child was almost not saved. She went to the hospital to lie down for two months before finally saving the child.

It has been raised until six months of pregnancy before the body recovers.

Father Liang was also sure that the child would not have a miscarriage because of a trivial matter, so he was ready to divorce - he was afraid that he would divorce early, and people from Liang Qinxuan's mother's side would go to Yuan Xiangyang's side to make trouble, which would make Yuan Xiangyang unable to keep the child.

In fact, if he didn't have this child, he wouldn't necessarily get a divorce, but with a child, Yuan Xiangyang still suffered so much...

Now that the child is not yet full-term, this kind of thing happened again... If it wasn't for smoking at the door of the operating room, Father Liang would probably have smoked two packs of cigarettes.

Finally, the door to the operating room opened.

Although Yuan Xiangyang's body is a little weak, there is nothing serious, just take care of it for a while.

But that kid has a big problem.

This child's heart is not very good, so he needs to take care of it carefully. When he grows up, he will have to undergo surgery.

Just live... Father Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Liang Qinxuan said: "Guan Baiyu, I came to see you, I want to stay at your house for one night, my father and my grandmother don't care about me, and my mother is not here..."

His mother refused to get a divorce. She cried all day after the divorce, her mental state was very bad, she didn't look good when she saw him, and she didn't even go out all day because she felt ashamed.

His uncle took his mother elsewhere.

Many of his relatives worked in his father's company. When he went back, they all told him to follow his father... He was also annoying.

"I'm here... are you willing to live?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"It's okay, your bed looks fine." Liang Qinxuan said.

Guan Baiyu's bed is fine, but Guan Baiyu doesn't want to sleep with Liang Qinxuan!

He was very young, and he just set up a bed to sleep by himself. Later, when his grandmother died, he lived alone, and he was used to it.

If he had to sleep with others, he only wanted to be with Shi Zhen, not Liang Qinxuan.

"How about I take you to town? There seems to be a place for people to live there."

"Those small shops are dirty, right?" Liang Qinxuan hesitated.

Guan Baiyu directly gave him a heavy dose of medicine: "I have cockroaches and mice here."

Liang Qinxuan: "!!!"

After Liang Qinxuan entered Guan Baiyu's room, Shi Xingchao whispered to Shi Zhen, "Azhen, Guan Baiyu's classmate, looks very rich."

"Yeah." Shi Zhen responded.

"Does he want to live here? Will he think it's too bad?" Shi Xingchao asked again.

Shi Zhen was taken aback.

Shi Zhen didn't think much about it before, but now Shi Xingchao mentioned it... Seeing Liang Qinxuan's appearance, he really seemed to want to stay.

Shi Zhen rubbed his forehead with his hand and said, "If he wants to live, let him live."

Shi Xingchao didn't ask any further questions. He soon returned to Guan Jianguo to embroider sweaters.

As for Shi Xinghuo, he went out for a walk as usual.

Shi Zhen washed the dishes and tidy up the house.

One after another, some voices came out from the inside, but I couldn't hear it clearly, and I didn't know what Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan were talking about.

These two people didn't know each other in the last life, but it's really amazing that they became good friends in this life.

Shi Zhen's mood was a little complicated, but he didn't plan to do anything. At this time, Liang Qinxuan and Guan Baiyu came out, and Guan Baiyu said, "Brother, send him to the town and find him a place to live!"

Shi Zhen heard the words and asked Liang Qinxuan, "Do you want to go by tricycle or by tractor?"

Shi Zhen's tricycle was not the kind of tricycle used to solicit customers on the street, but loaded with goods. Liang Qinxuan felt a little silly sitting in it.

He hesitated for a while and said, "Tractor?"

Then, Liang Qinxuan watched Shi Zhen start the tractor with a jerk, and then carried him all the way to the town.

There was a hotel in the town that was converted from a former guest house. Shi Zhen sent Liang Qinxuan to him, helped him go through the formalities, and then went home.

This night, Liang Qinxuan lived in a dirty hotel in the town. After thinking about it a lot, he fell asleep. He didn't wake up until the knock on the door the next morning.

The hotel didn't care about breakfast, so Guan Baiyu took him home for breakfast, and after eating, he took him around the village.

There are rich people in the village, but there are also poor people.

The old grandmother was very old, and she was so thin that she had no flesh on her body, as if she was just covered with a wide layer of skin on her bones. She couldn't walk anymore, but she didn't have a cane, so she held on to a stool, moved the stool forward a bit, followed by a few steps forward, and walked slowly.

There are also some old masters who have done a lot of heavy work such as carrying burdens in their early years, and their entire backs are bent. In the worst case, the whole person even bent at a right angle.

"Liang Qinxuan, as long as you don't get involved in your stepmother's affairs... your future will be magnanimous." Guan Baiyu said, no matter how many people work hard all their lives, they can't earn the Liang family's fortune!

"Yeah." Liang Qinxuan looked at the rice field not far away and felt deeply.

But he couldn't feel it for long.

His cousin has come to pick him up, and he has to go to make-up lessons!

Guan Baiyu sent Liang Qinxuan away and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Liang Qinxuan learned from his cousin that his stepmother had given birth to a daughter who also had a heart attack.

Although the relatives on Liang Qinxuan's mother's side were reluctant to fall out with Liang's father, they did not like Yuan Xiangyang, and now Liang Qinxuan's cousin said, "When she used her stomach to make a fortune, I definitely didn't expect to give birth to a useless one... Hehe, I was punished!"

Liang Qinxuan felt that this sounded a bit wrong, but he couldn't hold back: "My dad is in his fifties, and he died a long time ago! It's no wonder!"

Liang Qinxuan should not take the old path of his previous life again, so Shi Zhen didn't care about his affairs.

If Liang Qinxuan can still be friends with him in this life, that's the best, if he can't be friends, he won't care.

On this day, he went to work at Mr. Wang's side as usual, and at night he brought Guan Baiyu Shixing to Shi Xinghuo, and went to the Shi's house for a meal together.

After eating and going home, everyone was busy as usual.

Shi Xinghuo left the house again and went out.

He likes to go out and walk around, almost every night, he will go out for a walk.

However, he used to go to places where people in the village gathered, but recently he will go to other places.

This is also a water town. There is a lot of water in the countryside. Not far from Guan Baiyu's house, there is a pond.

This pond is long and quite large. At one end of the pond is a house, which is lively and lively, but at the other end is a large bamboo forest. On the other side of the bamboo forest, is the village cemetery. Around the cemetery, there are mulberry trees.

It's a somewhat spooky place.

Few people come here, even naughty children, only come here to play during the day.

After Shi Xinghuo came, he saw a young woman in her twenties with a plump figure and fair skin.

In this age when almost no makeup was used in the countryside, this woman put on red lipstick, painted her eyebrows, and brushed a touch of rouge on her cheeks, which made her already bright facial features look even better.

"Brother Xinghuo, you are here!" The woman smiled sweetly at Shi Xinghuo.

Shi Xinghuo nodded, took out a bottle of soda for her, and smiled naively: "Here you are."

The woman was a little annoyed when she saw the soda that Shi Xinghuo brought, but she still took it and said to Shi Xinghuo, "Brother Xinghuo, I haven't seen you for a day, I miss you so much."

"Well, I miss you too." Shi Xinghuo nodded happily.

"Brother Xinghuo, you look more and more handsome!" the woman said again.

Shi Xinghuo smiled, revealing slightly yellow teeth.

This woman praised Shi Xinghuo so much that Shi Xinghuo was in the sky and on the ground. In short, in her mouth, there was no one better than Shi Xinghuo!

Some of Shi Xinghuo didn't understand, some did, and then no matter whether he understood or not, all nodded in agreement, the more he laughed, the happier he became.

The woman talked for a long time and said inadvertently, "Brother Xinghuo, my clothes are a little old..."

"It's still new and beautiful."

"Brother Xinghuo, I want to go to town to buy a lipstick..."

"What is lipstick?"

"Brother Xinghuo, they all have bicycles, but I don't..."

"I do not have either."

The woman hinted for a long time, and finally couldn't help saying: "Brother Xinghuo, my father is not in good health recently, I can't pay for the medical expenses..."

"You can borrow it." Shi Xinghuo's face was serious.

"I don't know anyone, and I don't know who to borrow." The woman was about to cry.

Shi Xinghuo said, "I don't know anyone either."

The woman's expression froze, and she gave up: "Brother Xinghuo, you have been working for a while, you should have some savings, right? Can you lend me some money?"

Shi Xinghuo's face was innocent: "I have no money."

The woman smiled dryly: "How is it possible..."

"Shi Zhen said that he will only give me two dollars a day." Shi Xinghuo sighed.

The woman's voice was a little dry: " gave him all your money?"

Shi Xinghuo nodded seriously: "Yes."

"Aren't you afraid that he will spend all your money?"

"No, Shi Zhen kept the money for me to marry a wife." Shi Xinghuo said.

Shi Xinghuo chatted with this beautiful woman for a long time before leaving satisfied.

He likes this friend very much. This person praises him for a long time every time, and speaks him very well.

It was his friend's family that was very strict, and she was not allowed to get along with men, so he was not allowed to tell others what they knew... He held back, not even Shi Zhen and Shi Xingchao.

As soon as Shi Xinghuo left, the woman on the other side also turned and walked away. She was not far away on the path when a man confronted her: "How is it? This time you asked for money directly, did he respond?"

"No! This man is too fine! He's not plucking a hair!" The woman was on fire, "He still wants to marry me! He wants to be beautiful!"

"He wants to marry you?" the man asked.

The woman said: "He said that all his money is to be kept for marrying a wife! It is estimated that I will only be willing to give me money if I promise to marry him!"

"Grass! So you've been busy for so long, and it's all in vain?" The man was also angry.

The two of them were a brother and sister who lived nearby and thought Shi Xinghuo was a little silly, so they wanted to coax money from him.

This woman got to know Shi Xinghuo little by little, got Shi Xinghuo's favor, and then got along with Shi Xinghuo in private, saying that she was not having a good life...

Shi Xinghuo was very enthusiastic about her. He came to her every day, and every time he gave her gifts... It was just food that was not very valuable.

She had cultivated a relationship with Shi Xinghuo for a long time before she started asking Shi Xinghuo for money.

As a result... Shi Xinghuo actually gave her a piece or two every time!

She hinted that Shi Xinghuo bought something for herself, and Shi Xinghuo pretended not to understand.

This time she went out of her way and asked for money directly, but this person didn't even give it.

It's really unbelievable. This Shi Xinghuo looks stupid, but he is actually a good person!

Shi Xinghuo didn't know that he was being treated as an adult. He returned home in a good mood, and then he was caught by his brother and said, "Where's the soda you took out? After drinking it? Why don't you drink it? Take the bottle back? You don't know that the bottle can be exchanged for money! You spend so much money, can you get a wife?"

Shi Xinghuo stopped.

He actually doesn't know why he wants to marry a daughter-in-law. For him, he is very happy when he has enough to eat and drink.

But let him marry a wife, still want to marry.

He obediently listened to his brother's reprimand and said, "Shi Zhen will help me save money."

Shi Xingchao was speechless, and waved angrily: "You go, let's go, I don't want to see you!"

Shi Xinghuo walked away with a smile. After walking a few steps, he turned around and asked, "Xingchao, is it because I'm more handsome than you, that's why you're unhappy?"

Shi Xingchao was stunned by his eldest brother's shamelessness, he was definitely more handsome than his brother! He was covered in the house for two months, and he was covered in white!

He also washes his face with soap every day and brushes his teeth seriously in the morning and evening!

Can his brother do it

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Shi Xingchao was angry.

Shi Xinghuo glanced at his brother sympathetically, and happily took a bath, ready to sleep.

He is very handsome! Shi Zhen is not as handsome as him!

Well, at least in the eyes of his friends, he is the best looking!

Alas, his younger brother is average-looking, has no money, and can't even afford a popsicle, which is really pitiful.

He usually has to pay more attention to his brother.

Shi Xingchao: "..." What happened to his brother? His brother's positioning of himself is wrong!

Also, his brother actually sympathized with him!

This is too unreasonable!