Reborn to Strive

Chapter 86


Today's chicken, Shi Zhen chopped into small pieces and braised.

There seemed to be a lot of chickens, but there were four men in total, and they ate one chicken in one meal.

After dinner, Shi Zhen and Shi Xingchao went to Guan Jianguo to work, and Guan Baiyu also followed.

It's winter now, and the wind from the outside is blowing in through the cracks. It's very cold. Their door is not opened, but there is no bolt at the door, and they only rely on a stool.

From time to time, someone pushes the door and comes in. Every time this happens, everyone shrinks their necks and calls him to close the door quickly.

There were a dozen people in the room, all sitting on their own bamboo chairs, embroidering clothes or knitting sweaters, chatting with people while working.

Since Guan Baiyu went to school in Changxi City, people in the village didn't see him very much. When he appeared in Guan Jianguo, many people immediately asked him about Changxi City.

Most of the women who came to Shi Zhen to get embroidered sweaters were in their 40s and 50s, and many were born before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

They have lived in the countryside since they were young and can't ride bicycles. For them, visiting Anshan Town during the New Year and festivals is already a rare entertainment for them, and most of them have never been to Changxi City.

No matter what Guan Baiyu said, they all listened to it with interest, and they were even more curious about No. 1 Middle School.

Then I began to think that it would be best for my children, or grandchildren, to go to the city to study after graduating from junior high school.

Sometimes this is the case. When there is no reference goal, everyone has no idea about their children's learning. With the reference goal, the road for their children to take in the future seems to be clear.

While we were chatting, the sound of motorcycles came from outside the house.

Guan Jian country has no motorcycles, who is here? The woman sitting by the door opened the door curiously, and everyone saw a motorcycle parked at the gate of Guan Jianguo.

A man in his thirties got off the motorcycle. After he got off the car, he took off his helmet and asked, "Shi Zhen is here?"

"I'm here." Shi Zhen stood up and greeted the other party to come in.

He knew this person, who he had given a business card a few days ago.

After the construction of Mr. Wang's house began, many people came to visit.

Some people just came to see it, and some people liked it after watching it, but they didn't plan to build a house for the time being.

There are people... Someone has copied his apartment and started to build a house.

Shi Zhen knew that these were unavoidable - in this day and age, imitations are everywhere.

"I want to build a house that is different from others, so I came to you... Can you really build it? And I'm busy and I don't have time to spend. Can you show me all of it?" The cold wind was blowing cold, and after entering the room, he closed the door quickly, and took off his leather gloves and rubbed his hands.

"Yes, Mr. Wang's house, I watched it all the way up." Shi Zhen said.

This man's motorcycle is a Honda. This Honda motorcycle sells for more than 30,000 yuan on the market.

In 1994, due to insufficient production capacity, many industrial assembly line products that were very cheap after more than 20 years were expensive at this time, and home appliances were one of them.

However, comparing the prices of items that people need for basic life, such as the price of rice, with the prices of these items around 2020... The purchasing power of 10,000 yuan today is equivalent to 100,000 yuan in 25 years.

Today, many factories offer workers two or three hundred wages, which is equivalent to two or three thousand in later generations.

Of course, in the next few years, prices will rise rapidly, and the monthly salary will be increased by 100 every year. Before long, it will not be a one-to-ten algorithm.

This person can buy more than 30,000 motorcycles, and the family is definitely rich - now to build a house, if you don't do expensive renovations, 20,000 yuan is enough.

The young man driving the motorcycle scratched his hair that was permed and crushed by the helmet: "Hey! What kind of boss Wang is! But he did say that you did a good job. Tell me about it and help me. What is the process for building a house? How do you charge?"

There were a lot of people in the house, but Shi Zhenba didn't know that he was building houses for others, so he said directly: "That's it, we first determine the style of the house you want to build, and then I will give you an estimate here. After that, you can buy the materials yourself, pay me the wages and I will find someone to build it for you, or you can give me all the money, and I will buy the materials and find the workers, and be solely responsible for everything. As for the money for building the house, it will be divided. Several stages, one stage one gives…”

Shi Zhen said, and took out a form: "I have a price template for Mr. Wang's house here. I made a charging standard according to this price template, you can take a look."

This template Shi Zhen wrote very clearly, and it looked clear at a glance.

He marked out how much money was charged at each stage, and there was a final payment at the back, which was paid after the house was built and the client was satisfied.

Mr. Wang's house, not to mention the interior decoration, the whole frame is now covered, and it took more than 20,000 yuan.

This is because Mr. Wang's house is bigger and better, and the exterior walls are covered with bricks. Ordinary ordinary houses cannot afford this kind of money.

"If you are responsible for everything, will the price you give me to build a house be about the same as this?" the man asked.

"I won't charge more, if you build the same house as him, you can pay the same price," Shi Zhen said again, "Also, if you're worried about trouble, the workers' meals and so on, I'm here. It can also be solved to save you trouble, of course, this part of the money has to be counted.”

This man is more excited.

Shi Zhen made persistent efforts to show him some of the houses he had drawn before, as well as the floor plan.

Most people like houses, and their love for houses is engraved in their bones.

With a house plan, people can often make up a lot of brains.

When Shi Zhen drew the floor plan, he drew the bed, the sofa, etc., and it looked even better.

"What do you think of this set? The master bedroom on the second floor also has a cloakroom for you. Rich foreigners use a room to store their clothes, with a large floor-to-ceiling mirror inside..." Shi Zhen introduced with a smile.

The man in front of him was young, his hair was permed, and his clothes were good, so he obviously paid more attention to appearance.

"Is this still possible?" The man kept looking at the floor plan.

Shi Zhen introduced the person to the layout of several houses, and the person finally decided on the one with the cloakroom.

The women who worked here also listened to some of them, and also passed on those floor plans.

They couldn't understand it at first, but after Shi Xingchao and Guan Baiyu introduced them to them, they could understand it, and they all liked it: "When I get rich in the future, my family will also build such a house."

"I think this is good. When the time comes, I will let my grandson live here, and we will live here..."

"It's better. The room below is so spacious. The sofa will not be placed. It will be used to raise silkworms."

Shi Zhen said ok to this man in the voices of the women, and said that he would write a contract during the day tomorrow, calculate all the budgets in all aspects, and go to this man's house tomorrow night to find him and discuss it again.

"I'm still writing a contract! It's normal! Not bad!" The man was very satisfied.

However, he wanted to take the floor plan away, but this Shi Zhen did not agree: "These can only be given to you after the contract is signed and the deposit is paid."

"Alright." The man didn't force it.

This man came here on a motorcycle, and then left on a motorcycle. When he left, the big guy asked Shi Zhen, "Shi Zhen, how do you know so much?"

"You're a mason, and you still sign contracts with people?"

"Just build a house and find you alone?"

Shi Zhen simply said: "I do this, called the foreman."

Nowadays, people generally call them foreman or contractor. In the future, there will be some other names, such as project managers, which can be called by any name.

Of course, it's not enough to just do these things. According to his ideas, after he has his own staff, he plans to register a company.

It doesn't make a lot of money to build self-built houses in rural areas for people, but you can practice the people under your hand, and then take on some other profitable projects in the future, and you will be able to grow rapidly.

And now what he has to do is to do all the small projects in his hands.

In the early stage of the business, even if you can't make money, you must make a reputation.

After Shi Zhen and the others left, they began to calculate the price of building the house.

He has done this a lot in his past life. When he built a house for President Wang before, he was familiar with it once, and it can be counted.

It's just... He lacks a computer, and it's a bit slow to count.

Shi Zhen did the calculation by himself, and asked Guan Baiyu to do the calculation for himself.

Guan Baiyu's checking speed is very fast, and after the calculation, he even takes time to take others to see the floor plan and bring them all back and organize them.

These are all his brother's hard work, and none of them can be missed!

Speaking of which, these houses are really beautiful, and he also wants a house to live with his brother in the future.

Guan Baiyu is more concerned about making money.

The next night, Shi Zhen went to the house of the man who drove the Honda motorcycle, and discussed the construction of the house with him in detail.

He also went there to find out that this person, like President Wang, is from a leather shoe factory... His father is the real owner of the leather shoe factory.

His father had two sons. Originally, their family lived together as a group, but he had a conflict with his younger brother. His mother was partial to his younger brother's son and didn't like his daughter, so the family was full of trouble.

His father couldn't take it anymore, so he gave him and his younger brother 50,000 yuan and let them build their own houses.

No, he found Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen asked him about his situation and suggested: "Your family is just your young couple and your daughter. In fact, you don't need to build a three-story building. It's too troublesome to clean. I think it's enough to build a beautiful two-story building. It's okay outside. Make a garden."

"Two floors? Will it be too small? If my daughter grows up and gets married, it will be difficult to live with too many people." The man said.

Shi Zhen was speechless: "Your daughter is only three years old... The house you live in now is when you were three years old? When your daughter grows up, maybe she can study very well and go to work in a big city... You may be in a big city at that time. Buy her a house."

"That's right! My daughter is very smart." The man nodded again and again.

The two did not delay, Shi Zhen took out the computer he just bought today, and directly calculated the price of building a house at his house.

This person is also big-hearted, and because he was afraid of trouble, he directly entrusted all the work to Shi Zhen, and let Shi Zhen be solely responsible for the construction of the house.

Shi Zhende admits that this is his favorite client.

On Mr. Wang's side, buying materials, etc., is all from Mr. Wang himself, and Mr. Wang will not necessarily let him intervene in the subsequent decoration.

Look at what Mr. Wang said recently... I already wanted him to work again, and it shouldn't be long before I settled the wages with him and let him leave.

As for the construction of this house…

It's already mid-December 1994, and this year's Spring Festival is the end of January 1995, which means that the New Year is only one and a half months away.

Shi Zhen negotiated with this person that he bought building materials such as bricks a few years ago, and then started construction after a new year.

However, the money to buy the materials, the deposit, etc., should be given to Shi Zhen first.

This one is also a straightforward person, and directly gave Shi Zhen five thousand.

Shi Zhen took the money home and was in a very good mood.

This business really came just right.

To help Mr. Wang build a house, he has already met some good local workers. After a few years, he can call out some people in his village to come to the construction site to help.

Shi Zhen was in a good mood. When he got home, he gave Guan Baiyu 100 yuan: "Xiaoyu, take it and buy some snacks."

Guan Baiyu didn't answer: "Brother, I have money."

"It doesn't conflict with me wanting to give you money if you have money." Shi Zhen said.

"Brother, it's really not necessary! You don't have to give me living expenses in the future. I have money now." Guan Baiyu said, he usually sells stationery in school, so he can earn his living expenses, the five thousand yuan The money can also be used for other business.

"You're not yet an adult. I'll definitely pay for your living expenses. You can also take this money." Shi Zhen forcefully put one hundred yuan into Guan Baiyu's hands.

He wanted to share his joy with Guan Baiyu.

Ever since he met Guan Baiyu, whether he is happy or unhappy, what he is looking for most is Guan Baiyu.

Of course, to do it all over again, apart from Guan Baiyu being bullied by Yan Jiangtao, he almost couldn't be recommended for No. 1 middle school, and he was beaten by Chen Shaojin half a month ago... At other times, he was not unhappy.

Most things are small things to him.

Guan Baiyu could only take the money.

On Sunday, Guan Baiyu set off for Changxi City in the morning.

He told Shi Zhen that he had made an appointment with Liang Qinxuan to make up the class together. In fact... he planned to buy some stationery, and by the way, asked if there was any clothing factory in Changxi City that could take over the work of pencil cases.

It is not difficult to make a pencil case. The simplest pencil case can be made with a piece of cloth and a zipper.

A more difficult pencil case is just a few more pockets, which is nothing to a manufacturer who can make clothes.

In contrast, it is actually more troublesome to find the right fabric, especially... Generally speaking, the more beautiful the pattern on the pencil case, the more people will buy it, and it is best not to fade.

Guan Baiyu has ideas, but he has never done them before, so he can't help but hesitate.

But... His brother has an idea and will do it right away every time, why can't he

Guan Baiyu found Liang Qinxuan at noon that day.

The two ate together, and Guan Baiyu also told Liang Qinxuan that he wanted to sell pencil cases.

"That's a good idea! Are we still working together?" Liang Qinxuan asked.

"If you want to partner, of course it's best." Guan Baiyu said.

"Then I'm definitely going to be a partner! The New Year's money that I received before adds up to about 10,000, how much do you want?" Liang Qinxuan said.

Guan Baiyu: "..." Ten thousand... Liang Qinxuan is really rich!

Think about it, at the beginning of this year, all his belongings were only a few dollars!

And his brother, when we first met, he was so poor that he couldn't even afford a toilet!

Guan Baiyu asked Liang Qinxuan to pay 5,000 yuan like him.

They put together 10,000 yuan, and they can already cooperate with a clothing factory to produce pencil cases. The style of the pencil case, the fabric used, etc., must be studied first, and how to sell these pencil cases after they are made. , and think about it first.

They'd better go to the manufacturer to make them after they're sure someone wants them.

Otherwise, after their pencil cases are produced, what if they can't be sold and smashed into their hands

There are a lot of things, so Guan Baiyu will list them one by one, intending to put them aside first, and then deal with them during the winter vacation.

They are about to have final exams, or exams are more important.

After buying a batch of stationery, Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan went to the largest stationery store in Changxi City to see how much their stationery was selling.

The stationery store in Changxi City is very large. Most of the stationery is placed in a glass counter. If you want to buy it, the salesperson will take out the contents.

As soon as Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan entered, someone came to ask them what they wanted to buy.

Guan Baiyu said: "Let's take a look first."

These days, there are quite a lot of people who just look and don't buy things. Many students will go to bookstores and stationery stores when they are free. After listening to Guan Baiyu's words, that person goes to greet others.

In the stationery store, Guan Baiyu and the others are not the only ones.

Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan slowly looked at the items in the counter. The price of some items in it exceeded Guan Baiyu's expectations: "This pen is so expensive!" How much does a pen cost hundreds of dollars? He had never seen such an expensive pen in a stationery store in Changxi City before.

"I have this pen! Do you want it? I can give it to you," Liang Qinxuan said. "It's a bit ugly, I don't like it."

"No need..." Guan Baiyu said.

He thinks his five-dollar pen works well, and if it's not bad, he doesn't plan to buy a second one.

Not far from the two, the three No. 1 middle school students who came to buy things had already seen Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan.

They are not in the same class as Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan, they are students in a regular class in a middle school and a high school.

They didn't know Guan Baiyu at first, but recently they bought stationery from Guan Baiyu, so they knew each other. After getting to know him... they heard something about Guan Baiyu.

For example, Guan Baiyu has good grades, and Guan Baiyu is good friends with Liang Qinxuan, a famous local tyrant in the second year of high school.

As for Liang Qinxuan, there are also many rumors in the school, his fame is much more than that of Guan Baiyu.

What is particularly rich, ordering a bunch of dishes in the cafeteria every day.

What do you like to show off your wealth to people

When the family's father finds Xiaosan, he forces Xiaosan's son to change classes and drop out of school.

Some of Liang Qinxuan's former friends also said that Guan Baiyu was dog-legged and pestered Liang Qinxuan, forcing Liang Qinxuan to break up with them.

Anything is there anyway.

Seeing Liang Qinxuan and Guan Baiyu, they were a little curious. When they heard Liang Qinxuan's words, two of them were envious, and the other was a little jealous of Guan Baiyu.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Guan Baiyu?"

This voice gave Guan Baiyu a bad impression. He turned his head and saw Yan Jiangtao.

Guan Baiyu frowned.

Yan Jiangtao and Liang Qinxuan have money in their families, but they are completely different people.

Although Liang Qinxuan is rich and likes to show off, he never takes the initiative to bully others.

Yan Jiangtao was different. He always looked high and mighty, and looked down on the students in the class and the school who were poorer than him.

After the high school entrance examination, Guan Baiyu never saw Yan Jiangtao, and he didn't expect to meet him here.