Reborn to Strive

Chapter 89


When Shi Zhen talked about it, Guan Baiyu remembered that today is his birthday.

"Brother, you came here specifically to celebrate my birthday?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"Well, let's go out to eat first... Is there any place you want to play in the afternoon? Let's play together?" Shi Zhen asked.

In Changxi City more than 20 years later, there are large shopping malls, beautiful parks to visit, and some things like script killing that young people like, but now Changxi City... It seems that there is nothing at all

Of course, it may also be that he doesn't know or doesn't understand. He has never been good at playing.

"Play? We can go roller skating." Guan Baiyu didn't know Changxi City, and the only place he could think of to play was the place where Liang Qinxuan took him to roller skating.

Before he, he wanted to take his brother to play!

"Then go roller skating after dinner." Shi Zhen smiled.

Shi Zhen took Guan Baiyu to eat noodles, added several toppings, and filled a large bowl of noodles.

Do you still want to eat noodles for your birthday

After eating the noodles, they walked slowly along the road to the roller skating area.

As soon as he arrived at the place... Liang Qinxuan was actually there.

Seeing Guan Baiyu, Liang Qinxuan was immediately happy and raised his hand: "Guan Baiyu, Guan Baiyu! You don't go with me... Let's go to study together, I'll come here to play, and you're here too!"

Guan Baiyu: "..."

Shi Zhen was very happy to see Liang Qinxuan.

He has never skated rollerblading before, and Guan Baiyu has only been here once, and he threw himself like that last time. I guess he is not very good at skating... Liang Qinxuan is good, they can learn it.

At the same time, the Liang family.

Father Liang has already brought his young daughter home.

He took his young daughter to a big city for surgery, which cost a lot of money and wasted a lot of energy. Fortunately, the surgery was successful in the end.

He was a little older and had a lot of white hair on his head, as did Yuan Xiangyang.

However, although Yuan Xiangyang looks older, after giving birth to her child, her body, which has been ill, miraculously recovered.

There are too many things, and she has to be good.

After the incident of Chen Shaojin, Liang's father once wanted to divorce Yuan Xiangyang.

He was really tired and regretful.

He even felt that his old relationship with Yuan Xiangyang would be rekindled only when he had a problem with his brain before.

Although he and his former wife could not go together, as long as he went home at that time, his ex-wife would come up to care for him. At that time, Liang Qinxuan had a good relationship with him, and he was a "dad".

His ex-wife spoiled the children and liked to kiss and hug them, and the children were raised to be spoiled with them. Liang Qinxuan was in his teens, and he could still rush up, kiss him on the face, and shout "good dad".

But now? The boy didn't look good when he saw him.

But Yuan Xiangyang was reluctant to divorce, even if he promised to give Yuan Xiangyang a lot of money.

The daughter was still so young, Yuan Xiangyang refused to leave, and even threatened to commit suicide, but Liang's father did not leave in the end.

After waiting for a long time at home with his little daughter in his arms, Liang Qinxuan never came back. Father Liang knew that he was not going home again today, and he couldn't help sighing.

Yuan Xiangyang came out of the room with a bottle of milk powder, and whispered, "The child is going to drink milk."

Father Liang reached out to her: "Give it to me."

He tested the temperature with the back of his hand and fed his daughter formula.

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiangyang couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

She knew that Father Liang was waiting for Liang Qinxuan.

Liang Qinxuan is fine, but her son is still in the detention center.

Chen Shaojin was not yet an adult, and the child who was thrown by him was fine. Sentencing was difficult, but Liang's father charged him with intentional murder and other charges, but he could stay in the detention center for a long time.

What Chen Shaojin did made Yuan Xiangyang very cold-hearted. She knew that Chen Shaojin must have hated her, but that was her son. She had been in pain for more than ten years and loved her child for more than ten years.

The relationship between her and her husband has not been very good. After her husband was laid off, the two often quarreled, but because she was afraid of affecting Chen Shaojin's studies, she did not show it at all in front of Chen Shaojin.

Now, the child hates her.

This kid's life is ruined.

Father Liang fed the child and asked the nanny to pack up the spiced beef stewed today, planning to have someone bring it to Liang Qinxuan later.

The person Liang Qinxuan found to bring things to Liang Qinxuan was naturally Liang Qinxuan's cousin. After Liang Qinxuan's cousin came, he also inquired about what Liang Qinxuan had done recently.

When he learned that Liang Qinxuan was actually selling stationery in the school, Father Liang was a little amused and a little proud: "He is quite smart."

Liang Qinxuan's cousin immediately said, "Xiaoxuan is like you, he knows how to make money at a young age."

Father Liang was with him and praised his son before letting him leave.

At the same time, the roller skating rink.

Liang Qinxuan suspected that something was wrong with his eyes.

The person in front of me who is holding the railing and saying that he can't slip... is really Guan Baiyu

Shi Zhen had already put on his roller skates, and his hands were tightly grasping the railing, securing his body.

Because his arms are strong enough, he doesn't have to worry about falling over, but he... can't walk with these shoes.

Slippery every move... He's just not used to it.

Shi Zhen had never played this kind of game before. As he got older, he became more cautious in doing things, so he just walked along the railing slowly.

Guan Baiyu walked in front of him, also cautiously: "Brother, it's like this, be careful, don't fall... I fell several times last time."

"As long as you hold the railing tightly, you won't fall, but it is very difficult to slip away from the railing." Shi Zhen said.

"It's difficult." Guan Baiyu nodded earnestly and walked slowly in front of Shi Zhen, talking to Shi Zhen as he walked.

Shi Zhen learned very slowly, but it was safe. After learning for about an hour, he could slowly slide for a while. From beginning to end, he still did not fall.

Guan Baiyu was right beside him, sliding slowly like him.

Liang Qinxuan, who was circling in the middle of the field: "..."

Guan Baiyu, who was skating like crazy last time, is now well-behaved, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

Thinking like this, Liang Qinxuan fell down when he was not careful.

In the field, there was a young couple who were holding hands and sliding together. Liang Qinxuan suddenly fell in front of them. The two of them couldn't escape, and they fell into a ball.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen frowned: "Xiaoyu, you fell like that last time, have you been implicated by others? Liang Qinxuan shouldn't pull you to slide, right?" They slide and then fall together at every turn.

"I didn't pull him to skate, but I went to the middle and I fell a few times."

"When you haven't learned it, it's safer to slide next to it." Shi Zhen said with a serious heart.

Guan Baiyu nodded again and again, but couldn't help sighing inwardly.

His brother was too stable, he didn't even fall.

He originally thought that if his brother fell, he would go and catch his brother!

As for pretending that he fell on his brother... Although he really wanted to, it was a bit too much to take advantage of his brother.

Guan Baiyu could only follow Shi Zhen, slowly slipping, hoping that Shi Zhen would be able to wrestle unsteadily.

Shi Zhen saw Guan Baiyu wandering beside him, but he was more careful. Even if his feet slipped occasionally, he immediately stood firm.

He didn't want to wrestle in front of Guan Baiyu! Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu learned slowly together, and after more than two hours, they were able to skate pretty well.

He noticed that Guan Baiyu skated very well and never fell.

Most of the bruises on Guan Baiyu's body last time were caused by Chen Shaojin!

Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu skated until after four o'clock in the afternoon before returning the roller skates.

On the way back to school, Shi Zhen went to a cake shop, took the cake he ordered in the morning, and carried it to Guan Baiyu: "Xiaoyu, I heard that you want to eat cake for your birthday... Take this cake back to your dormitory and share it with your roommates. eat."

"Brother, what about you?" Guan Baiyu asked immediately.

"I don't like cake." Shi Zhen said.

Shi Zhen is not a picky eater, he eats everything, what's not to like? And this cake is very expensive, he may not have eaten it.

Guan Baiyu smiled and rolled his eyes: "This is my birthday cake, brother, you must eat it."

As he said, he dismantled the cake on the spot and cut a piece for Shi Zhen: "Brother, try it."

"Okay..." Shi Zhen laughed, still eating this cake after all.

The taste is good, but the cream is a bit greasy.

According to Shi Ting, the cream seems to be divided into animals and plants... Back then, Shi Ting always bought expensive birthday cakes for him, and it tasted really good.

"Would you like to bring some back to Tingting?" Guan Baiyu asked again.

"No need." Shi Zhen said.

It is too troublesome to take it all the way back.

When Shi Ting's birthday is, you can buy a cake for Shi Ting.

After sending Guan Baiyu back to school, Shi Zhen went home.

It wasn't long before the Chinese New Year. He was free and stayed with Guan Jianguo every day. Then he met with Zhao Qiujuan every day, and he knew some of the progress of Zhao Dongjuan's marriage.

Zhao Dongjuan's wedding date is set for mid-January.

She negotiated with Wang Zugen, and the bride price will be given to 6,000, and she will bring all of them back to the Wang family. In addition, Wang Zugen also bought her a gold ring.

According to what Zhao Qiujuan said... Zhao Dongjuan now shows off her gold ring, gold necklace and gold earrings at home every day.

As for the banquet and so on... The Shi family is not going to do it here. On the wedding day, the Shi family goes to the Zhao family's side to have a meal with relatives of the Zhao family, and it is over.

At that time, Shi Zhen will definitely be on the stage.

Shi Zhen has no opinion on this.

He doesn't like Zhao Dongjuan, but what he should do will not fall behind.

But Shi Zhen was also very curious: "What's going on at Wang Zugen's house, have you found out?"

Zhao Qiujuan said: "We inquired about an ordinary family in the town. His parents were both workers, and so was he. Because his parents gave birth to several daughters, he only had a son, so he regarded him as a treasure. In recent years, because his family's conditions were okay, there were actually quite a few people who said they were close, but he didn't like any of them. Later, when he got older, no one wanted to be with him... I heard that his mother has a bad temper."

No wonder it is called "ancestral root", it is estimated that he is regarded as the root of the ancestors.

Wang Zugen, the last time I saw him talking, was a bit rhetorical and bragging. In addition, his mother has a bad temper, and the family has high vision... It is normal for women in the town not to marry him.

Now he is in his thirties... It is estimated that women in the surrounding countryside are not willing to marry him.

In the early years, the status of workers was very valuable, but now there are also factories in the countryside, and young girls in the countryside can also work in factories... They have their own wages, so they can find a handsome young man of the same age, why should they find one? A bald man in his thirties

But regardless of these, Wang Zugen's material conditions are still acceptable.

No wonder Zhao Dongjuan likes it.

Changxi City No. 1 Middle School.

Near the end of the term, the white paper on Guan Baiyu's side was selling very well, and not only the first-year seniors came to buy, but the seniors of the second and third grades also came to buy.

In the beginning, he didn't earn as much as Liang Qinxuan, but now... He can also earn twenty or thirty a week, which is about the same as Liang Qinxuan.

Liang Qinxuan's exquisite book, many people are reluctant to buy it, and if they are willing to buy it, it will take a long time to buy a copy, but the scratch paper is different, everyone needs this stuff, and it consumes a lot of money!

Because it's really cheap, some people buy it for themselves, and even buy it for their friends, younger siblings, etc.

This kind of white paper can be given as a gift at this time.

In the end, Guan Baiyu had nothing to sell. Fortunately, Liang Qinxuan's cousin came to deliver things to Liang Qinxuan. After knowing his situation, he sent him a cart of white paper.

At the same time, Liang Qinxuan's cousin testified that Guan Baiyu had said before that these papers were low-priced papers from Liang Qinxuan's father's factory and were sold cheaply to classmates.

In the end, many people thank Liang Qinxuan.

After all, it was the cheap paper he provided.

As the end of the term approached, there were a lot of exams. After another exam, Guan Baiyu was still the top three in the grade.

Standing in front of the Honor Roll, Guan Baiyu admired the two names in front of him.

These two, the first classmate of the grade was his classmate. It was a girl. Her parents were teachers of No. 1 Middle School.

She studied very hard, and Guan Baiyu himself knew that no one actually used hard work for him. For example, he couldn't help but read martial arts novels.

The second grade is a boy from the second class. This boy's family conditions are very good, even if he has good grades, it is said that he can play the piano, paint, calligraphy...

He is one of the boys most attracted by girls at school.

It is said that he is one of them because Guan Baiyu also attracts a lot of attention... That boy is actually not bad, but he has puberty troubles on his face - he has more acne than Liang Qinxuan!

Because of this, even if he can play the piano, girls still prefer Guan Baiyu.

In addition to the people in front of Guan Baiyu, some people behind Guan Baiyu should not be underestimated. For example, there is a boy who always sleeps in class, but his grades in science are close to full marks.

There is another girl who speaks English better than the teacher.

"Guan Baiyu, congratulations!" A voice sounded.

Guan Baiyu turned his head and saw Qiu Yunxin: "Thank you."

"No thanks, no thanks! Come on, I believe you will be the first in the exam in the future!" After Qiu Yunxin finished speaking, she blushed and ran away.

Guan Baiyu was a little helpless, he really wanted to make it clear to this girl, but unfortunately he never found the opportunity...

Guan Baiyu didn't want this peach blossom, but the boys in the class envied him very much, and he was very excited at the same table: "Guan Baiyu! I envy you so much! You are actually liked by the school beauty!"

"School flower?" Guan Baiyu was stunned, Qiu Yunxin is the school flower

"One of the school beauties... There are several girls called school beauties. Qiu Yunxin is really pretty, isn't she?"

"It's beautiful, but I just want to study hard."

"You cow!" Guan Baiyu's tablemate gave him a thumbs up.

On the other side, someone also spoke to Qiu Yunxin: "Xinxin, do you really like Guan Baiyu?"

"Yes! Didn't I say it long ago?"

"But Guan Baiyu is very poor!"

"What does that matter? It's not his fault, he's already very pitiful... Even though his family is poor, he still works so hard and can pass the exam so well, it's awesome!" Qiu Yunxin held her face, and her face turned even redder.

She has already made up her mind that she will go to Guan Baiyu during the winter vacation!

At that time, I might be able to make a confession!

Thinking so, Qiu Yunxin talked to her friends about the winter vacation.

Qiu Yunxin's friend heard the words and was also interested: "Can I go with you?"

"Of course!" Qiu Yunxin said.

"I want to go too." Another girl said, "By the way, Guanjia Village... It's such a familiar name. My uncle seemed to be fostered there when he was a child."