Reborn to Strive

Chapter 97


Shi Zhen basically knew everyone in the village.

Right now, some of the people he is familiar with are still very young, while some of the people he remembers are old, and they look strong at the moment.

Shi Zhen didn't talk much.

When he is older, he doesn't enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars and moon like he did when he was young.

After saying hello, sharing the cigarettes, and taking out some candy that he brought back to entertain these people, Shi Zhen sat down next to him. When someone asked him a question, he answered.

When he came back this time, he planned to find some people to work with him. He had already thought about who to find.

On such occasions, he is not easy to talk to others, so he plans to talk to them alone in two days.

The guests were basically greeted by Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun in the end.

Shi Dalin occupied the house where they cooked and ate and talked to a group of people, while Zhao Meiyun took the women and children to the house next to them where they slept at night, and told people about the outside world.

Shi Zhen was in a good mood when he saw Shi Dalin's dentures showing off his dentures.

In this life, his father was much more cheerful than in the previous life.

That's right, although he also returned home in his last life, but it was two years later. At that time, a lot of things happened in their family. His father looked older and duller, and he didn't know anything about the outside world...

At that time, everyone's focus was on him. When they saw his father, at most they said that his father raised a good son.

He remembered that at that time, his father was in the corner, grinning with a toothless mouth, only occasionally nodding.

Later, his dad went out with him, and it happened a few years later. Because Zhao Meiyun broke his leg and needed someone to take care of him, his dad didn't go out to find a job and stayed at home every day.

Being sick in bed for a long time can make a person emotionally unstable. Zhao Meiyun is like this. She always cries, saying that she is a drag on others or something.

His father stayed with Zhao Meiyun every day, and it was hard to be happy.

It's different now. In the past six months, his dad earned more than 1,000 yuan per month, and he also bought a color TV and a lot of things by himself. He has a lot of things to tell people.

He can also show off his son.

Many men in the village have the habit of smoking, but they are not smoking cigarettes, but homemade dry tobacco.

Sometimes they have nothing to do, sometimes they are too tired and need refreshment, so they smoke, and they get addicted.

The room soon filled with smoke. Although Shi Zhen used to smoke fiercely in his previous life, he couldn't stand the smell. He immediately said to Shi Dalin, "Dad, I'll take Xiaoyu to the village."

"Okay, bring your flashlight." Shi Dalin took out a brand new flashlight and gave it to Shi Zhen.

He also bought it. In the 1980s, in their village, flashlights were considered electrical appliances. Anyone who had a flashlight was envied by others.

After Shi Dalin became rich, he couldn't help but buy one, although they were in Anshan Town at the time, they didn't really need it.

Shi Zhen took a flashlight and took Guan Baiyu out, when he heard the voices of women from the next room.

The situation over there should be similar to that of Shi Dalin here.

Shi Zhen took Guan Baiyu around to the back, and entered the house where they were staying tonight through the back door. He asked Guan Baiyu to wear an extra coat and a scarf, and then he took Guan Baiyu out.

It was already dark, and the village was a bit gloomy, and I couldn't see anything, but the wind was blowing cold on me.

Guan Baiyu was a little depressed.

When Shi Zhen brought him out, he was still thinking about the big night, strolling around the village, it should be very romantic, but now let's see... How can there be any romance? Just cold.

But he still didn't want to go back.

Guan Baiyu stretched out his hand and took Shi Zhen's hand.

Shi Zhen froze.

He didn't want to hold hands, but Guan Baiyu's hand was very cold... In the end, he still clenched Guan Baiyu's hand: "Are you a little cold?"

"It's a little bit." Guan Baiyu said, a little fortunate that it was very dark now, covering his face.

He must be blushing now.

He and Shi Zhen had always been very close, but they wouldn't do things like holding hands.

Shi Zhen's hand is a little rough, but it's hot...

"Azhen? Xiaoyu? Why are you holding hands?" Shi Xingchao's voice suddenly recalled.

Shi Zhen looked over and saw Shi Xingchao carrying a basket on his back.

He let go of Bai Yu's hand and explained, "Xiao Yu is a little cold."

Shi Xingchao didn't think much about it and said, "Is that so... Xiaoyu, when I'm free, I'll knit you wool gloves and keep them warm! By the way, Ah Zhen, do you still have rabbit skins there? Otherwise, I'll make them for Xiaoyu with rabbit skins. A glove is fine too."

He knitted scarves for Guan Baiyu, all of which were made of Shi Zhen's wool.

Shi Zhen didn't ask for his money, so he didn't mind putting in more effort.

"No, the rabbit skins were all sold." Shi Zhendao, in order to raise money for part-time jobs, he sold everything that could be sold.

"Then there are only wool gloves... Shi Zhen, I've almost sold those goods during the day, go to your house, I'll give you the money." Shi Xing said.

"Brother Xingchao, have you just returned? Have you eaten yet?" Shi Zhen asked.

"Not yet, is there anything to eat at your house? Shall I go to your house to eat?" Shi Xingchao asked.

"Yes, it's still from your parents, but it's cold." Shi Zhen said.

They didn't cook dinner today, they ate the food sent by Shi Dashan and his wife.

The bacon, pickles, and white rice were huge, and they didn't finish it.

Right now, it's probably getting cold.

"It doesn't matter if it's cold, there should be hot water in your house? Just soak the rice!" Shi Xingchao said.

There is really hot water. After many villagers came to the house, Shi Dalin directly boiled a pot of hot water, and put firewood in the stove to keep the water running.

Whoever wants to drink water in the middle will take a bowl and scoop it into the pot.

If there is not enough water in the pot, add more water and firewood.

Shi Zhen took Shi Xingchao to his and Guan Baiyu's room, and then went to get food for Shi Xingchao.

He chose a stainless steel pot they brought back, a little bigger than the biggest bowl in his house, put the rice in it, and poured hot water from the pot into it.

The rice was too cold, and the hot water became cold. Shi Zhen stirred the rice with chopsticks, poured out the water in the bowl, and poured in the hot water again. Then he went to Shi Xingchao with the rice bowl and vegetables.

The water in the rice bowl was hot, and Shi Xingchao drank the water while holding the bowl, then picked up his chopsticks and ate a meal. After he ate a little, he began to complain to Shi Zhen about his parents: "My parents don't know either. What do you think, I don't want to go out, and I want to marry a daughter-in-law here... That's fine, those girls they're looking for are not diligent and thrifty at all."

Shi Zhen was a little speechless—it shouldn't be because they were not diligent and thrifty, but because Shi Xingchao was too cynical.

Shi Xingchao said: "I really can't stand their waste of money, just the girl I met today, she just arrived in the village, she was going to buy snacks. Can't she eat it later?"

Shi Zhen: "..." The only person who can match Shi Xingchao is that in his previous life, Shi Xingchao's wife!

Ordinary people can't stand him!

If it was him, Guan Baiyu didn't need to say anything, he just took the initiative to buy snacks for Guan Baiyu, what about Shi Xingchao? The girl wanted to buy it herself, but she still stopped it.

"I brought a dinner group for her at noon, and she still dislikes it..."

Shi Zhen: "..." Going out on a blind date during the Chinese New Year, and eating cold rice balls? Especially... Shi Xingchao probably put some pickles in that rice ball.

In their village, eating a bowl of warm noodles with shredded pork is enough for fifty cents. Shi Xingchao needs this

Guan Baiyu was shocked.

When Shi Xingchao went to Anshan Town to help Shi Zhen, he had already started school, so he and Shi Xingchao didn't get along much.

He had always felt that Shi Xingchao was not a big problem except for the tattered clothes, but looking at it now... ordinary people really can't do such a thing.

"Brother Xingchao, your income is not low, right? You don't spend the money you earn?" Guan Baiyu asked.

"How can I spend the money I earn? I like to save it all!" Shi Xing said.

Guan Baiyu glanced at Shi Zhen, he wanted to spend the money he earned for his brother.

Unfortunately, now, he can only buy snacks for his brother.

Shi Xingchao said again: "Actually, I don't want to get married yet. Getting married is too expensive."

Shi Zhen had nothing to say to Shi Xingchao.

After Shi Xingchao finished his meal, he began to reconcile today's accounts with Shi Zhen, and asked, "Ah Zhen, the money I spent on embroidering sweaters in the last month..."

"Here." Shi Zhen handed him a red envelope.

Shi Xingchao happily took it and began to count the money.

Of course Shi Zhen wouldn't lose his money, and he even collected ten for him, making Shi Xingchao even happier.

Shi Zhen took a look and found that Shi Xingchao had almost sold the goods he left behind: "Brother Xingchao, thank you today."

"No thanks, no thanks, I like to make money." Shi Xingchao said, even if the money was earned by Shi Zhen, he was quite happy.

Of course, it was mainly because he was grateful to Shi Zhen that if he couldn't make money, he would do something.

Shi Xingchao was afraid of being told by his parents when he went home, so he was not in a hurry to go home, but he stayed to talk to Shi Zhen, and said, "Azhen, you have to be careful, when my mother shows me, she always talks about who is who and who is who. Matching you... tsk tsk, maybe in a few years, you will also go to see each other."

Shi Zhen: "...I won't go."

"Can you do it if you don't go? Your parents must force you to go!"

"They can't force me." Shi Zhen said, and when he finished speaking, he saw Guan Baiyu looking at him with bright eyes, a little puzzled: "What's wrong?" Guan Baiyu seemed to have something to say

"Brother, you are really amazing." Guan Baiyu said.

Shi Zhen was a bit at a loss - what did he do? What's so great

Shi Xingchao didn't understand what Guan Baiyu was talking about, he turned his head and talked about his brother: "By the way, my parents have also found a partner for my brother. I'm afraid that people will dislike my brother, and everything they are looking for is a bit problematic, alas! Fortunately, I explained to my brother and asked him not to agree. You said, if the woman is lame or something, that's fine, I don't mind, but... I told them to ask them to take my brother for a checkup and they wouldn't Go and find a woman who is a bit stupid like my brother, what do you think?"

Shi Zhen was also a little speechless.

Shi Zhen chatted with Shi Xingchao for a while, then said, "It's time for you to go home."

"I'll be told when I go home," Shi Xing said.

"Now your parents and your mother are at my house. If you go back home, there will be no one at home. If it's later, they should go back."

Shi Xingchao left immediately.

Shi Zhen asked Shi Xingchao to leave because of this tossing and turning, it was already past eight o'clock.

Guan Baiyu was still growing, so he should go to bed after nine o'clock.

Shi Zhen went to scoop up the hot water and came back: "Xiao Yu, wash your face and feet, then go to bed earlier." He planned to go to bed later.

Guan Baiyu quickly took out the towel and put it in the hot water.

The water was a little hot, so he pinched a small horn on the towel, carried it around in the water a few times, took it out and wrung it dry, and handed it to Shi Zhen: "Brother, wash your face first."

Shi Zhen said, "I'll wash it later..."

"Brother, let's go together, you wash first, I'll wash later."

"Then you wash first..."

"Brother, are you still arguing with me after washing your face?" Guan Baiyu blinked, showing confusion.

Shi Zhen also felt strange, he washed his face, handed the towel to Guan Baiyu, and then saw Guan Baiyu happily twisting the towel again to wash his face.

After washing, Guan Baiyu poured the water into another basin and said, "Brother, let's wash our feet together."


"Brother, do you dislike me? I see many people who wash their feet with their parents, brothers and sisters..."

When Guan Baiyu spoke, he looked a little sad.

Shi Zhen: "…"

They both washed their feet together.

In fact, in the past life, this was a common thing, but in this life, it was the first time.

The feet of the two of them bumped against each other in the water, which reminded Shi Zhen of many things, and he couldn't help but be in a trance.

Guan Baiyu didn't notice Shi Zhen's distraction.

He stared at his feet in the water for a long time, feeling that he was going too far.

I don't know if it was the dim light in the room that made him more courageous, or whether washing his face with the towel his brother had washed his face made him delusional. He even asked his brother to wash his feet with him.

At this time, it is reasonable for you to step on my feet, and I step on yours, rubbing the mud off the other's feet with my feet.

But this way... he seems to be taking advantage of his brother.

Guan Baiyu bent down and rubbed his feet with his hands.

His feet were not dirty, and they were quickly rubbed. He dried his feet and rubbed Shi Zhen's feet again.

"Xiaoyu..." Shi Zhen woke up suddenly.

"Brother, the school asked us to wash our family's feet during the winter vacation." Guan Baiyu made up a random reason.

After rubbing Shi Zhen's feet, he said again, "Brother, you can soak for a while, and I'll get you some hot water."

The water is not so hot by now.

Shi Zhen was stunned.

In the last life, Guan Baiyu would be like this...

Shi Zhen was a little silent when soaking his feet. After soaking, he went to pour the water and said to Guan Baiyu: "Xiaoyu, I'll go outside and have a look, you go to bed first."

Guan Baiyu did not refuse.

Shi Zhen went outside and found that Shi Dalin and the others were still too proud to talk, and it was estimated that they could talk for a long time.

He was listening right next to him.

Shi Zhen sat for a long time before returning to the room. Guan Baiyu was already asleep.

He didn't take off his clothes, took another quilt, and slept beside Guan Baiyu.

In fact, he wouldn't do anything to Guan Baiyu. The main reason for avoiding suspicion was that Guan Baiyu would find out about his sexuality and feel uncomfortable in the future.

Shi Zhen was actually very tired.

All the way back, he was definitely the most tired of them all.

Therefore, not long after he lay down, he fell asleep.

After he fell asleep, Guan Baiyu opened his eyes.

Guan Baiyu faintly felt that something was wrong... Why did his brother... He even took another quilt

This other quilt is a little thin, his brother didn't even take off his clothes...

Is he not used to sleeping with people

It seems to be the same... His brother shared a bed with Shi Xinghuo and the others before, but the bed was kept separate, but Shi Xinghuo and Shi Xingchao, when it was cold in winter, only had one bed.

Guan Baiyu stretched his feet out of his bed, into Shi Zhen's bed, and then stopped.

He didn't dare to do too much, for fear that Shi Zhen would find out and hate him.

The next day is New Year's Eve.

There are many things to be busy with on this day, such as ancestor worship, New Year's greetings to Bodhisattva and so on.

Zhao Meiyun slept very late last night, but she woke up in the morning in high spirits, bringing Zhao Qiujuan and Shi Ting to prepare together.

Of course, it was mainly done by Zhao Qiujuan. She was already familiar with the process. Zhao Meiyun set fire to the fire and so on. As for Shi Ting, she helped wash dishes and candlesticks.

As for Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin, they took Guan Baiyu to the village early in the morning and continued to set up stalls.

Yesterday they left half of the goods to Shi Xingchao, and Shi Xingchao sold almost, but they still have half of the goods left.

Women are basically busy with ancestor worship at home, and men don't care about these.

Some of them caught their own chickens to sell, while others were just wandering around.

Of course, the children who are the most free are the children, who come and go in a swarm.

In fact, if Shi Zhen comes to set up a stall tomorrow, and the children have lucky money in their hands, his business will be much better.

But he didn't want to be busy on the first day of the new year.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, business was still good, and most of Shi Zhen's remaining goods were sold.

Especially couplets or something, almost all sold out.

Many people are willing to buy these things that are not expensive, and can still be placed in a bright place and can be seen by others.

However, by noon, no one came to buy anything.

Everyone went home for the New Year.

Shi Zhen and the others also closed the stall and went home.

Shi Zhen was in Guanjia Village during the Chinese New Year, and there were goods sold here. It cost him more than 500 yuan to purchase the goods, and now, he already has a small thousand in his hands.

In other words, they all ate the rest of the food by themselves, and they had already earned 400 yuan.

That's a lot of money!

Shi Zhen and the others closed the stall and went home. When they arrived in the village, they saw Zhao Meiyun talking to someone again.

Zhao Meiyun has never received such attention before, and she is very happy. For her, the only regret is Zhao Dongjuan.

However, she told people that Zhao Dongjuan was married and was going to celebrate the New Year at her in-law's house, so she was relieved that no one would ask more questions.

Seeing Shi Zhen and the others coming back, Zhao Meiyun immediately said, "Azhen, you and Xiaoyu go to worship, and you can blow out the candles after worshiping."

Shi Zhen brought Guan Baiyu in, folded his hands and bowed, Zhao Meiyun began to blow out the candles, and took two eggs from the table, giving Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu one each, and let them eat.

As for herself, she will be busy with the New Year's Eve dinner.

Well, it wasn't that she was busy, Zhao Qiujuan did the cooking, and Shi Ting also robbed the fire.

In the winter, it is definitely a pleasure to have a fire behind the stove.

Zhao Meiyun grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and together with Shi Dalin, continued to show off around the village.