Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 11: Children's words connect the dots


Jiu Hui was sent away, and Wu Zhen was called in, asking her to go to the Xiu Pavilion to call Qiqiao. Only then did Fang take Hua Zhuo's hand. Seeing her panting, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Yes. Whatever it is, just come and tell me slowly. Why is it so urgent? You haven't recovered from your illness yet, so you need to pay more attention."

Of course, cat ears are not real cat ears, but a kind of pasta. In fact, the cooks of the Hua family can also make them, but Hua Zhuo prefers the cat ears made by the master chef of Chunmanlou.

Mrs. Fang was startled by her question. How could a younger generation know so much about the affairs of the older generation? However, she had heard some rumors about her grandfather. It seemed that her grandfather was also the legitimate son of Rongchang Hall. It was just that his mother died early, and he later remarried to the housekeeper who also gave birth to a son. He wanted to take away the title of legitimate son and resorted to various means to force his grandfather away. His grandfather was also an arrogant person. He ran away in anger and traveled around the world. He gained such a great reputation and won the first prize in the Golden Palace in one fell swoop. He was deeply loved by the Holy Emperor. Later, Rongchang Hall regretted it and wanted to recruit him back, but his grandfather refused. After he came back, for some reason, Rong'an Hall had no heirs. I discussed with Rongchang Hall to adopt my grandfather. Naturally, Rongchang Hall was unwilling, and I didn’t want to make the two halls unhappy. I thought that because of my grandfather’s temperament, he would look down on Rong’an Hall, so I made the decision. The power was handed over to my grandfather.

"A travel note mentioned my great-grandfather. It turns out that my great-grandfather was able to write poetry when he was seven years old..." Hua Zhuo looked admiring, not pretending. In her mind, her great-grandfather had always been great.

Hua Zhuo took a few breaths to calm down, then took off his shoes with a smile, climbed onto the couch and snuggled next to Fang, saying, "Mom, just now daddy read to Zhuo'er."

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

When Fang heard this, she realized that these were indeed what Hua Xu usually said. She also saw Hua Zhuo shaking his head, quite like a husband. She couldn't help but smile and said: "This is true, but your father is annoyed." If I go to Rongchang Hall, I’m afraid I won’t agree.”


"We are all flesh and blood, why would dad be angry with Rongchangtang?" Hua Zhuo looked curious and started to shake his head again, "When you go in, you will be filial, and when you go out, you will be jealous. Dad usually teaches others this, but why can't he do it himself? Ruo Ruo? If there is any discord, if dad is angry, mom can't let dad let the news spread. Wouldn't it ruin dad's reputation and let others say that dad is just trying to gain fame and reputation, but he is really unfilial and disloyal."


Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

Of course, cat ears are not real cat ears, but a kind of pasta. In fact, the cooks of the Hua family can also make them, but Hua Zhuo prefers the cat ears made by the master chef of Chunmanlou.

Mrs. Fang lovingly straightened her bangs, which were a little messy due to running, and said casually: "Oh, what are you reading?"

Fang was still listening to her with a smile, but after hearing what she said, her face changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, she said with deep meaning: "Zhuo'er, your great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt are both from Rongchang Hall. Rong'an Tang has not been in contact with Rongchang Tang for several years. Don't mention this in front of your father in the future, otherwise your father will get angry and try to beat you up, and mother will not be able to save you."

Hua Zhuo immediately pretended to be disobedient and said: "Zhuo'er is not willful. Zhuo'er is the most obedient daughter. Zhuo'er is not afraid of hardship. She took the medicine last night and this morning, and she didn't feel any pain at all." There’s nothing left.”

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

Mrs. Fang was startled by her question. How could a younger generation know so much about the affairs of the older generation? However, she had heard some rumors about her grandfather. It seemed that her grandfather was also the legitimate son of Rongchang Hall. It was just that his mother died early, and he later remarried to the housekeeper who also gave birth to a son. He wanted to take away the title of legitimate son and resorted to various means to force his grandfather away. His grandfather was also an arrogant person. He ran away in anger and traveled around the world. He gained such a great reputation and won the first prize in the Golden Palace in one fell swoop. He was deeply loved by the Holy Emperor. Later, Rongchang Hall regretted it and wanted to recruit him back, but his grandfather refused. After he came back, for some reason, Rong'an Hall had no heirs. I discussed with Rongchang Hall to adopt my grandfather. Naturally, Rongchang Hall was unwilling, and I didn’t want to make the two halls unhappy. I thought that because of my grandfather’s temperament, he would look down on Rong’an Hall, so I made the decision. The power was handed over to my grandfather.

Hua Zhuo took a few breaths to calm down, then took off his shoes with a smile, climbed onto the couch and snuggled next to Fang, saying, "Mom, just now daddy read to Zhuo'er."

"A travel note mentioned my great-grandfather. It turns out that my great-grandfather was able to write poetry when he was seven years old..." Hua Zhuo looked admiring, not pretending. In her mind, her great-grandfather had always been great.

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Hua Zhuo puffed up his chest and looked like he was not afraid of Fang going to question Qiqiao, which made Fang laugh softly again. After a while, Qiqiao came in. She asked a few questions casually and then sent someone to buy cat ears.

When Fang heard this, she realized that these were indeed what Hua Xu usually said. She also saw Hua Zhuo shaking his head, quite like a husband. She couldn't help but smile and said: "This is true, but your father is annoyed." If I go to Rongchang Hall, I’m afraid I won’t agree.”

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

"Your great-grandfather was famous for his talents back then." Ms. Fang said with a smile. Although she had never met this grandfather, she had heard about his deeds. He was a romantic young man with outstanding talents and appearance. He was a rare person. The beautiful young master in troubled times.

Mrs. Fang lovingly straightened her bangs, which were a little messy due to running, and said casually: "Oh, what are you reading?"

In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."


"Your great-grandfather was famous for his talents back then." Ms. Fang said with a smile. Although she had never met this grandfather, she had heard about his deeds. He was a romantic young man with outstanding talents and appearance. He was a rare person. The beautiful young master in troubled times.

Fang was still listening to her with a smile, but after hearing what she said, her face changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, she said with deep meaning: "Zhuo'er, your great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt are both from Rongchang Hall. Rong'an Tang has not been in contact with Rongchang Tang for several years. Don't mention this in front of your father in the future, otherwise your father will get angry and try to beat you up, and mother will not be able to save you."

In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Jiu Hui was sent away, and Wu Zhen was called in, asking her to go to the Xiu Pavilion to call Qiqiao. Only then did Fang take Hua Zhuo's hand. Seeing her panting, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Yes. Whatever it is, just come and tell me slowly. Why is it so urgent? You haven't recovered from your illness yet, so you need to pay more attention."

Mrs. Fang was startled by her question. How could a younger generation know so much about the affairs of the older generation? However, she had heard some rumors about her grandfather. It seemed that her grandfather was also the legitimate son of Rongchang Hall. It was just that his mother died early, and he later remarried to the housekeeper who also gave birth to a son. He wanted to take away the title of legitimate son and resorted to various means to force his grandfather away. His grandfather was also an arrogant person. He ran away in anger and traveled around the world. He gained such a great reputation and won the first prize in the Golden Palace in one fell swoop. He was deeply loved by the Holy Emperor. Later, Rongchang Hall regretted it and wanted to recruit him back, but his grandfather refused. After he came back, for some reason, Rong'an Hall had no heirs. I discussed with Rongchang Hall to adopt my grandfather. Naturally, Rongchang Hall was unwilling, and I didn’t want to make the two halls unhappy. I thought that because of my grandfather’s temperament, he would look down on Rong’an Hall, so I made the decision. The power was handed over to my grandfather.


Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

Fang was still listening to her with a smile, but after hearing what she said, her face changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, she said with deep meaning: "Zhuo'er, your great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt are both from Rongchang Hall. Rong'an Tang has not been in contact with Rongchang Tang for several years. Don't mention this in front of your father in the future, otherwise your father will get angry and try to beat you up, and mother will not be able to save you."

Hua Zhuo also knew that he had said everything he needed to say, and he would go too far if he continued, so he stopped with a smile, climbed down on the bed, put on his shoes, bowed politely, called Qiqiao and left Xikuoyuan.

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

Hua Zhuo also knew that he had said everything he needed to say, and he would go too far if he continued, so he stopped with a smile, climbed down on the bed, put on his shoes, bowed politely, called Qiqiao and left Xikuoyuan.

"We are all flesh and blood, why would dad be angry with Rongchangtang?" Hua Zhuo looked curious and started to shake his head again, "When you go in, you will be filial, and when you go out, you will be jealous. Dad usually teaches others this, but why can't he do it himself? Ruo Ruo? If there is any discord, if dad is angry, mom can't let dad let the news spread. Wouldn't it ruin dad's reputation and let others say that dad is just trying to gain fame and reputation, but he is really unfilial and disloyal."

But who could have expected that so many things would happen later that not only could the relationship between the two families fail to be reconciled as per the grandfather's last wish, but it would become even more rigid. Thinking of his parents-in-law and two people whom he had never met. Sister-in-law, Mrs. Fang couldn't help but sigh. She usually didn't dare to think about these things, for fear of touching the pain in her husband's heart. But now that her daughter suddenly asked about it, she was deeply moved.

At this point, she smiled again. What was wrong with her? She said these things to her daughter. They were just childish talk. Did she really want to send a copy of cat ears to Rongchang Hall

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

Hua Zhuo immediately pretended to be disobedient and said: "Zhuo'er is not willful. Zhuo'er is the most obedient daughter. Zhuo'er is not afraid of hardship. She took the medicine last night and this morning, and she didn't feel any pain at all." There’s nothing left.”

Hua Zhuo took a few breaths to calm down, then took off his shoes with a smile, climbed onto the couch and snuggled next to Fang, saying, "Mom, just now daddy read to Zhuo'er."

At this point, she smiled again. What was wrong with her? She said these things to her daughter. They were just childish talk. Did she really want to send a copy of cat ears to Rongchang Hall

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

Hua Zhuo immediately pretended to be disobedient and said: "Zhuo'er is not willful. Zhuo'er is the most obedient daughter. Zhuo'er is not afraid of hardship. She took the medicine last night and this morning, and she didn't feel any pain at all." There’s nothing left.”

Hua Zhuo also knew that he had said everything he needed to say, and he would go too far if he continued, so he stopped with a smile, climbed down on the bed, put on his shoes, bowed politely, called Qiqiao and left Xikuoyuan.

"A travel note mentioned my great-grandfather. It turns out that my great-grandfather was able to write poetry when he was seven years old..." Hua Zhuo looked admiring, not pretending. In her mind, her great-grandfather had always been great.

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."


At this point, she smiled again. What was wrong with her? She said these things to her daughter. They were just childish talk. Did she really want to send a copy of cat ears to Rongchang Hall

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."


"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

Hua Zhuo immediately pretended to be disobedient and said: "Zhuo'er is not willful. Zhuo'er is the most obedient daughter. Zhuo'er is not afraid of hardship. She took the medicine last night and this morning, and she didn't feel any pain at all." There’s nothing left.”

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

But who could have expected that so many things would happen later that not only could the relationship between the two families fail to be reconciled as per the grandfather's last wish, but it would become even more rigid. Thinking of his parents-in-law and two people whom he had never met. Sister-in-law, Mrs. Fang couldn't help but sigh. She usually didn't dare to think about these things, for fear of touching the pain in her husband's heart. But now that her daughter suddenly asked about it, she was deeply moved.

Hua Zhuo puffed up his chest and looked like he was not afraid of Fang going to question Qiqiao, which made Fang laugh softly again. After a while, Qiqiao came in. She asked a few questions casually and then sent someone to buy cat ears.

Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."

When Fang heard this, she realized that these were indeed what Hua Xu usually said. She also saw Hua Zhuo shaking his head, quite like a husband. She couldn't help but smile and said: "This is true, but your father is annoyed." If I go to Rongchang Hall, I’m afraid I won’t agree.”

In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."

As soon as she left, Mrs. Fang began to think deeply. In the past, she never dared to mention the matter of Rongchang Hall because it was a hindrance to her husband. Although she felt that it was a bit inappropriate, she never thought too much about it. Today, her daughter's unintentional words made her I'm a little wary. Rong'antang is so disconnected from the main family and other direct descendants. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal at the moment, in the future... it always makes people a little uneasy.

"We are all flesh and blood, why would dad be angry with Rongchangtang?" Hua Zhuo looked curious and started to shake his head again, "When you go in, you will be filial, and when you go out, you will be jealous. Dad usually teaches others this, but why can't he do it himself? Ruo Ruo? If there is any discord, if dad is angry, mom can't let dad let the news spread. Wouldn't it ruin dad's reputation and let others say that dad is just trying to gain fame and reputation, but he is really unfilial and disloyal."

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."

When Fang heard this, she realized that these were indeed what Hua Xu usually said. She also saw Hua Zhuo shaking his head, quite like a husband. She couldn't help but smile and said: "This is true, but your father is annoyed." If I go to Rongchang Hall, I’m afraid I won’t agree.”

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

Hua Zhuo took a few breaths to calm down, then took off his shoes with a smile, climbed onto the couch and snuggled next to Fang, saying, "Mom, just now daddy read to Zhuo'er."

Fang turned to look at Hua Zhuo and said with a smile, "If you really take all the medicine and there's not a bit left, mother will send someone to Chunmanlou to buy your favorite cat ears."

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Hua Zhuo immediately pretended to be disobedient and said: "Zhuo'er is not willful. Zhuo'er is the most obedient daughter. Zhuo'er is not afraid of hardship. She took the medicine last night and this morning, and she didn't feel any pain at all." There’s nothing left.”

"Your great-grandfather was famous for his talents back then." Ms. Fang said with a smile. Although she had never met this grandfather, she had heard about his deeds. He was a romantic young man with outstanding talents and appearance. He was a rare person. The beautiful young master in troubled times.

Fang turned to look at Hua Zhuo and said with a smile, "If you really take all the medicine and there's not a bit left, mother will send someone to Chunmanlou to buy your favorite cat ears."


Of course, cat ears are not real cat ears, but a kind of pasta. In fact, the cooks of the Hua family can also make them, but Hua Zhuo prefers the cat ears made by the master chef of Chunmanlou.

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Fang turned to look at Hua Zhuo and said with a smile, "If you really take all the medicine and there's not a bit left, mother will send someone to Chunmanlou to buy your favorite cat ears."

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

Hua Zhuo took a few breaths to calm down, then took off his shoes with a smile, climbed onto the couch and snuggled next to Fang, saying, "Mom, just now daddy read to Zhuo'er."

Hua Zhuo puffed up his chest and looked like he was not afraid of Fang going to question Qiqiao, which made Fang laugh softly again. After a while, Qiqiao came in. She asked a few questions casually and then sent someone to buy cat ears.

Mrs. Fang lovingly straightened her bangs, which were a little messy due to running, and said casually: "Oh, what are you reading?"

Hua Zhuo took a few breaths to calm down, then took off his shoes with a smile, climbed onto the couch and snuggled next to Fang, saying, "Mom, just now daddy read to Zhuo'er."

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

But who could have expected that so many things would happen later that not only could the relationship between the two families fail to be reconciled as per the grandfather's last wish, but it would become even more rigid. Thinking of his parents-in-law and two people whom he had never met. Sister-in-law, Mrs. Fang couldn't help but sigh. She usually didn't dare to think about these things, for fear of touching the pain in her husband's heart. But now that her daughter suddenly asked about it, she was deeply moved.

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Mrs. Fang lovingly straightened her bangs, which were a little messy due to running, and said casually: "Oh, what are you reading?"

Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."

At this point, she smiled again. What was wrong with her? She said these things to her daughter. They were just childish talk. Did she really want to send a copy of cat ears to Rongchang Hall

Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."

"A travel note mentioned my great-grandfather. It turns out that my great-grandfather was able to write poetry when he was seven years old..." Hua Zhuo looked admiring, not pretending. In her mind, her great-grandfather had always been great.

Mrs. Fang lovingly straightened her bangs, which were a little messy due to running, and said casually: "Oh, what are you reading?"

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

Fang was still listening to her with a smile, but after hearing what she said, her face changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, she said with deep meaning: "Zhuo'er, your great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt are both from Rongchang Hall. Rong'an Tang has not been in contact with Rongchang Tang for several years. Don't mention this in front of your father in the future, otherwise your father will get angry and try to beat you up, and mother will not be able to save you."

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."


In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

Jiu Hui was sent away, and Wu Zhen was called in, asking her to go to the Xiu Pavilion to call Qiqiao. Only then did Fang take Hua Zhuo's hand. Seeing her panting, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Yes. Whatever it is, just come and tell me slowly. Why is it so urgent? You haven't recovered from your illness yet, so you need to pay more attention."

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."

When Fang heard this, she realized that these were indeed what Hua Xu usually said. She also saw Hua Zhuo shaking his head, quite like a husband. She couldn't help but smile and said: "This is true, but your father is annoyed." If I go to Rongchang Hall, I’m afraid I won’t agree.”

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

Sanchun walked to the door, asked the maid standing outside the door in a low voice, then turned around and said with a smile: "Here we come, I am stringing beads with Wu Zhen and Liu Shun in the side room. The slave has sent someone Call her."


As soon as she left, Mrs. Fang began to think deeply. In the past, she never dared to mention the matter of Rongchang Hall because it was a hindrance to her husband. Although she felt that it was a bit inappropriate, she never thought too much about it. Today, her daughter's unintentional words made her I'm a little wary. Rong'antang is so disconnected from the main family and other direct descendants. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal at the moment, in the future... it always makes people a little uneasy.

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

"Why is daddy angry?" Hua Zhuo's little face was filled with astonishment, and then he imitated Hua Xu's appearance when he was studying, shaking his head and saying: "Those who are kind, filial piety is the first thing, and by the way, there are also benevolent people, people, Family is the most important thing, and the basic teaching of the people is filial piety... Zhuo'er fulfilled his filial piety to his great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt on behalf of his great-grandfather, that is, he fulfilled his filial piety for his father and acted according to his father's teachings. Why should his father be so angry? have?"

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

At this point, she smiled again. What was wrong with her? She said these things to her daughter. They were just childish talk. Did she really want to send a copy of cat ears to Rongchang Hall

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."

After beating around the bush for a long time, Hua Zhuo finally expressed what he meant. He spoke a long series of words without any pause, which made her almost breathless. It was a pity that she was almost exhausted trying to find an excuse that suited her current age. His brain was drained, and his little face turned red.

Of course, cat ears are not real cat ears, but a kind of pasta. In fact, the cooks of the Hua family can also make them, but Hua Zhuo prefers the cat ears made by the master chef of Chunmanlou.

"Your great-grandfather was famous for his talents back then." Ms. Fang said with a smile. Although she had never met this grandfather, she had heard about his deeds. He was a romantic young man with outstanding talents and appearance. He was a rare person. The beautiful young master in troubled times.

Fang was still listening to her with a smile, but after hearing what she said, her face changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, she said with deep meaning: "Zhuo'er, your great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt are both from Rongchang Hall. Rong'an Tang has not been in contact with Rongchang Tang for several years. Don't mention this in front of your father in the future, otherwise your father will get angry and try to beat you up, and mother will not be able to save you."

Hua Zhuo also knew that he had said everything he needed to say, and he would go too far if he continued, so he stopped with a smile, climbed down on the bed, put on his shoes, bowed politely, called Qiqiao and left Xikuoyuan.

"We are all flesh and blood, why would dad be angry with Rongchangtang?" Hua Zhuo looked curious and started to shake his head again, "When you go in, you will be filial, and when you go out, you will be jealous. Dad usually teaches others this, but why can't he do it himself? Ruo Ruo? If there is any discord, if dad is angry, mom can't let dad let the news spread. Wouldn't it ruin dad's reputation and let others say that dad is just trying to gain fame and reputation, but he is really unfilial and disloyal."

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

Hua Zhuo puffed up his chest and looked like he was not afraid of Fang going to question Qiqiao, which made Fang laugh softly again. After a while, Qiqiao came in. She asked a few questions casually and then sent someone to buy cat ears.

"Don't talk nonsense. Mom will not adopt you to anyone else." She couldn't talk nonsense about the elders. Mrs. Fang could only pinch her daughter's fair and tender face. "You are a willful girl and afraid of hardship. Who can I want you again."

Hua Zhuo puffed up his chest and looked like he was not afraid of Fang going to question Qiqiao, which made Fang laugh softly again. After a while, Qiqiao came in. She asked a few questions casually and then sent someone to buy cat ears.

At this point, she smiled again. What was wrong with her? She said these things to her daughter. They were just childish talk. Did she really want to send a copy of cat ears to Rongchang Hall

In fact, Mrs. Fang knew that her daughter had indeed become much more well-behaved in the past two days, but she pretended not to know and said to Sanchun, "Is Qiqiao here? Let her come in and answer."

Mrs. Fang tapped her forehead with one finger and said, "You have so many truths, but it's hard for you to still remember these words that your father used to teach people. It's a pity that you were not born into a man. You may not know what will happen in the future." He's a flower hunter. Now that you've made your mother tired, let Qiqiao take you back to Xiu Pavilion. You can play whatever you want, but you're not allowed to run around."

Unexpectedly, my grandfather agreed immediately, and Rongchangtang shot himself in the foot. Later, I didn’t know where I found out that Rong’antang wanted to adopt my grandfather. It turned out to be a trap set up by my grandfather and Rong’antang. Rongchangtang was furious. After that, he stopped paying attention to Rong'an Tang, and his grandfather didn't know if he had any grudge against Rongchang Tang. Anyway, the relationship between the two Tangs had become cold since then. It wasn't until his death that his grandfather felt some regret and left the two Tangs behind. A last wish to restore old friendships.

"But why did great-grandfather want to be adopted by Rongan Tang?" Hua Zhuo looked puzzled. "How could he let go of his parents? If Zhuo'er wanted to be adopted by someone else, he would cry to death."

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

Hua Zhuo also knew that he had said everything he needed to say, and he would go too far if he continued, so he stopped with a smile, climbed down on the bed, put on his shoes, bowed politely, called Qiqiao and left Xikuoyuan.

Fang turned to look at Hua Zhuo and said with a smile, "If you really take all the medicine and there's not a bit left, mother will send someone to Chunmanlou to buy your favorite cat ears."

Mrs. Fang lovingly straightened her bangs, which were a little messy due to running, and said casually: "Oh, what are you reading?"

Mrs. Fang was startled by her question. How could a younger generation know so much about the affairs of the older generation? However, she had heard some rumors about her grandfather. It seemed that her grandfather was also the legitimate son of Rongchang Hall. It was just that his mother died early, and he later remarried to the housekeeper who also gave birth to a son. He wanted to take away the title of legitimate son and resorted to various means to force his grandfather away. His grandfather was also an arrogant person. He ran away in anger and traveled around the world. He gained such a great reputation and won the first prize in the Golden Palace in one fell swoop. He was deeply loved by the Holy Emperor. Later, Rongchang Hall regretted it and wanted to recruit him back, but his grandfather refused. After he came back, for some reason, Rong'an Hall had no heirs. I discussed with Rongchang Hall to adopt my grandfather. Naturally, Rongchang Hall was unwilling, and I didn’t want to make the two halls unhappy. I thought that because of my grandfather’s temperament, he would look down on Rong’an Hall, so I made the decision. The power was handed over to my grandfather.

Jiu Hui was sent away, and Wu Zhen was called in, asking her to go to the Xiu Pavilion to call Qiqiao. Only then did Fang take Hua Zhuo's hand. Seeing her panting, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Yes. Whatever it is, just come and tell me slowly. Why is it so urgent? You haven't recovered from your illness yet, so you need to pay more attention."

"Your great-grandfather was famous for his talents back then." Ms. Fang said with a smile. Although she had never met this grandfather, she had heard about his deeds. He was a romantic young man with outstanding talents and appearance. He was a rare person. The beautiful young master in troubled times.


As soon as she left, Mrs. Fang began to think deeply. In the past, she never dared to mention the matter of Rongchang Hall because it was a hindrance to her husband. Although she felt that it was a bit inappropriate, she never thought too much about it. Today, her daughter's unintentional words made her I'm a little wary. Rong'antang is so disconnected from the main family and other direct descendants. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal at the moment, in the future... it always makes people a little uneasy.

Hua Zhuo immediately said nice words to coax Mrs. Fang, "My mother loves Zhuo'er the most, and Zhuo'er wants to give the most delicious cat ears to her mother" and so on, which made Mrs. Fang smile. Then he suddenly said: "Mom, I need to buy more cat ears, give one to my father, one to my grandfather and grandmother, and one to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, there is also my great-great-grandfather... Hey, that's Don't we also have to give a share to our great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt? My great-grandfather is also their son. Even if they are adopted, we can't favor one over the other. Mother, is that right? What if Zhuo'er doesn't give the most delicious cat to him? If you give your mother's ears to eat, she will be sad, um, Zhuo'er will be sad too... "

Of course, cat ears are not real cat ears, but a kind of pasta. In fact, the cooks of the Hua family can also make them, but Hua Zhuo prefers the cat ears made by the master chef of Chunmanlou.

Of course, cat ears are not real cat ears, but a kind of pasta. In fact, the cooks of the Hua family can also make them, but Hua Zhuo prefers the cat ears made by the master chef of Chunmanlou.

"A travel note mentioned my great-grandfather. It turns out that my great-grandfather was able to write poetry when he was seven years old..." Hua Zhuo looked admiring, not pretending. In her mind, her great-grandfather had always been great.

"Your great-grandfather was famous for his talents back then." Ms. Fang said with a smile. Although she had never met this grandfather, she had heard about his deeds. He was a romantic young man with outstanding talents and appearance. He was a rare person. The beautiful young master in troubled times.

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

Mrs. Fang was startled by her question. How could a younger generation know so much about the affairs of the older generation? However, she had heard some rumors about her grandfather. It seemed that her grandfather was also the legitimate son of Rongchang Hall. It was just that his mother died early, and he later remarried to the housekeeper who also gave birth to a son. He wanted to take away the title of legitimate son and resorted to various means to force his grandfather away. His grandfather was also an arrogant person. He ran away in anger and traveled around the world. He gained such a great reputation and won the first prize in the Golden Palace in one fell swoop. He was deeply loved by the Holy Emperor. Later, Rongchang Hall regretted it and wanted to recruit him back, but his grandfather refused. After he came back, for some reason, Rong'an Hall had no heirs. I discussed with Rongchang Hall to adopt my grandfather. Naturally, Rongchang Hall was unwilling, and I didn’t want to make the two halls unhappy. I thought that because of my grandfather’s temperament, he would look down on Rong’an Hall, so I made the decision. The power was handed over to my grandfather.

Hua Zhuo immediately pretended to be disobedient and said: "Zhuo'er is not willful. Zhuo'er is the most obedient daughter. Zhuo'er is not afraid of hardship. She took the medicine last night and this morning, and she didn't feel any pain at all." There’s nothing left.”

As soon as she left, Mrs. Fang began to think deeply. In the past, she never dared to mention the matter of Rongchang Hall because it was a hindrance to her husband. Although she felt that it was a bit inappropriate, she never thought too much about it. Today, her daughter's unintentional words made her I'm a little wary. Rong'antang is so disconnected from the main family and other direct descendants. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal at the moment, in the future... it always makes people a little uneasy.

After thinking for a long time and still having no idea, Fang ordered Sanchun, "Call Aunt Liu here. I have something to ask her."

Jiu Hui was sent away, and Wu Zhen was called in, asking her to go to the Xiu Pavilion to call Qiqiao. Only then did Fang take Hua Zhuo's hand. Seeing her panting, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Yes. Whatever it is, just come and tell me slowly. Why is it so urgent? You haven't recovered from your illness yet, so you need to pay more attention."