Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 120: Jiuhui left privately


"Miss... oh... get out of the way... get out of the way..."

"Ah, no, I asked Qiqiao to call her. If she really left the house without permission, wouldn't we have caught her?"

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

"Miss, your butterfly has flown..."

How could it be Jiuhui? How could it be her? The Hua family had always treated her well, and her father later promised her to the second housekeeper... Yes, in April next year, on the day Jiuhui turned eighteen, her father specially called the second housekeeper into the study. , specially told the second housekeeper to treat Jiuhui kindly.

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

This is not right.

Hua Zhuo was just about to find a place to rest for a while, when he suddenly saw Jiu Hui squeezing in the crowd, as if looking for someone. She was startled, was she looking for herself? Could it be that mother came back early? That's not right, Jiuhui is serving in the study, how can she be called out to look for someone.

"Miss, your butterfly has flown..."

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

"What's not good?" Hua Zhuo asked inexplicably.

Qiqiao's face turned red and she whispered: "I went to call her according to the lady's instructions, but who knew I saw her having a tryst with a man..."

"Ah, no, I asked Qiqiao to call her. If she really left the house without permission, wouldn't we have caught her?"

Hua Zhuo felt more and more embarrassed. Jiuhui was the eldest girl next to her father. She was in charge of the study. Leaving the house privately was not a big deal. Maybe there was something urgent. Today, neither mother nor aunt were in the house, so she sneaked out again. To play, Aunt Liu had to take care of herself again. Jiuhui had something to do at the moment and couldn't find anyone to ask for leave. It was understandable that she was anxious and ran out privately. She could just turn a blind eye and let Qiqiao call her. Isn't that right? Just when this matter was revealed, Jiu Hui was afraid that she would be embarrassed.

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

With such a future, what could Jiuhui be dissatisfied about? Is it really better to be a concubine to a rich young master than to be the steward of the inner court in the Hua family? You know, in many cases, the concubine is not as powerful as the chief steward of the inner court. The reason why Aunt Shuangcheng can help the mistress in the Hua family is entirely because Mrs. Fang has been in poor health for a while, and Shuangcheng was originally her extremely A trusted dowry girl, even so, in Washington, what Aunt Shuangcheng said was not necessarily as useful as Aunt Liu, it was just because of her higher status.

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

"Miss… "

Hua Zhuo's brows wrinkled unconsciously. In the past two years, she had deliberately approached Zhao Yu'er. She had also been to the Zhao family several times. Although she had never met the two young masters of the Zhao family, she could still see the two young masters from the Zhao family if she paid close attention. The personalities and preferences of the two young masters of the Zhao family can be found out from the few words spoken by the servants of the Zhao family.

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

Aunt Liu had bad eyesight. When she heard Hua Zhuo say this, she had a strange look on her face: "No, I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on me in the house. If Madam comes back early, Sister-in-law Bai should come out to report the news. Why did Jiuhui come out?"

How could it be Jiuhui? How could it be her? The Hua family had always treated her well, and her father later promised her to the second housekeeper... Yes, in April next year, on the day Jiuhui turned eighteen, her father specially called the second housekeeper into the study. , specially told the second housekeeper to treat Jiuhui kindly.

Wait, study... Hua Zhuo was startled. How could she forget that the reason why her father couldn't argue in the previous life was because there was an account book in the study room where he was greedy for money and money. Jiu Hui was in charge of his father's study room. There were many books in the study room. How could she not know when an account book was released, unless...unless she deliberately turned a blind eye, or she was the one who put it in the account book.

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

Hua Zhuo's brows wrinkled unconsciously. In the past two years, she had deliberately approached Zhao Yu'er. She had also been to the Zhao family several times. Although she had never met the two young masters of the Zhao family, she could still see the two young masters from the Zhao family if she paid close attention. The personalities and preferences of the two young masters of the Zhao family can be found out from the few words spoken by the servants of the Zhao family.

Hua Zhuo was just about to find a place to rest for a while, when he suddenly saw Jiu Hui squeezing in the crowd, as if looking for someone. She was startled, was she looking for herself? Could it be that mother came back early? That's not right, Jiuhui is serving in the study, how can she be called out to look for someone.

Hua Zhuo was just about to find a place to rest for a while, when he suddenly saw Jiu Hui squeezing in the crowd, as if looking for someone. She was startled, was she looking for herself? Could it be that mother came back early? That's not right, Jiuhui is serving in the study, how can she be called out to look for someone.

Qiqiao became anxious and said: "Miss, how dare I say nonsense? If I hadn't known that the matter was important, I wouldn't have sent Baxiu to guard the gate. I saw it with my own eyes. I was about to catch up with Jiu at that time. Sister Hui suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her. She was so happy that she didn't even notice that I was behind her, so she ran towards the man. I saw something was wrong, so I hurriedly hid behind her. In the crowd, I followed her secretly and saw... Then I saw her... "

The second young master, Zhao Zhongliang, is a more generous person. He is generous with rewards and does not care about a few small coins. He also loves reading and wants to gain a good reputation in the imperial examination. Scholars cherish their reputation and should not do such things. Such a thing as having an affair with another family's maid. Moreover, in terms of age, Zhao Zhongliang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Jiuhui was two or three years older than him, so it couldn't be him.

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

The more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more confused she became. She was about to step forward to ask for details, but was stopped by the crowd. She didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, so she simply waited where she was, thinking that she was wearing red today. The dress is more eye-catching. Jiuhui will definitely be able to see her and naturally come over.

But apart from the Zhao family, which other family in Huainan Prefecture is so luxurious that they use Hu silk material to make their daily clothes? This does not mean that there are no richer people in Huainan Prefecture than the Zhao family, but ordinary wealthy businessmen, how can they be qualified to use Hu silk fabrics? Even if you want to wear clothes made of materials, you can only wear them under your outer robe, and you will never dare to show off in public. Only the Zhao family has money, status, and loves to show off. It is a typical nouveau riche attitude, like the Hua family, A family like the Du family, which has lasted for several generations, would never be so public.

Zhao family? Zhao family!

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

Unexpectedly, Jiu Hui looked around, but as the crowd moved further and further away, he didn't see her at all. Hua Zhuo couldn't help but became a little anxious, and quickly called Qiqiao over and said, "Look, is that Jiu Hui?" benefit?"

"Go and call her back..." Hua Zhuo thought for a while, "Baxiu and I will go back first, lest our godmother discovers that we sneaked out to play."

It has always been the tradition of the Hua family to give the most valued eldest girl to the most trusted subordinate. This means that in the future, Jiuhui will take over from Aunt Liu and become the chief steward of the inner courtyard after Aunt Liu. Hua Ren, the second butler, will definitely take over as the first butler.

Qiqiao glanced in the direction she pointed, and immediately said: "It's really Sister Jiuhui, why does she seem to be looking for someone? Ah, could it be that Madam is back... "

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

"Miss… "

The more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more confused she became. She was about to step forward to ask for details, but was stopped by the crowd. She didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, so she simply waited where she was, thinking that she was wearing red today. The dress is more eye-catching. Jiuhui will definitely be able to see her and naturally come over.

Qiqiao glanced in the direction she pointed, and immediately said: "It's really Sister Jiuhui, why does she seem to be looking for someone? Ah, could it be that Madam is back... "

It has always been the tradition of the Hua family to give the most valued eldest girl to the most trusted subordinate. This means that in the future, Jiuhui will take over from Aunt Liu and become the chief steward of the inner courtyard after Aunt Liu. Hua Ren, the second butler, will definitely take over as the first butler.

But apart from the Zhao family, which other family in Huainan Prefecture is so luxurious that they use Hu silk material to make their daily clothes? This does not mean that there are no richer people in Huainan Prefecture than the Zhao family, but ordinary wealthy businessmen, how can they be qualified to use Hu silk fabrics? Even if you want to wear clothes made of materials, you can only wear them under your outer robe, and you will never dare to show off in public. Only the Zhao family has money, status, and loves to show off. It is a typical nouveau riche attitude, like the Hua family, A family like the Du family, which has lasted for several generations, would never be so public.

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."

He and Hua Zhuo were thinking of going to the same place.

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

"What?" Hua Zhuo was shocked, "Did you read that correctly? Qiqiao, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

"Go and call her back..." Hua Zhuo thought for a while, "Baxiu and I will go back first, lest our godmother discovers that we sneaked out to play."

In fact, she also saw Jiuhui being kissed secretly by the man. Not only was Jiuhui not annoyed, but she was extremely shy. However, she couldn't say this fact, so she had to not mention it.

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

Qiqiao responded and ran after Jiuhui, but Baxiu was still not satisfied. She reluctantly let her swallows fly, and then followed Hua Zhuo muttering.

It has always been the tradition of the Hua family to give the most valued eldest girl to the most trusted subordinate. This means that in the future, Jiuhui will take over from Aunt Liu and become the chief steward of the inner courtyard after Aunt Liu. Hua Ren, the second butler, will definitely take over as the first butler.

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

Qiqiao glanced in the direction she pointed, and immediately said: "It's really Sister Jiuhui, why does she seem to be looking for someone? Ah, could it be that Madam is back... "

"Miss… "

"Go and call her back..." Hua Zhuo thought for a while, "Baxiu and I will go back first, lest our godmother discovers that we sneaked out to play."

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

"What's not good?" Hua Zhuo asked inexplicably.

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

Aunt Liu had bad eyesight. When she heard Hua Zhuo say this, she had a strange look on her face: "No, I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on me in the house. If Madam comes back early, Sister-in-law Bai should come out to report the news. Why did Jiuhui come out?"

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

Wait, study... Hua Zhuo was startled. How could she forget that the reason why her father couldn't argue in the previous life was because there was an account book in the study room where he was greedy for money and money. Jiu Hui was in charge of his father's study room. There were many books in the study room. How could she not know when an account book was released, unless...unless she deliberately turned a blind eye, or she was the one who put it in the account book.

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

"That's even more wrong. When a maid leaves the house, she has to ask for leave. If Jiu Hui asked for leave, how could I not know about it?" Aunt Liu shook her head repeatedly, with a look of anger on her face, "This girl He must have left the house privately."

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

Qiqiao responded and ran after Jiuhui, but Baxiu was still not satisfied. She reluctantly let her swallows fly, and then followed Hua Zhuo muttering.

The second young master, Zhao Zhongliang, is a more generous person. He is generous with rewards and does not care about a few small coins. He also loves reading and wants to gain a good reputation in the imperial examination. Scholars cherish their reputation and should not do such things. Such a thing as having an affair with another family's maid. Moreover, in terms of age, Zhao Zhongliang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Jiuhui was two or three years older than him, so it couldn't be him.

Hua Zhuo felt more and more embarrassed. Jiuhui was the eldest girl next to her father. She was in charge of the study. Leaving the house privately was not a big deal. Maybe there was something urgent. Today, neither mother nor aunt were in the house, so she sneaked out again. To play, Aunt Liu had to take care of herself again. Jiuhui had something to do at the moment and couldn't find anyone to ask for leave. It was understandable that she was anxious and ran out privately. She could just turn a blind eye and let Qiqiao call her. Isn't that right? Just when this matter was revealed, Jiu Hui was afraid that she would be embarrassed.

Qiqiao glanced in the direction she pointed, and immediately said: "It's really Sister Jiuhui, why does she seem to be looking for someone? Ah, could it be that Madam is back... "

When Nanny Liu said this, Hua Zhuo also became surprised. If Jiu Hui had something to do, she would not be allowed to ask for leave to leave the house. The Hua family was not harsh on their servants, and the leave they were given on weekdays was sufficient. If something is difficult, it is necessary to ask for help. Why did Jiuhui leave the house privately

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

Thinking of this, her body gradually became cold, and she felt that her mind was in chaos.

Zhao Boliang, the eldest young master of the Zhao family, is a very serious person, but he is a hypocritical person. He is very strict with his servants on weekdays. He talks about poetry all day long, but in his heart he is greedy for money and loves wine. As soon as he touches money and wine, he calls poetry and talk. They have all been forgotten, but they don't care much about women's sex, especially those maidservants who want to climb high.

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

"Ah, no, I asked Qiqiao to call her. If she really left the house without permission, wouldn't we have caught her?"

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

Zhao Boliang, the eldest young master of the Zhao family, is a very serious person, but he is a hypocritical person. He is very strict with his servants on weekdays. He talks about poetry all day long, but in his heart he is greedy for money and loves wine. As soon as he touches money and wine, he calls poetry and talk. They have all been forgotten, but they don't care much about women's sex, especially those maidservants who want to climb high.

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

Aunt Liu didn't take it seriously, and immediately led Hua Zhuo back to Hua Mansion through the back door.

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

Hua Zhuo felt more and more embarrassed. Jiuhui was the eldest girl next to her father. She was in charge of the study. Leaving the house privately was not a big deal. Maybe there was something urgent. Today, neither mother nor aunt were in the house, so she sneaked out again. To play, Aunt Liu had to take care of herself again. Jiuhui had something to do at the moment and couldn't find anyone to ask for leave. It was understandable that she was anxious and ran out privately. She could just turn a blind eye and let Qiqiao call her. Isn't that right? Just when this matter was revealed, Jiu Hui was afraid that she would be embarrassed.

This is not right.

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

Hua Zhuo was just about to find a place to rest for a while, when he suddenly saw Jiu Hui squeezing in the crowd, as if looking for someone. She was startled, was she looking for herself? Could it be that mother came back early? That's not right, Jiuhui is serving in the study, how can she be called out to look for someone.

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

The more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more confused she became. She was about to step forward to ask for details, but was stopped by the crowd. She didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, so she simply waited where she was, thinking that she was wearing red today. The dress is more eye-catching. Jiuhui will definitely be able to see her and naturally come over.

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

Qiqiao responded and ran after Jiuhui, but Baxiu was still not satisfied. She reluctantly let her swallows fly, and then followed Hua Zhuo muttering.

Aunt Liu didn't take it seriously, and immediately led Hua Zhuo back to Hua Mansion through the back door.

Zhao Boliang, the eldest young master of the Zhao family, is a very serious person, but he is a hypocritical person. He is very strict with his servants on weekdays. He talks about poetry all day long, but in his heart he is greedy for money and loves wine. As soon as he touches money and wine, he calls poetry and talk. They have all been forgotten, but they don't care much about women's sex, especially those maidservants who want to climb high.

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

Hua Zhuo felt more and more embarrassed. Jiuhui was the eldest girl next to her father. She was in charge of the study. Leaving the house privately was not a big deal. Maybe there was something urgent. Today, neither mother nor aunt were in the house, so she sneaked out again. To play, Aunt Liu had to take care of herself again. Jiuhui had something to do at the moment and couldn't find anyone to ask for leave. It was understandable that she was anxious and ran out privately. She could just turn a blind eye and let Qiqiao call her. Isn't that right? Just when this matter was revealed, Jiu Hui was afraid that she would be embarrassed.

He and Hua Zhuo were thinking of going to the same place.

Aunt Liu had bad eyesight. When she heard Hua Zhuo say this, she had a strange look on her face: "No, I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on me in the house. If Madam comes back early, Sister-in-law Bai should come out to report the news. Why did Jiuhui come out?"

When Nanny Liu said this, Hua Zhuo also became surprised. If Jiu Hui had something to do, she would not be allowed to ask for leave to leave the house. The Hua family was not harsh on their servants, and the leave they were given on weekdays was sufficient. If something is difficult, it is necessary to ask for help. Why did Jiuhui leave the house privately

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

Hua Zhuo's brows wrinkled unconsciously. In the past two years, she had deliberately approached Zhao Yu'er. She had also been to the Zhao family several times. Although she had never met the two young masters of the Zhao family, she could still see the two young masters from the Zhao family if she paid close attention. The personalities and preferences of the two young masters of the Zhao family can be found out from the few words spoken by the servants of the Zhao family.

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

"Miss… "

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

The second young master, Zhao Zhongliang, is a more generous person. He is generous with rewards and does not care about a few small coins. He also loves reading and wants to gain a good reputation in the imperial examination. Scholars cherish their reputation and should not do such things. Such a thing as having an affair with another family's maid. Moreover, in terms of age, Zhao Zhongliang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Jiuhui was two or three years older than him, so it couldn't be him.

Hua Zhuo felt more and more embarrassed. Jiuhui was the eldest girl next to her father. She was in charge of the study. Leaving the house privately was not a big deal. Maybe there was something urgent. Today, neither mother nor aunt were in the house, so she sneaked out again. To play, Aunt Liu had to take care of herself again. Jiuhui had something to do at the moment and couldn't find anyone to ask for leave. It was understandable that she was anxious and ran out privately. She could just turn a blind eye and let Qiqiao call her. Isn't that right? Just when this matter was revealed, Jiu Hui was afraid that she would be embarrassed.

Hua Zhuo's brows wrinkled unconsciously. In the past two years, she had deliberately approached Zhao Yu'er. She had also been to the Zhao family several times. Although she had never met the two young masters of the Zhao family, she could still see the two young masters from the Zhao family if she paid close attention. The personalities and preferences of the two young masters of the Zhao family can be found out from the few words spoken by the servants of the Zhao family.

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

"That's even more wrong. When a maid leaves the house, she has to ask for leave. If Jiu Hui asked for leave, how could I not know about it?" Aunt Liu shook her head repeatedly, with a look of anger on her face, "This girl He must have left the house privately."

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

"What's not good?" Hua Zhuo asked inexplicably.

Qiqiao responded and ran after Jiuhui, but Baxiu was still not satisfied. She reluctantly let her swallows fly, and then followed Hua Zhuo muttering.

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

Qiqiao became anxious and said: "Miss, how dare I say nonsense? If I hadn't known that the matter was important, I wouldn't have sent Baxiu to guard the gate. I saw it with my own eyes. I was about to catch up with Jiu at that time. Sister Hui suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her. She was so happy that she didn't even notice that I was behind her, so she ran towards the man. I saw something was wrong, so I hurriedly hid behind her. In the crowd, I followed her secretly and saw... Then I saw her... "

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

Qiqiao's face turned red and she whispered: "I went to call her according to the lady's instructions, but who knew I saw her having a tryst with a man..."

"What's not good?" Hua Zhuo asked inexplicably.

The second young master, Zhao Zhongliang, is a more generous person. He is generous with rewards and does not care about a few small coins. He also loves reading and wants to gain a good reputation in the imperial examination. Scholars cherish their reputation and should not do such things. Such a thing as having an affair with another family's maid. Moreover, in terms of age, Zhao Zhongliang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Jiuhui was two or three years older than him, so it couldn't be him.

"What?" Hua Zhuo was shocked, "Did you read that correctly? Qiqiao, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

"What?" Hua Zhuo was shocked, "Did you read that correctly? Qiqiao, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

Qiqiao's face turned red and she whispered: "I went to call her according to the lady's instructions, but who knew I saw her having a tryst with a man..."

Qiqiao became anxious and said: "Miss, how dare I say nonsense? If I hadn't known that the matter was important, I wouldn't have sent Baxiu to guard the gate. I saw it with my own eyes. I was about to catch up with Jiu at that time. Sister Hui suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her. She was so happy that she didn't even notice that I was behind her, so she ran towards the man. I saw something was wrong, so I hurriedly hid behind her. In the crowd, I followed her secretly and saw... Then I saw her... "

Qiqiao became anxious and said: "Miss, how dare I say nonsense? If I hadn't known that the matter was important, I wouldn't have sent Baxiu to guard the gate. I saw it with my own eyes. I was about to catch up with Jiu at that time. Sister Hui suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her. She was so happy that she didn't even notice that I was behind her, so she ran towards the man. I saw something was wrong, so I hurriedly hid behind her. In the crowd, I followed her secretly and saw... Then I saw her... "

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

This is not right.

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

Qiqiao glanced in the direction she pointed, and immediately said: "It's really Sister Jiuhui, why does she seem to be looking for someone? Ah, could it be that Madam is back... "

Aunt Liu had bad eyesight. When she heard Hua Zhuo say this, she had a strange look on her face: "No, I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on me in the house. If Madam comes back early, Sister-in-law Bai should come out to report the news. Why did Jiuhui come out?"

She sighed, but she couldn't say anything.

Wait, study... Hua Zhuo was startled. How could she forget that the reason why her father couldn't argue in the previous life was because there was an account book in the study room where he was greedy for money and money. Jiu Hui was in charge of his father's study room. There were many books in the study room. How could she not know when an account book was released, unless...unless she deliberately turned a blind eye, or she was the one who put it in the account book.

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

Qiqiao became anxious and said: "Miss, how dare I say nonsense? If I hadn't known that the matter was important, I wouldn't have sent Baxiu to guard the gate. I saw it with my own eyes. I was about to catch up with Jiu at that time. Sister Hui suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her. She was so happy that she didn't even notice that I was behind her, so she ran towards the man. I saw something was wrong, so I hurriedly hid behind her. In the crowd, I followed her secretly and saw... Then I saw her... "

How could it be Jiuhui? How could it be her? The Hua family had always treated her well, and her father later promised her to the second housekeeper... Yes, in April next year, on the day Jiuhui turned eighteen, her father specially called the second housekeeper into the study. , specially told the second housekeeper to treat Jiuhui kindly.

In fact, she also saw Jiuhui being kissed secretly by the man. Not only was Jiuhui not annoyed, but she was extremely shy. However, she couldn't say this fact, so she had to not mention it.

She sighed, but she couldn't say anything.

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

"That's even more wrong. When a maid leaves the house, she has to ask for leave. If Jiu Hui asked for leave, how could I not know about it?" Aunt Liu shook her head repeatedly, with a look of anger on her face, "This girl He must have left the house privately."

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

Zhao family? Zhao family!

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

Aunt Liu didn't take it seriously, and immediately led Hua Zhuo back to Hua Mansion through the back door.

He and Hua Zhuo were thinking of going to the same place.

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

This is not right.

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

Qiqiao responded and ran after Jiuhui, but Baxiu was still not satisfied. She reluctantly let her swallows fly, and then followed Hua Zhuo muttering.

In fact, she also saw Jiuhui being kissed secretly by the man. Not only was Jiuhui not annoyed, but she was extremely shy. However, she couldn't say this fact, so she had to not mention it.

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

Unexpectedly, Jiu Hui looked around, but as the crowd moved further and further away, he didn't see her at all. Hua Zhuo couldn't help but became a little anxious, and quickly called Qiqiao over and said, "Look, is that Jiu Hui?" benefit?"

The more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more confused she became. She was about to step forward to ask for details, but was stopped by the crowd. She didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, so she simply waited where she was, thinking that she was wearing red today. The dress is more eye-catching. Jiuhui will definitely be able to see her and naturally come over.

"Carriage? You mean she got into the carriage with...?"

Qiqiao became anxious and said: "Miss, how dare I say nonsense? If I hadn't known that the matter was important, I wouldn't have sent Baxiu to guard the gate. I saw it with my own eyes. I was about to catch up with Jiu at that time. Sister Hui suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her. She was so happy that she didn't even notice that I was behind her, so she ran towards the man. I saw something was wrong, so I hurriedly hid behind her. In the crowd, I followed her secretly and saw... Then I saw her... "

"What's not good?" Hua Zhuo asked inexplicably.

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

Unexpectedly, Jiu Hui looked around, but as the crowd moved further and further away, he didn't see her at all. Hua Zhuo couldn't help but became a little anxious, and quickly called Qiqiao over and said, "Look, is that Jiu Hui?" benefit?"

"What's not good?" Hua Zhuo asked inexplicably.

Qiqiao's face turned red and she whispered: "I went to call her according to the lady's instructions, but who knew I saw her having a tryst with a man..."

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

How could it be Jiuhui? How could it be her? The Hua family had always treated her well, and her father later promised her to the second housekeeper... Yes, in April next year, on the day Jiuhui turned eighteen, her father specially called the second housekeeper into the study. , specially told the second housekeeper to treat Jiuhui kindly.

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

"Miss… "

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

"Miss, your butterfly has flown..."

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

"Go and call her back..." Hua Zhuo thought for a while, "Baxiu and I will go back first, lest our godmother discovers that we sneaked out to play."

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

Qiqiao looked nervous and pushed Baxiu out of the door, telling her not to let the rude maids and women outside get close. Then she pulled Hua Zhuo into the inner room and said, "Miss, Sister Jiuhui seems a little uncomfortable." excellent."

The more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more confused she became. She was about to step forward to ask for details, but was stopped by the crowd. She didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, so she simply waited where she was, thinking that she was wearing red today. The dress is more eye-catching. Jiuhui will definitely be able to see her and naturally come over.

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

Aunt Liu had bad eyesight. When she heard Hua Zhuo say this, she had a strange look on her face: "No, I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on me in the house. If Madam comes back early, Sister-in-law Bai should come out to report the news. Why did Jiuhui come out?"

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

"Miss… "

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

Zhao Boliang, the eldest young master of the Zhao family, is a very serious person, but he is a hypocritical person. He is very strict with his servants on weekdays. He talks about poetry all day long, but in his heart he is greedy for money and loves wine. As soon as he touches money and wine, he calls poetry and talk. They have all been forgotten, but they don't care much about women's sex, especially those maidservants who want to climb high.

"Miss… "

But apart from the Zhao family, which other family in Huainan Prefecture is so luxurious that they use Hu silk material to make their daily clothes? This does not mean that there are no richer people in Huainan Prefecture than the Zhao family, but ordinary wealthy businessmen, how can they be qualified to use Hu silk fabrics? Even if you want to wear clothes made of materials, you can only wear them under your outer robe, and you will never dare to show off in public. Only the Zhao family has money, status, and loves to show off. It is a typical nouveau riche attitude, like the Hua family, A family like the Du family, which has lasted for several generations, would never be so public.

This is not right.

"Miss, your butterfly has flown..."

Hua Zhuo felt more and more embarrassed. Jiuhui was the eldest girl next to her father. She was in charge of the study. Leaving the house privately was not a big deal. Maybe there was something urgent. Today, neither mother nor aunt were in the house, so she sneaked out again. To play, Aunt Liu had to take care of herself again. Jiuhui had something to do at the moment and couldn't find anyone to ask for leave. It was understandable that she was anxious and ran out privately. She could just turn a blind eye and let Qiqiao call her. Isn't that right? Just when this matter was revealed, Jiu Hui was afraid that she would be embarrassed.

"That's even more wrong. When a maid leaves the house, she has to ask for leave. If Jiu Hui asked for leave, how could I not know about it?" Aunt Liu shook her head repeatedly, with a look of anger on her face, "This girl He must have left the house privately."

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

Hua Zhuo's brows wrinkled unconsciously. In the past two years, she had deliberately approached Zhao Yu'er. She had also been to the Zhao family several times. Although she had never met the two young masters of the Zhao family, she could still see the two young masters from the Zhao family if she paid close attention. The personalities and preferences of the two young masters of the Zhao family can be found out from the few words spoken by the servants of the Zhao family.

"Carriage? You mean she got into the carriage with...?"

She said, becoming suspicious herself. Although Jiuhui is the eldest girl next to the master, in the final analysis, she is still a maid. What rich young master is willing to lower his status and have an affair with a maid

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

With such a future, what could Jiuhui be dissatisfied about? Is it really better to be a concubine to a rich young master than to be the steward of the inner court in the Hua family? You know, in many cases, the concubine is not as powerful as the chief steward of the inner court. The reason why Aunt Shuangcheng can help the mistress in the Hua family is entirely because Mrs. Fang has been in poor health for a while, and Shuangcheng was originally her extremely A trusted dowry girl, even so, in Washington, what Aunt Shuangcheng said was not necessarily as useful as Aunt Liu, it was just because of her higher status.

Zhao Boliang, the eldest young master of the Zhao family, is a very serious person, but he is a hypocritical person. He is very strict with his servants on weekdays. He talks about poetry all day long, but in his heart he is greedy for money and loves wine. As soon as he touches money and wine, he calls poetry and talk. They have all been forgotten, but they don't care much about women's sex, especially those maidservants who want to climb high.

Hua Zhuo tried several times, but couldn't separate the two kites. She was afraid that if she pulled further, the thread would break, so she simply let go and released her butterfly. The butterfly flew higher and higher without being involved, and inadvertently separated from the swallow, drifting farther and farther, turning into an afterimage and falling towards the end of the Huai River.

"Why, did you see Jiuhui?"

"Well, this is not a coincidence. Let's go back to the house first. When Qiqiao calls Jiuhui back, we can ask her about it. If it is really extenuating, the young lady will make a decision to grant her leave and reward her with a few taels of silver. That’s it.”

The second young master, Zhao Zhongliang, is a more generous person. He is generous with rewards and does not care about a few small coins. He also loves reading and wants to gain a good reputation in the imperial examination. Scholars cherish their reputation and should not do such things. Such a thing as having an affair with another family's maid. Moreover, in terms of age, Zhao Zhongliang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Jiuhui was two or three years older than him, so it couldn't be him.

Unexpectedly, Jiu Hui looked around, but as the crowd moved further and further away, he didn't see her at all. Hua Zhuo couldn't help but became a little anxious, and quickly called Qiqiao over and said, "Look, is that Jiu Hui?" benefit?"

Qiqiao responded and ran after Jiuhui, but Baxiu was still not satisfied. She reluctantly let her swallows fly, and then followed Hua Zhuo muttering.

But apart from the Zhao family, which other family in Huainan Prefecture is so luxurious that they use Hu silk material to make their daily clothes? This does not mean that there are no richer people in Huainan Prefecture than the Zhao family, but ordinary wealthy businessmen, how can they be qualified to use Hu silk fabrics? Even if you want to wear clothes made of materials, you can only wear them under your outer robe, and you will never dare to show off in public. Only the Zhao family has money, status, and loves to show off. It is a typical nouveau riche attitude, like the Hua family, A family like the Du family, which has lasted for several generations, would never be so public.

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

It took Qiqiao a while before she finally spoke out, saying: "She and the man got into a carriage. I wanted to catch up with her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I just followed her to the exit at the other end of the alley and watched the carriage go south. ”

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

The more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more confused she became. She was about to step forward to ask for details, but was stopped by the crowd. She didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, so she simply waited where she was, thinking that she was wearing red today. The dress is more eye-catching. Jiuhui will definitely be able to see her and naturally come over.

"Miss… "

But apart from the Zhao family, which other family in Huainan Prefecture is so luxurious that they use Hu silk material to make their daily clothes? This does not mean that there are no richer people in Huainan Prefecture than the Zhao family, but ordinary wealthy businessmen, how can they be qualified to use Hu silk fabrics? Even if you want to wear clothes made of materials, you can only wear them under your outer robe, and you will never dare to show off in public. Only the Zhao family has money, status, and loves to show off. It is a typical nouveau riche attitude, like the Hua family, A family like the Du family, which has lasted for several generations, would never be so public.

Zhao family? Zhao family!

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

"Ah, no, I asked Qiqiao to call her. If she really left the house without permission, wouldn't we have caught her?"

"Miss, your butterfly has flown..."

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

"Miss, your butterfly has flown..."

Wait, study... Hua Zhuo was startled. How could she forget that the reason why her father couldn't argue in the previous life was because there was an account book in the study room where he was greedy for money and money. Jiu Hui was in charge of his father's study room. There were many books in the study room. How could she not know when an account book was released, unless...unless she deliberately turned a blind eye, or she was the one who put it in the account book.

Hua Zhuo was extremely surprised. How can everyone have a carriage? In the entire Huainan Mansion, there are only a few households that can afford horses. Jiuhui is just a girl. Even if an outsider has an affair, how high can the man's status be? , can there be a carriage

She sighed, but she couldn't say anything.

"Go and call her back..." Hua Zhuo thought for a while, "Baxiu and I will go back first, lest our godmother discovers that we sneaked out to play."

Baxiu had an unstoppable temper. The swallow that was dragging her ran around Huazhuo. When she wasn't careful, the swallow and Dieer got entangled together, which made her scream loudly.

Thinking of this, her body gradually became cold, and she felt that her mind was in chaos.

"Go and call her back..." Hua Zhuo thought for a while, "Baxiu and I will go back first, lest our godmother discovers that we sneaked out to play."

Thinking of this, her body gradually became cold, and she felt that her mind was in chaos.

Hua Zhuo was just about to find a place to rest for a while, when he suddenly saw Jiu Hui squeezing in the crowd, as if looking for someone. She was startled, was she looking for herself? Could it be that mother came back early? That's not right, Jiuhui is serving in the study, how can she be called out to look for someone.

"What?" Hua Zhuo was shocked, "Did you read that correctly? Qiqiao, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

With such a future, what could Jiuhui be dissatisfied about? Is it really better to be a concubine to a rich young master than to be the steward of the inner court in the Hua family? You know, in many cases, the concubine is not as powerful as the chief steward of the inner court. The reason why Aunt Shuangcheng can help the mistress in the Hua family is entirely because Mrs. Fang has been in poor health for a while, and Shuangcheng was originally her extremely A trusted dowry girl, even so, in Washington, what Aunt Shuangcheng said was not necessarily as useful as Aunt Liu, it was just because of her higher status.

Hua Zhuoruo is really a little girl who has not left the palace, and she is probably too embarrassed to listen to it at this time. But firstly, she has lived an extra life, and secondly, this matter is also of great importance. Jiuhui left the house without permission to meet the man privately, and it is said that After going out, the Hua family's face was not completely lost. The matter was so important that she couldn't care about anything else and asked, "What happened to her?"

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."

This is not right.

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."

How could it be Jiuhui? How could it be her? The Hua family had always treated her well, and her father later promised her to the second housekeeper... Yes, in April next year, on the day Jiuhui turned eighteen, her father specially called the second housekeeper into the study. , specially told the second housekeeper to treat Jiuhui kindly.

Returning to Xiu Pavilion, the more Hua Zhuo thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, so he asked Ba Xiu to pick out two gold ingots weighing five or six coins, put them in his purse, and prepare to reward Jiu Hui later. I'm sorry, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Qiqiao came back, but Jiuhui was nowhere to be seen.

Qiqiao glanced in the direction she pointed, and immediately said: "It's really Sister Jiuhui, why does she seem to be looking for someone? Ah, could it be that Madam is back... "

The Zhao family was originally a businessman and was known for their luxury in Huainan Mansion. Moreover, the Zhao family and his son often came to visit their father. Jiuhui originally served in the study, so it was normal for him to have contact with the Zhao family. Qiqiao said that The man is not very old, is he a young master from the Zhao family

Aunt Liu didn't take it seriously, and immediately led Hua Zhuo back to Hua Mansion through the back door.

Qiqiao was startled, and suddenly realized what he was doing, and said in surprise: "Yes, how could there be a carriage? Ah... I remembered that the man's back was turned to me at the time. Although I didn't see what he looked like, he looked at his age. It’s not big, but the clothes are made of the finest Hu silk material, and there is a piece of white jade hanging around the waist, like mutton fat.”

Wait, study... Hua Zhuo was startled. How could she forget that the reason why her father couldn't argue in the previous life was because there was an account book in the study room where he was greedy for money and money. Jiu Hui was in charge of his father's study room. There were many books in the study room. How could she not know when an account book was released, unless...unless she deliberately turned a blind eye, or she was the one who put it in the account book.

It has always been the tradition of the Hua family to give the most valued eldest girl to the most trusted subordinate. This means that in the future, Jiuhui will take over from Aunt Liu and become the chief steward of the inner courtyard after Aunt Liu. Hua Ren, the second butler, will definitely take over as the first butler.

Aunt Liu had bad eyesight. When she heard Hua Zhuo say this, she had a strange look on her face: "No, I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on me in the house. If Madam comes back early, Sister-in-law Bai should come out to report the news. Why did Jiuhui come out?"

It has always been the tradition of the Hua family to give the most valued eldest girl to the most trusted subordinate. This means that in the future, Jiuhui will take over from Aunt Liu and become the chief steward of the inner courtyard after Aunt Liu. Hua Ren, the second butler, will definitely take over as the first butler.

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."

Wait, study... Hua Zhuo was startled. How could she forget that the reason why her father couldn't argue in the previous life was because there was an account book in the study room where he was greedy for money and money. Jiu Hui was in charge of his father's study room. There were many books in the study room. How could she not know when an account book was released, unless...unless she deliberately turned a blind eye, or she was the one who put it in the account book.

"Miss... oh... get out of the way... get out of the way..."

The second young master, Zhao Zhongliang, is a more generous person. He is generous with rewards and does not care about a few small coins. He also loves reading and wants to gain a good reputation in the imperial examination. Scholars cherish their reputation and should not do such things. Such a thing as having an affair with another family's maid. Moreover, in terms of age, Zhao Zhongliang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Jiuhui was two or three years older than him, so it couldn't be him.

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

Hua Zhuo's brows wrinkled unconsciously. In the past two years, she had deliberately approached Zhao Yu'er. She had also been to the Zhao family several times. Although she had never met the two young masters of the Zhao family, she could still see the two young masters from the Zhao family if she paid close attention. The personalities and preferences of the two young masters of the Zhao family can be found out from the few words spoken by the servants of the Zhao family.

High quality lake silk material? Even my family rarely wears this kind of clothes on weekdays. I only make a few sets to cope with occasions. How could someone be so extravagant and use high-quality Hu silk material for daily wear? Hua Zhuo lowered his head and thought about it, and was suddenly surprised. She vaguely remembered that Zhao Yu'er had shown off to her a new skirt made of Hu silk material several times. Some time ago, Hua Zhaori specially took a Hu silk handkerchief to show off the embroidery on it, saying that the handkerchief was originally made of It would be a pity to throw away the leftover materials from making clothes, so she embroidered them into handkerchiefs.

With such a future, what could Jiuhui be dissatisfied about? Is it really better to be a concubine to a rich young master than to be the steward of the inner court in the Hua family? You know, in many cases, the concubine is not as powerful as the chief steward of the inner court. The reason why Aunt Shuangcheng can help the mistress in the Hua family is entirely because Mrs. Fang has been in poor health for a while, and Shuangcheng was originally her extremely A trusted dowry girl, even so, in Washington, what Aunt Shuangcheng said was not necessarily as useful as Aunt Liu, it was just because of her higher status.

"Just fly, I'm tired anyway..."

Baxiu screamed again, with a look of pity on his face.

"Ah, no, I asked Qiqiao to call her. If she really left the house without permission, wouldn't we have caught her?"

Hearing what she said, Hua Zhuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Jiuhui has something to do and leaves the house..."