Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 122: Three spring homecomings


After Hua Zhuo left the West Cross Courtyard, Mrs. Fang's face darkened. She put one hand on her heart and said, "Sanchun, bring me the Qingxin Yangshen Pills."

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

Thinking of this, Miharu suddenly felt uneasy. She and Jiuhui had grown up together and had a very good relationship. Now that she guessed that something had happened to Jiuhui, she was even more panicked. How could she still be in the mood to find Wu Zhen and Liu Shun? , she walked towards Jiuhui's house in advance.

After Hua Zhuo left the West Cross Courtyard, Mrs. Fang's face darkened. She put one hand on her heart and said, "Sanchun, bring me the Qingxin Yangshen Pills."

That's not right. If the madam wanted the master to take Jiuhui into the house, she wouldn't have gotten someone into the house last time, and she would have made trouble with the master. The more Miharu thought about it, the more strange she felt. Suddenly she thought that after the young lady came to talk to the madam for a while, the madam was not in good spirits. Then she told her about many people, but she did not mention Jiuhui. Could it be that Jiuhui was the one who caused the problem? What happened, did the lady find out

Mrs. Fang waved her hand and said, "Let's light some soothing incense." She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sanchun, when you entered the mansion, you were only ten years old, right?"

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Mommy, I don't understand what you are saying."

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

"…Who is that man?"

That's not right. If the madam wanted the master to take Jiuhui into the house, she wouldn't have gotten someone into the house last time, and she would have made trouble with the master. The more Miharu thought about it, the more strange she felt. Suddenly she thought that after the young lady came to talk to the madam for a while, the madam was not in good spirits. Then she told her about many people, but she did not mention Jiuhui. Could it be that Jiuhui was the one who caused the problem? What happened, did the lady find out

Miharu felt that his heart was sinking into the water. Sure enough, something happened to Jiuhui, and it was a big deal.

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

Mrs. Fang smiled happily and said, "Put the box away. Go and put it away. I have something else to tell you later."

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

Miharu was startled, and then said in a panic: "Madam, don't chase me away." As he said this, his eye circles turned red.

"What? Why? Does the master know? Is this the intention of the mama or the madam? What did I do wrong?" Jiuhui's tone became more excited, "No, I can't go to the guest room. Who is in the study without me? Serve the master?"

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

"What? Why? Does the master know? Is this the intention of the mama or the madam? What did I do wrong?" Jiuhui's tone became more excited, "No, I can't go to the guest room. Who is in the study without me? Serve the master?"

"Yes, madam, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

"Take it, our Rongan Hall does not lack these external things. What we lack are people who can regard Rongan Hall as home and work wholeheartedly for Rongan Hall. Sanchun, besides Shuangcheng, you are the only one beside me, but Shuangcheng is a miserable life." And she refuses to leave the master. This is what she will do for the rest of her life. When the young lady and the young master grow up, you will have to bear half of the burden in this family. This little thing will cost you a lifetime of hard work. I'm afraid it's not enough. a lot of… "

After Hua Zhuo left the West Cross Courtyard, Mrs. Fang's face darkened. She put one hand on her heart and said, "Sanchun, bring me the Qingxin Yangshen Pills."

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

Miharu was startled, and then said in a panic: "Madam, don't chase me away." As he said this, his eye circles turned red.

Miharu was startled, and then said in a panic: "Madam, don't chase me away." As he said this, his eye circles turned red.

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

Miharu was startled, and then said in a panic: "Madam, don't chase me away." As he said this, his eye circles turned red.

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

Mrs. Fang felt very happy when she saw her true feelings revealed and that she really didn't want to leave. Sanchun and Jiuhui entered the house at about the same time. They were also trained by her, but one of them stayed with her later. , a person was sent to the master's side. From a certain point of view, Fang actually valued Jiuhui more, so she sent Jiuhui to the master's side. However, Jiuhui deeply disappointed her.

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

Mrs. Fang felt very happy when she saw her true feelings revealed and that she really didn't want to leave. Sanchun and Jiuhui entered the house at about the same time. They were also trained by her, but one of them stayed with her later. , a person was sent to the master's side. From a certain point of view, Fang actually valued Jiuhui more, so she sent Jiuhui to the master's side. However, Jiuhui deeply disappointed her.

Just when she walked to Jiuhui's house, she suddenly saw Bai Xueer standing at the door, looking like a guard. She was stunned and subconsciously hid behind a crabapple flower. After hesitating for a moment, she turned around and walked around to the back of the house.

Seeing her coming back so quickly, Mrs. Fang smiled slightly and said, "Wu Zhen and Liu Shun are already old enough. According to the convention, they should be let out of the house. But if you get married, I will have less people to take care of me. There was also Sixi. She had already been engaged to her husband's family from outside the country. She was supposed to get married the year before last, but an elder from her husband's family suddenly passed away, so the marriage had to be postponed for another three years. However, after the completion of the marriage, she must be Those who have left the government, in this way, next year, the two eldest girls around me will be gone, and someone will have to take over. Ask Wu Zhen and Liu Shun if they are willing to take your and Si Xi's place, or come up with something. There is no need to explicitly ask if you want to get married in the family, don't force them, if they don't want to, forget it, see if there are any suitable children in the family someday, and pick a few who are not too old or too young and can be easily trained to enter the family. "

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

Mrs. Fang waved her hand and said, "Let's light some soothing incense." She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sanchun, when you entered the mansion, you were only ten years old, right?"

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

"Jiu Hui... you grew up under the watch of grandma, and she won't harm you... That's all, I know the matter is serious, and you need to think about it carefully. I won't force you today, just pack your things. Follow me to the guest house, starting from tomorrow, you no longer have to wait in the study, but will clean the guest house instead."

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

"Take it, our Rongan Hall does not lack these external things. What we lack are people who can regard Rongan Hall as home and work wholeheartedly for Rongan Hall. Sanchun, besides Shuangcheng, you are the only one beside me, but Shuangcheng is a miserable life." And she refuses to leave the master. This is what she will do for the rest of her life. When the young lady and the young master grow up, you will have to bear half of the burden in this family. This little thing will cost you a lifetime of hard work. I'm afraid it's not enough. a lot of… "

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

Seeing her expression, Aunt Liu hesitated for a moment. Could it be that Qiqiao had seen the wrong person and wronged her? But then I thought, it was the young lady who saw Jiuhui first, and then Qiqiao chased after him. It was impossible for both of them to see it wrong, and Qiqiao was very clever, so he would not have chased the wrong person, and even more so It is impossible to come back and talk nonsense without seeing it clearly. It is clear that Jiuhui knows that the matter is too serious and dare not admit it.

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

"What? Why? Does the master know? Is this the intention of the mama or the madam? What did I do wrong?" Jiuhui's tone became more excited, "No, I can't go to the guest room. Who is in the study without me? Serve the master?"

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

"Jiu Hui, stop pretending. Everyone has seen what happened between you and that man. Otherwise, why do you think I'm waiting for you here?" Aunt Liu sighed, "Hurry up and tell the truth, Madam. Since you have worked hard all these years, you are willing to let that man redeem your life with money and fulfill your wish. If you grit your teeth and don't say anything, in order to avoid the corruption of the family tradition, you should also know what the consequences will be."

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

As they approached the window, Nanny Liu's voice suddenly came from inside. Sanchun was startled when she heard it, and then she was shocked, man? What man? What on earth did Jiuhui do that made Nanny Liu come forward to question her

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

Miharu's face instantly turned red, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Sanchun went there unsteadily, and soon brought out an agarwood box about half a foot long and wide. The surface was painted red and decorated with several cloud patterns outlined in gold thread.

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

"Jiu Hui, don't forget your identity." Grandma Liu was slightly stunned and her tone became stern.

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

"...Yes, Mammy."

Mrs. Fang felt very happy when she saw her true feelings revealed and that she really didn't want to leave. Sanchun and Jiuhui entered the house at about the same time. They were also trained by her, but one of them stayed with her later. , a person was sent to the master's side. From a certain point of view, Fang actually valued Jiuhui more, so she sent Jiuhui to the master's side. However, Jiuhui deeply disappointed her.

Thinking of this, Miharu suddenly felt uneasy. She and Jiuhui had grown up together and had a very good relationship. Now that she guessed that something had happened to Jiuhui, she was even more panicked. How could she still be in the mood to find Wu Zhen and Liu Shun? , she walked towards Jiuhui's house in advance.

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Yes, madam, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

"Yes, madam, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

Mrs. Fang felt very happy when she saw her true feelings revealed and that she really didn't want to leave. Sanchun and Jiuhui entered the house at about the same time. They were also trained by her, but one of them stayed with her later. , a person was sent to the master's side. From a certain point of view, Fang actually valued Jiuhui more, so she sent Jiuhui to the master's side. However, Jiuhui deeply disappointed her.

"Madam, this is too expensive." Sanchun was a little frightened. In the past, when a maid in the mansion got married, depending on her status, Madam would give her a gift ranging from ten taels to thirty taels of silver. If she liked it, she would give her two more gifts in private. There are also jewelry, but nothing of this quality.

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"This is the dowry I prepared for you. It has been there for two years. The style is not new, but the workmanship and materials are excellent. With this dowry, you will have dignity in front of the second housekeeper. , he doesn’t dare not be nice to you.”

"Then I'm willing." The smile on Mrs. Fang's face deepened, "Go and get the agarwood box from the shelf."

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

"This is the dowry I prepared for you. It has been there for two years. The style is not new, but the workmanship and materials are excellent. With this dowry, you will have dignity in front of the second housekeeper. , he doesn’t dare not be nice to you.”

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

"Jiu Hui, stop pretending. Everyone has seen what happened between you and that man. Otherwise, why do you think I'm waiting for you here?" Aunt Liu sighed, "Hurry up and tell the truth, Madam. Since you have worked hard all these years, you are willing to let that man redeem your life with money and fulfill your wish. If you grit your teeth and don't say anything, in order to avoid the corruption of the family tradition, you should also know what the consequences will be."

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

"Then I'm willing." The smile on Mrs. Fang's face deepened, "Go and get the agarwood box from the shelf."

Sanchun went there unsteadily, and soon brought out an agarwood box about half a foot long and wide. The surface was painted red and decorated with several cloud patterns outlined in gold thread.

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Seeing her coming back so quickly, Mrs. Fang smiled slightly and said, "Wu Zhen and Liu Shun are already old enough. According to the convention, they should be let out of the house. But if you get married, I will have less people to take care of me. There was also Sixi. She had already been engaged to her husband's family from outside the country. She was supposed to get married the year before last, but an elder from her husband's family suddenly passed away, so the marriage had to be postponed for another three years. However, after the completion of the marriage, she must be Those who have left the government, in this way, next year, the two eldest girls around me will be gone, and someone will have to take over. Ask Wu Zhen and Liu Shun if they are willing to take your and Si Xi's place, or come up with something. There is no need to explicitly ask if you want to get married in the family, don't force them, if they don't want to, forget it, see if there are any suitable children in the family someday, and pick a few who are not too old or too young and can be easily trained to enter the family. "

"…Who is that man?"

"Take it, our Rongan Hall does not lack these external things. What we lack are people who can regard Rongan Hall as home and work wholeheartedly for Rongan Hall. Sanchun, besides Shuangcheng, you are the only one beside me, but Shuangcheng is a miserable life." And she refuses to leave the master. This is what she will do for the rest of her life. When the young lady and the young master grow up, you will have to bear half of the burden in this family. This little thing will cost you a lifetime of hard work. I'm afraid it's not enough. a lot of… "

Mrs. Fang felt very happy when she saw her true feelings revealed and that she really didn't want to leave. Sanchun and Jiuhui entered the house at about the same time. They were also trained by her, but one of them stayed with her later. , a person was sent to the master's side. From a certain point of view, Fang actually valued Jiuhui more, so she sent Jiuhui to the master's side. However, Jiuhui deeply disappointed her.

Sanchun went there unsteadily, and soon brought out an agarwood box about half a foot long and wide. The surface was painted red and decorated with several cloud patterns outlined in gold thread.

Sanchun responded. Seeing that Fang's face looked tired after talking for a while, he made another cup of tea and gently placed it on the table. Then he quietly left the room and leaned on the corridor. On the pillar, I carefully recalled what Fang had said before, and her face gradually turned red again, but suddenly I felt something was wrong. Madam mentioned several girls, why didn't she mention Jiuhui

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

"This is the dowry I prepared for you. It has been there for two years. The style is not new, but the workmanship and materials are excellent. With this dowry, you will have dignity in front of the second housekeeper. , he doesn’t dare not be nice to you.”

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

This dowry is beyond what Miharu deserves, and can be called a courtesy.

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

"…Who is that man?"

"Madam, this is too expensive." Sanchun was a little frightened. In the past, when a maid in the mansion got married, depending on her status, Madam would give her a gift ranging from ten taels to thirty taels of silver. If she liked it, she would give her two more gifts in private. There are also jewelry, but nothing of this quality.

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

This dowry is beyond what Miharu deserves, and can be called a courtesy.

"Then I'm willing." The smile on Mrs. Fang's face deepened, "Go and get the agarwood box from the shelf."

This dowry is beyond what Miharu deserves, and can be called a courtesy.

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

Mrs. Fang smiled happily and said, "Put the box away. Go and put it away. I have something else to tell you later."

"Take it, our Rongan Hall does not lack these external things. What we lack are people who can regard Rongan Hall as home and work wholeheartedly for Rongan Hall. Sanchun, besides Shuangcheng, you are the only one beside me, but Shuangcheng is a miserable life." And she refuses to leave the master. This is what she will do for the rest of her life. When the young lady and the young master grow up, you will have to bear half of the burden in this family. This little thing will cost you a lifetime of hard work. I'm afraid it's not enough. a lot of… "

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

Seeing her coming back so quickly, Mrs. Fang smiled slightly and said, "Wu Zhen and Liu Shun are already old enough. According to the convention, they should be let out of the house. But if you get married, I will have less people to take care of me. There was also Sixi. She had already been engaged to her husband's family from outside the country. She was supposed to get married the year before last, but an elder from her husband's family suddenly passed away, so the marriage had to be postponed for another three years. However, after the completion of the marriage, she must be Those who have left the government, in this way, next year, the two eldest girls around me will be gone, and someone will have to take over. Ask Wu Zhen and Liu Shun if they are willing to take your and Si Xi's place, or come up with something. There is no need to explicitly ask if you want to get married in the family, don't force them, if they don't want to, forget it, see if there are any suitable children in the family someday, and pick a few who are not too old or too young and can be easily trained to enter the family. "

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

"…Who is that man?"

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

Thinking of this, Miharu suddenly felt uneasy. She and Jiuhui had grown up together and had a very good relationship. Now that she guessed that something had happened to Jiuhui, she was even more panicked. How could she still be in the mood to find Wu Zhen and Liu Shun? , she walked towards Jiuhui's house in advance.

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

"…Who is that man?"

Mrs. Fang smiled happily and said, "Put the box away. Go and put it away. I have something else to tell you later."

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Mrs. Fang waved her hand and said, "Let's light some soothing incense." She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sanchun, when you entered the mansion, you were only ten years old, right?"

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

"This is the dowry I prepared for you. It has been there for two years. The style is not new, but the workmanship and materials are excellent. With this dowry, you will have dignity in front of the second housekeeper. , he doesn’t dare not be nice to you.”

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

Seeing her coming back so quickly, Mrs. Fang smiled slightly and said, "Wu Zhen and Liu Shun are already old enough. According to the convention, they should be let out of the house. But if you get married, I will have less people to take care of me. There was also Sixi. She had already been engaged to her husband's family from outside the country. She was supposed to get married the year before last, but an elder from her husband's family suddenly passed away, so the marriage had to be postponed for another three years. However, after the completion of the marriage, she must be Those who have left the government, in this way, next year, the two eldest girls around me will be gone, and someone will have to take over. Ask Wu Zhen and Liu Shun if they are willing to take your and Si Xi's place, or come up with something. There is no need to explicitly ask if you want to get married in the family, don't force them, if they don't want to, forget it, see if there are any suitable children in the family someday, and pick a few who are not too old or too young and can be easily trained to enter the family. "

Mrs. Fang waved her hand and said, "Let's light some soothing incense." She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sanchun, when you entered the mansion, you were only ten years old, right?"

Miharu's face instantly turned red, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"Yes, madam, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

"...Yes, Mammy."

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

Seeing her expression, Aunt Liu hesitated for a moment. Could it be that Qiqiao had seen the wrong person and wronged her? But then I thought, it was the young lady who saw Jiuhui first, and then Qiqiao chased after him. It was impossible for both of them to see it wrong, and Qiqiao was very clever, so he would not have chased the wrong person, and even more so It is impossible to come back and talk nonsense without seeing it clearly. It is clear that Jiuhui knows that the matter is too serious and dare not admit it.

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

Sanchun responded. Seeing that Fang's face looked tired after talking for a while, he made another cup of tea and gently placed it on the table. Then he quietly left the room and leaned on the corridor. On the pillar, I carefully recalled what Fang had said before, and her face gradually turned red again, but suddenly I felt something was wrong. Madam mentioned several girls, why didn't she mention Jiuhui

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

Jiu Hui is the same age as her and two months older than her, and Madam has always thought highly of Jiu Hui. How could Jiu Hui not be mentioned in such a big event? Could it be that the madam wants the master to confiscate Jiuhui's house

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

Jiu Hui is the same age as her and two months older than her, and Madam has always thought highly of Jiu Hui. How could Jiu Hui not be mentioned in such a big event? Could it be that the madam wants the master to confiscate Jiuhui's house

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

Sanchun sat down carefully and said, "Madam, as long as you don't kick me out of the house, I can do anything you want."

Seeing her expression, Aunt Liu hesitated for a moment. Could it be that Qiqiao had seen the wrong person and wronged her? But then I thought, it was the young lady who saw Jiuhui first, and then Qiqiao chased after him. It was impossible for both of them to see it wrong, and Qiqiao was very clever, so he would not have chased the wrong person, and even more so It is impossible to come back and talk nonsense without seeing it clearly. It is clear that Jiuhui knows that the matter is too serious and dare not admit it.

That's not right. If the madam wanted the master to take Jiuhui into the house, she wouldn't have gotten someone into the house last time, and she would have made trouble with the master. The more Miharu thought about it, the more strange she felt. Suddenly she thought that after the young lady came to talk to the madam for a while, the madam was not in good spirits. Then she told her about many people, but she did not mention Jiuhui. Could it be that Jiuhui was the one who caused the problem? What happened, did the lady find out

Mrs. Fang smiled happily and said, "Put the box away. Go and put it away. I have something else to tell you later."

"...Yes, Mammy."

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

Thinking of this, Miharu suddenly felt uneasy. She and Jiuhui had grown up together and had a very good relationship. Now that she guessed that something had happened to Jiuhui, she was even more panicked. How could she still be in the mood to find Wu Zhen and Liu Shun? , she walked towards Jiuhui's house in advance.

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

As she said this, she was still a little embarrassed. She was young and ignorant at that time, and she dared not listen to her mistress's arrangements. Fortunately, the lady didn't take it personally, and later bought Qiqiao and Baxiu into the house. However, these two girls were young at the time. She was even younger and couldn't take care of herself, so the lady had to send Shuangcheng, the dowry girl at that time, to take care of the lady for a few years. When Qiqiao and Baxiu were a little older and could take care of the lady, Shuangcheng returned to the lady. Soon she became the master's aunt, and she also became the eldest girl next to his wife.

Just when she walked to Jiuhui's house, she suddenly saw Bai Xueer standing at the door, looking like a guard. She was stunned and subconsciously hid behind a crabapple flower. After hesitating for a moment, she turned around and walked around to the back of the house.

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

Mrs. Fang waved her hand and said, "Let's light some soothing incense." She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sanchun, when you entered the mansion, you were only ten years old, right?"

Mrs. Fang felt very happy when she saw her true feelings revealed and that she really didn't want to leave. Sanchun and Jiuhui entered the house at about the same time. They were also trained by her, but one of them stayed with her later. , a person was sent to the master's side. From a certain point of view, Fang actually valued Jiuhui more, so she sent Jiuhui to the master's side. However, Jiuhui deeply disappointed her.

"…Who is that man?"

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

"This is the dowry I prepared for you. It has been there for two years. The style is not new, but the workmanship and materials are excellent. With this dowry, you will have dignity in front of the second housekeeper. , he doesn’t dare not be nice to you.”

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

Sanchun responded. Seeing that Fang's face looked tired after talking for a while, he made another cup of tea and gently placed it on the table. Then he quietly left the room and leaned on the corridor. On the pillar, I carefully recalled what Fang had said before, and her face gradually turned red again, but suddenly I felt something was wrong. Madam mentioned several girls, why didn't she mention Jiuhui

As they approached the window, Nanny Liu's voice suddenly came from inside. Sanchun was startled when she heard it, and then she was shocked, man? What man? What on earth did Jiuhui do that made Nanny Liu come forward to question her

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

"Mommy, I don't understand what you are saying."

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

Sanchun went there unsteadily, and soon brought out an agarwood box about half a foot long and wide. The surface was painted red and decorated with several cloud patterns outlined in gold thread.

Seeing her expression, Aunt Liu hesitated for a moment. Could it be that Qiqiao had seen the wrong person and wronged her? But then I thought, it was the young lady who saw Jiuhui first, and then Qiqiao chased after him. It was impossible for both of them to see it wrong, and Qiqiao was very clever, so he would not have chased the wrong person, and even more so It is impossible to come back and talk nonsense without seeing it clearly. It is clear that Jiuhui knows that the matter is too serious and dare not admit it.

"Jiu Hui... you grew up under the watch of grandma, and she won't harm you... That's all, I know the matter is serious, and you need to think about it carefully. I won't force you today, just pack your things. Follow me to the guest house, starting from tomorrow, you no longer have to wait in the study, but will clean the guest house instead."

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Jiuhui's voice also came out, full of doubts, as if she didn't understand what Nanny Liu was saying at all, but Miharu knew her very well, and could vaguely hear a hint of trembling in Jiuhui's tone.

"Silly girl, who said I would kick you out?" Fang patted the edge of the soft couch gently, "Come, sit down and chat with me."

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

"Mommy, I don't understand what you are saying."

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

"Then I'm willing." The smile on Mrs. Fang's face deepened, "Go and get the agarwood box from the shelf."

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

Miharu felt that his heart was sinking into the water. Sure enough, something happened to Jiuhui, and it was a big deal.

"Jiu Hui, don't forget your identity." Grandma Liu was slightly stunned and her tone became stern.

Mrs. Fang smiled happily and said, "Put the box away. Go and put it away. I have something else to tell you later."

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

"Jiu Hui, stop pretending. Everyone has seen what happened between you and that man. Otherwise, why do you think I'm waiting for you here?" Aunt Liu sighed, "Hurry up and tell the truth, Madam. Since you have worked hard all these years, you are willing to let that man redeem your life with money and fulfill your wish. If you grit your teeth and don't say anything, in order to avoid the corruption of the family tradition, you should also know what the consequences will be."

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

Just when she walked to Jiuhui's house, she suddenly saw Bai Xueer standing at the door, looking like a guard. She was stunned and subconsciously hid behind a crabapple flower. After hesitating for a moment, she turned around and walked around to the back of the house.

Miharu's face instantly turned red, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

That's not right. If the madam wanted the master to take Jiuhui into the house, she wouldn't have gotten someone into the house last time, and she would have made trouble with the master. The more Miharu thought about it, the more strange she felt. Suddenly she thought that after the young lady came to talk to the madam for a while, the madam was not in good spirits. Then she told her about many people, but she did not mention Jiuhui. Could it be that Jiuhui was the one who caused the problem? What happened, did the lady find out

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

"Take it, our Rongan Hall does not lack these external things. What we lack are people who can regard Rongan Hall as home and work wholeheartedly for Rongan Hall. Sanchun, besides Shuangcheng, you are the only one beside me, but Shuangcheng is a miserable life." And she refuses to leave the master. This is what she will do for the rest of her life. When the young lady and the young master grow up, you will have to bear half of the burden in this family. This little thing will cost you a lifetime of hard work. I'm afraid it's not enough. a lot of… "

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

"What? Why? Does the master know? Is this the intention of the mama or the madam? What did I do wrong?" Jiuhui's tone became more excited, "No, I can't go to the guest room. Who is in the study without me? Serve the master?"

"In a flash, it has been almost eight years. Sanchun, you are old enough to leave the house..." Mrs. Fang sighed softly.

Seeing her expression, Aunt Liu hesitated for a moment. Could it be that Qiqiao had seen the wrong person and wronged her? But then I thought, it was the young lady who saw Jiuhui first, and then Qiqiao chased after him. It was impossible for both of them to see it wrong, and Qiqiao was very clever, so he would not have chased the wrong person, and even more so It is impossible to come back and talk nonsense without seeing it clearly. It is clear that Jiuhui knows that the matter is too serious and dare not admit it.

"What? Why? Does the master know? Is this the intention of the mama or the madam? What did I do wrong?" Jiuhui's tone became more excited, "No, I can't go to the guest room. Who is in the study without me? Serve the master?"

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

Jiu Hui is the same age as her and two months older than her, and Madam has always thought highly of Jiu Hui. How could Jiu Hui not be mentioned in such a big event? Could it be that the madam wants the master to confiscate Jiuhui's house

"This is the dowry I prepared for you. It has been there for two years. The style is not new, but the workmanship and materials are excellent. With this dowry, you will have dignity in front of the second housekeeper. , he doesn’t dare not be nice to you.”

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

Jiu Hui is the same age as her and two months older than her, and Madam has always thought highly of Jiu Hui. How could Jiu Hui not be mentioned in such a big event? Could it be that the madam wants the master to confiscate Jiuhui's house

"Jiu Hui... you grew up under the watch of grandma, and she won't harm you... That's all, I know the matter is serious, and you need to think about it carefully. I won't force you today, just pack your things. Follow me to the guest house, starting from tomorrow, you no longer have to wait in the study, but will clean the guest house instead."

This dowry is beyond what Miharu deserves, and can be called a courtesy.

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

That's not right. If the madam wanted the master to take Jiuhui into the house, she wouldn't have gotten someone into the house last time, and she would have made trouble with the master. The more Miharu thought about it, the more strange she felt. Suddenly she thought that after the young lady came to talk to the madam for a while, the madam was not in good spirits. Then she told her about many people, but she did not mention Jiuhui. Could it be that Jiuhui was the one who caused the problem? What happened, did the lady find out

"Jiu Hui, stop pretending. Everyone has seen what happened between you and that man. Otherwise, why do you think I'm waiting for you here?" Aunt Liu sighed, "Hurry up and tell the truth, Madam. Since you have worked hard all these years, you are willing to let that man redeem your life with money and fulfill your wish. If you grit your teeth and don't say anything, in order to avoid the corruption of the family tradition, you should also know what the consequences will be."

Sanchun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face, so he quickly took the Qingxin Yangshen Pills, counted three pills, served Fang and Shui, then helped her lie down, and then whispered: "Madam, what happened? "

"Jiu Hui... you grew up under the watch of grandma, and she won't harm you... That's all, I know the matter is serious, and you need to think about it carefully. I won't force you today, just pack your things. Follow me to the guest house, starting from tomorrow, you no longer have to wait in the study, but will clean the guest house instead."

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

"Take it, our Rongan Hall does not lack these external things. What we lack are people who can regard Rongan Hall as home and work wholeheartedly for Rongan Hall. Sanchun, besides Shuangcheng, you are the only one beside me, but Shuangcheng is a miserable life." And she refuses to leave the master. This is what she will do for the rest of her life. When the young lady and the young master grow up, you will have to bear half of the burden in this family. This little thing will cost you a lifetime of hard work. I'm afraid it's not enough. a lot of… "

"What? Why? Does the master know? Is this the intention of the mama or the madam? What did I do wrong?" Jiuhui's tone became more excited, "No, I can't go to the guest room. Who is in the study without me? Serve the master?"

Fang opened the box, which contained two gold ingots weighing five and a half taels, a peony and jade comb inlaid with precious stones, and two pairs of hairpins of different styles, one pair made of jade and one pair covered with gold and silver. Then there is a pair of red agate bracelets, a pair of red agate earrings, and finally a two-acre land deed on Zhuangzi in the west of the city.

Mrs. Fang waved her hand and said, "Let's light some soothing incense." She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sanchun, when you entered the mansion, you were only ten years old, right?"

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

"Jiu Hui, don't forget your identity." Grandma Liu was slightly stunned and her tone became stern.

This dowry is beyond what Miharu deserves, and can be called a courtesy.

This dowry is beyond what Miharu deserves, and can be called a courtesy.

Miharu was lighting the soothing incense when she heard this and said quickly: "Yes, I happened to be ten years old that year, and the lady was just a little older at the time. Madam originally wanted me to serve the lady, but I insisted on staying with her."

Sanchun went there unsteadily, and soon brought out an agarwood box about half a foot long and wide. The surface was painted red and decorated with several cloud patterns outlined in gold thread.

"...Yes, Mammy."

"It's a false story. How could I be so wronged? Who saw it and asked her to confront me? I haven't come out of the study all day. I just finished my work and haven't had a rest before I got back to the house. "Hey, being asked like this by grandma, are you trying to kill my innocent daughter's family?" Jiu Hui's tone became excited, but she still refused to admit it.

"…Who is that man?"

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

"Madam..." Miharu called out, her face became even redder, she muttered for a while, and then said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Miharu will listen to Madam's arrangements for everything, as long as Madam is still willing to let me stay by your side to serve you."

Sanchun quickly put the box back into his room, and without delaying for a moment, he returned to Fang and said, "Madam, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Miharu's face instantly turned red, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Miharu felt that his heart was sinking into the water. Sure enough, something happened to Jiuhui, and it was a big deal.

Just when she walked to Jiuhui's house, she suddenly saw Bai Xueer standing at the door, looking like a guard. She was stunned and subconsciously hid behind a crabapple flower. After hesitating for a moment, she turned around and walked around to the back of the house.

"When you get to the guest house, there are few people there and it's quiet. You can calm down and think carefully about what's best for you. You have to understand that no one in our house will harm you. If you do something wrong, we're still here. I'll find a way to help you, so you don't let down our good intentions. Let's go."

"You... why are you so shy at this time? This is a major event in your life. If you already have someone you like in your heart and don't want to marry the second housekeeper, I won't force you. Which boy in the house do you like? Just tell him. I will make the decision for you." Fang smiled softly and touched her face, "If you give such a good appearance to the second housekeeper, it will be an advantage for him. After all, he is so much older than you..."

Seeing her coming back so quickly, Mrs. Fang smiled slightly and said, "Wu Zhen and Liu Shun are already old enough. According to the convention, they should be let out of the house. But if you get married, I will have less people to take care of me. There was also Sixi. She had already been engaged to her husband's family from outside the country. She was supposed to get married the year before last, but an elder from her husband's family suddenly passed away, so the marriage had to be postponed for another three years. However, after the completion of the marriage, she must be Those who have left the government, in this way, next year, the two eldest girls around me will be gone, and someone will have to take over. Ask Wu Zhen and Liu Shun if they are willing to take your and Si Xi's place, or come up with something. There is no need to explicitly ask if you want to get married in the family, don't force them, if they don't want to, forget it, see if there are any suitable children in the family someday, and pick a few who are not too old or too young and can be easily trained to enter the family. "

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "You are the most capable person around me, how can I be willing to kick you out of the house. But you are almost eighteen years old. If you change the girl to another girl, I'm afraid she will become a mother. Although I can't bear to let you go." , but I can’t delay you, I have to carefully plan a good home for you. Sanchun, what do you think of the second housekeeper? Although he is a whole round older than you, he is an infatuated person, and Du Shan failed to marry him. He has always had regrets in his heart. Over the years, there has been no one around him who knows what is good and what is cold. The master values him, and the position of the housekeeper in the future will belong to him. If you marry him, you will be the wife of the housekeeper in the future. Are you willing?"

"Madam, you are too serious. Sanchun cannot take it seriously. I will never leave Rong'an Hall in my life." Sanchun said with red eyes.

Miharu's face instantly turned red, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"Mommy, I don't understand what you are saying."