Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 2: Reborn again


Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

Mrs. Fang touched her daughter's little face distressedly, tears streaming down her face.

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Only then did Mrs. Fang come to her senses. She hurriedly helped her daughter to lie down, and pressed her feet firmly again before saying, "If Zhuo'er doesn't cry, then my mother will ask people to fill up the lotus pond and stop teaching it to harm others." .”

Qiqiao was baffled by what she said, her face fell, and she started to cry, "Miss, what's wrong with you? It's my fault that I didn't catch you at that time. If my hands and feet had been faster, you wouldn't have fallen into the water, right?" I can't help you, Miss."

In the third courtyard, servants and women were coming and going. Some were carrying hot water, some were holding braziers, and some were standing at the door looking out anxiously, murmuring anxiously: "Why haven't you invited the doctor? You usually work slowly." Forget it, at this juncture, why do you dare to be so slow?"

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

In the third courtyard, servants and women were coming and going. Some were carrying hot water, some were holding braziers, and some were standing at the door looking out anxiously, murmuring anxiously: "Why haven't you invited the doctor? You usually work slowly." Forget it, at this juncture, why do you dare to be so slow?"

"Mother... mother... Zhuo'er misses you so much... I miss you so much..."

Mrs. Fang took the prescription and asked Sanchun to send the servant outside to buy the medicine. She also called Aunt Liu and said, "Take Dr. Zhen to the accounting office to collect the consultation fee."

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

Doctor Zhen knew that this family was accustomed to being generous, so he immediately thanked her and followed Granny Liu away.

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

The girl lay obediently, her dark eyes staring only at Fang's face, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear in the blink of an eye, which made Fang feel distressed and distressed.

The maid shivered and was about to lower the curtain when she suddenly saw a group of people coming outside. Looking carefully, she saw a group of maids and wives hugging a dignified and noble woman. She hurriedly called out: "Madam is here." "

Only then did Mrs. Fang come to her senses. She hurriedly helped her daughter to lie down, and pressed her feet firmly again before saying, "If Zhuo'er doesn't cry, then my mother will ask people to fill up the lotus pond and stop teaching it to harm others." .”

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

When Mrs. Fang saw her crying, laughing, and even more confused when speaking, she felt anxious and said: "What do you say? Drink the medicine quickly, otherwise the medicine will be cold and the effect will be weak. Take the medicine and then sleep well." Once you get some sleep, Zhuo'er will be fine tomorrow."

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

Only then did Mrs. Fang come to her senses. She hurriedly helped her daughter to lie down, and pressed her feet firmly again before saying, "If Zhuo'er doesn't cry, then my mother will ask people to fill up the lotus pond and stop teaching it to harm others." .”

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

In the third courtyard, servants and women were coming and going. Some were carrying hot water, some were holding braziers, and some were standing at the door looking out anxiously, murmuring anxiously: "Why haven't you invited the doctor? You usually work slowly." Forget it, at this juncture, why do you dare to be so slow?"

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

The maid shivered and was about to lower the curtain when she suddenly saw a group of people coming outside. Looking carefully, she saw a group of maids and wives hugging a dignified and noble woman. She hurriedly called out: "Madam is here." "

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

The girl's thin and weak voice, set against her pale little face, was particularly painful, and made Fang want to cry again. At this time, Sanchun and Qiqiao came back with the medicine they had just prepared.

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

Baxiu was timid, and when asked by his mistress, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he just cried and could not speak.

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

Baxiu was timid, and when asked by his mistress, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he just cried and could not speak.

Not long after, the medicine was bought. Qiqiao was smart and quick, so she hurried outside to cook the medicine. However, Fang was not at ease. She wanted to go over and watch it in person, but was reluctant to leave her daughter's side, so she asked Sanchun and Qiqiao to Decoct medicine together. He also saw that there were only two braziers in the room, and the silver charcoal in one of them was almost exhausted, so he sent someone to bring in two more braziers.

Qiqiao stepped forward and replied: "Earlier, when the young lady saw that the snow had fallen at night and was very thick, she clamored to build a snowman in the garden. The servants couldn't do it, so they had to let the young lady go. Unexpectedly, when they passed by the lotus pond, Somehow, the young lady slipped and fell, but the snow on the ground there had turned into ice. Following the ice, the young lady slipped into the lotus pond. The slave girl and Baxiu stretched out their hands to pull, and tore their sleeves. Didn’t hold back either.”

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

"Zhuo'er needs to watch mother."

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

Baxiu was by the side, and when he saw them crying, he cried too, and for a while the whole room was filled with crying.

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

The girl responded softly, drank the medicine obediently, and took a piece of preserved apricot handed over by Qiqiao in her mouth before lying back on the bed and pretending to sleep.

"Hey, what's going on? The young lady is awake. This is a happy event. Why are the mother and daughter hugging each other and crying? You, Baxiu, are the same. You didn't help to persuade me, but you started crying together."

Aunt Liu took it over and looked at the fracture and said: "It is indeed torn off. It means that this beautiful dress is not reliable and will be torn if it is torn a little. It is fine to use it as a backing. It is used outside. Why bother with this?" The pattern is pretty, and if it had been made of strong, plain muslin, the lady would have been caught on the spot, and would not have slipped into the pond.”

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

"Hey, what's going on? The young lady is awake. This is a happy event. Why are the mother and daughter hugging each other and crying? You, Baxiu, are the same. You didn't help to persuade me, but you started crying together."

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

Mrs. Fang hurriedly called Sanchun in and prepared pen and ink for Dr. Zhen to write a prescription.

Aunt Liu sent Doctor Zhen away. When she entered, she saw mother and daughter crying together. She hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, and assigned Baxiu to bring a handkerchief to wipe away their tears.

"Doctor Zhen, my daughter fell into the water and is unconscious. I touched her forehead just now and it was a little hot. Please take a look quickly." Mrs. Fang explained her daughter's condition in a few words.

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

Mrs. Fang touched her daughter's little face distressedly, tears streaming down her face.

After a while, Doctor Zhen wrote the prescription and used some expensive medicines. Then he said: "Miss is young and has always been pampered. This time she caught a cold, so she has to pay more attention to her health. The medicine must be used for half a month. In order to avoid leaving the root cause of the disease, I will come back to my house to take pulse for the young lady in half a month. I must pay special attention here and never catch the cold again, otherwise it will be much more difficult to treat her."

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

In the third courtyard, servants and women were coming and going. Some were carrying hot water, some were holding braziers, and some were standing at the door looking out anxiously, murmuring anxiously: "Why haven't you invited the doctor? You usually work slowly." Forget it, at this juncture, why do you dare to be so slow?"

"Qiqiao, don't cry."

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

Qiqiao stepped forward and replied: "Earlier, when the young lady saw that the snow had fallen at night and was very thick, she clamored to build a snowman in the garden. The servants couldn't do it, so they had to let the young lady go. Unexpectedly, when they passed by the lotus pond, Somehow, the young lady slipped and fell, but the snow on the ground there had turned into ice. Following the ice, the young lady slipped into the lotus pond. The slave girl and Baxiu stretched out their hands to pull, and tore their sleeves. Didn’t hold back either.”

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

Mrs. Fang hurriedly called Sanchun in and prepared pen and ink for Dr. Zhen to write a prescription.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

Aunt Liu sent Doctor Zhen away. When she entered, she saw mother and daughter crying together. She hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, and assigned Baxiu to bring a handkerchief to wipe away their tears.

Baxiu was timid, and when asked by his mistress, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he just cried and could not speak.

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

When Mrs. Fang heard this, she quickly stood up and shouted, "Get out of the way."

Mrs. Fang touched her daughter's little face distressedly, tears streaming down her face.

"Qiqiao, don't cry."

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

The maid shivered and was about to lower the curtain when she suddenly saw a group of people coming outside. Looking carefully, she saw a group of maids and wives hugging a dignified and noble woman. She hurriedly called out: "Madam is here." "

Mrs. Fang touched her daughter's little face distressedly, tears streaming down her face.

The maid shivered and was about to lower the curtain when she suddenly saw a group of people coming outside. Looking carefully, she saw a group of maids and wives hugging a dignified and noble woman. She hurriedly called out: "Madam is here." "

Not long after, the medicine was bought. Qiqiao was smart and quick, so she hurried outside to cook the medicine. However, Fang was not at ease. She wanted to go over and watch it in person, but was reluctant to leave her daughter's side, so she asked Sanchun and Qiqiao to Decoct medicine together. He also saw that there were only two braziers in the room, and the silver charcoal in one of them was almost exhausted, so he sent someone to bring in two more braziers.

"Doctor Zhen, my daughter fell into the water and is unconscious. I touched her forehead just now and it was a little hot. Please take a look quickly." Mrs. Fang explained her daughter's condition in a few words.

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

Mrs. Fang took the prescription and asked Sanchun to send the servant outside to buy the medicine. She also called Aunt Liu and said, "Take Dr. Zhen to the accounting office to collect the consultation fee."

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

Baxiu was timid, and when asked by his mistress, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he just cried and could not speak.

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

The girl responded softly, drank the medicine obediently, and took a piece of preserved apricot handed over by Qiqiao in her mouth before lying back on the bed and pretending to sleep.

Qiqiao stepped forward and replied: "Earlier, when the young lady saw that the snow had fallen at night and was very thick, she clamored to build a snowman in the garden. The servants couldn't do it, so they had to let the young lady go. Unexpectedly, when they passed by the lotus pond, Somehow, the young lady slipped and fell, but the snow on the ground there had turned into ice. Following the ice, the young lady slipped into the lotus pond. The slave girl and Baxiu stretched out their hands to pull, and tore their sleeves. Didn’t hold back either.”

Aunt Liu took it over and looked at the fracture and said: "It is indeed torn off. It means that this beautiful dress is not reliable and will be torn if it is torn a little. It is fine to use it as a backing. It is used outside. Why bother with this?" The pattern is pretty, and if it had been made of strong, plain muslin, the lady would have been caught on the spot, and would not have slipped into the pond.”

Aunt Liu sent Doctor Zhen away. When she entered, she saw mother and daughter crying together. She hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, and assigned Baxiu to bring a handkerchief to wipe away their tears.

Baxiu was by the side, and when he saw them crying, he cried too, and for a while the whole room was filled with crying.

Aunt Liu sent Doctor Zhen away. When she entered, she saw mother and daughter crying together. She hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, and assigned Baxiu to bring a handkerchief to wipe away their tears.

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Mrs. Fang hurriedly called Sanchun in and prepared pen and ink for Dr. Zhen to write a prescription.

"Zhuo'er, you can go to sleep. Mom is right here and she's not going anywhere."

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

After a while, Doctor Zhen wrote the prescription and used some expensive medicines. Then he said: "Miss is young and has always been pampered. This time she caught a cold, so she has to pay more attention to her health. The medicine must be used for half a month. In order to avoid leaving the root cause of the disease, I will come back to my house to take pulse for the young lady in half a month. I must pay special attention here and never catch the cold again, otherwise it will be much more difficult to treat her."

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

Mrs. Fang touched her daughter's little face distressedly, tears streaming down her face.

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

Mrs. Fang took the prescription and asked Sanchun to send the servant outside to buy the medicine. She also called Aunt Liu and said, "Take Dr. Zhen to the accounting office to collect the consultation fee."

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

Qiqiao responded, and soon brought in a large bag of preserved apricots, ran to the bed, picked up a piece and handed it to the girl's mouth, saying: "Miss, take a sweet piece first, and then you'll take the medicine later." It’s painful.”

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

Doctor Zhen knew that this family was accustomed to being generous, so he immediately thanked her and followed Granny Liu away.

Qiqiao was baffled by what she said, her face fell, and she started to cry, "Miss, what's wrong with you? It's my fault that I didn't catch you at that time. If my hands and feet had been faster, you wouldn't have fallen into the water, right?" I can't help you, Miss."

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

Not long after, the medicine was bought. Qiqiao was smart and quick, so she hurried outside to cook the medicine. However, Fang was not at ease. She wanted to go over and watch it in person, but was reluctant to leave her daughter's side, so she asked Sanchun and Qiqiao to Decoct medicine together. He also saw that there were only two braziers in the room, and the silver charcoal in one of them was almost exhausted, so he sent someone to bring in two more braziers.

Mrs. Fang hurriedly called Sanchun in and prepared pen and ink for Dr. Zhen to write a prescription.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

After a while, Doctor Zhen wrote the prescription and used some expensive medicines. Then he said: "Miss is young and has always been pampered. This time she caught a cold, so she has to pay more attention to her health. The medicine must be used for half a month. In order to avoid leaving the root cause of the disease, I will come back to my house to take pulse for the young lady in half a month. I must pay special attention here and never catch the cold again, otherwise it will be much more difficult to treat her."

"Qiqiao, don't cry."

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

The girl lay obediently, her dark eyes staring only at Fang's face, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear in the blink of an eye, which made Fang feel distressed and distressed.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Mrs. Fang hurriedly called Sanchun in and prepared pen and ink for Dr. Zhen to write a prescription.

"Zhuo'er needs to watch mother."

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

Mrs. Fang took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed her daughter the medicine with her own hands.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

Only then did Mrs. Fang come to her senses. She hurriedly helped her daughter to lie down, and pressed her feet firmly again before saying, "If Zhuo'er doesn't cry, then my mother will ask people to fill up the lotus pond and stop teaching it to harm others." .”

"Mother... mother... Zhuo'er misses you so much... I miss you so much..."

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

In the third courtyard, servants and women were coming and going. Some were carrying hot water, some were holding braziers, and some were standing at the door looking out anxiously, murmuring anxiously: "Why haven't you invited the doctor? You usually work slowly." Forget it, at this juncture, why do you dare to be so slow?"

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

Not long after, the medicine was bought. Qiqiao was smart and quick, so she hurried outside to cook the medicine. However, Fang was not at ease. She wanted to go over and watch it in person, but was reluctant to leave her daughter's side, so she asked Sanchun and Qiqiao to Decoct medicine together. He also saw that there were only two braziers in the room, and the silver charcoal in one of them was almost exhausted, so he sent someone to bring in two more braziers.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

Aunt Liu took it over and looked at the fracture and said: "It is indeed torn off. It means that this beautiful dress is not reliable and will be torn if it is torn a little. It is fine to use it as a backing. It is used outside. Why bother with this?" The pattern is pretty, and if it had been made of strong, plain muslin, the lady would have been caught on the spot, and would not have slipped into the pond.”

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

"Madam, the young lady is still ill, so don't bring tears to her."

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

Mrs. Fang took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed her daughter the medicine with her own hands.

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

Aunt Liu took it over and looked at the fracture and said: "It is indeed torn off. It means that this beautiful dress is not reliable and will be torn if it is torn a little. It is fine to use it as a backing. It is used outside. Why bother with this?" The pattern is pretty, and if it had been made of strong, plain muslin, the lady would have been caught on the spot, and would not have slipped into the pond.”

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

When Mrs. Fang heard this, she quickly stood up and shouted, "Get out of the way."

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Qiqiao responded, and soon brought in a large bag of preserved apricots, ran to the bed, picked up a piece and handed it to the girl's mouth, saying: "Miss, take a sweet piece first, and then you'll take the medicine later." It’s painful.”

"Mother... mother... Zhuo'er misses you so much... I miss you so much..."

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

Mrs. Fang took the prescription and asked Sanchun to send the servant outside to buy the medicine. She also called Aunt Liu and said, "Take Dr. Zhen to the accounting office to collect the consultation fee."

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

Baxiu was by the side, and when he saw them crying, he cried too, and for a while the whole room was filled with crying.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

The girl responded softly, drank the medicine obediently, and took a piece of preserved apricot handed over by Qiqiao in her mouth before lying back on the bed and pretending to sleep.

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

Baxiu was by the side, and when he saw them crying, he cried too, and for a while the whole room was filled with crying.

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

Aunt Liu took it over and looked at the fracture and said: "It is indeed torn off. It means that this beautiful dress is not reliable and will be torn if it is torn a little. It is fine to use it as a backing. It is used outside. Why bother with this?" The pattern is pretty, and if it had been made of strong, plain muslin, the lady would have been caught on the spot, and would not have slipped into the pond.”

"Hey, what's going on? The young lady is awake. This is a happy event. Why are the mother and daughter hugging each other and crying? You, Baxiu, are the same. You didn't help to persuade me, but you started crying together."

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

Mrs. Fang took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed her daughter the medicine with her own hands.

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

Qiqiao stepped forward and replied: "Earlier, when the young lady saw that the snow had fallen at night and was very thick, she clamored to build a snowman in the garden. The servants couldn't do it, so they had to let the young lady go. Unexpectedly, when they passed by the lotus pond, Somehow, the young lady slipped and fell, but the snow on the ground there had turned into ice. Following the ice, the young lady slipped into the lotus pond. The slave girl and Baxiu stretched out their hands to pull, and tore their sleeves. Didn’t hold back either.”

"Why are you talking about this now? Zhuo'er is unconscious. Why hasn't the doctor come?"

Aunt Liu sent Doctor Zhen away. When she entered, she saw mother and daughter crying together. She hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, and assigned Baxiu to bring a handkerchief to wipe away their tears.

When Mrs. Fang heard this, she quickly stood up and shouted, "Get out of the way."

"Zhuo'er, you can go to sleep. Mom is right here and she's not going anywhere."

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

"Madam, the young lady is still ill, so don't bring tears to her."

"Qiqiao, don't cry."

Qiqiao reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to open the curtain, and an old man with white eyebrows and beard came in.

Not long after, the medicine was bought. Qiqiao was smart and quick, so she hurried outside to cook the medicine. However, Fang was not at ease. She wanted to go over and watch it in person, but was reluctant to leave her daughter's side, so she asked Sanchun and Qiqiao to Decoct medicine together. He also saw that there were only two braziers in the room, and the silver charcoal in one of them was almost exhausted, so he sent someone to bring in two more braziers.

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

Qiqiao responded, and soon brought in a large bag of preserved apricots, ran to the bed, picked up a piece and handed it to the girl's mouth, saying: "Miss, take a sweet piece first, and then you'll take the medicine later." It’s painful.”

Only then did Mrs. Fang come to her senses. She hurriedly helped her daughter to lie down, and pressed her feet firmly again before saying, "If Zhuo'er doesn't cry, then my mother will ask people to fill up the lotus pond and stop teaching it to harm others." .”

"Hey, what's going on? The young lady is awake. This is a happy event. Why are the mother and daughter hugging each other and crying? You, Baxiu, are the same. You didn't help to persuade me, but you started crying together."

Baxiu was timid, and when asked by his mistress, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he just cried and could not speak.

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

Baxiu was timid, and when asked by his mistress, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he just cried and could not speak.

The girl responded softly, drank the medicine obediently, and took a piece of preserved apricot handed over by Qiqiao in her mouth before lying back on the bed and pretending to sleep.

Qiqiao stepped forward and replied: "Earlier, when the young lady saw that the snow had fallen at night and was very thick, she clamored to build a snowman in the garden. The servants couldn't do it, so they had to let the young lady go. Unexpectedly, when they passed by the lotus pond, Somehow, the young lady slipped and fell, but the snow on the ground there had turned into ice. Following the ice, the young lady slipped into the lotus pond. The slave girl and Baxiu stretched out their hands to pull, and tore their sleeves. Didn’t hold back either.”

The girl lay obediently, her dark eyes staring only at Fang's face, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear in the blink of an eye, which made Fang feel distressed and distressed.

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Qiqiao responded, and soon brought in a large bag of preserved apricots, ran to the bed, picked up a piece and handed it to the girl's mouth, saying: "Miss, take a sweet piece first, and then you'll take the medicine later." It’s painful.”

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

"Zhuo'er, you can go to sleep. Mom is right here and she's not going anywhere."

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

Aunt Liu sent Doctor Zhen away. When she entered, she saw mother and daughter crying together. She hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, and assigned Baxiu to bring a handkerchief to wipe away their tears.

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

"Zhuo'er needs to watch mother."

Mrs. Fang entered the room, and just now she showed an anxious look. She ran straight to the edge of her daughter's bed and said, "What's going on? You're fine, why did you fall into the water?"

Mrs. Fang took the prescription and asked Sanchun to send the servant outside to buy the medicine. She also called Aunt Liu and said, "Take Dr. Zhen to the accounting office to collect the consultation fee."

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

When Mrs. Fang saw her crying, laughing, and even more confused when speaking, she felt anxious and said: "What do you say? Drink the medicine quickly, otherwise the medicine will be cold and the effect will be weak. Take the medicine and then sleep well." Once you get some sleep, Zhuo'er will be fine tomorrow."

The girl's thin and weak voice, set against her pale little face, was particularly painful, and made Fang want to cry again. At this time, Sanchun and Qiqiao came back with the medicine they had just prepared.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

In the show pavilion, a maid opened the curtain and looked out. After taking a look, she heard a curse coming from inside: "Damn girl, why don't you put it down quickly? A cold wind came in. If there is anything good about the lady, Let’s see if Madam doesn’t beat you to death.”

The girl's thin and weak voice, set against her pale little face, was particularly painful, and made Fang want to cry again. At this time, Sanchun and Qiqiao came back with the medicine they had just prepared.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

Mrs. Fang took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed her daughter the medicine with her own hands.

Mrs. Fang took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed her daughter the medicine with her own hands.

"Mother... mother... Zhuo'er misses you so much... I miss you so much..."

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

"Thank you, Doctor Zhen."

The girl lay obediently, her dark eyes staring only at Fang's face, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear in the blink of an eye, which made Fang feel distressed and distressed.

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

"Zhuo'er... Zhuo'er... My Zhuo'er, you have suffered..." When Fang heard her call, she felt happy and sad at the same time, and her tears kept falling.

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Doctor Zhen knew that this family was accustomed to being generous, so he immediately thanked her and followed Granny Liu away.

Qiqiao responded, and soon brought in a large bag of preserved apricots, ran to the bed, picked up a piece and handed it to the girl's mouth, saying: "Miss, take a sweet piece first, and then you'll take the medicine later." It’s painful.”

Fang was startled and exclaimed: "Zhuo'er, you're awake. If you don't feel well, tell your mother."

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

"Zhuo'er, you can go to sleep. Mom is right here and she's not going anywhere."

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

When Mrs. Fang saw her crying, laughing, and even more confused when speaking, she felt anxious and said: "What do you say? Drink the medicine quickly, otherwise the medicine will be cold and the effect will be weak. Take the medicine and then sleep well." Once you get some sleep, Zhuo'er will be fine tomorrow."

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

The girl responded softly, drank the medicine obediently, and took a piece of preserved apricot handed over by Qiqiao in her mouth before lying back on the bed and pretending to sleep.

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

Qiqiao was baffled by what she said, her face fell, and she started to cry, "Miss, what's wrong with you? It's my fault that I didn't catch you at that time. If my hands and feet had been faster, you wouldn't have fallen into the water, right?" I can't help you, Miss."

Qiqiao was baffled by what she said, her face fell, and she started to cry, "Miss, what's wrong with you? It's my fault that I didn't catch you at that time. If my hands and feet had been faster, you wouldn't have fallen into the water, right?" I can't help you, Miss."

Doctor Zhen took her pulse and said, "Madam, don't worry. The young lady is not in any danger of life. She just ate water. The weather is cold again, and the cold evil has entered the body. It requires internal and external treatment, and she needs medicine to nurse her back to health for a while."

After being busy for a while, I suddenly saw that the quilt covering my daughter's body was loose. I quickly stepped forward and pressed it carefully. When I raised my head, I looked at my daughter's two dark eyes, which were dull, as if frozen. It was normal, without a trace of light.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

"Qiqiao, don't cry."

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

The girl wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile, and said: "Mom, Qiqiao, Baxiu, Aunt Liu, and Sanchun... Zhuo'er misses you all..."

The girl trapped in the brocade clothes and jade quilt just opened her eyes, her young face was pale, without any trace of blood, her eyes were dull, and her eyes were motionless, as if she was a living dead.

There was a sudden chaos in the Xiu Pavilion. There was a bang, and someone accidentally knocked over the cup. Mrs. Fang happened to come close and said calmly: "What's going on? Aunt Liu, Qiqiao and Baxiu will stay here. Everyone else will go out and wait outside the door."

When she cried, the girl who was trapped in the quilt was shocked. Her dark eyes slowly turned a few times, passing over the roof, window lattice, and household furnishings one by one, and finally fell on Ms. Fang. , seemingly surprised and surprised, as if he couldn't believe it, his bloodless lips moved slightly a few times, and finally hesitantly called out: "Mother?"

The girl's eyes fell on her face, she hesitated again, and called "Qiqiao". When Qiqiao said "hi", she started crying again, reached out and touched Qiqiao's face, and said: " Qiqiao, I can’t help you.”

Snow covered the sky and the earth, and there was a vast expanse of white.

When Mrs. Fang saw her crying, laughing, and even more confused when speaking, she felt anxious and said: "What do you say? Drink the medicine quickly, otherwise the medicine will be cold and the effect will be weak. Take the medicine and then sleep well." Once you get some sleep, Zhuo'er will be fine tomorrow."

Although this maid was only eleven or twelve years old, her face was a little panicked, but her tone was calm. She answered clearly and explained everything about the situation at that time. She also took the wet clothes that the young lady had changed and unfolded them for a look. , that red and splendid dress was indeed missing a sleeve.

Aunt Liu knew that the young lady was most afraid of hardship, so she ordered Qiqiao from the side: "Hurry up and bring the candied fruits that the young lady likes to eat on weekdays and give her some medicine."

Immediately, three or four maids came out of the house and each stood guard at the door. Only a middle-aged servant girl and two little maids aged eleven or twelve were left in the house.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

The girl responded softly, drank the medicine obediently, and took a piece of preserved apricot handed over by Qiqiao in her mouth before lying back on the bed and pretending to sleep.

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

At this time, there was an urgent cry from outside: "Come on, come on, what are you doing crowding at the door? The doctor is here, please get out of the way..."

The girl remained dazed for a while, then suddenly stretched out her hands from the quilt, hugged Fang's neck, and burst into tears.

It was Sanchun, Fang's personal maid, who hurriedly brought the doctor over.

Mrs. Fang just thought that her daughter was frightened because she fell into the water. She immediately hugged her daughter and cried loudly: "Zhuo'er, please speak, don't scare me..."

Qiqiao responded, and soon brought in a large bag of preserved apricots, ran to the bed, picked up a piece and handed it to the girl's mouth, saying: "Miss, take a sweet piece first, and then you'll take the medicine later." It’s painful.”

The girl lay obediently, her dark eyes staring only at Fang's face, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear in the blink of an eye, which made Fang feel distressed and distressed.