Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 34: Shen Zhuwei family


"There are a lot of things you don't know." Du Wan got off the bed, took a book from the bookshelf, handed it to Hua Zhuo, and said: "The county governor's wife was born in Webster's family, and she worships Buddhism most. These are some wonderful Zen verses that I have excerpted from Buddhist scriptures. Take it back and have a look at it, and remember it to some extent, lest the county guard’s wife asks you about it and you don’t understand anything.”

Since then, Wei Tuo's sinking of pearls has become a good story, and the Wei family of Huainan Prefecture has also received the nickname Wei family of sinking pearls.

"Don't laugh. Remember to read it when you take it back. It will be better if you can remember it." Du Wan warned earnestly.

She put it on happily and was about to praise Du Wan when she suddenly realized something was wrong and shouted, "What did you mean by that just now? Why can't you wear the sachet I made for you and see people?"

The Wei family was originally a Zhongding family, with wealth and glory passed down for five generations. However, in the sixth generation, a wonderful man named Wei Tuo came out. This man was young and talented, but he had a heart of Buddha. He traveled all over the mountains and rivers. Xunzhen asked, and he felt that he knew the true meaning, so he took a boat to Beijing and found the great national master who had already lived in seclusion in Baima Temple in the middle of Beijing. He sat down and talked about Zen incessantly.

Hua Zhuo was startled. She remembered the time wrongly and thought it was the Bago she bought last year. She hurriedly responded: "That's not... what I heard your mother say before..."

After that, Wei Tuo laughed three times and died on the spot on the bank of the river. When news of the incident came out, everyone thought that Wei Tuo had become crazy because of his Zen practice, and the story became a joke. It was not until more than ten years later that a heavy rain washed away the Wei family cemetery. The Wei family moved the grave and dug up Wei Tuo's grave. His body was incorruptible and his features were as lifelike as when he was alive. He was horrified.

Du Wan glanced at her suspiciously, unable to believe her promise. It's no wonder, she didn't know that this close friend in front of her was no longer the willful and innocent girl in her memory. With one more lifetime of experience, Hua Zhuo had already learned to cherish all the opportunities in front of her, no matter whether she could be right or not. The disaster after the year was useful. As long as there was an opportunity, she would always try her best to seize it.

"Yes, yes, I know that I will never let you down for your hard work."

"Yes, yes, I won't talk anymore, Wan'er, it's boring to sit in the room, let's go for a walk outside. Has that myna you raised learned to talk?"

Du Wan said seriously: "I'm not afraid of wearing it out. I'm just afraid that other ladies will see it and ask me who did it. Anyway, I'm not afraid of them asking. I didn't do it. You won't make fun of me. I just don't know you." Are you scared?"

Although Du Wan was ticklish, the weather was cold and she wore thick clothes. Hua Zhuo couldn't touch her itchy spot even though he tried hard, so he simply lay still. Hua Zhuo spent all his strength and had to Withdrawing her hand in frustration, she giggled, leaned into Hua Zhuo's ear, and whispered: "Do you know why my mother invited your mother to come to the house?"

Although Yeshi'an is famous, no matter how famous it is, it cannot surpass Foguang Temple in the county.

"I was still thinking about what I should say to please the Sheriff's wife, but I never thought that you had done all your homework."

Hua Zhuo laughed, took the book and flipped through it. The small regular script with hairpin flowers in it was all written by Du Wan, who has a strong family background. Even though Du Wan was only three months older than her, this hand The handwriting is far more beautiful than hers.

Du Wan loved birds, so he built a nest house in the back garden, where he raised nearly a dozen species of thrushes, larks, parrots, skylarks, orioles, etc. The one that impressed Hua Zhuo the most was a myna, and Du Wan taught it how to fly. For three months, she failed to learn to speak, so she bought a mute starling as a joke.

"How come you don't even know this? The county governor's wife is from our Huainan Prefecture, and her natal family is the Shen Zhuwei family. In February, the county governor's wife returned to her natal family, and by the way she went to Yeshi'an to worship Buddha."

"Ah..." Hua Zhuo became more and more surprised, "Shen Zhuwei's family? Why didn't I know about this?"

Hua Zhuo's heart moved and he said: "Our two families are as close as one family. It is natural for us to travel during the New Year. Is there any special reason?"

Hua Zhuo chuckled. This mute starling wants to talk in his next life.

"You, if you are too pretentious and careless all day long, sooner or later you will suffer a loss." Du Wan leaned close to her ear and said softly: "I heard that in February, the county governor My wife is taking her children to Yeshi Temple to worship Buddha, and my mother is planning to take your mother with her, and our two families will work together to host a banquet for the county governor’s wife, so I am anxious to discuss this matter with your mother.”

"Eh? How do you know that I bought a myna? It was bought when my mother took me to the street to see the lanterns during the Lantern Festival. I haven't told you about it yet." Du Wan asked doubtfully.

Wei Tuo was also a man of extremely high understanding. He was dumbfounded. After a while, he bowed to the ground and left in a hurry. From then on, he returned to the Wei family and stayed in seclusion. He meditated for three full years before he came to enlightenment. He bowed three times in the direction of the White Horse Temple, then turned around and put all the jewelry and property in the house into ten large boxes and tied them with iron. The chain sank into the river.

Hua Zhuo took it and saw that the sachet was indeed much more exquisite than the one he made. It had a pair of playful little carp embroidered with gold and silver thread, which was vivid and extremely cute. I put it to the tip of my nose and sniffed it again, and there was a scent that was like orchid but not orchid, like musk but not musk. It was thick but not greasy, and the fragrance was long. It was indeed the kind of fragrance I always liked.

The great national master sat in the Zen room, closed his eyes and said nothing, chanting the Buddha's name. Until the three sticks of incense were used up, Wei Tuo continued to talk. Then the great national master asked: "Donor, please swallow all the water of the Xin'an River in one gulp and come back to the poor monk." On Zen.”

"Why are you saying this so politely?"

Hua Zhuo was extremely grateful. The Sheriff of Jiang'an County was his father's immediate boss. Although it was impossible for the Sheriff's wife to interfere with official promotions, if she could please the Sheriff's wife this time, she would be able to serve in the county in the future. It is self-evident that Mamoru said a few nice words to his father.

After hearing the news, an eminent monk arrived. As soon as he saw Skanda's body, he immediately fell to the ground and paid homage, calling him Bodhisattva in the flesh. Only then did we realize that Wei Tuo was actually a truly enlightened person. People in the world were ignorant and thought that crazy people were the real ridiculous people.

"Madam of the county governor?" Hua Zhuo sat up quickly, with a puzzled look on his face, "She wants to worship Buddha, so she can do it in the county town. Why did she come all the way to Huainan Mansion?"

"Wan'er, thank you very much. No matter what happens in the future, you will always be my best and best sister." Hua Zhuo grabbed her hand and said seriously.

After blurting out the question, she regretted it. In her last life, she was favored by Mrs. Fang. Mrs. Fang rarely mentioned these things to her outside. What's more, at this time in her last life, her illness had not recovered yet. Mrs. Fang Zhengyi took care of her untiedly, and if she had the energy to please the county governor's wife, it was normal that she didn't know about it. On the other hand, the Shen Zhuwei family is very interesting. It can be said that it is famous in Huainan Mansion. Even if Hua Zhuo was raised in a boudoir in his previous life, he had heard of it.

"Okay... I haven't seen you for a while. You've eaten so many books and you've become even more sharp-tongued."

Hua Zhuo blushed at what she said. He knew that his mouth was not as good as this bookworm's. If he really wanted to talk, Du Wan quoted the classics and could make her faint, so he simply moved his hands without talking, and tickled her armpits. .

Du Wan had a keen mind. Although he didn't know the meaning of Hua Zhuo's words, he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Fortunately, Du Wan didn't pursue it. She bought a new bird. When she was excited, she took Hua Zhuo's hand and said, "Come on, I'll take you to see the myna. They say that the myna loves to talk. Wait." After I taught it how to talk, I will send it to you so that it can talk to you every day."