Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 44: Secretly guessing


"Are you Chang Gui?"

As soon as they entered the inner courtyard, Aunt Shuangcheng had already greeted her. Just as she was about to salute, Mrs. Fang pulled her up and said, "What happened at home? You sent someone here in such a hurry to teach me what to do along the way." Flustered."

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

"Didn't you say what it was for?" Miharu asked doubtfully.

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

The boy bent down, probably because he didn't expect that the young lady actually knew his name, and said with a happy face, "Yes, the young one is Chang Gui."

After seeing off the Sheriff's wife, Mrs. Du also took Du Wan to say goodbye. Fang was in a hurry to rush back and did not greet her anymore. As soon as Mrs. Du's carriage left, Mrs. Fang immediately ordered the carriage to be prepared and took Hua Zhuo with her. He rushed home.

The content of the letter must be very important.

"Then it's settled." Zhuang Jing smiled very happily, "Come on, Lagou, as promised, you must come, and I will treat you with crispy tea cakes. My mother's crispy tea cakes are the most delicious. "

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

"Okay, let's come together then. Wan'er's Su Xin Longjing is very delicious. I asked her to bring it for you to taste."

Fang thought for a while and then said to Sanchun, "Go to Jiuhui and ask her to get the two letters."

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

Hua Zhuo looked up and saw that the scene etiquette between his mother and the county governor's wife had been completed. The county governor's wife was holding Zhuang Zheng by the hand and was standing at the foot of Ting Lanxie looking at this side with a smile, while Zhuang Jing was trotting away. He came over and looked at her with a complaining face, blaming her for not sending him as a gift.

The boy hesitated for a moment, but Sanchun came over quickly. He bowed to Hua Zhuo first, and then asked, "Chang Gui, what happened?"

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

As soon as they entered the inner courtyard, Aunt Shuangcheng had already greeted her. Just as she was about to salute, Mrs. Fang pulled her up and said, "What happened at home? You sent someone here in such a hurry to teach me what to do along the way." Flustered."

The content of the letter must be very important.

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

Chang Gui no longer hesitated this time and said quickly: "Miss Hui and Miss Sanchun, it is Aunt Shuangcheng's order to come to Huifang Garden to have a look. If the banquet is over, please return home early."

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

What will happen this time? Could it be that my family is unwilling to give up and still wants to take her to Beijing? If so, there is a big problem here. I am just a little girl, and she is still five months away from turning nine years old. Even if my family wants to use the Hua family again, The idea of marrying her daughter is too young and is not suitable at all. There are seven clan sisters above her, so it is not her turn. If it is not for marriage, why does our family keep doing it again and again? Sandi wants to take her to Beijing

What will happen this time? Could it be that my family is unwilling to give up and still wants to take her to Beijing? If so, there is a big problem here. I am just a little girl, and she is still five months away from turning nine years old. Even if my family wants to use the Hua family again, The idea of marrying her daughter is too young and is not suitable at all. There are seven clan sisters above her, so it is not her turn. If it is not for marriage, why does our family keep doing it again and again? Sandi wants to take her to Beijing

Miharu responded and left.

"Didn't you say what it was for?" Miharu asked doubtfully.

Miharu responded and left.

Hua Zhuo naturally understood the stakes involved, and nodded quickly: "My daughter knows that this is our own business, and we will never tell others about it."

Although she felt sorry for Du Wan and Hua Zhuo before, children don't hold grudges and have long forgotten all about a meal. Now she remembers that someone will play with her in two days, so naturally she will be as happy as she wants. The cousins in my grandpa’s house are not interesting at all. They follow my grandma in the Buddhist hall every day to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures. They all look like the sisters-in-law in the stone nunnery. It is even less interesting to talk to them. It seems that they can’t say more than three sentences. It was difficult to hold back her witty words, and many times she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"From Beijing?" Hua Zhuo narrowed his eyes. Could it be a letter from Rongchang Hall? How come there are two letters

"Okay, let's pull the hook."

Chang Gui shook his head quickly.

Miharu then said: "You go back first, I'll report to Madam, and I'll go back as soon as I'm done here."

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

Miharu then said: "You go back first, I'll report to Madam, and I'll go back as soon as I'm done here."

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

"No, no guests came to the door today, and no greeting cards were delivered." Chang Gui thought for a while and quickly added, "I heard from the concierge that I received two letters from Beijing today. The letter was delivered to the master’s study early in the morning.”

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.


Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

"Okay, let's come together then. Wan'er's Su Xin Longjing is very delicious. I asked her to bring it for you to taste."

"Yes, it seems that there is a letter from Fang Da, the shopkeeper of Jingzhong Restaurant, and a letter from Rongchang Tang. The master came back before noon and must have read the letter." Chang Gui answered carefully, obviously a thoughtful person.

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

"No, no guests came to the door today, and no greeting cards were delivered." Chang Gui thought for a while and quickly added, "I heard from the concierge that I received two letters from Beijing today. The letter was delivered to the master’s study early in the morning.”

Dad should be back for lunch. Hua Zhuo lowered his head and estimated the time. The boy arrived at Huifang Garden, just when the banquet here was over. Apparently, as soon as his father left, the boy went out. From this point of view, dad She must have said something to Aunt Shuangcheng after reading the letter, so Aunt Shuangcheng hurriedly sent someone to ask her mother to come back.

Miharu responded and left.

"Yes, it seems that there is a letter from Fang Da, the shopkeeper of Jingzhong Restaurant, and a letter from Rongchang Tang. The master came back before noon and must have read the letter." Chang Gui answered carefully, obviously a thoughtful person.

The boy bent down, probably because he didn't expect that the young lady actually knew his name, and said with a happy face, "Yes, the young one is Chang Gui."

Hua Zhuo naturally understood the stakes involved, and nodded quickly: "My daughter knows that this is our own business, and we will never tell others about it."

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

"No, no guests came to the door today, and no greeting cards were delivered." Chang Gui thought for a while and quickly added, "I heard from the concierge that I received two letters from Beijing today. The letter was delivered to the master’s study early in the morning.”

Chang Gui no longer hesitated this time and said quickly: "Miss Hui and Miss Sanchun, it is Aunt Shuangcheng's order to come to Huifang Garden to have a look. If the banquet is over, please return home early."

The boy bent down, probably because he didn't expect that the young lady actually knew his name, and said with a happy face, "Yes, the young one is Chang Gui."

"Are you Chang Gui?"

Fang thought for a while and then said to Sanchun, "Go to Jiuhui and ask her to get the two letters."

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.


After seeing off the Sheriff's wife, Mrs. Du also took Du Wan to say goodbye. Fang was in a hurry to rush back and did not greet her anymore. As soon as Mrs. Du's carriage left, Mrs. Fang immediately ordered the carriage to be prepared and took Hua Zhuo with her. He rushed home.

"From Beijing?" Hua Zhuo narrowed his eyes. Could it be a letter from Rongchang Hall? How come there are two letters

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

After seeing off the Sheriff's wife, Mrs. Du also took Du Wan to say goodbye. Fang was in a hurry to rush back and did not greet her anymore. As soon as Mrs. Du's carriage left, Mrs. Fang immediately ordered the carriage to be prepared and took Hua Zhuo with her. He rushed home.

Miharu responded and left.

Hua Zhuo naturally understood the stakes involved, and nodded quickly: "My daughter knows that this is our own business, and we will never tell others about it."

After seeing off the Sheriff's wife, Mrs. Du also took Du Wan to say goodbye. Fang was in a hurry to rush back and did not greet her anymore. As soon as Mrs. Du's carriage left, Mrs. Fang immediately ordered the carriage to be prepared and took Hua Zhuo with her. He rushed home.

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

"Hey, I'm about to leave, why don't you send me off?"


"Yes, it seems that there is a letter from Fang Da, the shopkeeper of Jingzhong Restaurant, and a letter from Rongchang Tang. The master came back before noon and must have read the letter." Chang Gui answered carefully, obviously a thoughtful person.

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but look at Hua Zhuo again and said softly: "Those two letters, one was sent back urgently by the shopkeeper Fangda, and the other was sent here by the Rongchang Hall."

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

Chang Gui no longer hesitated this time and said quickly: "Miss Hui and Miss Sanchun, it is Aunt Shuangcheng's order to come to Huifang Garden to have a look. If the banquet is over, please return home early."

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

Since their mother and daughter talked about this, Aunt Shuangcheng naturally had nothing else to say. She invited Fang into the house, and then said: "The master seems to be angry today. I asked Jiu Hui and said it was because the master saw it." After reading two letters, I was so angry that I almost dropped my favorite inkstone. I felt something was wrong, so I urgently asked my wife to come back."

"Okay, let's come together then. Wan'er's Su Xin Longjing is very delicious. I asked her to bring it for you to taste."

Dad should be back for lunch. Hua Zhuo lowered his head and estimated the time. The boy arrived at Huifang Garden, just when the banquet here was over. Apparently, as soon as his father left, the boy went out. From this point of view, dad She must have said something to Aunt Shuangcheng after reading the letter, so Aunt Shuangcheng hurriedly sent someone to ask her mother to come back.

Aunt Shuangcheng looked at Hua Zhuo who was following behind. Mrs. Fang understood immediately and was about to let her daughter go. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhuo also saw Aunt Shuangcheng’s eyes. He quickly grabbed Mrs. Fang’s sleeve and said, “Mother , As my daughter grows older, it’s time for her to learn to deal with things.”

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

Aunt Shuangcheng looked at Hua Zhuo who was following behind. Mrs. Fang understood immediately and was about to let her daughter go. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhuo also saw Aunt Shuangcheng’s eyes. He quickly grabbed Mrs. Fang’s sleeve and said, “Mother , As my daughter grows older, it’s time for her to learn to deal with things.”

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

The content of the letter must be very important.

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

Miharu responded and left.

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

As soon as they entered the inner courtyard, Aunt Shuangcheng had already greeted her. Just as she was about to salute, Mrs. Fang pulled her up and said, "What happened at home? You sent someone here in such a hurry to teach me what to do along the way." Flustered."

As soon as they entered the inner courtyard, Aunt Shuangcheng had already greeted her. Just as she was about to salute, Mrs. Fang pulled her up and said, "What happened at home? You sent someone here in such a hurry to teach me what to do along the way." Flustered."

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

"From Beijing?" Hua Zhuo narrowed his eyes. Could it be a letter from Rongchang Hall? How come there are two letters

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

What will happen this time? Could it be that my family is unwilling to give up and still wants to take her to Beijing? If so, there is a big problem here. I am just a little girl, and she is still five months away from turning nine years old. Even if my family wants to use the Hua family again, The idea of marrying her daughter is too young and is not suitable at all. There are seven clan sisters above her, so it is not her turn. If it is not for marriage, why does our family keep doing it again and again? Sandi wants to take her to Beijing

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

Hua Zhuo naturally understood the stakes involved, and nodded quickly: "My daughter knows that this is our own business, and we will never tell others about it."

She was thinking with her head down when a voice suddenly came to her ears.

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

"No, no guests came to the door today, and no greeting cards were delivered." Chang Gui thought for a while and quickly added, "I heard from the concierge that I received two letters from Beijing today. The letter was delivered to the master’s study early in the morning.”

"No, no guests came to the door today, and no greeting cards were delivered." Chang Gui thought for a while and quickly added, "I heard from the concierge that I received two letters from Beijing today. The letter was delivered to the master’s study early in the morning.”

The boy hesitated for a moment, but Sanchun came over quickly. He bowed to Hua Zhuo first, and then asked, "Chang Gui, what happened?"

The boy bent down, probably because he didn't expect that the young lady actually knew his name, and said with a happy face, "Yes, the young one is Chang Gui."

Chang Gui no longer hesitated this time and said quickly: "Miss Hui and Miss Sanchun, it is Aunt Shuangcheng's order to come to Huifang Garden to have a look. If the banquet is over, please return home early."

"Hey, I'm about to leave, why don't you send me off?"

Aunt Shuangcheng looked at Hua Zhuo who was following behind. Mrs. Fang understood immediately and was about to let her daughter go. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhuo also saw Aunt Shuangcheng’s eyes. He quickly grabbed Mrs. Fang’s sleeve and said, “Mother , As my daughter grows older, it’s time for her to learn to deal with things.”

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

Since their mother and daughter talked about this, Aunt Shuangcheng naturally had nothing else to say. She invited Fang into the house, and then said: "The master seems to be angry today. I asked Jiu Hui and said it was because the master saw it." After reading two letters, I was so angry that I almost dropped my favorite inkstone. I felt something was wrong, so I urgently asked my wife to come back."

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

"Hey, I'm about to leave, why don't you send me off?"

Miharu then said: "You go back first, I'll report to Madam, and I'll go back as soon as I'm done here."

Hua Zhuo looked up and saw that the scene etiquette between his mother and the county governor's wife had been completed. The county governor's wife was holding Zhuang Zheng by the hand and was standing at the foot of Ting Lanxie looking at this side with a smile, while Zhuang Jing was trotting away. He came over and looked at her with a complaining face, blaming her for not sending him as a gift.

Hua Zhuo naturally understood the stakes involved, and nodded quickly: "My daughter knows that this is our own business, and we will never tell others about it."

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

"Yes, it seems that there is a letter from Fang Da, the shopkeeper of Jingzhong Restaurant, and a letter from Rongchang Tang. The master came back before noon and must have read the letter." Chang Gui answered carefully, obviously a thoughtful person.

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

Chang Gui no longer hesitated this time and said quickly: "Miss Hui and Miss Sanchun, it is Aunt Shuangcheng's order to come to Huifang Garden to have a look. If the banquet is over, please return home early."

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

Chang Gui shook his head quickly.

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but look at Hua Zhuo again and said softly: "Those two letters, one was sent back urgently by the shopkeeper Fangda, and the other was sent here by the Rongchang Hall."

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

Although she felt sorry for Du Wan and Hua Zhuo before, children don't hold grudges and have long forgotten all about a meal. Now she remembers that someone will play with her in two days, so naturally she will be as happy as she wants. The cousins in my grandpa’s house are not interesting at all. They follow my grandma in the Buddhist hall every day to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures. They all look like the sisters-in-law in the stone nunnery. It is even less interesting to talk to them. It seems that they can’t say more than three sentences. It was difficult to hold back her witty words, and many times she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Although she felt sorry for Du Wan and Hua Zhuo before, children don't hold grudges and have long forgotten all about a meal. Now she remembers that someone will play with her in two days, so naturally she will be as happy as she wants. The cousins in my grandpa’s house are not interesting at all. They follow my grandma in the Buddhist hall every day to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures. They all look like the sisters-in-law in the stone nunnery. It is even less interesting to talk to them. It seems that they can’t say more than three sentences. It was difficult to hold back her witty words, and many times she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

"Okay, let's come together then. Wan'er's Su Xin Longjing is very delicious. I asked her to bring it for you to taste."

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

Miharu then said: "You go back first, I'll report to Madam, and I'll go back as soon as I'm done here."

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

Chang Gui shook his head quickly.

"Then it's settled." Zhuang Jing smiled very happily, "Come on, Lagou, as promised, you must come, and I will treat you with crispy tea cakes. My mother's crispy tea cakes are the most delicious. "

Aunt Shuangcheng looked at Hua Zhuo who was following behind. Mrs. Fang understood immediately and was about to let her daughter go. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhuo also saw Aunt Shuangcheng’s eyes. He quickly grabbed Mrs. Fang’s sleeve and said, “Mother , As my daughter grows older, it’s time for her to learn to deal with things.”

Although she felt sorry for Du Wan and Hua Zhuo before, children don't hold grudges and have long forgotten all about a meal. Now she remembers that someone will play with her in two days, so naturally she will be as happy as she wants. The cousins in my grandpa’s house are not interesting at all. They follow my grandma in the Buddhist hall every day to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures. They all look like the sisters-in-law in the stone nunnery. It is even less interesting to talk to them. It seems that they can’t say more than three sentences. It was difficult to hold back her witty words, and many times she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"From Beijing?" Hua Zhuo narrowed his eyes. Could it be a letter from Rongchang Hall? How come there are two letters

Dad should be back for lunch. Hua Zhuo lowered his head and estimated the time. The boy arrived at Huifang Garden, just when the banquet here was over. Apparently, as soon as his father left, the boy went out. From this point of view, dad She must have said something to Aunt Shuangcheng after reading the letter, so Aunt Shuangcheng hurriedly sent someone to ask her mother to come back.

"Wait a minute." Hua Zhuo always felt that something was going on, and it wasn't a good thing, so he called Chang Gui back, "Is there anyone at home today? Or have you sent a greeting card?"

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

Although she felt sorry for Du Wan and Hua Zhuo before, children don't hold grudges and have long forgotten all about a meal. Now she remembers that someone will play with her in two days, so naturally she will be as happy as she wants. The cousins in my grandpa’s house are not interesting at all. They follow my grandma in the Buddhist hall every day to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures. They all look like the sisters-in-law in the stone nunnery. It is even less interesting to talk to them. It seems that they can’t say more than three sentences. It was difficult to hold back her witty words, and many times she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Chang Gui shook his head quickly.

"Okay, let's pull the hook."

"Are you Chang Gui?"

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

She was thinking with her head down when a voice suddenly came to her ears.

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.


"Okay, let's pull the hook."

"Are you Chang Gui?"

The content of the letter must be very important.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but look at Hua Zhuo again and said softly: "Those two letters, one was sent back urgently by the shopkeeper Fangda, and the other was sent here by the Rongchang Hall."

Hua Zhuo promised seriously. She would definitely go to the Wei Mansion. She would not miss any opportunity to help her parents.

"Are you Chang Gui?"

Hua Zhuo looked up and saw that the scene etiquette between his mother and the county governor's wife had been completed. The county governor's wife was holding Zhuang Zheng by the hand and was standing at the foot of Ting Lanxie looking at this side with a smile, while Zhuang Jing was trotting away. He came over and looked at her with a complaining face, blaming her for not sending him as a gift.

While smiling and agreeing, Hua Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Du Wan standing beside Mrs. Du, quiet and indifferent. He couldn't help but be curious. It was obvious that Du Wan had not said a few words to the Zhuang brothers and sisters, so why did she leave? After a while, Zhuang Jing and Du Wan became so intimate, but she hadn't even gotten the nickname "Sister Zhuo'er" yet.

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

Fang thought for a while and then said to Sanchun, "Go to Jiuhui and ask her to get the two letters."

"Then it's settled." Zhuang Jing smiled very happily, "Come on, Lagou, as promised, you must come, and I will treat you with crispy tea cakes. My mother's crispy tea cakes are the most delicious. "

After seeing off the Sheriff's wife, Mrs. Du also took Du Wan to say goodbye. Fang was in a hurry to rush back and did not greet her anymore. As soon as Mrs. Du's carriage left, Mrs. Fang immediately ordered the carriage to be prepared and took Hua Zhuo with her. He rushed home.

As soon as they entered the inner courtyard, Aunt Shuangcheng had already greeted her. Just as she was about to salute, Mrs. Fang pulled her up and said, "What happened at home? You sent someone here in such a hurry to teach me what to do along the way." Flustered."

Miharu then said: "You go back first, I'll report to Madam, and I'll go back as soon as I'm done here."

Although she felt sorry for Du Wan and Hua Zhuo before, children don't hold grudges and have long forgotten all about a meal. Now she remembers that someone will play with her in two days, so naturally she will be as happy as she wants. The cousins in my grandpa’s house are not interesting at all. They follow my grandma in the Buddhist hall every day to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures. They all look like the sisters-in-law in the stone nunnery. It is even less interesting to talk to them. It seems that they can’t say more than three sentences. It was difficult to hold back her witty words, and many times she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

The boy hesitated for a moment, but Sanchun came over quickly. He bowed to Hua Zhuo first, and then asked, "Chang Gui, what happened?"

What will happen this time? Could it be that my family is unwilling to give up and still wants to take her to Beijing? If so, there is a big problem here. I am just a little girl, and she is still five months away from turning nine years old. Even if my family wants to use the Hua family again, The idea of marrying her daughter is too young and is not suitable at all. There are seven clan sisters above her, so it is not her turn. If it is not for marriage, why does our family keep doing it again and again? Sandi wants to take her to Beijing

As soon as they entered the inner courtyard, Aunt Shuangcheng had already greeted her. Just as she was about to salute, Mrs. Fang pulled her up and said, "What happened at home? You sent someone here in such a hurry to teach me what to do along the way." Flustered."

"Okay, let's come together then. Wan'er's Su Xin Longjing is very delicious. I asked her to bring it for you to taste."

"Didn't you say what it was for?" Miharu asked doubtfully.

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

Aunt Shuangcheng looked at Hua Zhuo who was following behind. Mrs. Fang understood immediately and was about to let her daughter go. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhuo also saw Aunt Shuangcheng’s eyes. He quickly grabbed Mrs. Fang’s sleeve and said, “Mother , As my daughter grows older, it’s time for her to learn to deal with things.”

"Hey, I'm about to leave, why don't you send me off?"

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

The content of the letter must be very important.

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

The boy hesitated for a moment, but Sanchun came over quickly. He bowed to Hua Zhuo first, and then asked, "Chang Gui, what happened?"

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

Hua Zhuo took a few glances and saw that this boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had the impression that he had a good relationship with Ah Fu and often ran behind him.

"Hey, I'm about to leave, why don't you send me off?"

Hua Zhuo naturally understood the stakes involved, and nodded quickly: "My daughter knows that this is our own business, and we will never tell others about it."

The boy bent down, probably because he didn't expect that the young lady actually knew his name, and said with a happy face, "Yes, the young one is Chang Gui."

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

Chang Gui shook his head quickly.

Fang thought for a while and then said to Sanchun, "Go to Jiuhui and ask her to get the two letters."

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

Chang Gui turned around and left, and Sanchun also hurriedly returned to Fang.

Since their mother and daughter talked about this, Aunt Shuangcheng naturally had nothing else to say. She invited Fang into the house, and then said: "The master seems to be angry today. I asked Jiu Hui and said it was because the master saw it." After reading two letters, I was so angry that I almost dropped my favorite inkstone. I felt something was wrong, so I urgently asked my wife to come back."

"Didn't you say what it was for?" Miharu asked doubtfully.

Zhuang Jing said happily: "Okay, you come with sister Wan'er. I'm bored at my grandpa's house. My cousins are several years older than me and we can't go together. You guys are here to relieve my boredom."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but look at Hua Zhuo again and said softly: "Those two letters, one was sent back urgently by the shopkeeper Fangda, and the other was sent here by the Rongchang Hall."

After waving Chang Gui away, Hua Zhuo's face became heavy. Our family has always been a mountain that weighs on her heart. She hates our family's ruthlessness, but she also knows that Rong'an Hall must rely on Rongchang Hall, at least for now, so She was also afraid that her relationship with her family would become out of control like in her previous life. She didn't want to be too close, but she couldn't be too distant, and she wasn't sure how to control it. She could only try her best to say good things for her family in front of her mother, and leave the most difficult problems to her mother to deal with.

"Hey, I'm about to leave, why don't you send me off?"

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

Miharu responded and left.

"From Beijing?" Hua Zhuo narrowed his eyes. Could it be a letter from Rongchang Hall? How come there are two letters

Dad should be back for lunch. Hua Zhuo lowered his head and estimated the time. The boy arrived at Huifang Garden, just when the banquet here was over. Apparently, as soon as his father left, the boy went out. From this point of view, dad She must have said something to Aunt Shuangcheng after reading the letter, so Aunt Shuangcheng hurriedly sent someone to ask her mother to come back.

Fang thought for a while and then said to Sanchun, "Go to Jiuhui and ask her to get the two letters."


"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."

After hearing this, Ms. Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "How old are you? Okay, I'll let you listen in. There's only one thing. Just listen to what you heard. Don't tell others."

The boy hesitated for a moment, but Sanchun came over quickly. He bowed to Hua Zhuo first, and then asked, "Chang Gui, what happened?"

Chang Gui shook his head quickly.

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

Chang Gui no longer hesitated this time and said quickly: "Miss Hui and Miss Sanchun, it is Aunt Shuangcheng's order to come to Huifang Garden to have a look. If the banquet is over, please return home early."

Mrs. Fang ordered Shopkeeper Fang to investigate the reason why someone from our family came to take Hua Zhuo to Beijing. Aunt Shuangcheng also knew about this matter. If the master loses his temper when the letter arrives, it must be related to Hua Zhuo. It's just that I don't know what was written in the letter that made the master so angry.

Aunt Shuangcheng couldn't just read these two letters, but Fang could, which was why she hurriedly sent someone to ask Fang to come back. Only by knowing what was written in the letter could she plan countermeasures and make preparations earlier. , to appease the master.

The boy bent down, probably because he didn't expect that the young lady actually knew his name, and said with a happy face, "Yes, the young one is Chang Gui."

"Who sent you here? But what happened at home?" Hua Zhuo asked again.

"Then it's settled." Zhuang Jing smiled very happily, "Come on, Lagou, as promised, you must come, and I will treat you with crispy tea cakes. My mother's crispy tea cakes are the most delicious. "

"Then it's settled." Zhuang Jing smiled very happily, "Come on, Lagou, as promised, you must come, and I will treat you with crispy tea cakes. My mother's crispy tea cakes are the most delicious. "

Miharu responded and left.

Dad should be back for lunch. Hua Zhuo lowered his head and estimated the time. The boy arrived at Huifang Garden, just when the banquet here was over. Apparently, as soon as his father left, the boy went out. From this point of view, dad She must have said something to Aunt Shuangcheng after reading the letter, so Aunt Shuangcheng hurriedly sent someone to ask her mother to come back.

Hua Zhuo looked up and saw that the scene etiquette between his mother and the county governor's wife had been completed. The county governor's wife was holding Zhuang Zheng by the hand and was standing at the foot of Ting Lanxie looking at this side with a smile, while Zhuang Jing was trotting away. He came over and looked at her with a complaining face, blaming her for not sending him as a gift.

Dad should be back for lunch. Hua Zhuo lowered his head and estimated the time. The boy arrived at Huifang Garden, just when the banquet here was over. Apparently, as soon as his father left, the boy went out. From this point of view, dad She must have said something to Aunt Shuangcheng after reading the letter, so Aunt Shuangcheng hurriedly sent someone to ask her mother to come back.

"It's my fault." Hua Zhuo apologized quickly, then took Zhuang Jing's hand affectionately and said, "I will go to the Wei family to see you another day."