Reborn Yishi Yijia

Chapter 9: Instruct the maid


Qiqiao and Baxiu looked at each other, as if they didn't quite understand. After a while, Qiqiao said cautiously: "Miss, I will never eavesdrop again in the future."

"My good lady, please don't think so. If you let me know that I have told you these things, I will not be able to expel you from the house." Aunt Liu said hurriedly.

Hua Zhuo was startled. As the saying goes, people become better with age, but Grandma Liu was not the two girls like Qiqiao and Baxiu. He was afraid that she would see something, so he hurriedly threw himself into her arms and acted coquettishly. He also asked some questions about her aunt's daily preferences, and Grandma Liu's thoughts were diverted.

Hua Zhuo realized that he had made a mistake and quickly changed his words: "Mommy, I understand. I only keep this matter in my heart and will not mention it in front of my father."

The two girls still knew how to advance and retreat. After entering the room, they quickly brought tea and water. With an expression of "I know I was wrong", they knelt in front of Hua Zhuo.

Hua Zhuo did not take their tea, but stared at them for a long time, and then said: "I know you are also curious, but I just want to remind you that some things are not allowed to be eavesdropped. This is in our own home, and I don't blame you either. You guys, if we go to other people's homes in the future and you still behave like this and something goes wrong, I won't be able to protect you."

Hua Zhuo leaned back. These two girls were too innocent. Qiqiao was okay. She was smart and had eyes, which was not too worrying. But Baxiu was as naive as her second aunt Hua Jue. He has a simple temper and has never been defensive about others. When he goes to a place with a complicated environment, he will easily suffer losses.

"No one can say for sure what will happen in the future. I'm just talking casually. I may not take you to someone else's house. What I'm telling you now is just to make you more vigilant and be more careful. Aunt Liu just said You have all heard what I said. How did my two aunts die? Although others planned it first, they were also careless. What kind of place is Rongchang Hall? There are many descendants and many entanglements. It is not like our Rongchang Hall. Antang, there are only a few people in total. Even if I don’t mention my two aunts, I will only talk about the girl who picked up things. Why was she kicked out? Although my grandfather was angry, but she really did nothing wrong? "

Hua Zhuo nodded. She was very tired after talking all this. Seeing that Qiqiao had understood the meaning of her words, he said, "As long as you understand, I think Baxiu still doesn't understand. Take her down." Let’s talk carefully, I’m tired, let’s take a rest.”

Having said that, he still took Hua Zhuo's hand and went to the study, causing Fang to laugh so hard that he almost straightened up and said to Sanchun, "I just can't see the stern look on his face. I thought he was like this." Will he be able to be a strict father?"

"Come in, it's not too cold outside." Hua Zhuo was amused by their expressions. He wanted to give them a lesson with a straight face, but he didn't say anything.

When I went to pay my respects to Mrs. Fang again, I saw my father dressed in casual clothes and talking to Mr. Fang. I realized that today my father Mu Xiu was pretending to be something. Just when Hua Xu was about to leave, he held on to her life and death. She insisted on following Hua Xu to the study, which made Fang become jealous and said with a smile, "I just found out today that Zhuo'er actually likes you the most."

In fact, I wasn't like this before. If I hadn't suffered too much, how would I know how the world is and how evil people's hearts are. Thinking of this, she didn't get angry, she just said what needed to be said. It was up to the two girls how much they listened.

Qiqiao lowered her head, listening to every word of Hua Zhuo's words, pondering them carefully, and then suddenly kowtowed and said, "I have taken note of what the young lady said. I know what to do in the future. Please rest assured, young lady."

So the master and the servant laughed for a long time, until Aunt Shuangcheng opened the curtain and came in, asking: "What are you laughing at? I heard it from a long way away. What a happy event. It makes even the maid and concubine feel happy." .”

Hua Xu said with a straight face, "You don't look like a girl."

Baxiu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Shiyi is not an ordinary girl. She is the eldest girl next to my grandmother, and she is the most valued by her. Otherwise, she would not be sent to the capital. She is not going to serve my two aunts. She represents my grandmother. , has the responsibility of admonishing and giving advice, and is also to contain the great aunt of the Wei family. The purpose is to prevent the great aunt of the Wei family from having thoughts that she should not have and ruining the important affairs of the two aunts. The result? The great aunt of the Wei family really did not move. She should have stopped what she should have thought, but she didn't. She indulged the great aunt of the Wei family, and finally caused the eldest aunt to have an accident. Rongchang Hall wanted to send the second aunt to the palace. Although she, a girl, could not stop it, she could not stop it. But relying on her grandmother's influence, she delayed the second aunt's entry into the palace for the reason that her parents were absent, so that at least Rong'an Tang could get a letter first and then make arrangements, but she did nothing. , didn’t even notify Rong’an Tang, so Rong’an Tang didn’t get the letter until the second aunt died. Because they found out too late, they didn’t even find the second aunt’s body. Do you think she was at fault?”

Aunt Liu breathed a sigh of relief, touched Hua Zhuo's hair, and suddenly sighed: "Miss, you have grown up."

Qiqiao and Baxiu's legs were really numb from squatting. After a while, their two heads poked out from under the window sill, giggling but not daring to speak.

Baxiu also nodded repeatedly, his head bit by bit, and the silk flowers on his head began to tremble, and said: "That's right, I will never eavesdrop again in the future. Miss, don't scare the slave. How could we go elsewhere?" , It’s nice to be at home, so I don’t want to go to other people’s homes.”

Miharu smiled and agreed: "The master spoils the young lady almost to the point of no end. I will never be able to be a strict father in this life."

After talking for a long time, Hua Zhuo felt tired and sent Nanny Liu away. Then his face sank and he said to the window: "Have you been numb in your feet after squatting for so long?"

When I woke up the next day, I guess it was because I had sweated well last night. Hua Zhuo felt that my whole body was light and refreshed, not as heavy as yesterday. He was almost 10% over from his illness. Looking back on his previous life, he refused to eat because he was afraid of suffering. It is really sad that this minor illness took me two months to get better without medicine.

It turns out that her father still has this kind of thoughts, which she didn't know before. Hua Zhuo thought for a while and said seriously: "I want to persuade my father to relax. How can I blame my father for this? It's because the two aunts are unlucky." Well, Rongchangtang is also bullying people too much. My two aunts are not very sensible. Don’t they have sensible people? As long as they take our Rongantang a little more seriously and are willing to mention more, how can it cause any harm? Both my aunts lost their lives."

Qiqiao hurriedly responded with a yes, helped her lie down, and then took Baxiu out. What the two girls said, Hua Zhuo didn't know. He just rested for a while. It was already evening, Qiqiao He Baxiu came in again to serve her with meals and medicine. After taking the medicine, she covered herself with a quilt to cover her sweat, then took a bath and changed clothes, and tossed about for a while before going to bed.

"What's wrong with her?" Baxiu looked confused. As a girl, you can only listen to the lady. If the lady makes a mistake, the girl can't stop her, and she has to be angered. She is obviously very unjust.