Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 121


Zhang Dianyu sat on the bed expressionlessly, staring at the shiny doorknob, and waited until the footsteps in the corridor disappeared, then slowly turned his head and showed a ferocious gaze at the bill.

A few seconds later, the boy who was pinched by the neck and pressed to the ground looked at Zhang Dianyu with a puzzled expression on his face: "Why are you doing this? What effect does it have on me?"

Zhang Dianyu asked viciously: "Then how can I kill you?"

"It's very complicated." The bill frowned slightly, "You have to reach an agreement with the world, let it agree to clear all the parts of the superhuman registration act in this world—I have now become part of the American judiciary, it will not be abolished , I would not die. But I must correct that the word 'dead' is incorrect for the bill. I am not life and I will not die."

Zhang Dianyu was a little surprised and didn't know where to start.

"You... Just like that, tell me how to kill you?" He still chose to ask the most puzzling part first.

"I can understand that you need to know everything about yourself," Bill replied reasonably, "including your maker and father."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

This little boy really thinks of himself as a father!

His mood is a bit complicated. According to the bill, the other party just regarded him as an irreplaceable manufactured product—this was because other "samples" were not qualified.

Of course, he was quite critical of this, and since then most of the bill's words have been regarded as fart.

But now, the bill doesn't just treat him like an object. From the point of view of this little thing, maybe even he himself is just a spokesperson for the so-called "Super Human Registration Act".

Zhang Dianyu took a breath, and loosened his fingers pinching Bill's neck a little. After all, although the bill looked calm, in fact, his little face was already blushing.

Not to mention anything else, after Sexton and Mr. Fergus, the corpse of the boy he just called "son" suddenly appeared in his room. He might be bound to the mental ward soon.

"So," Zhang Dianyu frowned, "You mean, the superhero side agreed to sign this inexplicable 'bill'?"

Bill blinked his deep blue eyes, seeming puzzled: "In fact, more than 90% of the superhumans disagree—excluding those who haven't been notified because their abilities are not harmful and they act low-key, most of them attacked Law enforcement officers have greatly hindered the implementation of the bill."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." Isn't this nonsense

The bill blinked: "So, a large number of people may be detained in the next period of time, and you need to provide them with a residence."

Zhang Dianyu's expression became stiff.

"Do you have to have a place to stay? Can't they all be locked up?"

"I don't think you want to put all of them in solitary confinement." Act thought for a moment. "Are you really willing to throw Spider-Man or Captain America in the planned cemetery brigade?"

Zhang Dianyu slowly opened his mouth wide: "Captain America?"

He didn't know what expression to use to face—the captain... looked really difficult to deal with, and he might really fight to the end for this matter.

But in the final analysis, it's just a difference in philosophy, he can't stuff people into coffins—isn't that the fate of people like clowns

"Wait," Zhang Dianyu slowly came to his senses, "The person you mentioned who agreed to sign the bill, shouldn't it be Stark?"

"Several people headed by him—"

Zhang Dianyu knocked Bill's head on the ground with a bang, his hands trembling.

He is clear about this matter, so the next ones will not be sent in one or two, but a large number, right

Besides, in addition to Chaoying who opposed the bill, there are also a large number of super criminals, who are also super humans with super powers. Zhang Dianyu has only bought two pieces of land so far, and now one side has been built around the psychiatric ward, and the other side is ready to be built as a correctional center—and it also requires that it not be in contact with the outside world and remain mysterious.

Regarding this article, Zhang Dianyu also asked about the bill. The answer is that the privacy of minors needs to be properly protected, so the correctional center is closed to journalists and other outside agencies.

That's fine, but it also means a larger lot, more land to buy—and more money to spend.

Zhang Dianyu felt a headache.

Bill also reached out and touched the back of his head with difficulty: "I feel very bad, I don't like this carrier."

Zhang Dianyu stood up expressionlessly, and looked down at the boy: "Then why don't you get yourself a normal body—I mean, at least an adult?"

Such a child's body is too easy to cause misunderstanding. For example, just now, if Bill was an adult man, Zhang Dianyu would have directly beaten him up.

Considering his own limited reputation, he reluctantly endured it.

Bill thought for a while: "I don't understand either. Since I came to this world, I can only project myself into the appearance of a human child, and I cannot use a carrier whose age exceeds the appearance."

Zhang Dianyu stared at him thoughtfully.

Bill looked up at him.

"I understand." Zhang Dianyu said suddenly, "Because you look like you have a low IQ, so the world won't let you pretend to be an adult."

Bill looked straight at him: "I don't understand."

"Do you understand that you will be abolished by your original world?" Zhang Dianyu asked back.

Bill's expression slowly changed a little bit, as if showing a little confusion: "I don't know."

Zhang Dianyu sat down, looking at Bill's wrinkled and thoughtful face.

Maybe he said it a bit harshly, but thinking of the series of things caused by this mentally retarded bill, his anger rose again: "Obviously, the world thinks you are only worthy of this appearance at present-for example, you are planning to move the United States to the United States. The fact that the captain sent it in is causing trouble for everyone."

Just imagining that the captain looked at him seriously and asked "why", Zhang Dianyu felt a little sick to his stomach.

He really wanted to say that none of this had anything to do with him—but judging from his origin, he couldn't really say it didn't. If there were no bills and no prisons, there would be no such person as Zhang Dianyu.

"But it does want to deal with these cataclysms that superhumans are causing in the world," Bill disapproves. "It doesn't want to be terminated."

Zhang Dianyu pondered for a moment.

"You're right, if the world you're talking about has a projection, it might be like you." He felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Bill shook his head: "It's not life, it doesn't exist, and it's everywhere."

Zhang Dianyu shrugged noncommittally.

"I have a pain in the back of my head," Bill said, "help me find something to deal with."

Zhang Dianyu suddenly became vigilant: "Without treatment needles, there is no money now."

Bill blinked his sea-blue eyes: "It really hurts, it was you who knocked it."

"..." Zhang Dianyu: "Be patient."

Bill: "I am your father."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

When Banner arranged for Spider-Man and knocked on the office door to report the results, he saw Mr. Warden's "son" who suddenly appeared lying on the sofa, with a... the mop

"This..." Banner stammered a bit, "This is... Mr. Warden?"

"No, it's me." Bill on the sofa said firmly, "Mr. Warden is behind the desk, you should be able to see it."

Banner: "..."

He suddenly determined that this should be Mr. Warden's own son.

"Don't worry," Zhang Dianyu said, "I asked the cleaner to bring the only new mop left, and it was almost taken away by the labor prisoners."

Banner was puzzled.

"Yes, it works," said the boy on the couch too.

Banner gave up thinking.

"Mr. Warden, I put Spider-Man in a vacant office—the only place in the entire prison that can guarantee a little privacy. But you need to arrange for an engineering team to do a little decoration and arrange it as an office. A basic dorm."

Zhang Dianyu thought about it, it was just a bed and a toilet. He recovered some toilets from the battlefield just now, and there are still some leftovers, but the bed can only be bought now.

He glanced at Peter's small body.

Although the boy's physical fitness is even among the best among superpowers, when he puts on an adult's prison uniform, he looks like a still developing teenager.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't bear to buckle Peter's bed.

He called the engineering team, and Banner left the office.

Zhang Dianyu stared at the boy on the sofa for a while, then remembered that he still had a debt to settle with him—it was just interrupted by a series of shocking news.

He got up and walked over, the sun shone from behind, casting a shadow on Bill's body.

"I almost forgot, I have a question to ask you." Zhang Dianyu said coldly, "Why, I, can't, tell the truth to other people?"

Act took it for granted: "The truth?"

"All of this, for example, the real identity of Mr. Fergus is me." Zhang Dianyu was very annoyed, "Aside from being unable to say this sentence, do you know what the worst thing is?"

Bill thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"I think everything is working fine."

Zhang Dianyu resisted the urge to push down the mop: "I'm mentally ill—does it sound familiar?"

"No, you are not," Bill replied. "Only beings with a certain amount of thinking ability-mainly human beings-have the possibility of suffering from mental disorders, and you are not."

Zhang Dianyu: "Did I fucking mean that?"

Bill fell silent at the right time, at least he finally found that the atmosphere was not right.

"Why did I say 'I'm mentally ill' when I tried to tell the truth?" Zhang Dianyu asked in a low voice, gnashing his teeth.

"It's a misleading statement that keeps you from leaking things you shouldn't to people, etc.," Bill replied. "It turns out to be very effective—"

Zhang Dianyu almost went up to press the mop.

"No, I'm not mentally ill!"

"Well… "

Someone spoke behind him, with a hesitant tone.

Zhang Dianyu turned around abruptly with a displeased expression.

"To clarify, I don't intend to invite myself in." Stark thought about his words, "but there is no wall here..."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Stark's eyes dodged a little, and he looked at the wine cabinet behind him: "Do you want a drink?"

This brought up bad memories for Zhang Dianyu - the last time he did this, he announced to Stark that he was in a game.

It's true and it's not. All in all, the other party felt that he had a mental problem, and now it looks more like it.

"Have a drink?" Zhang Dianyu slowly raised his head and looked directly at Stark, "Now?"

Stark thought for a while, and made his own suggestion: "Or build this wall first?"

Zhang Dianyu refused indifferently: "No, the sun is better this way."

"I thought you didn't like sunlight?" Stark paused. "In fact, that's why I came here."

Zhang Dianyu frowned, leaning on the desk and waiting to hear what Stark would say.

Stark opened his mouth: "I'd better have a drink first, I don't like to convey unpleasant news." He raised his hand and gestured behind Zhang Dianyu: "How?"

Zhang Dianyu went around the desk, walked over and took two cups from behind the glass door, and put them on the desk.

The golden-brown whiskey flows along the rim of the glass, and the mellow aroma slowly permeates the air, making people feel a little relaxed.

"In fact, Hannibal Lecter made a private psychological evaluation report on you, and just now, he disclosed the content of this evaluation to Doctor Strange. Of course, through a closed door The door—that's why his skill level suddenly increased, temporarily calming down Joyce's guards."

Stark drank half a glass of whiskey in one breath: "If you need any help, I am willing to provide it."

The black-haired young man looked at the glass on the table indifferently, and listened to him quietly.

The air was a little stagnant, and Stark looked at the silent Mr. Warden, feeling that such words seemed a little offensive. But as the warden of an important prison, he also has to be responsible for his mental state.

"Then, it's my turn." Zhang Dianyu slowly picked up the wine glass, "I hope you refuse to sign the Super Human Registration Act."

There was a loud bang from the sofa and the mop fell to the floor.

Bill stood up solemnly: "No."

Stark: "For heaven's sake, can the kid shut up at this point?"

Bill’s eyes turned to him: “But you are also my father, of course you should sign the bill.”

Stark sprayed out the half glass of whiskey he just drank.