Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 125


Magneto didn't answer for a while.

These words are quite touching at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, they are all nonsense, and if you believe them, you will be ghosts.

But he didn't break it down either. In fact, he was curious what else Mr. Warden could say—based on past experience, the government likes to instigate rebellion and recruit anti-social elements for its own use. If there is anything else that can explain the sudden change in attitude of the warden, then it should be this reason.

He sneered, raised his eyes slightly and looked at the opposite side with sharp eyes.

Zhang Dianyu pretended not to see it, and gently put the clipboard on the table, with a smile on his face: "I think Mr. Lanshere has seen those just now—" He paused, and said meaningfully, "It's more special Prisoners?"

Before he could react, he saw the man on the opposite side slamming his fist on the armrest of the interrogation chair, and within the range allowed by the iron chain, he leaned half of his body forward: "Do you think you can use them to threaten me? Then You're probably mistaken."

Zhang Dianyu was expressionless.

In fact, it was too late to make an expression.

Mr. Sceneman has persecution paranoia, right

But given his background, that's not surprising. Zhang Dianyu paused for a while, and waited until the man on the opposite side gradually exhausted his anger, and then continued slowly: "Oh, I think you still misunderstood something—in fact, they are Director Fury and others from a Hydra base Those children who were rescued, but not very law-abiding. So, they have to stay here until they learn how to make their abilities and society coexist peacefully."

As Zhang Dianyu said these words, a trace of sourness gradually surged in his heart.

These teenagers stay here, they can't earn money, they can't work illegally, and they eat more than adults - if he had a choice, he would like to let them all go now.

Judging from the current situation, if he opens the door to let them run to freedom, he may have to pay compensation.

The smile on Zhang Dianyu's face froze.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Magneto's face. He didn't quite believe the warden's words, but there were indeed no loopholes in the other party's words, but the smirk on his face was very suspicious.

Zhang Dianyu coughed slowly: "Judging from the current situation of the prison, the guards cannot allocate manpower to take care of these children who have a history of endangering society. Therefore, I need to find a... supervisor for them."

Magneto felt that the next words must be very absurd.

"If Mr. Lanshere doesn't mind, then you will take care of these children." Zhang Dianyu said.

The silence was almost embarrassing.

Zhang Dianyu and Magneto looked at each other, and twitched the corners of their mouths stiffly: "Does this mean rejection?"

"I don't trust you." Magneto said bluntly. "How do I know this isn't a trap?"

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while: "I don't understand."

Magneto raised an eyebrow.

"I don't understand why I need to set a trap—in fact, I have already prepared a new confinement room. According to Mr. Clown's experience living in it, he doesn't like it." Zhang Dianyu expressed regret, "I can reveal it , they are just below the tombstone, bounded by the coffin."

Magneto once again showed his iconic ferocious expression: "Are you threatening me?"

"No," Zhang Dianyu said kindly, "I think judging by your body shape, you must not like living in it even more."

Magneto didn't speak, just stared at him for a while, and then slowly smiled like a shark.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Well, he understood that the other party's mood was to eat people.

"Anyway," Zhang Dianyu lost his patience, "Mr. Lanshere, please recognize the facts—first, you only have these two choices. Second, if you ignore them, they will start eating raw from tonight. Or blow yourself up trying to cook at the stove."

"Or you can put ogres and clowns among them and let them die as they should." In the dimly lit room, a shadow was cast on Magneto's face, "Am I right?"

You bloody conspiracy theorists!

Zhang Dianyu stood up expressionlessly, and pulled away his chair: "I've finished what I want to say. After everything is arranged, there will be guards escorting you there." He paused slightly, "Or another place."

After speaking, he turned around and strode out of the interrogation room.

Magneto's smile behind him has not been retracted, which makes people feel chills down the spine.

Zhang Dianyu felt a little tired. But in any case, let’s consider this matter half resolved—the remaining half is to convince the child laborer Peter to continue working, and he is currently in charge of patrolling the perimeter, in case someone really takes the opportunity to escape.

However, the guard tower is obviously still to be erected. While the mutant teens escaped and couldn't be killed directly, there was an adult among them.

Magneto's suspicions are not unreasonable-if he tries to escape from the prison, the guards set up in the four corners will open fire directly, sending him to a new world without racial struggle.

The engineering team on the map is dispatched again. Watchtowers are not terribly complicated to build, and they don't take much time to complete.

Although Zhang Dianyu has no money to hire new snipers now, it is useless for the previous few snipers who were idle to stay here. It is better to go to the opposite side to increase a little deterrence.

And he didn't tell anyone that if a minor escapes from prison, he won't be shot by a sniper.

Considering their past experience, they must worry about their own safety day and night at the Hydra base, so it is estimated that they will still be suspicious and dare not act rashly in the short term.

After Zhang Dianyu left the interrogation room, he went straight to the cell where Spiderman was. Peter was reading a book inside with his head covering off. Zhang Dianyu looked around, picked up the headgear from the nearby bookshelf and stuffed it to Peter: "Put it on, this is Spider-Man's cell."

Peter froze for a moment, realizing what he meant.

This is Spider-Man's cell, and Peter should not come in and out at will. In the prison, there are often prisoners serving hard labor and guards walking around here and there. Although I don’t know how they managed to make a detour to the warden’s office building, all in all, this place is not safe.

Peter's face was a little green—although a good neighbor in New York didn't dislike his uniform, he felt a little stinky after wearing the Spider-Man suit day and night these days.

It was because the battle suit was a little damaged from the battle just now, so he took it off and repaired it carefully, taking advantage of no one taking off the hood to catch his breath.

Peter put back the hood with a sad face, and took a strong sniff of the smell inside.

Kind of suffocating.

If he had known that he should have listened to Fury and learned to take less damage in battle, he wouldn't have come here—although he missed Mr. Warden a bit, it didn't seem like he should be coming back this way.

Thinking of his tearful promise to Mr. Warden that he would come back, Peter felt a little embarrassed.

Looking at Peter's reaction, Zhang Dianyu felt that he had succeeded before speaking.

"Actually, Peter, do you still remember the question I asked you before?" Zhang Dianyu found a place to sit down, and said to Peter pleasantly.

Peter thought for a while: "It seems a lot..."

"..." Zhang Dianyu: "I mean, take care of some children who are younger than you."

Peter showed an expression of enlightenment, nodded, and seemed to think of something again, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Mr. Warden, why is it 'some'?" Isn't it only the adopted son who suddenly appeared

"Because I have a task for you," Zhang Dianyu said with a smile, "You need to take off your hood and pretend that you are a mutant boy who was sent to the opposite secret mutant because he used super powers outside. juvenile offender correctional center."

The amount of information was a bit large, and Peter scratched his hair, looking a little confused.

"Actually, I need you to be an undercover agent among them." Zhang Dianyu lowered his voice, "If anyone wants to escape from prison, I hope you chase them out and bring them back, and let me deal with them."

Peter was a little shocked, but still agreed: "I... I understand, Mr. Warden."

Good Neighbor in New York scratched his head, a bit puzzled.

Since this summer, he seems to have become an undercover professional. First an undercover assistant, now an undercover mutant juvenile delinquent.

His position in the prison seems to be gradually stabilizing.

Zhang Dianyu smiled, but his voice was still very low: "Then, I hope you have a good time inside."

Peter: "..." Can this really be enjoyable

Zhang Dianyu patted Peter on the shoulder, then coughed loudly towards the door.

After a while, someone outside the door also coughed loudly.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He had already seen the two people who came over to eavesdrop on the map.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at Peter: "Change your clothes and wait at Dr. Banner's. Don't talk too much. Someone will pick you up later." Then he turned and walked out of the room, meeting the eyes in the corridor .

"What are you coughing?"

"What are you coughing for?"

"I'm waking up the sensor lights in the hallway," Stark replied.

"I'm waking up my memory," Zhang Dianyu said, "telling myself that there are no sensor lights here."

Stark: "..."

"So," Zhang Dianyu shrugged, "did he tell you?" Obviously, he was referring to the bill.

He was also curious whether that little thing would reveal his true identity under Stark's questioning.

"It sounds very complicated." Stark looked serious, "Can I take him out for a paternity test?"

Zhang Dianyu nodded: "Yes."

Anyway, it was the law that called Dad, and it had nothing to do with him if the result of the appraisal was wrong.

He wouldn't say a word, and he wouldn't admit to being mentally ill even if he was killed.

"Is there still a mental appraisal?" Stark asked tentatively.

Zhang Dianyu was taken aback for a moment: "What?" "Oh, the matter sounds a little...outrageous. But he is very sure, so I think it may be more important to do a related psychological evaluation."

Zhang Dianyu felt something was wrong: "Fa... what did he tell you?"

Stark looked solemn: "To clarify, the following remarks are by no means scolding."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Stark: "He said he's actually your dad and I'm your grandpa."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He knew that there was nothing good to say from this artificial mentally retarded mouth.

A trace of anger hit Zhang Dianyu's head, he couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Stark's collar, and said through gritted teeth: "I suggest you not to listen to that little thing's nonsense, in fact... I am mentally ill!"

Stark: "Huh?"