Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 127


Stark pushed open the door violently, and the two people inside looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhang Dianyu felt bad.

He was so focused on how to die that he even forgot to open the map, so that he didn't notice Stark's arrival.

Bill looked at Stark who rushed in, and turned to look at Zhang Dianyu: "You'd better stay away."

Zhang Dianyu didn't understand the deep meaning in the bill's words, but gave him a hard look: "You already knew he was coming?"

Before Bill could answer, he was interrupted by Stark: "How could he know? He's just a boy!"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He couldn't answer, and the consequences were obvious—"I'm mentally ill."

Facing Mr. Warden's silence, Stark closed his eyes slightly, and stretched out his right hand suddenly.

In the next second, Zhang Dianyu understood why the bill made him avoid it—the golden-red battle armor pierced through the wall that had just been built less than a day ago, and covered Stark's body amidst the falling lime.

"..." Stark: "Sorry, I will definitely adjust the sensor this time when I go back."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." This wall in his office is really ill-fated.

But a wall doesn't cost much after all, Zhang Dianyu gave Stark a cold look, and didn't say much.

"Mr. Warden, I don't think I'm going to ask for your permission anymore, you have to go to me for psychological counseling." Stark pulled the bill over to block him, staring at Zhang Dianyu, the cold metal visor slowly Closed, the light from the eyes seems to have no emotion.

Zhang Dianyu: "I refuse."

"I won't leave you alone here to kill yourself!" Stark replied, "Do you think if I take this boy away, I will let you fend for yourself here?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He couldn't answer this, and he really wanted to commit suicide.

Who knew that someone could stop him from killing himself

"Then," Zhang Dianyu raised his chin slightly, intending to refuse coldly. But thinking of the gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves, he decided to be more tactful and deal with the urgent matter first—"I need to leave after an interview."

Stark sounded a little puzzled: "Interview?"

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, anyway, sooner or later the matter of the acting warden will be hidden, so why not just say: "Yes, I plan to recruit an acting warden, and I..." He thought for a while, and decided to follow Sta With Ke's understanding, he continued, "—handle the prison affairs for me during my recuperation."

Stark was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect him to cooperate so much.

Zhang Dianyu sat back on the sofa chair, raised his wrist and looked at the time on the watch. At this time, there was still more than an hour before the ten o'clock interview time, which was the breakfast time for the prisoners. It won't be long before Lecter arrives to deliver the food.

It's better to blame the ogre for being a psychopath, and say that he put some hallucinogen in the meal—Zhang Dianyu looked at the map and thought wildly.


A curse came from next to his ear, Zhang Dianyu raised his eyes and saw Stark holding a bloody hand, the cactus next to him was verdant and verdant, with a smear of fresh blood on the thick thorns.

"Why is this pot of cactus still here!" Stark said incredulously.

"But the point is," Zhang Dianyu said, "why do you still get stabbed by him?"

Doesn't it mean that you shouldn't fall twice in the same place

Stark: "..."

In detail, it was because of Mr. Warden—not long ago, when they were in the detention cell, the warden specifically named the problem of where the armor was sitting on the chair as a support, so he decided to take off the chair. Put on the battle armor and sit on the sofa.

Who knew that this long-lost cactus was still there.

Zhang Dianyu smiled slightly, took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his suit jacket, and walked towards the sofa.

Stark frowned and raised his bleeding hand, Zhang Dianyu walked straight past him, carefully wiping the blood on the cactus thorns.

"It's just an ordinary plant," Zhang Dianyu said, "it shouldn't be defiled."

Stark raised his hand, dumbfounded.

Zhang Dianyu looked at him for a while, walked back to the desk, and took out a roll of bandages from the drawer—just like before, he didn't know why this thing was in his drawer, anyway, there were more than enough items in it. Almost as much as you can imagine.

He tossed the bandages to Stark: "Wrap it up." Then, after a pause, added: "The floor was just mopped by the prisoners last night."

Stark: "..."

Stark was wrapping bandages around his wrists gloomily when Lecter and Warren entered the office. A hint of surprise flashed across Hannibal Lecter's calm face, and he asked in a light tone: "If I may, I have to be curious—Mr. Warden attacked you, Mr. Stark."

Stark glanced at him, opened his mouth and closed it again: "No, it's a cactus."

"I would like to believe it." Lecter smiled, "But Mr. Stark, a cactus will not take the initiative to hurt people." Stark: "..." Continuing to explain would make him seem a bit mentally retarded, but that is the truth.

Zhang Dianyu sat on his sofa, watching the confrontation between the two with great interest.

Guard Warren put his breakfast on the desk and walked back behind Lecter. Under his guard uniform, he was still wearing the light green gardener's attire, and Zhang Dianyu could see some overalls exposed from under the turned-up corner of his clothes.

He frowned slightly, and suddenly said, "Guard Warren, I think you don't need to plant trees from tonight."

From today onwards, those mutant children and the rebel leader and conspirator Magneto live opposite each other, and Varen is not suitable to appear there at this time.

Especially going to plant trees in the middle of the night—that's what someone with persecutory paranoia sees thinking.

The Warren guard didn't have any strong reaction, he just raised his head and stared at Zhang Dianyu, and it took him longer than before to answer: "Yes, Mr. Warden."

Zhang Dianyu nodded.

Still looking at Stark's bandaged hand, Lecter said suddenly, "Mr. Stark, if you'd go and talk to Dr. Strange, you might hear a guard think he'd been shot by a A fantasy of badly stabbed plants."

Zhang Dianyu raised his head vigilantly: "You can leave now, Lecter—besides, everyone in the prison knows that it's not a fantasy, it's a real cactus."

If it wasn't for the fear that the cactus would be taken away and become a murder weapon, he would have wanted Lecter to try this pot of cactus right now, and the result would definitely be pleasing to the eye.

Lecter smiled and gave Stark a meaningful look: "Mr. Warden makes sense."

Stark paused slightly, frowning involuntarily.

Lecter didn't answer, and walked out of the office with Warren's guards after saying goodbye.

When the two were walking side by side in the empty corridor, he suddenly said, "In addition to planting trees, you can also learn how to cook with me, isn't that good?"

Varun nodded mechanically, a hint of bewilderment appeared on his expressionless face.

In the office, after Lecter left for a long time, Zhang Dianyu ate his French omelette boredly, and suddenly heard Stark say: "So, that is really a pot of cactus, right?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Before seeking Lecter for psychological counseling, Stark began to suspect that he saw such a big and green pot of cactus.

He didn't intend to answer, and wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief expressionlessly, and felt something was wrong when he saw Stark's terrified eyes—it was the handkerchief that had just wiped the cactus, not his napkin.

Zhang Dianyu fell into thought as he looked at the dots of blood on it.

It is estimated that his illness cannot be cleared.

Zhang Dianyu threw down the handkerchief, decided to watch his nose and nose, and turn his attention to the map.

Last night, after the mutant children imprisoned by Hydra gradually woke up, they were taken by the guards to the gate of the opposite plot one after another, standing dazed and trembling in the night wind. The guard tower in the distance is looming under the dark blue sky, and the figure of a sniper monitoring the road and the field can be vaguely observed on it.

They dare not move.

Until the last prisoner was also brought to the door, the children finally saw an adult dressed as a prisoner became excited, and there were rustling voices in the middle.

Someone mustered up the courage to say, "Sir—"

"Quiet!" Magneto interrupted him mercilessly, "Come with me."

The child who had made a sound before quickly fell silent, and the scene was instantly silent. Magneto glanced at the guard tower from a distance, with a look of contempt in his eyes, and walked into the gate of the prison first.

Standing in the middle of the sparse woods is a small white building, it seems that there are not many people living there. In the distance, a figure digging a pit can be vaguely seen, digging down silently with shovel after shovel, without making a sound.

Seeing this situation, the originally rebellious mutant teenagers shuddered and huddled together quietly.

Until Magneto couldn't take it anymore: "Stay away from me-keep your distance!"

Surprisingly, when they walked into the small building, they found that it was really a dormitory—although it was a bit cramped, it had all the items, even showers and desks, and a room that couldn’t be smaller. library.

After carefully probing and finding that he did not object, the children cheered and rushed to the bed, occupying a space that belonged to them.

Magneto watched the suddenly cheerful atmosphere indifferently, with no expression on his face.

So the night passed.

Zhang Dianyu also peeked at the map from time to time to make sure that no large-scale incident would happen on the first day.

But the dormitory of the correctional center was unusually quiet this night, and even the mutant children didn't talk too much, and soon fell asleep.

Zhang Dianyu checked their status one by one—unexpectedly, their satisfaction was much higher than that of the prisoners, and their needs were mostly blank.

He was lost in thought, could these children be fooled by Hydra

But he was busy with his "how to die", so he didn't have time to dwell on these too much for the time being.

It wasn't until this morning, after Stark's visit and Lecter's malicious inducement, that he finally got some time. While waiting for the interviewer to arrive, he reopened the map and checked the correctional center opposite.

Magneto is frying an angry bubbly egg over his head.