Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 128


Zhang Dianyu looked at the group of short pixel people on the map surrounded by bubbles of excitement, and gradually understood how the bubbles of anger appeared.

Although they are both mutants, but based on his understanding of the people on the scene, he thought that Magneto would really ignore these little bastards as he said before, and tried to escape from prison overnight.

Unexpectedly, the night was passed peacefully, nothing happened.

Zhang Dianyu felt a little puzzled. He had hoped that in case there was any riot on the opposite side, he would also be able to take a ride with death.

But in any case, this result is better.

He saw Peter on the map. Hidden among a circle of mutant children, the boy was pushing a plate of fried eggs to the smallest pixel man on the opposite side.

The worst part was that the little round-headed thing blushed—Zhang Dianyu never knew that this pixel map could show blushing.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

I hope Peter can strictly guard his heart and be an undercover agent.

It was already 9:50, and family members of visiting prisoners were still coming in one after another outside the prison gate, and went straight to the visiting room. But among them was a black-haired woman in a light gray professional suit, who stopped at the gate of the prison.

Zhang Dianyu opened her profile—as expected, she was the interviewee he was waiting for, his "second role".

The name of the interviewer acting as the warden is Rita, and the surname is not shown on the map, which looks rough.

Zhang Dianyu slightly looked away, looking at the bill on the sofa. The boy seemed to be aware of it, and his usual expressionless face turned to him. Zhang Dianyu gave him a hard look.

The setting of this second role is too sloppy, at least give someone a surname.

Zhang Dianyu briefly glanced at Rita's attributes. Her character description is "calm and frightening" and has a "reputation for running prisons by inflicting fear through justice, rumors of her carrying a whip may be a bit of an exaggeration".

However, Zhang Dianyu, who can check everything, found that it is not an exaggeration in fact.

Rita's carry-on included a real "whip" and the clipboard that every warden always has - and most importantly, no prison door keys, only staff keys.

Is she going to use this to whip the prisoner? Is this a little too weird

Zhang Dianyu sincerely hoped that she could hide the whip well so as not to arouse Stark's suspicion.

If she really exposed this prop, Zhang Dianyu thought for a moment—maybe he could make a small deal with Lecter, let him hint that Stark's whip is also an illusion.

Under Zhang Dianyu's wild thoughts, Rita finished talking with the guards, entered the prison gate, and went straight to the warden's office.

Zhang Dianyu took out her resume from the drawer and looked through it, feeling that the role she needs to play in the future might be a challenge.

But he thought again.

Even though the bill says he shouldn't have a gender, that's obviously bullshit, and he's been the current main interface for as long as he can remember. When he took a shower, he had already confirmed that he was a man.

And this "second character" is a woman.

How can he get used to walking in high heels

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought—but not for long. Soon, there was a knock on the door of the office, and a black-haired woman who appeared to be serious and quick-witted pushed the door in, nodded reservedly and dumbly: "I'm here to interview Rita, who is acting as the warden. The assistant told me to come in directly."

"Yes, Miss Rita, please—" Zhang Dianyu originally wanted to say please sit down, but after looking at the empty sofa, he could only change his words, "You don't need to sit down, you have been hired."

Stark, with his hands wrapped in bandages, was scrolling through his phone boredly on the sofa, when he heard that the phone almost slipped.

He sat up straight, glanced at the black-haired woman standing in the middle of the office, and felt something familiar. But he didn't continue to think about it, but turned to Zhang Dianyu and said, "Uh, Mr. Warden, I think I should avoid it for a while?"

Zhang Dianyu just wanted to say that as an investor in a prison, you don't have to be too cautious, so that Stark can find a way to do some subsidy tasks—but suddenly a new idea sprouted.

So he nodded to Stark: "I really need to talk to Miss Rita for a while."

Stark stood up and walked to the door, frowned and looked around the office, thinking for a while. He always felt that something was wrong, but it was just an intuition—or an illusion, so to speak.

He had to leave.

Rita stood numbly in the middle of the room, her eyes moved as Zhang Dianyu got up.

"Mr. Warden, I can hand over the work content."

Because Zhang Dianyu has just said that she was hired, Rita is now the acting warden—when Zhang Dianyu leaves the prison, she will automatically assume her duties.

Usually, her work content is similar to that of Banner, basically a senior assistant.

Zhang Dianyu ignored Rita, since she was him anyway, there was no need to dictate the content of the work.

His breakfast plate was still on the desk and was not taken away by the Warren guards—to be honest, this is a bit unusual. The past Warren guards were very accurate in calculating the time and would take the plate away on time after 40 minutes. If Zhang Dianyu hadn't finished his meal at that time, he would have quietly waited aside.

It has to be said that the pixel villains are indeed satisfying at work, although sometimes not very bright.

Zhang Dianyu picked up the knife and wiped it, and gestured at his wrist.

Before making a move, he suddenly raised his head, rushed to the side of the sofa, covered Bill's mouth, and made a silent gesture with his other hand: "Don't speak."

Then another voice came from behind him: "Mr. Warden, I can hand over the work content."

"..." Zhang Dianyu waved his hands behind him, "I got it, I got it, just wait for a while."

If he didn't tell Rita to shut up, she'd probably keep repeating that line.

Bill stared at him with wide blue eyes, and nodded slowly. After getting the answer from this little thing, Zhang Dianyu put down his hand.

After all, according to Bill himself, he will not lie. Since he promised not to speak, he will not speak.

Zhang Dianyu felt relieved and continued to compare his wrists, making a little psychological construction.

Bill suddenly raised a clipboard, almost identical to Zhang Dianyu's, with a few large characters written on it with a signature pen - "The death rate of wrist cutting is lower, and it is recommended to replace it with carotid artery."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

It was a sweet and creepy proposition, but he decided to take it anyway.

He picked up the knife and drew it on his neck, and asked in a low voice, "Is it here?"

Bill shook his head.

He moved a little further down: "Here?"

Bill nodded.

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath and found that it was not easy. He whispered to Bill: "Otherwise, you can cut it, anyway, you already have mental problems, which is normal."

Bill shook his head, and lowered his head to write on the clipboard.

Zhang Dianyu snatched the clipboard: "You can talk now, just keep your voice down."

Bill blinked his blue eyes: "I won't kill you, I promised you."

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help frowning.

He vaguely felt that Bill had indeed agreed, and that was because Bill had said that he could kill Zhang Dianyu to let him feel his true self. Could he not refuse such an outrageous thing

"Now I've changed my mind," he said emphatically, thrusting the knife into Bill's hand, "cut now."

Bill clutched the hilt of the knife in his small hand, staring at him with innocent blue eyes.

Zhang Dianyu was a little nervous. This kind of scene looks a bit weird, if Lecter is here, he may feel familiar.

This is even more outrageous.

"Hurry up," Zhang Dianyu said, "cut quickly."

"I refuse," Bill said, clutching the knife.

Rita next to him has been looking in Zhang Dianyu's direction with indifferent eyes, and has no reaction to what happened in front of him. Currently Zhang Dianyu is her boss. For the pixel villain, no matter what unreasonable things happen in front of him, as long as there is nothing wrong with his or her settings, he will not raise any objections to it.

Although Zhang Dianyu felt that it was a bit strange that someone was staring at him and persuading others to cut his own artery.

Zhang Dianyu stared at Bill: "Are you going to cut it or not? If I don't cut it, I will be taken away as mentally ill—you caused all of this."

A rare hesitation appeared on Bill's face.

Zhang Dianyu originally just wanted to change his vest and move bricks outside. After all, Banner just released the Hulk, and the engineering team can't be leaderless, he can only be the foreman himself - he even has special wall-building skills.

But seeing that he was going to be taken away by Stark, and Rita became the acting warden, he was about to use the whip to terrorize the prisoners. He had to at least activate this role first and take things into his own hands.

Although he can also temporarily not hire Rita, let Banner temporarily act as the prison affairs agent during his departure. But to be honest, he didn't want to tell the psychiatrist what was wrong with him.

He is not sick!

"You're afraid," Bill said.

Zhang Dianyu frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You are afraid to see a psychiatrist and let them find out that you are not human." Bill calmly stuffed the knife back into his hand, "You are right, you should kill yourself now."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He took the knife, stared at Bill for a while, then suddenly raised the knife and cut his own carotid artery.

But there was less blood than expected.

"Wrong, a little higher, deeper." Bill said beside him.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Is it that easy to cut your own arteries

He took a deep breath, subconsciously raised his hand to cover the wound, and blood seeped out from between his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, he took his hand away, raised the knife again, and confirmed to Bill: "This is it?"

Bill nodded.

Zhang Dianyu lowered his sword without hesitation.

Blood splashed all over Bill's face suddenly, Zhang Dianyu was slightly taken aback.

He saw that Lecter's figure seemed to flash through the hole in the wall that Stark had destroyed not long ago, and there seemed to be Warren guards behind him.

Is this a simulation teaching

Zhang Dianyu drove the bill away and lay down on the sofa, trying to keep the blood from splashing on the wall next to him, otherwise he would have to spend money to repaint it.

After an unknown amount of time, his consciousness finally blurred.

Until the eyes become dark, and then return to light.

He looked down at himself on the sofa and Bill standing beside him, then turned around and opened the green staff door.

"Two, Mr. Warden seems to be dead."