Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 129


A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

There was the sound of a mug falling to the ground outside, and then Stark and Banner both walked over quickly, with a hint of panic in their suppressed expressions.

"Miss Rita?" Stark called out the name of the second character, which Zhang Dianyu mentioned just now.

Zhang Dianyu understood what he meant, he hoped that he could make way and not block the door—but he also wanted to, because when he opened the door just now, he twisted his ankle in excitement.

Why is this Rita wearing a pair of stilettos, are you going to murder someone with your heels

Enduring the discomfort, he reluctantly moved to the side with a stiff expression, exposing the scene inside which was comparable to a murder scene.

Bill stood at one end of the sofa, carefully studying the unconscious warden lying on it.

The boy's expression remained the same as before, and both Stark and Banner noticed this. Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but winked at Bill, hoping that he could cooperate with the scene and pretend to be sad.

But he doubted the bill would understand.

In fact, he was right.

Bill sensed his eyes, and looked towards them, as if asking questions.

Immediately afterwards, Stark and Banner also looked at him.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He shouldn't be in charge of this bill.

Bill didn't sense his mood at all, and even stretched out his hand to check the condition of the unconscious warden, raised his face and looked calmly at the two adults at the door: "The warden is not dead yet."

Banner froze for a moment, then rushed to the desk, grabbed the internal phone on it, and dialed the number of the infirmary.

And Stark raised his eyebrows slightly, staring at Zhang Dianyu: "Miss Rita, can I ask what happened in the room just now?"

Zhang Dianyu wanted to answer that he didn't know, but this would make him very suspicious.

He also wants to take the position of acting warden.

"When the medical staff arrives, won't you know?" He thought about the character of the "Warden Rita" and looked at Stark pretendingly indifferently, "I don't think he You must be willing to let me disclose everything, and I should respect the privacy of Mr. Warden."

"If I call the police now, it will be considered a criminal case." Stark looked at him without blinking, "Miss Rita, do you still have nothing to say about this?"

Zhang Dianyu remained expressionless: "Mr. Stark—Mr. Warden can't wait for the police to come. My suggestion is to let a doctor treat him."

He hoped that this Stark would not be brainless, it would be bad if he was exhausted. When the time comes, he will shock the whole place and come back from the dead again, and I am afraid that the secret will not be kept.

Stark frowned slightly, but did not continue to ask.

Zhang Dianyu heaved a sigh of relief.

The medical staff came very slowly. Zhang Dianyu looked at the white coat moving like sleepwalking on the map, and his expression became more and more rigid. He sincerely hoped that when the medical staff arrived, they would not automatically send him to the morgue.

But Bill said that he would not die, that is to say—he needs to walk over to wake up the sleeping princess in front of Stark like last time.

It's okay to do this once, but the second time it won't arouse suspicion!

After all, these shitty things were created by the bill, why would he be worried about it

Zhang Dianyu thought about it carefully—maybe it was because he would face accusations from many parties after the incident was revealed. After all, not long ago, he switched roles on the spot in front of several people, directing and acting out a teacher-student relationship.

Zhang Dianyu: "..." If the damn bill had come out sooner, he wouldn't have to face such an embarrassing situation—just tear down the bill.

He frowned slightly, and glanced at Bill not far away who was staring down at the unconscious warden. The boy always looked like a not-so-intelligent artificial mentally retarded, which made him unknowingly let down his vigilance. Maybe the other party is really wise and foolish.

Then he saw Bill slowly extend a finger, re-examine his breath, and then move down a bit to poke his cheek.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Banner walked in with his own towel—unexpectedly, unlike the unshaven doctor himself, his towel was clean as if it hadn't been used.

The doctor looked at Stark, and handed over a towel soaked in warm water.

Stark froze.

Banner held up the towel and raised his chin at Bill. The boy's face was sprayed with blood by Zhang Dianyu, and he didn't even wipe it off. The dark red blood dried on the collar of his shirt, which combined with his calm beyond his appearance, seemed too treacherous.

"…" Stark looked troubled, "Bruce, you're embarrassing me—I had a nanny when I was fourteen…"

Banner stuffed the towel into his hand: "Congratulations, Tony, you are more than fourteen years old."

Stark: "..."

He could only walk over and grab the boy's finger that was secretly stretched out to poke the warden's cheek: "Come here and wipe it."

Bill blinked, but didn't refuse.

Although this matter is unnecessary in his opinion, there is nothing wrong with it.

Stark squatted down, put the towel on the boy's face, rubbed it vigorously twice, then took it off and carefully inspected the slightly flushed face, and said with satisfaction: "That's almost the case."

A question mark could almost be written on Banner's face.

When Stark found a little missing blood and put the towel on Bill's face again, Banner finally couldn't bear to change him.

"Thank you." Stark said sincerely.

"You're welcome, Tony, just think of me as your fourteen-year-old nanny." Banner said as he wiped the blood from Bill's face.

"?" Stark thought for a while, "I think you are mocking me."

Banner shrugged.

After almost wiping Bill's face, he rubbed the boy's collar with a towel, and finally he could only say helplessly: "Do you have clean clothes? I think you should change your clothes."

He glanced at the warden lying on the sofa bleeding, and sighed deeply.

Bill tilted his head slightly, and was about to open his mouth to answer Banner's words, when he was suddenly pulled away by a hand covering his mouth.

Hearing this question, Zhang Dianyu felt momentarily nervous. He didn't know what Act would say, but the boy had shown up in his office out of the blue, and he hadn't prepared any clothes.

Will the bill say something astonishing again, saying "I can change it on the spot"

His actions caught Stark and Banner off guard, but the two became vigilant in an instant, and Stark suddenly raised his palm cannon to him: "Let go of that boy."

Zhang Dianyu showed a stiff smile, and combed Bill's hair perfunctorily: "Until Mr. Warden recovers, I think this boy also falls within the scope of work of the acting warden."

Bill looked up at him from below: "I have clean clothes in the same closet as the warden's clothes."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." If I had known earlier, he would not be like this.

But he was also a bit offended that Bill had used his wardrobe without permission.

Stark's palm gun still didn't come down, obviously this reason didn't convince him: "I don't trust you, I think we should all make this clear, ma'am. Mr. Warden just stayed alone with you for ten minutes, he Lie unconscious on the couch now—do you think I'm going to hand that boy into your hands?"

"..." Zhang Dianyu and Stark looked at each other for a few seconds, and then pushed the bill over: "You have the final say, he is your son."

Stark: "..."

The change was so fast that he was a little caught off guard.

Zhang Dianyu spread his hands again: "I want to clarify that he committed suicide. The little boy also saw it, and the prison doctor will come over soon, and they will give you the same conclusion. In addition—I know you must check I've passed the wound, use your..." Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, pretending that he was just an ordinary person who didn't know about Iron Man through other works, "—your "special technology" has been detected. Therefore, he committed suicide—attempted. "

Stark couldn't argue with that.

But just because the warden did it himself doesn't mean he did it of his own volition.

Zhang Dianyu stood with his chest in his arms, and refused the next conversation with a haughty and indifferent attitude—of course, he was a little immobile.

Since Rita is also a warden and is in the prison, her panel is almost the same as that of the warden himself, and she can clearly see the movements on the map.

Holding the light green treatment needle, the doctor moved towards the office sleepwalking. At the same time, the warden's blood bar kept dropping.

In a moment the warden should lose his breath again.

Zhang Dianyu was also a little suffocated.

Finally, when the warden's blood bar was about to bottom out, the prison doctor opened the door. He went straight to the warden on the sofa, bent down and took out the injection and injected it.

Almost at the same time, the warden's eyelashes fluttered and he slowly opened his blank eyes.

And Zhang Dianyu also discovered something not so good—when the warden returned to normal and went online again, many options on his panel turned gray. This means that as long as the warden is online, he cannot control the prison.

He frowned calmly, and then a new line of prompts suddenly popped up in front of him.

[Acquired skills: remote operation, can control another character within 20 kilometers, and both interfaces are online at the same time.]

This skill came very timely.

Zhang Dianyu immediately used his skills. A computer screen-like thing appeared in front of his eyes, as if he was operating a game interface, and his game character was the current hang-up warden.

At the same time that he took over the "game character", the warden's confused eyes disappeared, and he suddenly sat up and slammed into the wall next to him.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

The game is just getting started, and it is still a bit difficult to operate.

He tried hard to get used to the touch, and when the warden tried to hug the cactus, he stabilized the situation in a cold sweat.

The two people next to him were a little dumbfounded.

"Mr. Warden," Banner took a step forward, stopping in front of the warden who was rushing towards the cactus with his hands outstretched, "Are you alright?"

The warden thought for a long time.

Then he replied in a flat tone: "It's nothing, just a little dizzy."

But in fact, Zhang Dianyu, the behind-the-scenes worker who is really dizzy is standing next to him—this is a little more hectic than playing two roles online, and he has to control his expression, otherwise he will look like a dazed stare at the air retarded.