Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 131


Zhang Dianyu couldn't help looking up and staring at Stark.

Stark raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and glanced at him from above the red sunglasses. Zhang Dianyu avoided his gaze, trying to find an excuse to deal with Stark.

Bill, who was half blocked by Banner, suddenly tilted his head, with a very serious expression on his face.

Zhang Dianyu felt a bad premonition.

In the next second, Bill really spoke: "Based on the previous logic, she should be my mother now."

Stark's confident smile froze on his face.

Zhang Dianyu felt that he really should have taped Bill's mouth shut—but I have to say, Stark's reaction now is kind of funny.

Stark seemed to take a few minutes to recover, while Banner next to him was still immersed in shock, and his eyes kept wandering between the two.

Zhang Dianyu coughed lightly, and covered his smile: "That's not very accurate."

No matter who is who's father, anyway, he can't be the mother of Bill—can this little mentally retarded person say a few words so as not to shock the audience

Stark caught the sunglasses that had slipped from him, and threw them directly on the sofa beside him: "Miss Rita... have we met before?"

Zhang Dianyu folded his arms in noncommittal.

"So you are," Stark mused slowly, "Mr. Warden's...?"

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Why did his new role have an inexplicable relationship with him

He firmly denied it: "No, Mr. Warden and I only have... working friendship."

Stark raised an eyebrow, obviously in disbelief.

That's right—judging from how Rita was hired just now, it doesn't look like she just met the warden at all. Zhang Dianyu was negligent on this point. After all, Stark was still watching, so he should pretend to be.

"Mr. Warden and I are indeed old acquaintances." Zhang Dianyu began to make up, "But we haven't seen each other for many years—this time he did me a favor and found my long-lost..." He bit Gritting his teeth, he forced out a word, "Son."

There was a look of disapproval on Bill's serious face, but he didn't refute, and even nodded with a look of disapproval.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

The smile on Stark's face couldn't be disguised.

"And I just happen to be able to do him a favor." Zhang Dianyu added.

Banner interrupted suddenly, and his tone didn't sound very friendly: "Helping Mr. Warden commit suicide?"

"..." Zhang Dianyu could only continue talking nonsense: "This is his wish. As an old friend from many years ago, I can't stop him from fulfilling his wish."

Stark was silent for a moment listening to this nonsense: "If you say that you are brothers and sisters, I will believe it."

Zhang Dianyu showed a formulaic smile.

He thought, but it's a pity that they don't look alike at all—speaking of which, this Rita looks a bit similar to Bill, and it can be fooled by saying that she is Bill's real mother.

"So," Stark said with difficulty, "we were...?" He paused for a moment. "That might sound a bit like a pass-through, but I don't remember a thing—did I get drunk?"

Zhang Dianyu couldn't answer these words.

He folded his arms indifferently, showing an expression of refusal: "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, I don't remember either."

This is the truth, but it is also the most unbelievable truth.

Stark didn't continue to ask, he decided to take the boy to see his brain first.

And the warden next to him who came out of the bathroom and stood beside the green plants in the hall in a daze.

Zhang Dianyu raised his chin slightly and looked at the few people, hoping that the matter in front of him would be over as soon as possible—so that the warden could leave early and return early, and he could go out to work on the project tomorrow.

Stark, who couldn't ask anything, offered to leave, and Banner also sent the bill to the prison gate, and even waved to the boy after getting into the car.

What puzzled Zhang Dianyu the most was that Bill also solemnly waved goodbye to Banner.

So all of a sudden, instead of running around, he's keen on impersonating Stark's son? Zhang Dianyu returned to his sofa and fell into deep thought.

In connection with the fact that Stark is the superhero representative who signed the bill in this world and is the link between the government and superhero, he feels that the act of recognizing his father is not that simple.

Zhang Dianyu sneered inwardly.

Don't think he doesn't know that Stark was forced to sign the Superhuman Registration Act—you can tell by the look on his face that he hasn't shaved for a long time and looks tired, it's not entirely out of his heart.

Things will get interesting when he finds out that this kid who suddenly recognizes his father is the original bill.

Zhang Dianyu thought about it, this is also a good way to bring disaster to the east - as long as the bill is kicked out first, and Stark is immersed in shock and anger, these people will forget to pursue the fact that Zhang Dianyu is playing against himself. trifle.

So the question is, how can he shake things out without declaring "I'm mentally ill"

Zhang Dianyu thought hard.

While he was thinking, Banner came back from the outside and knocked on the door.

"Please come in." Zhang Dianyu raised his voice and said.

The shrill female voice from his throat startled him, and it took him a few seconds to remember that he was now in women's clothing.

He restrained his expression and sat upright, looking at Banner who walked in.

"Ms. Warden," Banner said, "Miss Acting Warden, the warden has left. I will send you the prison's daily records and reports for the next period of time."

Zhang Dianyu nodded: "I see."

In fact, when Stark's car leaves prison confines, all of his game panels light up. At the same time, a small map appeared next to his remote operation interface, with two yellow dots and a connection line on it. The small dots are obviously the warden and Rita, and the connecting line marks the distance between the two.

Banner who came back reminded him of this - the warden can't be more than 20 kilometers away from Rita, otherwise they will be disconnected, and the warden will become an on-hook mode for automatic pathfinding.

That is to say, no matter the ends of the earth, as long as he can walk, he will walk back to the prison on foot.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at Banner reservedly, and at the same time quickly operated the warden's panel to enter text in the dialog box.

At this moment, the warden who was sitting in the co-pilot seat next to Stark, who seemed a little depressed, suddenly turned his face to him: "Mr. Stark."

Stark was also a little absent-minded: "Mr. Warden, what's the matter?"

"I don't want to go too far from the prison, it will make me feel uneasy." The warden said flatly.

Stark blinked and glanced at the warden next to him.

The opponent didn't seem to lose control of himself like a few times before, like a living puppet-it looked much better than before.

Just yesterday, when they returned to the prison, Doctor Strange called everyone together, and refused them to appear in his office, because it seemed suspicious—so everyone could only find a corner with few people Had a video conference with him.

"Last time I tried to enter the warden's spiritual world, and a guard's—but all failed, which makes us think that they may be puppets controlled by Mr. Fergus." Strange's face appeared in the screen.

"—And now he is still suspected." Fury said next to him, "but there is no doubt that he is indeed the hero who saved the warden and Peter. However, people can sometimes have multiple identities."

"However, I found some patterns." Strange said, "I found that some guards who have worked in prison for too long will gradually regain some self-awareness. When I try to enter their spiritual world again, I can almost I can vaguely see a silhouette—do you remember the Untitled Town?"

"Of course," Stark replied, "it's 'Mr. Fergus' lair,' at least temporarily."

"Maybe Mr. Foggs is also one of the victims?" Strange said, "We also observed some situations in which Mr. Foggs acted rigidly, which means that he may also be one of the victims."

"So, someone else is behind the scenes?" Fury asked.

"I don't know, maybe." Strange glanced at his watch. "The rest of the matter can be discussed another day. My patient will arrive in 50 seconds."

"What?" Stark was in disbelief, "They are prisoners, they won't be so punctual, otherwise they wouldn't have gone to prison—why are you looking at me?"

The scene was silent for a while.

Stark: "..."

"Maybe it's some kind of regional disease—other residents in that untitled town also have this symptom, or there are some genetic factors, and these are also under consideration." Strange glanced at his watch again, and said to Strange "You're right, my patient was late," Tucker said.

Stark: "..."

"Then let me add another guess," Strange lowered his wrist, "maybe the local area is polluted by some kind of heavy metal elements, such as the well-known Minamata disease—you should check whether the factory you built next to it is qualified for sewage discharge, Tony."

Stark was so angry that he blew his mustache up: "Are you questioning my conscience as an entrepreneur? I use clean energy! Maybe it's the pollution caused by some kind of underground facility at Wayne Vacation Manor?"

Batman gave him a cold look.

Stark stared back.

Fury was expressionless.

Strange hung up the phone.

Stark, who was driving at this time, remembered what happened yesterday, and glanced at Mr. Warden next to him.

It might be a lot easier to understand if it was an inexplicable suicide caused by a medical condition—but it's worth paying attention to, anyway, when someone who's just attempted suicide says he's upset.

Stark pulled the car to the side of the road abruptly.

"So, how far is your 'not too far'?"

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, he must not be too specific, so as not to attract attention.

"It can't exceed the amusement park that Sykeston visited last time."

Stark was a little shocked, but also a little hesitant: "You mean... do you want to go to that amusement park?" He glanced at the bill on the back seat with his hands on his lap.

Zhang Dianyu felt that Stark must have misunderstood something.