Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 132


Zhang Dianyu was about to explain that he didn't have any special interest in amusement parks, but just wanted to show the distance, but Banner's voice suddenly came from beside his ears.

"Miss Rita? Are you all right?"

Banner doesn't have much affection for the new acting warden, but not because she's suddenly taken over as warden—more because of what just happened.

Mr. Warden had only been alone with her for more than ten minutes, and suddenly wanted to commit suicide—in any case, this made him unable to trust Miss Rita.

But if it wasn't for the slight similarity in appearance, he really almost thought that Miss Rita was Mr. Warden's brother and sister.

They have the same habit of resting their arms on the arm of the sofa chair in a daze.

And it happens at any time regardless of the occasion—Of course, Mr. Warden claimed to be thinking, but Banner felt that it looked like he was in a daze.

Miss Rita glanced at him, cleared her throat, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, I understand. I will now perform all duties on behalf of Mr. Warden." She glanced at Banner and said suddenly, "But you don't have to Worry, Mr. Warden won't be away for long."

Banner was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Miss Rita to see that he was worried about this.

He felt a little sorry: "Miss Rita, I just care about Mr. Warden himself, and I don't want to question your ability to work."

Rita seemed to pause slightly, then nodded with a smile.

Banner left.

Zhang Dianyu managed to give his assistant a reassurance. Unexpectedly, within a few minutes, Stark had already driven nearly half of the distance in the direction of the amusement park.

He felt that telling Stark that he didn't want to go to the amusement park at this time would definitely make him very unhappy. After thinking about it, the warden turned his head, looked at Stark and said, "You are speeding."

Stark: "..."

"My housekeeper has already checked, there is not even a tire around here, let alone other vehicles." The oncoming wind outside the window blew his hair up, and Stark glanced at the co-pilot. The person glanced at him and said, "I also helped me deal with the tickets—if possible, I would actually hand in a few tickets in advance and use them when needed."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

The ugly face of capitalists.

Bill in the backseat said nothing about their trip—he certainly didn't care much whether it was a paternity test or an amusement park.

Zhang Dianyu secretly sighed.

It seems that he will delay another half a day.

The amusement park arrived soon. In the empty office, Zhang Dianyu carefully controlled the warden next to Stark. He gradually gained some experience in remote operation and became more and more familiar with it.

The parking lot was empty, only a few broken cars that no one wanted were still parked crookedly, and it was unknown if there were any owners.

Zhang Dianyu looked outside through the warden's game panel, feeling a little puzzled.

The last time he came here as Seikestone, there was always a bustling noise outside, and noises and screams could be heard from a distance.

Stark's navigation is fine, right

Zhang Dianyu became suspicious, but this was obviously unlikely. After all, Stark had quite a few private satellites of his own, so he couldn't even navigate an amusement park.

The two got out of the car one after another. Zhang Dianyu controlled the warden to step down without even bumping into the door next to him, feeling his confidence greatly increased.

Stark leaned against the car door next to him, and didn't go to pick up the bill behind him.

Zhang Dianyu controlled the warden to turn his head and looked at Stark with some doubts.

"Actually, it's not as lively as it used to be." Stark shrugged. "I'm not sure you wanted to see... anything, but since it's your request—"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Don't talk about Sekestone again please, that's him, they're innocent.

He had the warden open the back seat door and bring Bill down.

Now that things are going on, I have to take Bill to ride the roller coaster—I don’t know if this little thing will be on it, but I still have a calm face.

Stark hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

It wasn't until Zhang Dianyu controlled the warden to the gate of the amusement park that he realized what Stark meant by "not as lively as before" - in fact, there is no one here now. The ticket office was empty, and the windows were covered with a thin layer of dust.

The gates of the amusement park are tightly chained, and it seems that they have not been open to the public for some time.

Stark didn't follow them to the main entrance, but went around to the next fence, rubbed his wrist eagerly, and then climbed up the fence that wasn't too difficult to climb.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He'd just thought he'd gotten good at the character, and now he's climbing a spiked fence—life is always so hard.

Stark has flipped to the opposite side. He gestured to the warden and pointed to the bill next to him.

Zhang Dianyu controlled the warden to turn to the law, stretched out his hand and strangled the boy's neck.

Stark on the opposite side opened his mouth wide.

Zhang Dianyu moved his arms hard, and finally hugged the bill by the waist.

Stark's mouth was closed, but he looked at the way Mr. Warden picked up the boy, and he still felt something was wrong—from this angle, the boy might be directly inserted into the spikes above the fence.

Stark could only wave his arms to direct: "Mr. Warden, please raise him a little higher—yes, a little higher."

Zhang Dianyu sent the bill to the opposite side with great effort.

The following is his new round of suicide links.

Stark and the silent warden looked at each other for a while through the railing, and asked suspiciously, "Mr. warden?"

Zhang Dianyu could only control the warden to climb the fence.

As he expected, this seemingly low fence was full of challenges for remote operation. When Stark finally helped the warden turn over to the amusement park without piercing himself, he was out of breath. By then, he was already so tired that his forehead hair was soaked in sweat and stuck to his forehead.

"Mr. Warden, you really should exercise." Stark said while supporting his knees.

Zhang Dianyu's eyes fell on the man's belly, feeling a little unconvinced.

But the problem is that he is now manipulating his second character, and he can't hide his sight very well.

Stark followed his gaze down and saw his own belly protruding from under his shirt.

"I am," he was silent for a moment, "Iron Man, Iron, understand?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He stood up and looked away, looking around.

According to previous memories, this is indeed the amusement park—but the current situation looks very bad, which inevitably makes his heart heavy.

Stark looked at the warden next to him, said nothing, just pulled up the bill next to him and walked slowly along the path scattered with messy leaves.

Zhang Dianyu followed behind them.

All you can see are deserted amusement facilities. Since it hasn't been too long, it doesn't look very dilapidated, but it still makes people feel bleak.

It used to be a lively amusement park.

The warden's footsteps slowly stopped, and he stood in the middle of the road, looking a little lost.

Stark's figure also stopped far away.

He guessed that Mr. Warden might first think of the little prisoner who sacrificed himself when his psychological defense was at its weakest.

Zhang Dianyu got on the small train next to him, put his elbows on his knees, and looked at the small lake not far away with only a layer of water left.

Stark walked back holding Bill's hand, carried the boy onto the train, and looked down at the pensive warden beside him.

"Maybe, I think, it's supposed to be fun at an amusement park?" he said, then shrugged. "Forget it—that's a stupid sentence, sorry."

"I'm sorry," he heard the warden say, "this is not what it should be."

Stark froze slightly.

He thought that the warden was here to miss his dead little prisoner, but he didn't expect that the warden was thinking about this issue.

"This one." Stark stepped in and sat next to the bill, "After the clown appeared in the amusement park, the number of passengers here dropped sharply, making ends meet, and the director had no choice but to resell it." He shrugged, "So I bought it at the market value standard of the peak turnover period, and I am thinking about what building should be converted into it."

The warden looked up at him.

Stark looked at each other's eyes, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, this kind of thing happens often." He rubbed Bill's head, "I should have gotten used to it by now."

Zhang Dianyu in the office stared at the game panel in the air for a while, then solemnly entered a sentence into the dialog box.


Stark was dumbfounded, as if he didn't know how to answer.

"It... seems like nothing to thank?" He shrugged, "No one should blame criminals on themselves."

Bill next to him suddenly raised his face, tilted his head slightly, and seemed to be thinking.

Stark rubbed his little head: "This matter is a bit complicated, before you start thinking about it - I said, can we sit in another place? This is a small seat for children under 8 years old." The train."

Amidst Stark's complaints, Zhang Dianyu was forced to leave the little train.

Bill was the last to come out, and Stark reached out to support him, and then seemed a little puzzled.

"Boy, your trousers seem to be a little short—and for some reason, I just don't think they were like that just now."

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the bill standing in front of the small train.

The boy still had the serious expression, but when he looked down, he could find that the trouser legs of the small brown-gray suit were obviously shortened.

And Zhang Dianyu also remembered that Bill's clothes originally fitted him well.