Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 135


At the same time, there was a knock on the door of Zhang Dianyu's office in the prison not far away.

The person who walked in was Banner.

"Miss Rita, I think you may have forgotten to arrange a room for yourself, so I remodeled a bedroom for you on my own initiative, and the decoration is arranged according to Mr. Warden's previous room." Banner put a folder on the put it on the table, "This is today's prison daily report."

Zhang Dianyu blinked before realizing it—fortunately, he hadn't had time to skillfully walk into his original bedroom to sleep.

He nodded kindly and smiled at Banner: "Thank you, Dr. Banner."

Banner paused, and said, "I'm just a prisoner, and I'm just working in prison."

Zhang Dianyu subconsciously retorted: "The prisoner is the Hulk, as long as he is within the confines of the prison, he will be locked in your body—he is serving his sentence, but you are not."

Banner seemed to give him a surprised look, then took his leave and left the room.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, and he seemed to answer a little too quickly. Rita is new here, so she shouldn't know Banner so well—but it can also be explained that she has done a lot of work on the files of the prisoners and can keep everyone's information by heart.

This is also quite in line with her rigorous work style - Zhang Dianyu thought about it, and felt that it should not be a big problem.

In the room near the corridor on the top floor of Stark's residence, the warden has already fallen asleep under his operation, and the law strictly enforces his disguised identity, sleeping next to him with his eyes closed, as if dead.

In the following time, Zhang Dianyu could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He found that the bill really didn't treat him as a human being—although double opening is less likely to be lost than one person playing two roles, but the difficulty of operation has also increased greatly. He was very worried that he would say the words entered into the warden's dialog box directly when he was splitting his mind, so he pretended to read the file all day long.

In fact, he was so busy operating the warden all day today that he didn't even have time to see if Magneto next door had cooked his eggs.

He finally had time now to see what the mutant kids were up to.

When Zhang Dianyu pulled the map to the small white house opposite the prison and zoomed in on the target, he was a little surprised—Magneto was still in the kitchen.

He took a closer look, and this time he was not frying eggs, but washing the pan.

But Magneto's anger value has increased again.

But this matter has nothing to do with Zhang Dianyu.

For the prisoners, it was time to rest, but the mutant juvenile correctional center on the opposite side did not have qualified prison guards, so none of the short cylindrical puppies in the room were lying on the bed and emitting "zzz" bubbles , but they all ran wildly on the ground.

Zhang Dianyu watched Magneto's anger gauge increase little by little, and finally turned his pixel head slowly, and the straight line of mouth on it slowly turned into two rows of triangular teeth.

The little beans on the ground seemed to be still.

A few minutes later, Zhang Dianyu saw that the little Doudings were slowly moving to the tightly packed beds, lying in a row with their eyes closed, sleeping like the bills next to the warden, as if they were dead.

That is, no sleep.

After all, Zhang Dianyu could see that there was not a single "zzz" bubble popping up on the map.

Even so, he always felt that this was not bad—at least the expected goal was achieved, no one caused trouble, no one was starved to death, and Magneto might have been too upset to revolt.

Isn't it better

Zhang Dianyu also took a special look at Peter. He seemed to be a successful undercover agent. He slept among the mutant children without any suspicion. There were even a few little Doudings who quietly handed him a note with a paper airplane after the lights were turned off.

But the ending is that they are all pulled out by Magneto and punished to stand at the door, including Peter.

Zhang Dianyu felt very sorry, but he could only decide to add a chicken leg to Peter after the undercover mission was over.

or two.

It's a pity that the task of establishing a secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center is still not completed-Although Magneto is forced to work, he is not a real employee. And although he now has several jobs, his real identity is actually a cleaner.

Zhang Dianyu thought about it, Magneto, who was a worker, shouldn't have occupational discrimination, right

After all, the only positions available to prisoners are cleaners and cooks—Zhang Dianyu thought it would be good if he could feed the little beans with bread, but he didn't expect that he could fry eggs.

It seems that as the creator of the self-reliant mutant Survival Dead, Magneto does have something.

Zhang Dianyu casually flipped through the prison daily report sent by Banner, and found that today was a peaceful day—but the Penguin hadn’t been sent back yet, and he was recuperating in a nearby hospital after being knocked unconscious by the Hulk, because This way he can pay for the medical bills himself.

But after Zhang Dianyu came back, he found that the ghost had nothing to do with Penguin, and he felt a little guilty.

Then it's better to let him stay in the hospital for a few more days, anyway, it's his own money.

The current mission progress is far from the prison upgrade and the employment of the opposite staff is still short of recovering two escaped prisoners—if Penguin is happy and plans to escape from the hospital, he can even increase his mission completion by 1/5.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the decreasing prison risk rating on the top of the game panel, and felt that it was nowhere near the rating of 2. He has just experienced the Red Skull's troubles, and the current prisoners are not very interested in escaping from prison. He may not be able to complete this task for a while.

That being the case, make a basic fund first. Zhang Dianyu flipped through the subsidy tasks, and by the way, connected another empty task column to the real estate company's order.

Just now Stark said that he would bring some new foreign aid to help with the decoration, so maybe two tasks can be completed in one day.

Zhang Dianyu thought optimistically.

But he really didn't know that Stark had a special hobby for building walls—he had just experienced a busy day of moving bricks, and he was so excited to recommend this amateur activity to others.

This is a good thing.

Satisfied, Zhang Dianyu stood up and closed the folder, and walked to the room that belonged to Miss Rita that Banner had mentioned before.

This night, as he expected, he slept quite peacefully, and nothing happened.

The next morning he was woken up by his own alarm clock.

The warden has never been set to hang up by him, otherwise, even in the middle of the night, he would suddenly get up and persistently want to go back to the prison. So he can only get up early to prepare to operate the warden's panel, lest the warden become a Sleeping Beauty who can't wake up.

The development of the situation is somewhat beyond the original plan. He really wanted to fill the gap in funding with renovation orders, and turn over the current prison affairs to this Miss Rita.

If there is any problem here, he can also deal with it in time with new skills. According to the bill, operating the second character is a two-way skill. When Rita activates the skill, the main interface can also manipulate her.

Zhang Dianyu recalled the hard work of building the wall remotely yesterday, and decided that the first thing today is to change his main interface back.

Wait until Stark insists on forcing him to treat his brain, and then find a way to exchange it-it's not difficult, after all, the bill's shocking words before gave Rita a reason to visit.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the time—it was six o'clock in the morning, it was not time for the prisoners to wake up, and Stark not far away might have just fallen asleep.

But Zhang Dianyu still appeared at the gate of the Stark Industrial Park, smiling at the security guard at the sentry box.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" The security guard poked his head out and handed over a notebook, "Please register here."

Zhang Dianyu wrote Rita's name in a flying style on it.

"I'm here to visit Mr. Stark. I just say that Warden Rita can find him if he has anything to do."

The security guard looked a little hesitant, obviously he knew his boss's routine quite well. But he went back inside and made a phone call: "Mr. Hogan... yes, it's a Rita warden who wants to see Mr. Stark... ok."

He hung up the phone, opened the door, and nodded to Zhang Dianyu outside.

Zhang Dianyu walked into the park on high heels.

It has to be said that after a one-day adaptation period, he can actually control Rita's stiletto heels and suit skirt proficiently.

But he adamantly denied the fact that the bill said he had no gender.

He was taken by security to the lobby of the most luxurious-looking building in the park, and sat on the sofa waiting for Mr. Stark.

Time passed by every minute, and the sunlight outside the window gradually brightened from gray and white, but Stark still didn't appear. It wasn't until the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock that the elevator suddenly dinged.

Zhang Dianyu looked coldly at the opened elevator door.

Stark's brown hair was curled up, and the chubby Hogan was trying to press them down: "Boss... didn't you say 'OK' just now?"

"For heaven's sake," Stark said confidently, "when did I say 'yes' from the bottom of my heart?"

Hogan had already seen Rita sitting in the hall.

"Oh my God." The fat driver hurriedly took his hand off his boss's head, "Don't say you fell asleep again."

"That's not true, Happy," Stark said, "I was just sleeping in fact."

Hogan: "…"

Stark came over and coughed pretendingly to cover up.

"Miss Rita, I hope you don't misunderstand—it's my habit to be late. It would be a disrespect to you if I arrived on time."

Hogan next to him: "?"

Miss Rita looked at him blankly.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, Stark could only shrug.

At this moment, a man came from around the corner with a boy beside him.

Stark blinked.

"Oh, don't get me wrong." Miss Rita said flatly on the sofa, "I just want to meet...'my son'."

Bill glanced at Rita, then raised his face to look at Zhang Dianyu who had switched back to the main interface beside him.

Zhang Dianyu also bowed his head and saw the eyes of disapproval of the bill.

He smiled and stroked the boy's black hair, slowly lowered his head to meet his eyes, and stared fiercely at Bill, trying to tell him to keep his mouth shut.

But Bill obviously didn't understand, but shook his head.

"Now she's not my mother."

Stark had a question mark on his face.