Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 136


"Then... am I still your father?" Stark asked tentatively.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Sure enough, Bill nodded: "Yes."

Stark couldn't help scratching his brown hair, which had been curled up in sleep.

Zhang Dianyu dragged the bill behind him and decided to end this confusing conversation. He looked at Miss Rita on the sofa, nodded to her and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of him."

In the next second, Miss Rita stood up suddenly and left the hall.

Zhang Dianyu released Rita's control, and the on-hook mode went online—as the acting warden, Rita would of course walk back to the prison without hesitation, just like the on-hook warden.

Stark looked more question marks.

In order to prevent the richest man in New York from scratching himself into a bald head, Zhang Dianyu turned to him and said, "Since Mr. Stark is awake, let's go see the construction site?"

Stark's hand froze, and a strand of brown hair finally fell out, swirling and slowly drifting to the ground.

"Actually," he said decisively, "we still have to wait for a friend who may still be on the plane—we'll just be able to have breakfast at this time."

Zhang Dianyu agreed, and he was just changing the subject.

After breakfast, a SHIELD Quin-jet fighter plane parked on the tarmac in the center of the park. Zhang Dianyu, who was holding a coffee cup on the roof terrace with Stark, watched a man with a serious expression but The figure in the Stars and Stripes tights slowly placed the mug on the table in front of him, so as not to spill the coffee inside.

"This..." He looked at Stark with some hesitation.

Stark also looked a little surprised.

"I didn't expect the captain to come here in a battle suit..."

He simply fooled the captain and said that today there is a task that is crucial to the development of the prison, and he hopes that he can come and help out—thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not the captain's problem.

Stark took a sip of his coffee as a cover.

After the captain got off the plane, he quickly saw two people looking at us from the balcony in the distance, and nodded solemnly in this direction.

Zhang Dianyu and Stark: "..."

Out of the psychology of wanting to get rid of the relationship, until Stark's car stopped in front of a house on the edge of the town that was some distance from other buildings, the captain didn't figure out what they were doing.

In fact, it is not far from the prison, so there is not enough time for Captain America to start his doubts.

The man in the Stars and Stripes tunic glanced out the window after parking the car.

It was a very dilapidated house, and Stark's description of being "flooded" was quite expressive - it did look so dilapidated that it looked like it had been soaked in a flood for a while, and the walls were a little wrinkled. The cracks were filled with mud.

"Is the target in that house?" the captain said, tightening the shield on his arm.

Stark and Zhang Dianyu glanced at each other, both silent.

The captain opened the car door: "Tony, it's still the same. I'll break in from the main entrance, and you observe the situation around you. Mr. Warden, please wait in the car first, non-combatants are not allowed to enter—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the warden coming from the trunk, with a mop on his shoulder and a paint bucket in his hand.

team leader:"?"

"Actually, Steve..." Stark swallowed hard, "the target wasn't in the house, the target was the house."

Ten minutes later, the captain happily rolled up his sleeves and stood at the table in the dining room painting the blue walls of the living room.

Stark and Zhang Dianyu looked at each other.

"Oh, I like this job." The captain took two steps back, looked at the entire sky blue wall, and said with emotion, "I like this color too."

When Zhang Dianyu hammered the wall between the two rooms according to the client's requirements, moved it two meters to the north side and rebuilt it, when he returned to the living room, he found that the captain was already pasting the tiles, and discussed with Stark to go back In the Avengers Building, we should also develop the thing of painting walls together in spare time to enhance team cohesion.

Stark rolled his eyes: "If you dare to paint the conference hall in sky blue, we will be finished, Steve."

Zhang Dianyu was a little suffocated when he heard it.

"Mr. Warden," the captain said in a rather cheerful tone when he saw Zhang Dianyu walking in, "It seems that you spent a lot of time smashing the wall."

Indeed, Zhang Dianyu's arms were still a little sore.

Peter has an undercover mission now, so he can't come out to help him swing the sledgehammer. This matter is not very simple for him.

"'Non-combatants', huh?" Zhang Dianyu repeated the captain's words, shrugged, sat down and beat his sore arm, and replied casually, "Indeed, smashing walls is not my specialty, but building walls is. "

The captain thought for a while: "It's nothing, I know someone must be good at this."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Wait—isn't that what he thought it was

Stark next to him was also dumbfounded.

He thought it was just to hang out with the warden, and by the way, with the principle of dragging someone into the water when he was upset, he also tricked the captain over—and suddenly this was going to become a team-building activity for the Avengers

But the captain is obviously not someone who breaks his promise.

The next day, Stark parked the car in front of a small weedy yard. In front of him was a two-story house. On the broken tiles on the roof sat a burly man with long blond hair hanging down to his shoulders.

Stark: "..."

Zhang Dianyu on the co-pilot: "..."

Although he does not refuse foreign aid, he still feels a bit overqualified.

Seeing their car, Thor jumped off the roof, landed heavily on the ground, turned his face and looked at the open car window: "My friend, it seems that this place is right, is this the house that is going to be smashed?" ?”

After speaking, he suddenly raised Thor's Hammer, the sky changed suddenly, and lightning gathered among the gray clouds and crackled.

Zhang Dianyu was dumbfounded.

With the hammer down, all he has left is to build the wall, right

The captain opened the car door and shouted into the yard, "Sol, it's not the whole house that's going to be smashed."

Hearing the words, Thunder God withdrew the hammer abruptly, and the sky suddenly opened up to see the sun, returning to azure blue, and a few white clouds floated feebly on it.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

After introducing which walls need to be knocked down, the blond god nodded happily: "It turns out that it is a gathering for you people in the atrium—we are different, we will hold a banquet in Odin's palace, drink a lot A barrel of mead."

Both Stark and Zhang Dianyu hesitated to speak.

Facts have proved that Thor is not as stupid as he looks. He can smash the entire wall with a hammer, and even extend his power to the edge of the junction without destroying the adjacent wall.

I have to say that the captain's "good at" is indeed not fake.

Compared with Thor, who hammered a wall, the speed of the others was as slow as a tortoise.

"It's really interesting, but it's not enough to pass the time." Raytheon said regretfully looking at Zhang Dianyu who was building the wall.

"..." If it weren't for the ability to automatically correct the position of the bricks, Zhang Dianyu's wall might be crooked.

With the help of the three Avengers, Zhang Dianyu successfully completed two orders that day, and both received the subsidy before leaving get off work at dusk.

After thinking about it, he decided to invite the three of them to have a barbecue nearby.

The Avengers obviously didn't have that much free time. After two days of leisure time, the captain also said that he had received the mission and planned to go back to the Trident headquarters that night.

And it is obviously impossible for Thor to stay here and play this "not enough to kill time" little game.

Zhang Dianyu didn't keep him either—to be honest, this series of events surprised him a bit. The prison's funding loopholes have been filled by orders from these two days, and this month's government subsidies are about to arrive.

He didn't intend to expect the Avengers to help him move bricks here every day—even if it was Stark, he only had a temporary idea, more because he didn't want to identify his own mental problems.

— and the funding of prisons really can't be dragged on for long.

After dinner, the two Avengers bid farewell, and Stark prepared to drive him back to the industrial park near the prison.

No one in the car spoke, Zhang Dianyu thought about thanking him, and hoped to get rid of his mental illness and return to the prison to do some serious work. And Stark didn't say a word, looking as if he had something on his mind.

"Mr. Warden..."

"Mr. Stark—"

However, when he finally spoke, the other party also spoke suddenly, which caught him off guard.

Zhang Dianyu wanted to hear what Stark had to say first, so he closed his mouth.

"Mr. Warden, I have some questions about that child..." Stark said suddenly.

Zhang Dianyu finally understood—could it be that the bill's paternity test report came out? Although Stark followed him out to move bricks these days, the paternity test with the bill did not need to be delayed for too long. He handed over the DNA samples of the two to the driver Happy Hogan and sent them to the house. Accreditation agency recommended by Strange.

Zhang Dianyu hesitated and asked: "Is he really...?"

Stark took a deep breath: "If there is no accident, he is an accident to me-although we don't look very much alike..." He rubbed his hair and sighed deeply, "This is just an accident It’s meaningless to complain, forget about it. Mr. Warden, I am also very grateful for your care of him during this time, and I can handle the matter about this child in the future.”

"I think things may not be that simple..." Zhang Dianyu said.

It is impossible for Bill to follow Stark back to elementary school.

"No, I've missed him for twelve years—although I still haven't figured out how it happened." Stark stared ahead, as if concentrating on the road, "That Miss Rita , can I hear a story about her?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

In the end, the pot turned back to his head.

What can he say, let Stark ask the bill himself

"I know you must have known that Miss Rita." Stark's voice came from the side. "Maybe I look like a drunk who forgets what I have done, Mr. Warden-but if I promise I am not, would you believe it?"

Zhang Dianyu looked out the window, racking his brains expressionlessly.

"I don't remember her, not at all." Stark's face was reflected in the car window.