Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 137


Zhang Dianyu deliberately did not look at Stark.

But still I could see his confused expression reflected in the window glass. The sky had already darkened, and the orange street lamps were sparsely scattered on both sides of the road, reflecting the car windows flickering on and off.

Silence spread between the two, and Zhang Dianyu couldn't help coughing.

Stark has been helping him a lot lately, and he seems to be causing Stark a lot of trouble—although most of it is because of social responsibility or the mental retardation act.

But in the end it was inseparable from him.

"At least," said Stark, "I'm supposed to know his name anyway?"

It's been three days since he "heard" that he had a son, and he didn't even know the baby's name—life always seems to be more outrageous than you think.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He found that Stark seemed to have misunderstood something.

From the other party's point of view, he seemed a little reluctant to reveal the name of the bill—but in fact what Zhang Dianyu said was that he didn't know either.

But this sentence does sound like a perfunctory angry remark.

It's even simpler when the Act says it's impossible to tell Stark his name - he has to have one in the first place.

"I'd like to tell you his name, but I think it might be better for that...boy to tell you in person." Zhang Dianyu was serious.

Stark was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Zhang Dianyu heaved a sigh of relief.

"So, Mr. Warden—can you tell me how you adopted him?" Stark asked his artificial intelligence butler to search for information about the boy through "various channels", but it was completely blank , otherwise he wouldn't even know a name.

And he also tried to find relevant information about the boy through the warden's adoption procedures-it turned out that their so-called father-son relationship may only be a verbal adoption relationship, which has not been officially recorded.

The most critical issue is that Miss Rita's information also shows that she does not have a son.

And this Miss Rita's profile looks very much like a false identity—and her birthplace and current residence are in Untitled Town. If her life trajectory is really as stated in the information, then Stark can be sure that he will never have the opportunity to spend a night with this "mother of his son" in his life.

Looking at Stark's gaze, Zhang Dianyu felt that his facial expression was a little stiff.

He thought for a moment, and decided to tentatively guide Stark to find the truth.

"Actually, I can't tell. It's just that one day, I found out in the office... I'm mentally ill."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

All he wanted now was to rub Bill's head against the ground.

Stark was silent for a moment: "I understand."

Zhang Dianyu: "?" What a ghost!

However, the searchlights around the Stark Industrial Park could be seen far ahead, and Stark did not continue to ask questions.

Bill obediently waited for them to come back in Zhang Dianyu's room, making the servants and nannies specially prepared by Stark a bit boring—this little friend who was ordered by Mr. Stark to take good care of him sat in the room for a while. All day long, it looks like something is wrong.

The moment Zhang Dianyu opened the door, he saw two small blue lights looking at him in the dark room.

"You're done." The boy's voice came from the darkness without any fluctuation.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He silently turned on the light next to him.

Although he understood the bill meant that his job was done and that the prison's negative equity situation was over - it still looked a little creepy.

The soft light illuminated the room, and when Zhang Dianyu was about to close the door, he found Stark standing behind him, so he could only be silent for a moment and invite him in.

Bill stared at Stark who walked in, his expression unchanged.

Stark cleared his throat and glanced at Zhang Dianyu next to him, as if asking for help.

Zhang Dianyu could only cough too, and then pretended not to understand Stark's eyes.

Bill picked up the phone: "You look like you need to call a doctor."

Stark: "..."

He walked over to take the handset that Bill had raised and put it back, then squatted down and looked into Bill's eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Bill say, "Don't worry, I can see your height clearly."

Stark took a deep breath and decided to cut the long story short.

"You are indeed my son."

Bill blinked and nodded solemnly: "I know."

Stark was silent for a moment, he always felt that he was not very good at dealing with children - and now he finally confirmed, that's right.

"In this case, I think we should get to know each other." Stark suddenly stretched out his hand, "I'm Tony, how about you?"

Bill stared into the man's focused eyes, tilted his head slightly, and seemed to be thinking. Zhang Dianyu looked at the scene in front of him expectantly, hoping to see the scene where Bill said "I am mentally ill".

"I'm Bill," the boy replied, offering Stark a solemn handshake.

Zhang Dianyu: "..." He wants to have a good talk with the bill about this double standard issue.

Stark smiled slightly: "Okay, Bill?"

The man turned his head and blinked one eye at Zhang Dianyu confidently, Zhang Dianyu could only return a stiff smile.

Although it is a good thing that Stark can get closer to the truth, it still can't reduce his desire to rub Bill's head on the ground.

"So, Rita is your mother?" Stark asked pretending to be casual. "Have you been with her, Bill?"

He remembered the bewildering scene yesterday morning, when the boy suddenly said that Miss Rita was not his mother.

Bill quickly shook his head: "No."

This answer was both unexpected and somewhat within Stark's guess.

"So, who grew up with you?" Stark asked tentatively.

"It's you." Bill answered seriously.

Stark froze slightly.

Zhang Dianyu decided to interrupt this confusing conversation, lest Mr. Iron Man start to get into a brainstorm.

"Mr. Stark, it's getting late, why don't I take 'Bill' back to the prison first."

Once the funding problem is resolved, he will go back and find a way to expand the scope of the prison, and prepare to receive the next batch of super-capable criminals mentioned in the bill.

This problem is estimated to give him a headache for a while.

After all, when they suddenly lose the superpowers they rely on, whether it is Chaoying who refused to sign the bill or the super criminals who were suppressed by using the topic, they will inevitably panic and cause some troubles.

Although I have survived through decoration orders in the past few days, and the monthly appropriation is about to arrive, but after careful calculation, it will be found that funds are still very tight.

Unexpectedly, Stark was not confused at all. After hearing Zhang Dianyu's words, his attention suddenly shifted from the bill to him, and he turned around and quickly closed the door.

Zhang Dianyu: "..." Stark's memory is pretty good—it's also because of his attempt today that he accidentally mentioned mental illness again.

Stark smiled: "That's right, Mr. Warden, I contacted Banner, he thinks that Miss Rita has handled the prison affairs very well these days, you don't have to worry at all, you can enjoy your rare vacation to the fullest .”

Zhang Dianyu was silent.

Not even the prison business that he does remotely every night. In the unmanned state, Rita will only act according to the rules like the warden who hangs up the phone, and just circle around in place.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of Banner—even Lecter and others, Zhang Dianyu didn't let Rita run around in the office. He even remotely observed Rita's interface while laying the walls. Once someone entered the office, he would simultaneously control Rita to communicate.

The good thing is that no one has doubted Rita so far - he means, although he can see from the bubble that many people don't seem to be very convinced that Rita is the acting warden, at least no one has seen her in the office Turning in circles, there will be no doubts in this regard.

In addition, he discovered that Rita's attributes can have a better repressive effect on prisoners. Although when Zhang Dianyu appeared among the prisoners, the original "prisoners" in the prison would suddenly be silent and tremble at his arrival, but he found that this did not seem to work for the real human prisoners in Area B.

Until there was Rita.

Rita has a "judicial fear" aura, which seems to be something like a passive skill. As long as she is near her, the prisoners will automatically die.

In order to test the effect of this passive skill aura, Zhang Dianyu would lie on the bed every night after moving bricks for a day, and control Rita to go to the prison cell and the confinement room to inspect it.

Immediately, the prison danger rating on the top of the game panel will drop by two exclamation points, but at the same time, he found that the question marks in the bubbles above the prisoners' heads also increased.

Zhang Dianyu decided to ignore these question marks.

The good thing is that the Red Skull and the escaped Hydra were sent back in the past two days, and they were taken directly to the confinement room—under Rita's aura of judicial fear, they seemed to have no signs of restlessness for the time being.

Moreover, this also means that the task of the juvenile correctional center next door is about to be completed, and Zhang Dianyu can immediately recruit employees.

"Also, I would like to ask you to do me a favor." Stark suddenly said to Zhang Dianyu, "If possible, I hope Mr. Warden can ask Miss Rita for a DNA sample on my behalf. Anyway, I need Find out if she is Bill's mother."

Before Zhang Dianyu answered, Bill shook his head: "I don't have her genes."

Stark froze for a moment, but quickly accepted the setting. After all, he is the son of Tony Stark. Even if he doesn't look very smart, he can't really be mentally retarded—at most, he seems to be mentally abnormal.

"You know about genes?"

Bill nodded of course.

Stark smiled, trying to guide the boy to tell the truth: "So, Bill, who do you think the other half of your genes come from?"

Bill looked at Zhang Dianyu.

Zhang Dianyu, who was watching the excitement, froze.

He stared at Bill blankly, hoping not to hear the answer he imagined—he obviously didn't look like Bill, and almost everyone immediately acquiesced that Bill was his adopted son.

Next, Bill turned his head back and looked at Stark seriously: "It's Mr. Warden."

The smile on Stark's face also froze.