Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 138


Stark opened his mouth, raised his hand and stopped in mid-air, slowly dropped down and touched Bill's head, and said earnestly: "That's impossible."

Bill looked directly into the man's eyes, showing disapproval.

Stark smiled helplessly, stood up and looked at the warden, but was surprised by the dark expression of the black-haired young man. He pulled the boy up as well, otherwise he would stay in Mr. Warden's room. He always felt that the boy would be beaten tonight.

"Mr. Warden, can I take Bill away tonight?" Stark didn't want to do this at first, because the communication just now made him feel that he didn't look forward to the "father-son time" between the two, and it even caused some headaches.

He may need Pepper to help him find some information on getting along with boys this age.

It was also at this time that he discovered that the boy might really be his son—this ability to make people angry within three sentences is the ancestral skill of the Stark family.

Only then did Zhang Dianyu realize that his desire to throw the bill back and forth was on the surface.

He restrained his expression and replied indifferently: "Take it away."

Stark: "..."

He wisely didn't stay to chat anymore, and walked out of the room with the bill.

The more Zhang Dianyu thought about it, the more angry he became.

He even heard Stark's voice coming in from outside.

"Bill, I can understand your mood—but don't say such strange things to... such as your classmates." Stark imagined for a moment, and the expression on his face was a little distorted.

If a boy tells people that he has two dads—it might get some weird looks; but if he insists that he was born with two dads—then he might get ridiculed by the class.

Boys this age should have understood how babies are born. But although Bill doesn't seem to be good at communicating, he knows a little more than ordinary children, so he can only think that it is his lack of psychological security that makes him insist that he has inherited the genes of two men.

"I have no classmates," Bill replied.

Stark was silent for a moment: "You will have it in the future."

Bill shook his head: "No, I won't."

Stark: "..."

Sure enough, it was not that easy to communicate with this boy.

"So, you hope that you are the son of Mr. Warden, which does not conflict with your biological parents." Stark said patiently.

Bill's footsteps stopped, and he looked up at him: "I don't want to."

Stark looked at the boy with some doubts.

"Then, who do you wish you were to Mr. Warden?"

Bill replied without thinking: "I wish I was his dad."

Stark's teaspoon of patience finally ran out.

He remembered that when he met this boy for the first time, the other party's grandpa and father's theory made him realize that something was wrong with the boy's mind, and now he is more sure.

Stark shrugged. "It's up to you, the warden's dad—it sounds funny, but tomorrow we'll find out if it's true."

Bill frowned and thought for a moment, his tone full of disapproval: "Are you talking about a psychiatrist? It's impossible for them to know the relationship between me and the warden."

Stark found himself utterly bewildered—no idea if the boy was smart or just a little bit dumb.

He closed his mouth and smiled: "Then let's go to sleep."

Bill nodded.

Two figures, one big and one small, gradually disappeared at the end of the corridor.

However, Zhang Dianyu, who heard half of the conversation in the room, was so angry that he couldn't sleep.

He wanted to forcefully keep the bill and let him explain what happened to half of his genes-but Stark sensed his mood and took the bill away so that he was so angry that he didn't start.

Bill ostensibly claimed to be his father, but actually stole half of his genes to create the "carrier" of the boy's form? How the hell can he make it clear? Don't Bill think this father-son relationship is a bit confusing? Who is who's father

Worst of all, the other half of the gene of the carrier of Bill came from Stark of this universe? Shouldn't he get the Stark gene from the universe he was born in

I hope that Stark will not believe the nonsense of Bill, and go to do a paternity test for Zhang Dianyu and Bill on a whim.

Otherwise, the scene must be very beautiful.

As for his DNA sample, he believed that it had already been stored in Stark's database when he was brought over in a "coma" last time, and he had long given up any hope for his privacy.

Zhang Dianyu lay on his back on the bed, thought for a while, and decided to put on Rita's vest to inspect the prison, and find some punching bags for himself to release his grievances.

Although the sky had already darkened at this time, for the prison, it was the meal time for the prisoners.

Since Zhang Dianyu left the prison, Lecter didn't know whether he had no interest or was affected by Rita's legal fear halo, and he never showed up in the office with Warren's guards.

However, his original agreement was to let Zhang Dianyu eat the meals he cooked, but now the acting warden is Miss Rita.

Zhang Dianyu concentrated on operating Rita's interface, and let her step out of the office. Banner in the assistant room saw her and nodded slightly: "Warden Rita, are you going to inspect the prison so early today? The prisoners are still eating, so there shouldn't be many people in the cell."

After these two days, Banner was familiar with the habits of "Miss Rita".

Zhang Dianyu manipulated Rita to stare at Banner for a while.

Banner was also used to Miss Rita's aggressive gaze. The cold and stern style of the acting warden had spread throughout the prison in just three days, and everyone he passed was trembling. Banner knew that she was not targeting him, and he seemed very calm.

Zhang Dianyu felt a little strange after operating the interface.

Every time he passed by Banner in the past few days, he found that the other party was not affected by the halo of judicial fear, and even deliberately stayed in front of him for a while—as a result, Banner became more and more used to it, and even took this opportunity to chat. .

Zhang Dianyu could only temporarily write down this exception, and continued to walk outside the office.

Since it was the time for the prisoners to eat, it was more suitable for him to find fault - places like restaurants are always places where conflicts among prisoners frequently occur. Some surreptitious transactions and conversations that need to be avoided are often carried out in restaurants.

As long as Zhang Dianyu observes through the map for a while, he can fill half of the confinement room.

It's just that in the past, this kind of behavior seemed unnecessary, and it was easy to cause small-scale riots, which in turn triggered the shooting of guards with guns who opened fire freely.

It has to be said that since Zhang Dianyu learned that some of the prisoners here are real humans, even if they like to risk their lives to hide contraband, he still turned off free fire.

Guards who turn off free-fire don't lose the ability to fire their guns—they'll fire three warning shots before firing, giving the rowdy prisoner a final chance to reflect.

After all, this is a prison, and those who come in are not good. Once they are given too much time, they may turn against customers and cause riots.

It is precisely because of this that it is impossible for the morgue in the prison to remain empty for a long time. After the escaped Hydras were sent back to the prison, Zhang Dianyu had completed the conditions for recovering the escaped prisoners, and had already rescheduled the prison's activity time, increasing the prison time of the prisoners to meet the requirements of increasing the score.

But the prison rating has never reached level two.

This is also the reason why Zhang Dianyu has been controlling Rita's inspections for the past few days—he even used Rita's aura of judicial fear to bring several prisoners to the interrogation room for a conversation, asking them why they didn't participate in prison labor and accumulated points to apply for parole.

As a result, there was one more member in the psychiatric ward that night. This shocked Zhang Dianyu and gave up the opportunity to force the prisoners to reform.

Serving sentences here must have been executed, but it is the prisoner's personal choice whether to reform himself or not.

Considering that mental illness will occupy a single padded cell, Zhang Dianyu stopped the one-on-one communication with the prisoner with heartache.

But he still decided to find a few punching bags today—although he still preserved his sanity and didn't plan to bring the prisoner to talk, he could use other methods.

For example, go around the restaurant with your hands behind your back, find out the prisoners who have hidden contraband from the map, and ask the guards to lock them all into the confinement room.

The originally noisy cafeteria fell silent the moment Rita arrived, only the metal sound of the spoon hitting the dinner plate remained. The inmates hang their heads down and deal with their food, not wanting to be taken away and tortured by the new acting warden.

Rita's high-heeled shoes trampled slowly on the concrete floor tiles of the kitchen, and each step made a sound like stepping on the hearts of the prisoners.

Even the few human guards on duty in the restaurant became nervous.

After all, it was rumored that the acting warden had a whip hidden on his body, and would whip prisoners who disobeyed discipline.

Zhang Dianyu made Rita stop, and scanned the bald heads in the cafeteria. Each prisoner was eating in silence, trying not to make too much noise from his utensils so as not to attract the attention of the acting warden.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the game panel, and selected some prisoners from among the prisoners.

"Search them for contraband."

Several guards took the order and walked towards the pointed out prisoner. Obviously, none of these people was innocent, and some hidden items such as knives and ropes were found, and one even secretly hid an electric drill stolen from a workshop in his clothes.

This is a bit outrageous, Zhang Dianyu chose to confine him for a week.

While operating the game panel, Zhang Dianyu saw the "whip" that could be used in his skills again: the effect of "Judicial Fear Halo" increased by 100%.

He couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Zhang Dianyu's eyes lingered for a moment among several prisoners who were handcuffed behind their backs because of possession of contraband, and finally fell on the bald man who seemed the most unconvinced.

The big man with a winding scar on his head sneered: "Is there a ghost? Otherwise, you would never find out."

Zhang Dianyu looked at him, shook his head regretfully, and said with a smile: "No, it's just that your way of hiding things is too bad."

The prisoner's face turned red, as if he was struggling to refute.

However, the acting warden suddenly had a whip in his hand, and looked at him with a half-smile, as if to prove his words, but also as a threat.

Miss Rita obviously couldn't hide anything under her close-fitting suit skirt.

But that's not the point. The point is that there seems to be a suspicious dark red color on the whip, which coincides with the rumors that are widely circulated in the prison.

The prisoner swallowed back the words in fear.

After Zhang Dianyu picked the most unconvinced prisoner, he took out Rita's prop "whip" in front of him, and found that the other prisoner shut his mouth instantly, looking at himself and the whip in horror.

The effect is quite satisfactory.

But Zhang Dianyu didn't put away the whip, he casually took the whip in his hand, and decided to walk around the restaurant to see the effect.

He walked slowly in the aisle between the dining tables. The prisoners on both sides were silent. They even stopped pretending to eat and hid their hands under the dining table shyly. Hidden contraband.

Perhaps their actions are extremely stealthy, but for Zhang Dianyu who owns the game panel, the moment they took the knife and fork out of their sleeves, they were conspicuously exposed on the map.

Zhang Dianyu selected a few more prisoners from among them.

"Search them."