Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 139


Zhang Dianyu watched with satisfaction as the guards found a lot of hidden contraband from the prisoners.

The prisoners were dejected and led to the wall. They stood in a row facing the wall, and their hands were handcuffed behind their backs one by one. The rest of the prisoners were thankful that they were not discovered by the guards, and they all sat on the bench obediently and did not dare to act rashly.

Zhang Dianyu happened to walk to the trash can and glanced inside, his face suddenly darkened a lot.

But his mood doesn't reflect on Rita's face.

The acting warden looked around the dining room, and suddenly asked: "Are there so many people who think the food is not to their liking?"

No one dared to answer.

"I understand." Zhang Dianyu said with a smile, "but in order to avoid unnecessary waste, start from this evening—if the leftovers in this trash can are full, then everyone will only have cabbage to eat the next day."

There is still silence among the prisoners, and only a few people realize what kind of future this means.

In order to avoid sitting on the next day, the "right to dump leftovers" in the prison may become a symbol of strength from now on.

The guards were already taking the prisoners away one after another and sent them to solitary confinement. Zhang Dianyu looked around among the remaining trembling prisoners, and suddenly selected a few more, then turned to the guards and said, "Search. "

The prisoners raised their heads in astonishment, racking their brains to recall where they had exposed their flaws.

Their eyes eventually fell on Rita's whip.

To be honest, no one found out how she took out the whip—it seemed that it appeared in her hand suddenly, and the mottled dark red color could not help but evoke terrifying associations.

Most of the prisoners originally thought that the acting warden would pick a few unlucky ghosts to lynch tonight, but now they realized that she wanted to prove that all their little tricks could not be hidden in front of her

A few selected prisoners put their hands behind their heads in desperation, allowing the guards to scour them for their stash of contraband.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the private collections that the guards put into different bags and labeled them, and he had expected this result a long time ago—according to the previous thorough searches, almost everyone in the prison has a mobile phone. Can there be no contraband?

If it weren't for the number of people, the confinement room could have been filled, and no one would have to go back to the cell today.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the few lucky ones left, glanced at the remaining food in the pan, and said casually, "It seems that these are going to be thrown away."

The faces of the few prisoners who were still secretly grateful for their escape turned green in an instant.

Just halfway through the meal, it was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the acting warden—that is to say, there is still a lot of food left in the catering bucket that has not had time to be taken away, and I am afraid they will all eat it. infirmary.

Zhang Dianyu also thought of this. He stared at the remaining prisoners and hinted vigorously, hoping that they would not force the food so that they would be carried into the infirmary to occupy the quota for treatment needles.

"But don't push too hard, no one wants to get hurt, right?"

The rest of the prisoners glanced shiveringly at the whip in Rita's hand.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the prisoner, and felt that Rita's fear aura was really useful—hoping that when this character had to be abandoned, this aura would also be inherited.

But he imagined standing next to the toilet with a whip and killing all directions-he thought it was okay.

If so, his mental illness could never be explained.

Zhang Dianyu returned to the office, and when he passed by Banner, he had lost interest in staring at him to see the effect of the halo, but Banner suddenly spoke to him.

"Miss Rita... I know I'm just the warden's personal assistant, and I shouldn't dictate the prison management issues," Banner couldn't help but said, "but as an old friend of the warden, you should know that he Not as fond of abusing prisoners as rumored."

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but glanced at Banner.

In fact, he really didn't dare to say this - after all, when he thought that the clown and the ogre were data people, he had forced the two to go on a hunger strike.

The clown was once cemented in the morgue. However, although this will cause psychological trauma to ordinary people, it may not be able to move the clown's nerves, so forget it.

Regardless, he felt like Banner had a thick filter on him.

Banner also seemed to feel Rita's disapproving gaze. He paused slightly, apologized to Rita and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Rita, I didn't mean to compare you."

Zhang Dianyu glanced at Banner, but he was actually quite moved—after all, Banner was trying to maintain his prison. Although Rita is himself, it is obviously impossible for Banner to know this.

"I understand what you mean, doctor." Zhang Dianyu said to Banner, "As I said, Mr. Warden won't be away for long—you don't have to worry about that."

He really couldn't bear to be away for too long.

Moving bricks for half a day and working overtime at night to deal with prison affairs - if things go on like this, he will become the second Mr. Fergus.

Speaking of Fergus, one has to mention his corpse. Since Zhang Dianyu is not in prison at this time, Banner thinks that Fergus should be left in the morgue, waiting for Mr. Warden to come back to see him for the last time.

This is something that "Rita" cannot intervene, otherwise Zhang Dianyu would have sent Mr. Fergus to the hearse long ago.

But since Banner insisted, he didn't object. Anyway, he also attended Seikestone's funeral, and he also kissed Fergus on the forehead, and he has become more proficient at saying goodbye to himself.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at Banner: "Perhaps the prisoners have forgotten that there was a time when they ate spinach in prison, and it's time for them to remember."

Banner was slightly taken aback.

He had heard about this incident, but he didn't know the whole story, because he was not in prison at that time. He heard about it from the prisoners during the meal, and it has become a distant nightmare among the prisoners. From time to time, the old prisoners will reminisce about the bitterness and sweetness of smoked sausages, and tell about the things that only spinach can eat back then. day.

But he didn't expect that Rita thought so.

Banner opened his mouth, he was about to apologize for his unreasonable guess about Miss Rita, Zhang Dianyu immediately interrupted him.

"Needless to say, I understand, thank you, Doctor."

Banner froze, he saw Miss Rita smiled at him, then turned around and returned to his office without any hesitation, giving him almost no time to react.

He slowly withdrew his gaze, with a complicated expression on his face.

Zhang Dianyu, who finally returned to the office, heaved a sigh of relief. Even though he is a "prisoner" and claims that he is only doing hard labor, Banner can't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the prison.

He figured it was time to wait for him to come back and talk to Banner.

Banner can't stay in prison forever, and running away isn't the answer. He'd figured out early on that Stark was trying to recruit Banner to join the Avengers, and that's where Banner—or the Hulk—really belonged.

If the presence of prisons would deprive the world of an invincible Hulk, the Act must have gotten something wrong.

Zhang Dianyu closed the green staff door, returned to his sofa chair, opened the map, and prepared to appreciate his achievements.

In the dark confinement area, every small confinement room was filled with prisoners. All kinds of needs and status bubbles were blowing over their heads, but they were all ignored by Zhang Dianyu.

So far no one seems to be planning to cause trouble. Zhang Dianyu set up two more guards with guns nearby, and the prisoners who were brought into the confinement room would pass by the place they were patrolling, so it was easy to understand that the result of the disturbance here was to die on the spot.

In addition, Zhang Dianyu discovered a problem.

He originally clicked on the prisoner search to calculate the total number of confinement rooms indicated in the upper right corner of the prison, but he ignored the confinement rooms under several cemeteries that had been built before.

So after the confinement area was filled, several prisoners were taken to the cemetery.

One timid prisoner was so frightened that an orange mental status bar appeared on his head—meaning he had become psychotic.

Zhang Dianyu's heart ached.

Had I known he would never have sent them here.

Zhang Dianyu stood up, intending to go to the confinement room in the cemetery to have a look. He intends to test whether Rita's aura of fear is effective for these prisoners, forcing them to enter the cemetery brig without scaring them into schizophrenia.

After all, when we were in the dining room just now, although all the prisoners were affected by Rita's aura and didn't even dare to take a breath, no one was insane because of it.

Zhang Dianyu felt that he had figured out the correct use of this halo of fear.

By this time the sky had completely darkened.

The cemetery was built on the opposite side of the main prison, that is, the sparse woods, and the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center surrounded behind.

Although it's not time to go to bed yet, the juvenile delinquents with superpowers held in the correctional center are not allowed to go out, in order to ensure that their identities are not leaked. As the only non-regular employee, Magneto can come out to take out the trash at this time.

In fact, Zhang Dianyu found that he came out to take out garbage more and more frequently.

Magneto, who came out of the small white house with two big black garbage bags, was in an extremely bad mood, but after sitting in the garbage dump for a while, he would gradually reduce a few plus signs of the irritability attribute, and then walked back with a gloomy expression. correctional center.

In the beginning, Zhang Dianyu even recorded a remark in his file that he "has a special habit of rubbish dumps". But gradually, he finally understood the reason—maybe Magneto was experiencing the happy daily life of his old friend Professor X, so that he had to come out to catch his breath.

And this time also coincides with the time when Magneto is walking towards the gate irritably carrying the garbage dump.

The new acting warden stood in the dark woods, his long black hair completely melted into the night, only the whip in his hand was illuminated by the pale moonlight, reflecting a suspicious dark red.

A prisoner was pinned to the ground by someone who looked like a guard, and there was a faint cry of begging for mercy.

"Shut him up."

He heard a cold female voice coming from the woods.

In the next second, the figure struggled and was thrown into the grave by the guards. It seemed that someone beside him was filling the grave with a shovel.

The cries grew fainter.

After a while, the guard seemed to have finished his work, and mechanically saluted the acting warden under the moonlight: "Miss Rita, there is one prisoner left."

The acting warden sounded impatient in his emotionless voice.

"Don't bury it yet, let me try this whip again."