Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 140


Magneto sat silently on the edge of the trash bag, no one seemed to notice him. But the sniper above his head seems to have turned on the self-aiming hanger. As long as he takes a step out of the prescribed range, he will immediately feel the reflection of the scope.

So he didn't move, but sat quietly where he was.

The conversation from a distance made him suddenly understand why the warden seemed to be very relieved of these mutant children and only hired him as an "employee" to take care of them.

There is definitely something wrong with this cemetery, and some tricky problems can be taken care of without anyone noticing.

Magneto sneered in his heart.

To be honest, he originally just wanted to investigate the prison environment so that he could escape from the prison in the future—only when he figured out why the warden took these mutants into custody, could he understand where to start.

He seemed to be starting to get closer to the truth.

Standing in the woods, Zhang Dianyu looked impatiently at the last prisoner who was trembling. He appears to be malnourished, and all he has in his stash is a metal spoon—appearing to be digging a tunnel.

Since the crocodiles in the sewers can't stop him from having such thoughts, it seems that he really wants to escape from prison.

Zhang Dianyu clicked on his profile and took a look.

Kerclough Peters, 31, car thief, served two years. There are two parents in the family, and there is a 28-year-old wife and a 3-year-old son.

Judging from the files, he didn't need to escape at all.

Zhang Dianyu looked at Peters. For a grown man, he looked too thin, with a few bruises and open wounds on his face.

This makes things much easier to explain.

Apparently, he's been bullied so much in prison that he's trying to take a risk, and not even a baby crocodile in the sewer can stop him from having such an idea.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, stroked the handle of the whip, and asked softly, "Kerclough Peters, is that so?"

The prisoner was so frightened that he almost fainted when he heard his name.

The guard stabbed him before he came back to his senses, and replied tremblingly: "Yes... yes, Miss Warden."

Zhang Dianyu nodded and said, "You can stay here forever."

This Peters was a timid-looking man who would tremble whenever anyone made a noise around him—a disappointing failure to prove that Rita's whip had any effect at all.

But seeing that half a year had passed since his two-year sentence, Zhang Dianyu decided to break the rules and put him in permanent confinement. In fact, the confinement room under the cemetery has exceeded the original plan for the size of a coffin that can't even stretch its legs. Zhang Dianyu went to check the site during a construction and found this problem.

It has been a while since the clown was locked in the coffin by him, and he finally understood why the clown curled up in the coffin in the same 1x1 confinement room.

Because the 1x1 is the ground area, the height is limited by the coffin lid.

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought.

Although he didn't mean to entrap the clown, the result didn't make him feel bad, and even a little bit happy. But in order to avoid complaints from the super criminals who were poured in, Zhang Dianyu generously expanded the scope of the confinement room, planning to increase it to a size of 1x2.

So the problem came again.

His skills can only provide a 1x1 air confinement room. Even if the confinement room has been expanded, the people forced into it by the skill can only curl up in the middle.

Zhang Dianyu racked his brains and finally solved the problem.

He added a little more work to the engineering team by letting them bury the coffin vertically, even leaving a space for the prisoner to enter and a trap door facing the tombstone above.

In this way, he can also install the toilets under the trapdoor, which is both beautiful and practical.

Zhang Dianyu was very satisfied.

Thinking about the scene of super criminals locked upright in their coffins, he thinks the future of prisons is full of good things.

However, these confinement rooms are now being tried out by ordinary prisoners—although it was only for one night, Zhang Dianyu felt as if the prisoners were crying and begging for mercy, as if he was going to bury them alive.

He could only slow down his tone and persuade them to get out and put them in confinement—otherwise, they would have to face the wall of the crime site in handcuffs and wait for the confinement room to be vacated, which may take more than ten hours in between.

With this time, the confinement time can be over.

But when the prisoner saw Rita's kind smile, he showed a frightened expression and cried even more miserably, which made Zhang Dianyu feel a little annoyed.

So he ordered the guards to lock in those prisoners who resisted directly.

Peters in front of him was the last one, Zhang Dianyu couldn't bear the look of despair in his eyes like a small animal.

"You only have one and a half years in prison, do you understand what I mean?" Zhang Dianyu suddenly said to the prisoner in front of him.

The prisoner nodded in fear, as if he didn't dare to mention his attempt to escape, but he begged bitterly: "Please don't kill me, Miss Warden, I... I still have family."

Zhang Dianyu was a little puzzled: "Use a spoon to dig a tunnel to escape from prison and meet your family?"

Peters blushed and mumbled softly, "I'm afraid... if I don't leave, I won't have a chance to see them."

Looking at the wound on his face, Zhang Dianyu frowned slightly.

"I can give you this chance."

For a moment, Peters' eyes lit up.

The acting warden in front of him pointed to the ground indifferently: "Here."

Peters' face was pale, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

In desperation, he saw Miss Rita raised her hand to call the guard next to her, and gave him a few words.

"Call the engineering team over and transform this place into a 2x3 basement."

Peters seemed a little unable to believe his ears.

When the acting warden lady put the other prisoners into coffins and buried them alive, he didn't even dare to open his eyes, and could only hear desperate begging and crying.

But the warden's words were like a ray of sunshine suddenly shot down from the dark clouds, making his eyes clear in an instant—if the warden wanted to bury him alive in the coffin, then there should be no need to expand the coffin to the size of the cell Bar

Zhang Dianyu changed the setting of this confinement room, and set up the part that the engineering team was going to dig up and rebuild as a prison cell, and arranged for the installation of beds and toilets.

"You will live here in the future, and you don't need to go back to the dormitory in Area B."

Peters stared blankly at Miss Rita, everything that happened in front of him seemed like a scene in a dream.

The acting warden actually prepared a separate cell for him

"Watch him, don't let him run away." Zhang Dianyu ordered the guards next to him.

Peters still didn't seem to be able to speak, as if he was standing unconscious, staring blankly ahead, unable to believe that such "good luck" had happened to him.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at him, and said with emphasis: "If he tries to escape, there are snipers on the guard towers around here."

The words got into Peters' ears and made him shiver. He finally came back to his senses, and looked at Miss Rita gratefully: "Miss Warden, I won't escape from prison again—I promise."

Zhang Dianyu was tired of listening to the prisoner's guarantee. He nodded casually and decided to end tonight's inspection.

He took the whip back into the virtual backpack.

Immediately afterwards, he turned and walked towards the gate, and found the person sitting among the garbage bags.

Magneto, who was wearing a crimson prison uniform, rested his elbows on his knees, looking at the passing vehicles leisurely, and casually glanced at Miss Rita who was walking over.

Zhang Dianyu was not sure what he had heard, and frowned slightly.

He and Magneto looked at each other for a moment, and found that the hostility of the other party seemed less serious than before—then he remembered that he was not the warden, but Rita.

Maybe this is a good thing, otherwise the other party might jump up and strangle him by now.

Zhang Dianyu looked away indifferently.

Yet Magneto was still looking at him with probing eyes.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, and said to the guard next to him, "I found a labor prisoner who was slacking off here, and half of his working hour points for today will be deducted."

Magneto: "..."

Zhang Dianyu controlled Rita to show a smile, then crossed the road, passed the postman's delivery truck, and walked into the opposite prison gate.

Before it was Rita's rest time, Zhang Dianyu was planning to think about what else to do, when suddenly he heard several knocks on the door.

He froze for a moment before realizing that he was still at Stark's residence.

A servant opened the door: "Mr. Warden, Mr. Stark and Master Bill are about to have dinner together, and he very much agrees that you continue to lie on the bed and be angry with Master Bill—but if you don't mind, go over and You can also eat."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." This is really what Stark can say.

But since he asked the servant to knock on the door without any food in his hands, the meaning was obvious.

Maybe it was because he felt that speaking the truth can stimulate people's rebellious psychology, but Zhang Dianyu felt that he didn't want to waste this time.

Since I am going to see a psychiatrist tomorrow, of course I have to switch with Rita tonight.

"I'm not eating dinner now." Zhang Dianyu said to the servant, "I'm waiting for Miss Rita here."

The servant left.

Zhang Dianyu quickly opened Miss Rita's operating interface and asked her to notify Banner to draft a land transaction contract and prepare to buy a new piece of land—as long as the funds arrive tomorrow.

And so Rita's visit was a matter of course. The movement of large assets in the prison still required the warden to see it in person, and he needed to sign the document to authorize Rita to buy a new piece of land.

Although in fact the real operation is done on the game panel - but the process in the real world still has to go.

After Zhang Dianyu finished these things, he lay back on the bed and felt a little hungry.

In fact, he refused Stark's invitation to eat with a little bit of anger, so he just hoped that Rita would come over quickly.

Finally, someone knocked on his door.

Stark walked in holding a round dinner plate with one hand and lifted the lid.

"Sorry, I thought you'd come over."

Zhang Dianyu seemed to smell a faint burnt smell.

He glanced at the things on the plate, and asked with some vigilance: "Is this...? Is your chef on vacation?"

Stark put the dinner plate on the bedside table so that he could see it better - but Zhang Dianyu still couldn't see it clearly.

"No, but I did it myself." His tone sounded very proud, "If what I just said offends you—" He raised his hand to signal the food on the plate.

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a moment: "But I still want the chef's dinner."

"This was made by Tony Stark himself!"

"I want a cook."