Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 143


Zhang Dianyu couldn't sit still anymore, he raised his legs and walked to the restaurant, and took out his whip.

But before he arrived at the dining room, he found that the blood bars of the prisoners began to drop—by the time he reached the door, the guards had already carried the unconscious prisoner to the infirmary.

Standing at the door, Zhang Dianyu felt a trace of heartache creeping up his heart.

With so many prisoners, they need a lot of healing needles.

Should we really put everyone in the brig

Originally, after re-searching contraband last night and putting all the prisoners who had hidden contraband in the confinement room, Zhang Dianyu found that there was only one last task left—as long as two more prisoners passed parole, the prison could be released. Meet the requirements in all aspects, the rating is promoted to 2 points.

At seven o'clock in the morning, when the prisoners just woke up, Zhang Dianyu was still asleep. The parole officer and lawyers have come to the prison from Pixel Town, and just now two prisoners' parole applications have been approved.

With the humble quest completion prompt, the prison rating finally hits a 2.

According to the bill, the upper limit of all subsidy funds has also reached a higher level, and Magneto on the opposite side is about to welcome its first colleague.

Zhang Dianyu was satisfied with a trace of bewilderment, because nothing changed. He opened the staff panel, trying to see if he could recruit the first staff for the correctional center opposite.

In fact, Magneto himself is not an employee of the Secret Mutant Juvenile Offender Correction Center, and his prison labor is also listed under the normal prison prison labor labor list. It's just that as an insider, his appearance in the correctional center opposite will not affect Zhang Dianyu's completion of the task.

Zhang Dianyu checked the staff panel a few times suspiciously, thinking that the recruitment option for correctional center staff might be broken—or else he was cheated by the bill, because there was no one there to recruit.

He opened the warden's remote panel and saw that the warden was still sleeping under his control, only to realize that the bill was not with him this time, but was taken away by Stark.

Zhang Dianyu could only close the panel again.

In fact, he really wanted to complete the task of the correctional center—after all, these little brats were tricky, and he couldn't let them go. Right now they're honestly terrified of Magneto. But even if they were research subjects rescued from Hydra, it didn't mean any of them were good.

Mutant children who have never harmed society were sent to welfare institutions funded by the superhero organizations, and the rest were more radical and irritable. You can't let them stay with Magneto for a long time, otherwise what you can get is an entire Golden Gate Bridge demolition team.

Zhang Dianyu thought about it, why don't he transfer Magneto to another post after he recruits regular employees, he seems quite suitable for decoration. However, the subsidy order should also be upgraded. I don't know if there is such a task as building a house and embedding steel bars in the new task.

But how to control these super-powered prisoners outside the prison still requires him to carefully study the skills of the warden.

Standing at the door, Zhang Dianyu watched the back of the guard carrying the prisoner to the infirmary. He sighed inwardly and opened the game panel. He skillfully found the subsidy tasks and the decoration orders he was familiar with, but there were indeed some differences.

It is also property maintenance, but this time the publisher is not the previous real estate brokerage company, but the Lex Group. The location of the task is actually in the metropolis, to clean up the scene of the "experimental accident" that happened not long ago.

This is not a long distance, and Zhang Dianyu is not at ease arranging the prisoners to go to such a far place. But the mission rewards are very rich, which is directly a zero more than the previous decoration orders.

There is also a line of small green words below the task: During the task, you can authorize to bind a prison laborer to share some functions of skills (Note: functions that violate the principle of serving a sentence cannot be shared).

Although Zhang Dianyu didn't understand the function of the principle of serving a sentence for a while, but judging from other parts, isn't it just prepared for the warden's construction skills

He just felt that continuing to receive decoration orders was a helpless choice—after all, there are certain risks in letting prisoners go outside the prison for decoration, and it may endanger the lives of the pixel villain guards.

But you can't rely on him to go out in person every time.

After all, he is the warden, not a decoration worker.

Although today's subsidy has arrived, even after buying a new land, there is still a lot left, but there is still a whole month to spend, except that every time a new prisoner is accepted into prison, he will get a little subsidy. Time is only spent.

Although the subsidy order is only a drop in the bucket, it can also solve some urgent needs—but that was before Zhang Dianyu discovered the task of cleaning the site, and the subsidy given by the Lex Group was still very generous.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but glanced at the bald prisoner who was still sitting in the dining room—the task site to be cleaned was an "experimental accident" caused by him, and it was his company that funded the rebuilding, so he might as well just let him do it himself.

To achieve a comprehensive self-produced and sold.

However, the task cannot be accepted for the time being, because he needs to replace the warden, and then share the skill authorization with Luthor.

Luther seemed to sense his gaze, and suddenly looked up, with suspicion in his eyes.

Zhang Dianyu walked into the restaurant as if nothing had happened.

He found that the ordinary prisoners seemed to have been carried away, and only people like Luther and Lecter were left, and all eyes were on him.

Zhang Dianyu still held Rita's whip in his hand.

Luther looked away, picked up his dinner plate and walked towards the trash can. Lecter, on the other hand, kept watching him with interest.

Zhang Dianyu felt annoyed, how could this person have so much interest.

He squeezed the whip in his hand, walked slowly towards Lecter, and stopped in front of him.

"Warden Rita, can you find me if you need anything?"

Lecter wiped the corners of his mouth, trying to create an elegant atmosphere with the napkin.

"You influenced those people?" Zhang Dianyu asked bluntly.

Lecter paused slightly, and turned his head with some interest: "Why does Miss Warden think so?"

"The clown is still in the confinement room, and you are the only source of mental pollution." Zhang Dianyu said coldly, "Did you see the food bucket over there? It was almost empty. They were sent to the infirmary for emergency treatment. Not normal behavior, is it?"

Lecter smiled.

Zhang Dianyu's face darkened.

"Miss Warden means, do they all have bulimia?" Lecter restrained his smile, "Maybe it's a way of thinking."

For some reason, Zhang Dianyu felt that he knew the answer, but deliberately refused to answer.

He frowned slightly, looking down at Lecter.

Lecter smiled back.

Zhang Dianyu turned and left. Lecter's calmness made him feel that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

After watching Miss Rita leave, Lecter suddenly asked the Warren guard beside him: "Do you think Miss Rita is different?"

Guard Warren replied: "She's an acting warden, and she's a woman."

Lecter was speechless. He had found that in the eyes of Varen and some guards, Mr. Warden seemed to be the only one. Any comparisons are based on the Warden.

He thought that Warren guards didn't look very smart and could be easily bewitched. But now he realizes that he was wrong. No matter what he said, as long as he did not violate the regulations, the Warren guards would not object.

But don't fall into the trap.

Lecter frowned slightly as he looked at the direction Miss Rita was leaving. When the acting warden was by his side, he felt a wave of unfounded terror.

Fear is not terrible, even a little exciting, but fear without root can only cause him doubts. He didn't have any reason to be afraid, but it was like a thought that had popped into his head and couldn't get it out.

Lecter had seen the sudden terror of the prisoners yesterday, but to his surprise, even he was not immune.

Lecter's eyes fell on the dinner plate in front of him. If he is not very sensitive to food, he may have to suspect that someone has done something in the meal.

But when Miss Rita left, the fear of disobedience would also disappear—if Miss Rita's perfume wasn't a problem, then the answer should lie in her.

Lecter thought about everything.

After Zhang Dianyu left the restaurant, he turned and walked to the office in the psychiatric ward. If you can't solve the problem from the root, then just cover it up on the surface. He has a new idea that might temporarily stop the prisoners from binge eating.

In the psychiatrist's office, Strange was already sitting in his seat on time, waiting for the first patient. He was a little surprised when he saw Miss Rita, but he didn't show it.

"Miss Warden, is there anything I can do for you?"

"That's it," Zhang Dianyu pondered for a moment, "Are you willing to accept a new part-time job?"

Strange's eyes moved slightly.

He agreed almost without thinking. No matter what this "part-time job" was, it wouldn't be too bad for an undercover agent like him.

Until 12:00 noon, he put on an apron and stood behind the serving table in the restaurant. He picked up the big spoon and looked at the prisoner in front of him blankly.

"Which one do you want?"

Strange asked in a cold tone.