Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 144


The previous prisoner left with a complicated mood while holding the dinner plate.

Compared to eating myself into the hospital in the morning, I don’t know whether the current situation is better or worse—the acting warden sent the psychiatrist who had a problem with his hand to distribute meals to them, and everyone was forbidden to clean up a bucket of this behavior.

This made the prisoners feel pain and joy.

Tonight, the bigwigs of the prison gang will be in pain when they return to their cells from detention to find spinach in tomorrow's pan.

But there is a little joy in being able to get a momentary respite.

Lecter was the next one to walk over with a plate. He raised his eyes and glanced at Strange's involuntarily shaking hands, and his eyes gradually moved to his face.

Strange nodded sternly.

In fact, Lecter had done him a favor not too long ago by saving him from having to face the sick Joyce guards alone in the padded brig, and had even administered some level of therapy to the patient.

He didn't know how Lecter found out that he was locked in the padded confinement room during the Hydra riot, but the scene of the quiet and elegant tone coming in through the heavy iron door would replay in his mind from time to time. now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help trembling his wrist slightly.

Potato soup was sprinkled with more than half.

Lecter was silent for a while, Strange restrained his emotions, scooped up a spoon again, and finally handed half a bowl of potato soup to Lecter's dinner plate.

It's not who Doctor Strange is targeting, anyway, half a bowl of soup is not bad after his hands.

Or mashed potatoes are not easy to spill out.

Lecter never expected that the acting warden lady was even more ruthless than the warden. The prisoners were hungry and full, and seemed to be a little bit tormented to the point of collapse.

After all, as long as their bodies are not dead, they can be rescued by the prison.

At first, this incident was indeed a bit surprising, but too many things beyond human cognition have appeared in this world—even Superman appeared, and he was enthusiastically sought after by the people of the metropolis.

After experiencing these things, people's nerves are gradually numb, and it seems that no amount of accidents can only make them a little surprised. Even if there are too many unreasonable things in this prison, it is not difficult to accept in such an environment.

But in addition to the tough nerves of ordinary people who are gradually being reshaped, there are more criminals with superpowers that come with superheroes. In places beyond the reach of the superheroes, people can only watch their lives being trampled upon.

Gradually, some people began to complain: "Why can't you come faster?"

Faced with such a situation, the first reaction of many Chaoying was not to shirk responsibility, but to feel guilty for not being able to arrive at the scene in time to save people.

Then the voice of opposition intensified later, and it seemed to be within common sense.

Strange silently fed Lecter, but found that Lecter hadn't left. The prisoners behind him didn't dare to rush, they could only stare at the bullying psychiatrist behind the serving table—although Strange was very unreasonable, but he "transferred" to the prison because of a handicap former neurosurgeon. In the eyes of the prisoners, his situation was not much better than theirs, and he was obviously a soft persimmon.

Lecter smiled slightly at Strange: "It seems that we will meet more often in the future."

"It's long overdue to meet." Strange said expressionlessly. Everyone knows that the ogre is mentally ill, but he still lives in an ordinary dormitory and has a guard as his bodyguard.

Strange knew why.

Although the warden's mind is often free, there is always a need for a real psychiatrist in the prison—after all, criminals have psychological problems to some extent. According to his knowledge of the warden, for every additional mentally ill criminal, a single cell would be built, which would require an additional expense, which was simply a blow to the warden's lungs.

He kept Lecter here because he wanted him to kill the psychopathic tendencies of the prisoners in the bud.

In other words, early detection and early reporting.

But reaching an agreement with the ogre always made Strange feel very unreliable.

And while Lecter has the psychopath radar, it's kind of a congeniality—he's a psychopath himself who should be tied up in a straitjacket and sedated.

If it weren't for the fact that he could restore the Supreme Mage's strength by walking out of the fence, Strange would have rushed to the warden's office and forced him to lock up the ogre.

But what happened last time made Strange feel puzzled—Lecter could not help him, and he could even watch him and Joyce kill each other leisurely outside, or take this opportunity to leave.

However, he chose to help appease the Joyce guards and did not take the opportunity to escape.

This matter made Strange feel stuck in his throat, and he had to pay more attention. He looked at Lecter's smile on the opposite side, thought for a while and added a spoonful of mashed potatoes to him—considering that the other party is an ogre, he should eat more vegetarian.

Lecter restrained his smile, frowned and glanced at Mashed Potatoes, shrugged slightly: "I think I should say thank you."

Strange: "…"

At the same time, Zhang Dianyu in the office is also paying attention to the episode in the restaurant, and at the same time remotely controlling the conversation between the warden and the psychiatrist.

After Stark left the prison, the computer was moved back to his office. At this time, he was searching for the correct answer from the Internet while filling out the mental appraisal form given by the doctor.

He deliberately controlled the speed so that the warden did not fill it out too quickly, but the doctor still showed the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone to the form he submitted.

Stark next to him looked serious: "... is his problem serious?"

The doctor gave him a hesitant look.

"It's okay, you can just say it directly." Stark sat down next to him, "I can accept it."—It's just that it may be a bit troublesome, after all, if the warden is going to take a long vacation, this time is quite chaotic, who Don't know what to expect.

"Judging from the final score, the patient's mental health is very healthy. Even in the evaluation standards of the FBI and police agencies at all levels, he can be regarded as an excellent psychological quality." The doctor seemed a little unbelievable, "But you mean he Just committed suicide not long ago."

Stark: "That's what I saw with my own eyes!"

The doctor was silent for a while: "Then maybe he is an expert in psychology and can avoid wrong answers."

At this moment in the warden's office, Zhang Dianyu dug out Peter's unfinished licorice candies from the drawer, took one and looked at the dialog box on the screen. For a hefty $80, he hired a "psychologist" online, claiming to be a student struggling with homework and needing some guidance.

But in fact, judging from this price point, the other party may be a real psychology student who uses his spare time to do some part-time jobs.

But it's not a big problem, it's good to be cheap.

Zhang Dianyu didn't want to run for the SEALs, as long as he could prove that he was a normal person—only in this way could he return to prison as soon as possible.

"Miss Warden, may I come in?" With a knock on the door, Banner's voice came from outside.

Zhang Dianyu quickly narrowed down the dialog box and replied, "Come in."

Banner pushed the door open and saw Miss Rita behind the desk solemnly throwing a licorice candy into the trash can. He couldn't help shrugging: "Actually, that's the warden's favorite thing." Zhang Dianyu: "?" Did Banner misunderstand him, he just didn't want to waste it.

Banner didn't intend to continue dwelling on this topic, but said worriedly: "Miss Rita, I heard that you have assigned a new job to Doctor Strange—going to the cafeteria to cook meals for the prisoners?"

Zhang Dianyu replied without changing his face: "That's right. Because there seems to be an inexplicable gluttony phenomenon among the prisoners, in order to..." He paused, skipped the word "saving money", and continued: "—the prison is normal. It works, I arranged for Dr. Strange to go to the place where the incident happened, and I hope he can find out the root of this problem."

Of course, in fact, he also has some ideas in this regard—but whether it succeeds or not is another matter. After all, the supreme mage is a part-time psychiatrist, and he has not been working for a long time, so the level is hard to say.

But even if he can't find the root of the problem, he can still solve the urgent needs of the prison with his own hands.


Banner was silent for a moment: "But Miss Rita, the prisoners are overeating because you said that if there are more than a bucket of leftovers, there will only be spinach for the next day—and most prisoners, including the ones they are afraid of, are at this time. In the confinement room, they dare not leave more than one bucket of leftovers."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Banner: "...?"

-That's it

Many question marks formed in Zhang Dianyu's mind. Is there something wrong with the comprehension ability of the prisoners? Of course he was talking about the number of meals. The uneaten food in the catering bucket can still be reheated for the next meal and continue to be served on the table. Is this a problem

The prisoners in the confinement room were indeed starved by him for most of the day. After all, most of the short-term confinement is within 24 hours. It is good to let them go hungry for a few meals, which can deepen the impression of the consequences of violations and avoid troubles every day.

As for long-term confinement - that's the privilege of HYDRA and super criminals.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at Banner on the opposite side, and patched it calmly: "Oh, besides this matter, crowded places like cafeterias are also places where physical conflicts frequently occur, and Dr. Strange is also willing to study the behavior of the prisoners. Behavior."

Banner: "?" Strange didn't say that, and since his plate was also served by Strange at noon today, he didn't even eat enough.

Zhang Dianyu showed a smile on his face: "Dr. Banner, you can rest assured that Doctor Strange can finish this little investigation after collecting the data—is there anything else?"

He really wants to drive away the guests now, because the psychiatrist came in and wanted to talk to the warden, and he couldn't do two things at once.

Banner left with a question mark, and Zhang Dianyu quickly turned his attention back to the warden's remote operation panel. The psychiatrist sat down on the sofa next to him, and opened a notebook in his hand.

Zhang Dianyu took the opportunity to frantically tap on the dialog box, asking if the "tutor" he hired was online.

The other party quickly gave an affirmative answer, and Zhang Dianyu heaved a sigh of relief.