Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 145


With the help of off-field support, the chat between Zhang Dianyu and the psychiatrist ended. After a while, Stark came in with a strange expression on his face, but he didn't say anything, just told him to wait for a brain imaging map.

He explained to Zhang Dianyu that this is a routine procedure, in order to observe the difference between the active areas of the patient's brain and that of ordinary people. In order to reassure the warden who seemed a little confused, he also emphasized that this does not mean that the doctor thinks there is any lesion in his brain.

The warden nodded expressionlessly.

Zhang Dianyu had known about this for a long time, and he also asked whether the bill would be revealed during the inspection. The reason was that according to the bill, he was not considered a human being.

Bill's reaction was very calm: "Don't worry, even if you have mental problems, there won't be any abnormalities in the body check."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Bill tilted his head to look at him.

Zhang Dianyu didn't start out in anger—what does it mean "even if he has mental problems"? He's clearly fine.

But there's no point in getting into this kind of thing with Act, and he doesn't need to force Act to admit that he's normal—but he's just plain annoyed.

Bill may have grown all over his blast point.

But what was angry was that Zhang Dianyu, who recalled this incident at this time, could not see anything strange on the warden's face. In fact, because it is difficult to control his expression, unless there are special circumstances, he will appear indifferent to the outside world.

Stark, who left the room, spread his hands to the doctor: "Look? Is there any problem with him looking like this?"

According to the doctor's diagnosis, Mr. Warden's mentality is stable enough to go against Sadako.

The doctor was also a little helpless: "The patient's reaction is just a little slow. Mr. Stark, otherwise you can take him to test his IQ."

Stark: "?"

This is even more outrageous. Although Mr. Warden has always looked abnormal, he is not mentally retarded—what’s more, he, Tony Stark, has communicated with a mentally retarded person for a month, so what is he?

Stark rejected the proposal without hesitation.

"I think that may be aftereffects of suicide."

The doctor shrugged noncommittally.

"Perhaps," Stark raised the opinion of Strange and others, "is the response speed of the nervous system caused by poisoning?"

But even so, the problems in Untitled Town are definitely not caused by Stark and Wayne—both industries have already been replaced by clean energy, and the pollution discharge standards are far lower than government regulations.

The doctor nodded: "Maybe. But Mr. Stark, I'm actually a psychiatrist."

Stark: "..."

After Stark left, Zhang Dianyu could breathe a little easier. He was not worried about the next inspection, so he happily settled the final payment to the "counselor".

The other party seemed to be very satisfied with the transaction, and said that if there is still demand in the future, he can continue to look for him.

Zhang Dianyu's heart moved, and he asked the other party if he wanted to change jobs.

Besides the Sorcerer Supreme and the Ogre, there should be a serious psychiatrist in the prison—if possible, the library guy will be back for duty sooner or later.

The clown has already lived in the confinement room for a long time, so the doctor's psychological construction should be almost the same, right? If it doesn't work, you can also learn yoga from Banner, which will help stabilize your mind.

The "counseling teacher" gave an impeccable answer. He said that he was very satisfied with his current job, but he could introduce a friend.

Zhang Dianyu refrained from entering "is that friend you mentioned really yourself" in the dialog box. He originally thought that the other party should be just a student, but he saw a clue from the frustrated face of the doctor—the answer given by the "counselor" was quite professional.

Then he would have to start poaching activities on the people who came to his door.

After all, the orders of $80 were accepted. Obviously, this doctor is not very well-off, and he may be unemployed. It's just that the other party refused to admit it in order to maintain the lies in the information.

But the two sides hit it off immediately, and immediately set an interview time, which was this weekend.

Zhang Dianyu felt much more comfortable in his heart. Once Lecter had a replacement, he'd tuck him back into the brig—or keep him outside for too long, and the Varen guards might be contaminated by him.

This is a chef and guard who is obsessed with planting trees with the dream of a construction worker. He must not be lost in Lecter's hands.

While waiting for the doctor, Zhang Dianyu flipped through the subsidy tasks. After the prison rating increased by 1 point, the number of sub-quests he can accept changed from 3 to 4. In addition to the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center and the task of cleaning up the accident scene issued by the Lex Group, he can also accept two subsidy tasks.

The current subsidy amount is not the same as it was at the beginning, but it seems that the difficulty of completion is not small. The task of the Metropolis can bring him a subsidy of 400,000 US dollars. If the task is completed at the same time, it can even catch up with the monthly government allocation based on the number of prisoners.

Zhang Dianyu looked through the task list and found that the original task subsidy amount had not increased—ordinary subsidy for decoration and laundry was still 20,000 to 50,000 US dollars each time, which was just a drop in the bucket for the operation of the entire prison.

If he lived a life of repairing walls without worrying about bricks, he still had to accept the task of high subsidies.

And these tasks seem a bit strange, all of which are cleaning and rebuilding of various accident scenes-none of them are simple, and some even look like they need to renovate a street.

The subsidy for this task seemed generous, which attracted Zhang Dianyu's attention—but if he had to pay for the house, wouldn't the $2 million subsidy be spent

Zhang Dianyu's expression changed.

In this way, for the on-site cleanup work in the metropolis, it would be good for him to earn 400 yuan for the 400,000 yuan.

Zhang Dianyu thought about it, and felt that Luther must do this job.

There is no need to wait for the warden to authorize his brick-moving skills - anyway, he has money, just let him hire a few more construction teams. As long as he can solve the task with his own money, he can add a few more performance points in prison.

Zhang Dianyu found that this was a good idea.

When Luther was escorted to the warden's office by the guards, his doubts seemed to have been answered - he had long felt that the acting warden lady was looking at him strangely, as if some conspiracy was brewing.

He was pushed onto a special interrogation chair by the guards, his hands were tightly locked on the armrests and he could not move. Miss Rita on the opposite side looked away from the computer and looked at him with interest for a while.

Luther gave her a cold look, waiting for her to speak first.

"I'm going to send you back to the Metropolis," said Miss Warden.

Luther frowned.

"Where you fell, you have to get up." Zhang Dianyu said earnestly, "I know that the 'experimental accident' has caused a lot of public opinion pressure on you and your company—and the work of cleaning the scene has now fallen to the prison. , this matter just happens to be your responsibility.”

"..." Luthor's face was cold: "My hearing will be held in two weeks, and I don't have time to clean up the scene."

Miss Rita on the opposite side smiled slightly: "Then do you want the clown or the red skull to help you build a house?"

Luther: "..."

"You have..." Zhang Dianyu pretended to glance at his watch, "It's an afternoon. Before dinner today, I need your answer." He smiled brightly at Luther's bald head, "—you know, the people of Metropolis don't like Living in ruins, then I'm going to hurry up and convince the clown to become a construction worker."

Luther: "?"

He was silent for a long time before uttering a few words with difficulty: "Are you sick?"

Miss Rita didn't answer, she folded her hands, leaned her elbows on the arm of the sofa chair, and looked at him with a smile.

"What do you want?" Luther asked sullenly.

Zhang Dianyu paused, and replied sincerely: "I want world peace."

Luther: "..."

In the end, Luther agreed to the matter. Of course, he didn't want the clown to go on a multi-day tour of his city-this Miss Rita is too threatening. If people believe that the clown will move bricks, it is better to believe his mother. Pigs can climb trees.

Zhang Dianyu was also very pleased. Sure enough, Luther didn't mention the money, maybe he forgot—this also proved that he wasn't short of the money at all.

In order to hurry, Luthor left the prison wearing a yellow hard hat under the supervision of two guards that afternoon.

Zhang Dianyu didn't assign any extra prisoners—anyway, Luther went to pack the cleaning work by himself, and didn't need any assistance. Zhang Dianyu also kindly left him a hard hat, which could provide a bit of warmth for his cool head.

Fortunately, Luther didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang Dianyu, who had already solved a subsidy task by rounding up, was very happy. At the same time, he also received the resume sent to the mailbox by the "friend of the psychology tutor" just now.

The resume will be displayed on the staff panel. He glanced at it and found that the doctor's resume is also quite impressive, and he used to be a professor of psychology at Gotham University.

Zhang Dianyu expressed understanding and sympathy in his heart.

Doing psychology in Gotham, isn't that hell mode? It was as if a rat had fallen into an oil drum and strangled itself to death.

No wonder you want to jump ship.

He closed his resume, glanced at the staff recruitment panel, and remembered that the staff for the Secret Mutant Juvenile Delinquent Center hadn't been recruited yet.

But half a day later, there is still no change here, and there are no employees to recruit.

Zhang Dianyu was a little impatient.

He looked at the remote control panel of the warden—the warden at this time had already confirmed his innocence, Stark seemed a little hesitant to speak, and insisted on asking him to draw a few more tubes of blood for testing.

Zhang Dianyu was full of question marks, why did he have to draw blood for the psychiatric department

But after that, Stark took the bill to the room for testing, and he could only ask the warden to wait in the rest area, and by the way, he got the conversation with Luthor here.

Now that the time for the bill to enter is not short, Zhang Dianyu stood up and decided to check the situation - since the bill can guarantee that his "carrier" is fine, then he himself should not make any mistakes.

Zhang Dianyu hoped that the two of them could go back soon and deal with the matter of recruiting staff for the correctional center.

He knocked on the door, and Stark opened it quickly.

"I'm sorry, I want to ask about the situation of 'Bill'..." As soon as Zhang Dianyu spoke, Stark walked out with a serious look on his face.

Zhang Dianyu felt a little puzzled, did the bill overturn the mental appraisal

"Bill may need to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time." Stark said as tactfully as possible, "He may be a... quite special child."

Zhang Dianyu was dumbfounded: "Wait, you mean he's sick?"

"He had some communication difficulties, a lack of interest in his surroundings, and an inability to form normal relationships with people," Stark said.

Zhang Dianyu: "Uh..." He couldn't even refute.

"And he has special hobbies. You said that he is very interested in the law, and he is very obsessed with it."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." Isn't that nonsense, he is the Super Human Registration Act itself.

"The doctor initially diagnosed that Bill may have Asperger's syndrome." Stark walked to the coffee machine in the rest area, pulled out a paper cup, and looked a little tired.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."