Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 146


Maybe seeing Zhang Dianyu's complicated face, after filling a paper cup of coffee, Stark sat down and explained with his forehead: "This is a developmental disorder similar to high-functioning autism. It's going to look a little... different."

Zhang Dianyu also sat down beside him.

How should he explain this? Symptoms don't sound like a problem, but that's the bill. He is not a human, how can he use the psychological state of a human to make an assessment

After filling a whole cup of coffee, Stark walked back to the coin-operated coffee machine next to him.

Looking at his back, Zhang Dianyu suddenly remembered the question just now, and wanted to hint from a different angle: "Uh, maybe... do a brain image for 'Bill' too? Or a blood test?"

Stark was stunned holding a new cup of coffee: "Blood test?"

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

"Oh..." Stark hesitated, "Actually, this is to rule out some cases such as heavy metal element poisoning..."

Zhang Dianyu was expressionless.

Stark: "..."

This means that he is saying that Mr. Warden may be mentally abnormal caused by some kind of poisoning.

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath, and controlled the warden to speak: "Then can I go see him?" Since the issue of the bill was unclear, he simply bought some time to clarify the matter, and then threw him away. Forget it here.

Anyway, he has a biological father here to pay his medical bills.

Stark nodded: "He's in the consulting room I just walked out of."

When Zhang Dianyu walked into the room, Bill was the only person in the huge counseling room. The boy sat down on the sofa with his hands on his knees.

When Bill heard his voice, he turned his head and looked at him with unwavering eyes.

Zhang Dianyu quickly closed the door behind him.

"Is there surveillance here?"

"Conversations between psychiatrists and patients are confidential," Bill replied deadpan. "If there were cameras here, we could sue the hospital."

Zhang Dianyu: "?" Is this the point

He locked the door behind his back and sat beside Bill.

Bill looked at him, and Zhang Dianyu could only say: "The latest news, you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's syndrome, so you can't walk."

The boy's expression finally moved, and his blue pupils widened slightly: "This is impossible, I am not human, and it is impossible to have human diseases."

"Indeed." Zhang Dianyu replied, "but I can't refute it. You are a bit... In a word, the thing is like this—you tell me what happened to the recruitment of staff in the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center, and then you can Here we can enjoy parent-child time with Stark."

Bill blinked.

"How did you know?"

"Obviously." Zhang Dianyu said. There is no outsider here, and he no longer remotely controls the warden to make gestures. The black-haired young man and the black-haired boy moved almost in the same way, sitting on the sofa well-behaved.

"—during the conversation with Stark, your trouser legs became shorter." He looked down at the small brown-gray suit that Bill was wearing, and the trouser legs seemed to have returned to normal. It's clear that Stark has re-dressed him, but it's nearly identical to the previous one.

Zhang Dianyu smiled slightly: "For some personal reasons, you deliberately approached Stark so that he could help you complete the 'bill'."

The boy's blue eyes looked at Zhang Dianyu: "He in another world is my creator, theoretically he has the ability to repair me."

Zhang Dianyu shrugged.

The Act has a point - but the problem is, the otherworldly Stark doesn't seem to be very good at it either. Didn't he fall into Osborn's conspiracy after fighting against the captain's camp, and finally ended up ruined

Zhang Dianyu stared at the bills beside him, feeling that the future was not very bright.

But they are already grasshoppers on a rope.

In any case, he had to find a real chef for the correctional center. Those little kids who ate fried eggs for days in a row now looked at Magneto with mixed fear in their eyes.

After all, if they refused to eat, the mutant leader would show a terrible smile and make them stand at the door in the middle of the night to punish them.

These are still the news that Peter secretly passed on.

But Peter's detention time is coming to an end, and it's time for his overseas technology study tour group to return to New York. Just like the correctional center, for minors with superpowers, the prison implements isolation detention, which is not disclosed to the outside world, in order to protect their identities.

It's just that Spiderman has his own headgear, so he can move freely in prison.

In the next few days, Peter would occasionally call his Aunt May to report on his study tour abroad. Stark had already taken care of everything, and even Midtown Middle School thought that Peter had really been selected to participate in a free science and technology study tour group.

If Zhang Dianyu went back quickly enough, he could still catch up with Peter to go through the formalities to get his own belongings, and send someone else by the way, and advised the boy not to say "he will definitely come back again".

It's better to have less of this kind of flag.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the bill in front of him. The boy looked serious, but he was having a bit of a headache.

In the case of Peter, it seems a bit subtle-in fact, he was not at fault, but because he almost destroyed an entire block in Midtown when he stopped Dr. Octopus, he was still detained by law enforcement according to the law.

In the past, it was difficult to determine responsibility in such a situation. In order to let the Superheroes have no worries, Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. jointly founded the company "Damage Control" to carry out post-war cleaning and compensation for war damage.

Zhang Dianyu recalled the way Stark spread his hands helplessly crowded on the little train in the amusement park—"No one should blame criminals on themselves."

However, it is not. He took the initiative to take responsibility for the compensation, and few Chaoying came forward to defend himself. After several large-scale pursuits of criminals caused casualties, the proposal of the "Superhuman Registration Act" has received more and more support.

But Zhang Dianyu knew that this would not work.

Even though Stark agreed to sign this bill in order to allow himself to stand on Capitol Hill as the last representative of the Super Britain, he did not save anyone in the end, and even lost himself.

But on the contrary, putting superhumans and ordinary people on the opposite side will only intensify the conflict.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the bill, and the bill looked back.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the boy spoke first: "What?"

Zhang Dianyu replied: "It's nothing, I thought about how you will be overthrown in the future, and the scene of the prison being leveled."

Bill opened his eyes slightly.

Zhang Dianyu knew he hit the bill's sore spot.

"It happened once..." the boy said softly, "it won't happen again."

"How?" Zhang Dianyu asked.

He didn't look flustered, but in fact, he didn't have an answer either.

No one has.

Bill's eyes seemed to be avoiding: "I think Stark should have a way."

"He didn't." Zhang Dianyu said, "You have seen with your own eyes what he didn't do."

Bill stared at him blankly.

"It's not because of your presence here that the Superhuman Registration Act came into existence, right?" Zhang Dianyu asked, "It's because the Superhuman Registration Act was about to be introduced in this world that it needs you." The bill didn't answer.

"Then, another question." Zhang Dianyu said, "Do you understand me?"

This question is quickly answered by the Act: "Of course, I am your creator, your... "

Zhang Dianyu quickly interrupted the bill, he didn't want to listen to any more bullshit talk from "father".

"I mean, do you know where I come from? You said that I was a human sample given to you by the world, so—which world's human sample is it?"

Bill looked at him: "I don't know, it doesn't matter, what matters is that I am yours..."

Zhang Dianyu interrupted the act again.

"As far as I know, this world, and the world you were born into—superheroes are real and exist in human society."

Bill nodded.

"But I come from a world without superheroes - where they're just characters in a story, presented to the audience in various ways."

The bill is slightly over the top and doesn't seem to be very understandable.

"So, this world—he summoned you, copied humans from another world, and gave you samples." Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, "It is trying to save itself, because it thinks that the birth of the law will... kill kill it."

Bill opened his eyes slightly.

Zhang Dianyu looked at him: "Of course, these are just my conjectures—I guess this world certainly didn't tell you when it asked you to make samples."

Bill nodded.

The boy lowered his head slightly, his black hair hanging down to cover his dark blue pupils.

Maybe his boyish appearance is easy to confuse people's hearts, Zhang Dianyu raised his hand in a mysterious way, ready to pat Fabi's lost little head as a comfort.

"So... am I still your father?" The boy's voice came over in a low voice.

Zhang Dianyu withdrew his right hand, expressionless.

"Let's get down to business, tell me how to recruit the staff of the correctional center, and then you can treat the illness here."

There seemed to be some disappointment that Bill was not answered.

"It's in your logistics panel, and it can assign prison labor to prisoners." Bill looked at Zhang Dianyu and said, "Because only those who already know the status of mutant children can be recruited as employees."

Zhang Dianyu had a bad premonition.

"Could it be the Red Skull you're talking about???"

Bill nodded solemnly.

Zhang Dianyu felt a thunderbolt falling from the sky.

Magneto cooks, Red Skull teaches? Are these children going to heaven or ascending to heaven

"According to Hydra's regulations, agents of different levels are not allowed to know the identities of all experimental subjects, so there are only two correctional center employees who meet the requirements." Bill said solemnly.

Zhang Dianyu raised his head suspiciously: "Two?" He thought it was only the Red Skull.

"Red Skull and Ogres," Act replied. "Hannibal Lecter was an accident."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"However, according to the calculation results, if Magneto continues to be used as the chef, the mutant children will gradually suffer from mental retardation, mental disorders, and even life-threatening within half a year." Bill thoughtfully suggested, "Lecter is a very good cook. .”