Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 147


Zhang Dianyu slowly made a question mark.

"Let Lecter become a chef? Although these little mutants have harmed society, they are not guilty of that. They are still children, and they can be saved."

Bill looked puzzled.

Zhang Dianyu could only sigh: "Forget it, then I'm leaving."

As he was about to get up, Bill grabbed the hem of his coat. If it weren't for the hints from the interactive behavior, he might not have noticed such a small movement.

"I want to go with you," Bill said.

Zhang Dianyu looked at him: "Have you changed your mind? Don't you think Stark is your life-saving straw?"

Bill seems to be hesitating.

Zhang Dianyu tried to break the boy's hand from the corner of his clothes: "But you are sick, and I can't take you away—you'd better treat your illness here honestly." Anyway, he already got the answer he wanted, and Having proved his mental innocence, he is now free and can go back to prison at any time.

There was a short knock on the door, and neither of them had time to pay attention. Zhang Dianyu was carefully manipulating the warden to break off the boy's fingers.

Bill obviously didn't agree with this point of view, he looked at Zhang Dianyu and frowned seriously and retorted: "I'm not sick."

Zhang Dianyu was still concentrating on dealing with the boy's hand, and was not distracted from manipulating the warden's expression. There was no trace of emotion on the indifferent face of the black-haired young man: "It's not up to any of us to decide - trust the doctor's judgment."

Bill showed a very disapproving look, but still did not let go of Zhang Dianyu's clothes. Zhang Dianyu, who was far away in the warden's office, couldn't help but sighed, wondering if the law had secretly put glue on his fingers.

Stark, who pushed the door and entered, looked at the scene in the room, his face seemed to be slightly taken aback, and there were some subtle changes.

"... Mister Warden?"

Zhang Dianyu raised his head, only then did he notice Stark who came in.

The scene seemed a little awkward. The boy was sitting on the sofa with his back straight, one hand firmly pulling at the corner of his clothes, and he was trying to break off his clenched fingers.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

This seems a little heartless.

Stark took a deep breath. He had thought that Bill was a kid who was not good at forming emotional relationships, but from what he had seen, he seemed to be very dependent on Mr. Warden, although he didn't often show it on his face.

Zhang Dianyu rubbed Bill's head vigorously with his backhand, implying meaningfully: "You should stay here and be with your 'father'."

Bill paused, glanced at Stark at the door, and said with certainty, "He can't help me."

Stark: "?"

This obviously hurt him very much.

He never raised a child, especially a problem child. But Bill didn't seem to appreciate it, and was reluctant to stay in the hospital.

Maybe it was his fault—no little kid liked a hospital.

Before today, Bill seemed to be quite receptive to him. Unexpectedly, after the psychological consultation, due to the decision to stay in the hospital for observation, Bill had already begun to have suspicions against him.

At this time, the nurse came over from the outside: "Mr. Stark, the blood test report of Mr. Zhang and his son came out - the doctor will come later."

Stark nodded. This is another doctor. After all, a psychiatrist cannot help detect whether the two are poisoned.

But he paused for a moment, and suddenly thought of a question, and stopped the nurse who was about to leave: "Wait a minute, ma'am. How do you know that these two are father and son?"

The nurse shrugged in confusion: "Because they are?"

Stark was dumbfounded, and for some reason, what Bill once said appeared in his mind-the other half of his genes came from Mr. Warden.

He didn't have time to ask the nurse and the doctor carefully, and suddenly turned back to try to ask Bill, and found that there was no one in the room, and Mr. Warden and the boy disappeared together.

"Are you looking for someone in the room, Mr. Stark?" The nurse's voice sounded from behind.

"Did you see them?" Stark looked a little ugly. But generally speaking, he would never show such a look to a lady.

"Mr. Zhang just now left behind you with his son in his arms," the nurse said. In fact, the rather gloomy and handsome black-haired young man smiled and nodded at her—even though it seemed like he was going to put a sack on her in the parking lot and kill her, she couldn't help but Pay attention to it.

The beautiful black-haired boy who might be of mixed race in the arms of the young man always had a small face. Although he was sick, he still couldn't help but feel cute.

Anyone who meets such a pair of father and son will inadvertently glance at them.

Stark took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Thank you, ma'am."

The nurse looked at his expression and felt a little strange: "Sir, do you need me to call the doctor for you? You look a bit unwell."

"No, I'm fine." Stark shook his head and smiled at the nurse, "I'm Tony Stark, you should know this, right?"

The little blonde nurse was amused. "Yes, Mr. Stark." She nodded and turned to leave.

"Call the hospital and nearby camera information." Stark immediately ordered his artificial intelligence butler, "Find Mr. Warden and Bill."

"Okay, sir, security protocols have been bypassed - it's worth noting that what we're doing is illegal," the AI replied.

"I don't care that much!" said Stark. "How is that possible—but if they suddenly disappeared, wouldn't that prove...?"

"Yes, sir." The artificial intelligence steward replied, "I have also hacked into the firewall of the hospital system, and have obtained all the monitoring reports of the blood samples, just as you ordered, including any blood samples that I have access to so far. The test, the detection of the DNA sequence of the package, which means that Mr. Warden and Master Bill are father and son."

Stark couldn't help but pause when he heard the artificial intelligence's words, and a huge question mark appeared on his face.

"I can't explain it to you, sir." The artificial intelligence said, "According to the current natural reproductive method, it is impossible for two men to have offspring—and according to your nightly records, you have not had any in-depth communication."

Stark: "?"

"You're talking nonsense, my dear." He took a deep breath. "At the time of this theoretical birth of 'Bill', Mr. Warden and I haven't met yet!"

The artificial intelligence didn't answer, and fell into an almost weird silence.

"In addition to the nearby monitoring information, I also call out the satellite map and compare it with face recognition to find them." Stark felt that his world view had been impacted. He didn't have time to think about the sudden silence of the artificial intelligence butler, so he just ordered.

"Okay, sir." The AI's gentle voice replied.

In the tool room of the hospital, Zhang Dianyu hid among a pile of mops, trying hard to let the cheap plastic bucket block himself and the boy under his arm.

"Point out all the blind spots of surveillance, Bill." Zhang Dianyu said nervously, "In theory, how far can the two of us escape?"

"There are surveillance systems all over the world. In addition, the Stark satellites can also identify us through clothing and other characteristics." Bill replied sternly, "But there are still many dead ends. I can help you go back to the prison." He paused, and added, "So, you must take me with you."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

When is it, does the bill still remember this? Now, of course, he couldn't throw the bill away—but even back in prison, things weren't over.

Stark can still come to him and ask what the hell is going on.

Having said that, he still needs Stark to calm down now, and then the blame is better placed on Bill - he himself used the genes of two closest people to create his own body.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

The truth always sounds the most like bullshit.

He didn't think Stark would believe it—he wouldn't believe it if someone else had told him about it.

Unless he has to admit it's true.

"First of all, you need to change a piece of clothing." The bill didn't take Zhang Dianyu's thoughts into account, but provided a way to escape, "The closest to here is a clothing store outside the hospital, right next to the gift shop."

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the boy in his arms, threw him down and stuffed it into the middle of the mop, and then looked at the shelf above. On the shelves stood a few organizer boxes, the lids awry, revealing dark blue fabric.

Looks like a cleaner's replacement uniform.

Zhang Dianyu took down the packing box without hesitation, and found clothes with a musty smell from inside.

Bill slightly widened his blue pupils: "You are committing theft."

Zhang Dianyu picked up a rag from the side and stuffed it under the boy's nose: "If you don't shut up, I'll gag your mouth."

Bill grabbed his wrist.

"All right."

Zhang Dianyu: "?" A strange request.

"But you can't disrupt order, you can't do that," Bill said earnestly.

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath, and was about to really stuff the rag into it—did this little thing think he didn't dare.

"Otherwise you will be judged as a failed sample." Bill added at the last second.

Zhang Dianyu's hand stopped.

"Then how are you going to let me escape from the monitoring everywhere?" He felt that this was outrageous, "This is an impossible task at all-if Stark catches us two, you are responsible for explaining."

"You already have coping mechanisms," Bill said confidently.

"?" Zhang Dianyu: "'I'm mentally ill' isn't some fucking coping mechanism, and I'm here to prove that I'm not sick—unlike you, I'm indeed normal." He took a breath and continued: "And can mental illness explain this inexplicable hell? You heard what the nurse said, and Stark must be looking around for someone to verify this by now."

"That's because you cheated." Bill raised his eyes to look at him, "But no matter what, I will try my best to keep this world from dying."

The boy's serious tone and serious eyes made Zhang Dianyu speechless for a while.

"If the world dies, so will you," Bill said. "I don't want you to die."