Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 149


Zhang Dianyu was refreshed when he walked into the prison—but an hour later, the police came to take away the stolen goods and thanked the warden verbally for his undercover arrest of criminals, Zhang Dianyu thought about it carefully.

Did the bill cost him another 8,000 yuan

Miss Rita has returned to hang up, Zhang Dianyu arranged an office for her nearby, and opened the door of the room secretly so that she can only enter through her bedroom, so that no one will see her circling in the office.

Zhang Dianyu checked the surroundings first, and threw the bill into the bedroom while Banner was away.

"Clarify to me—I just wanted to ask, what's going on with this Alcatraz Island?"

"In order to reduce the prison escape rate." Bill said, "I helped you win this former island prison—a few decades ago, only inmates who escaped after repeated education would be sent here, and no one could escape."

"That's not the point. The point is that the island is still open to the outside world at the same time?" Zhang Dianyu's face was filled with disbelief.

"Tourism can bring a lot of money to the federal government," Bill said solemnly, "so I can only fight for half of the scope to rebuild the prison."

Zhang Dianyu slowly put out a question mark: "Do you think this can reduce the escape rate? What if the prisoner is transformed into a tourist? What if he takes one as a hostage and threatens to release him?"

Bill didn't answer, but slightly opened his pupils.

Zhang Dianyu sat down beside Bill in frustration: "Now I almost know why you were abolished."

He hugged his head, and the surrounding was unusually quiet.

Bill didn't deliver his mentally handicapped manifesto as usual. It seemed that after a long time, the boy's voice came from the side.

"I was created to protect everyone. I don't want Stark and Mister Rogers against each other, and neither does Stark."

Zhang Dianyu was silent.

"But it doesn't look like anyone is being protected."

Bill's tone of voice sounded as calm as ever, and he wasn't really a boy, and he had no real mood swings.

Zhang Dianyu straightened up, sighed slowly, his raised hand hovered in the air for a while, and finally patted the boy on the shoulder: "Maybe you need to grow up."

Bill turned his head: "I think so too."

Zhang Dianyu: "Wait... What do you see me doing?"

Bill stared at him.

Zhang Dianyu: "Impossible, I can't do it."

After a few minutes, he rolled his eyes.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you call me Dad."

Bill tilted his head slightly: "But I am your father."

Zhang Dianyu: "... shut up."

Having said that, achieving the goal of the bill is not as simple as imagined—after all, what he wants is not simply to arrest some criminals, but to create a balance between ordinary people and superpowers.

Zhang Dianyu left Bill, who was sitting still, in the room, walked back to the office and sat on his sofa chair, he couldn't help touching his hairline. He felt that sooner or later he would become Fergus with the help of Bill.

Just when he remembered the bald former warden, Banner also knocked on the office door.

"Mr. Warden, the body of Mr. Fergus is still in the morgue. Regarding his funeral . . . here are the papers from the undertaker."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Banner's sympathetic gaze made him speechless. After all, he had just attended Sikestone's funeral not long ago, and now it's Fergus' funeral-seems like an unlucky ghost who died of a loved one and a close relative.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the closed green staff door behind him, behind which Bill sat silently.

In a way, they were all created for the purposes of the Act.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at Banner, and suddenly said, "Doctor."

"Mr. Warden, what's the matter?" Banner was a little puzzled, but still asked patiently.

"I think you should know... Recently, there has been a lot of news from the outside world, about the 'Super Human Registration Act'." Zhang Dianyu stared at Banner, trying to read his thoughts from his face.

Regarding this matter, the easiest direction for him to start now is that Banner-Hulk's combat power cannot be underestimated. Any party that can win Hulk will greatly increase its chances of winning.

But Zhang Dianyu is not happy about this - what he wants is a balance between the two sides, not the crushing of one side's advantages.

The bill really presented him with a problem.

But more important than Hulk's combat effectiveness is that Dr. Banner is indeed a good person. He will consider issues from a human point of view, and at the same time has the ability to surpass ordinary people. Even the Hulk—a green pot-headed humanoid self-propelled tank with a short temper—doesn't seem like he's all that bad, other than anger management.

The bad thing is that Banner doesn't seem to accept the Hulk's existence very much now, seeing him as a disease.

Zhang Dianyu tried his best to look amiable: "Actually, I heard Stark talk about the content of some bills - if you are willing to sign the bill, then your sentence can be offset and you will be free again." He licked his lips and felt It's a bit high-sounding to say this, "I will even provide you with a job that pays well."

Banner's expression was a bit strange.

He shrugged slowly. "Yeah...freedom, the 'Act', and working for the government." He twitched a wry smile at the corner of his mouth. "All three things I don't want."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Forget it, he just wanted to try it anyway.

Although Dr. Banner seems to be a good old man, he actually has the stubbornness and aloofness as a scientific researcher - he hates the Hulk, and even willing to stay on his own initiative, Zhang Dianyu can't say anything.

He barely moved the corner of his mouth, showing a stiff smile: "Just a suggestion—after all, to give every prisoner a fair chance and strive for early parole is the purpose of serving a sentence in prison."

Banner glanced at Zhang Dianyu.

He shook his head: "No, this is a place where villains are centralized and managed."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." He really couldn't refute.

Although the prison also has follow-up investigations on the crime rate after release from prison, in fact Zhang Dianyu also understands that reform and education can only be of some help to some people who are desperate and take risks, and more are repeat offenders.

Not to mention the supervillains. Since this is not a game, he can't expect the system to assign him a clown who will honestly blow out balloons in the amusement park.

From a long-term point of view, the bill's suggestion to buy Alcatraz is good—after all, only on an isolated island can these super criminals be separated from ordinary people.

But opening to the outside world is a great security risk.

After Banner left, Zhang Dianyu immediately opened the bedroom door, and Bill was still sitting in the same position as before.

"I have a question," Zhang Dianyu cut straight to the point, "The other half of Alcatraz, is there no way to prevent tourists from going to the island?"

"Unless you buy the operating rights of the attraction and turn over a portion of the turnover to the federal government." Bill looked at him and said, "but you don't have the money, so I didn't take it into consideration."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Do you want to kill someone