Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 150


Zhang Dianyu stared at Bill, who looked back innocently.

"So now we understand—whose fault is this?" Zhang Dianyu asked word for word.

"Your," Bill replied, "because you're not good at making money."

Zhang Dianyu held his forehead.

It is obviously meaningless to argue with the bill, he wants to make money more now. He flipped through the title deeds and contracts, racking his brains to figure out how to earn the protection money that was handed over to the federal government.

Taking over the operation of an attraction doesn't just mean buying the other half of the island. In fact, because the bill prompted the government to reach an unknown agreement, the current cost of buying half of Alcatraz is no different from his usual expansion of the prison—the condition, of course, is to ensure that these super criminals cannot escape and maintain social stability.

That's why Zhang Dianyu didn't realize that what he bought this time wasn't the adjacent land.

But compared with the past, the island prison needs a special way to transport prisoners, so Zhang Dianyu seems to have an extra fortune - there is also a helicopter on the handover list, worth 50,000 US dollars.

In fact, Zhang Dianyu couldn't help being silent after seeing the price in brackets.

A super criminal could probably kick a hole in this shitty helicopter. Fortunately, he has a special escort skill - he can create an invisible "confinement room" for prisoners through skills.

Even so, he still had a little bit of anticipation.

He opened the game panel, and according to the previous bill, opened the logistics option. Sure enough, when deploying the logistics, it was discovered that the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center opposite could indeed arrange prison labor, but only three people were able to do so.

He couldn't help but hesitate before deploying.

Most of these children are homeless—not that they have no relatives, but relatives who have turned against each other, so it is futile to let them out.

Children with superpowers who are slightly accepted by their families will not live on the streets and make a living by committing crimes.

But the three people who can take care of them now—one is a radical who always thinks about the mutant movement to overthrow the existing regime; , The Red Skull may not be the shadow of these children's minds.

This must make them longer and more crooked!

In addition, this is also inconsistent with the original intention of the bill-they were brought in to balance the relationship between humans and superpowers, not to create a new group of criminals.

Zhang Dianyu thought about clicking the game panel randomly, and suddenly found that there was an ordinary regular employee in the position hired by the correctional center staff.

It turned out to be the Warren guard.

Just now, when he tried to arrange the three informed super-rebels into the correctional center, the task of monitoring Lecter on the Warren guards was also lifted immediately, and he became an idle person.

It wasn't until this time that Zhang Dianyu realized that he also knew the identity of these mutant children—perhaps because he had been with Lecter for a long time and could also share information about the ogres. From this point of view, Lecter seems to be unguarded against Warren guards—of course, this always makes people feel unlikely, Zhang Dianyu is more inclined to Lecter on purpose, maybe he wants to see how dull Warren guards can be. How polluted is he

However, Zhang Dianyu was overjoyed.

He immediately assigned Warren guards the task of a correctional center, and at the same time lifted Magneto's labor arrangement.

To be honest, Magneto has worked hard to fry eggs during this time, at least it is a blessing in misfortune that these children did not starve to death. Zhang Dianyu decided to give Magneto more freedom in the coming time, such as asking him to participate in the repair work of the Golden Gate Bridge—since he demolished the Golden Gate Bridge a few months ago, it has not been repaired yet.

Zhang Dianyu has already seen this item in the subsidy task panel just now, and the reward is not cheap. But it's actually not going to happen that quickly, because that's Magneto after all.

Isn't letting him out of prison a meat bun beating a dog? Zhang Dianyu's brain was flooded with the idea that he would come back with the engineering team after dusk.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the Warren guards on the map. He walked away from Lecter as usual, as if to get something or go to the bathroom, but never went back.

As time went by, a bubble popped above Lecter's head with a question mark inside.

I have to say that Zhang Dianyu looked quite cool.

But after thinking about it, he still summoned the Warren guard and planned to talk to him.

A moment later, Guard Warren appeared alone in the warden's office for the first time. Since this period of time, he has always followed Lecter's side, and Zhang Dianyu is actually a little uneasy. He didn't know whether his pixel people could still be the same as before, after all, this Valen always had some strange ideas.

Zhang Dianyu still remembers that he wanted to work part-time in the engineering team.

The light green material was no longer exposed under Warren's prison guard uniform. Zhang Dianyu didn't know if he had really taken off the gardener's uniform.

He thought for a while, and asked the pixel villain directly whether he was influenced by Lecter, which definitely couldn't get an answer. Instead, ask him some other questions.

"Guard Warun, you have been assigned a new mission." Zhang Dianyu cleared his throat as an opening remark.

"Yes, sir." Warren guard replied flatly.

Zhang Dianyu's eyes fell on his face, and he asked slowly: "Do you still want to join the engineering team?"

Guard Warren's calm eyes turned a little bit, and he looked at Zhang Dianyu: "Mr. Warden, do you want to form a new engineering team?"

From the perspective of Warren Guard, he was assigned to manage those mutant teenagers, so he would not think that he was assigned to the existing engineering team.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Zhang Dianyu's eyes lit up—it was agreed that no one can repair and clean the Golden Gate Bridge? Isn't there a lot of ready-made labor

Of course, labor reform does not count as child labor, and Zhang Dianyu didn't intend to let them move bricks with their hands. Isn't the mutant ability delicious? But super criminals will obviously wear suppression devices when they leave prison, and it will take a period of fooling and education for these children to freely use mutant powers.

Thinking of this level, Zhang Dianyu's eyes became more kind. He looked at the Warren guards and showed a little smile: "The work of guarding the correctional center is different from ordinary prison guards. It is more difficult. You need to feed these little ones. pups’ bellies, waking them up every morning for a morning run – and most incredible of all, some of them wet the bed.”

Zhang Dianyu once saw Magneto standing beside a bed with a blank face on the game panel, the top of his head was so blank that there were no air bubbles, while the mutant child in front of him was sitting on a stained bed and crying.

Thinking about this scene was enough of a devil, Zhang Dianyu quickly closed the map.

Warren guard saluted: "I can cook, Mr. Warden, I used to be a chef."

Zhang Dianyu remembered that Guard Warren was the first and only prison guard to change his job—because at that time his naive behavior attracted the attention of the clown, in order to save his life, Zhang Dianyu had to send him to the kitchen.

"Also, prisoner 202037 taught me how to make some new dishes." Warren guard continued, "but I don't think I know how to deal with bedwetting."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." He knew that Lecter was still messing around with his pixel villain.

He thought for a while, and said to the Warren guard: "Don't worry, I will solve this problem."

After a while, the Warren guard arrived at the door of Xiaobai's house almost at the same time as the other three correctional center employees. The expression on Magneto's face looked quite unhappy - he had just received a notice to leave his post in the correctional center, and was escorted back by prison guards before he reached the door.

The Warren guard saw the three prisoners serving hard labor in prison, and quickly entered the role of a manager, assigning tasks to the three.

Magneto was in charge of checking for bedwetting and cleaning, Red Skull was in charge of washing the rest of the laundry and not showing up, and Lecter was in charge of sweeping the building and dumping the trash.

Communication is prohibited in all jobs, otherwise labor service points will be deducted.