Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 151


After the Warren guard assigned the task, he turned and walked into the small white house, leaving the three people present looking at each other in blank dismay.

After a moment of silence, Lecter twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, then turned and walked towards the tool room at the corner.

When he came out carrying the mop, the two people outside were still looking at each other, and the atmosphere gradually became anxious. It seemed that the two of them would punch each other in the next second.

Lecter smiled slightly, which of course was why he left.

"So," he said nonchalantly, leaning on a mop, "I guess we'll have to 'cooperate', coworkers?"

Red Skull and Magneto glanced at him coldly, none of the three couldn't see what the other was thinking.

"It's funny that Mr. Warden doesn't seem to want us near these kids," Lecter said with a smile. "It's kind of sad."

The other two didn't answer right away, but after a while, Magneto turned around and walked towards the staff lounge, saying: "I don't have work in the afternoon, I'm in the lounge."

The guy who checks for bedwetting is of course the night shift until the kids get up in the morning.

However, rounding up the meaning of this sentence, it can be regarded as temporarily agreeing to cooperate. The victim didn't take any further action, and the Red Skull naturally had no objection.

He turned and walked to the room next to the small cleaning cupboard that Lecter had been in just now. It was a laundry room with only two washing machines, but it was enough to wash the clothes of 20 minors.

Until he saw suspiciously yellow stained sheets piled in the hamper.

Red Skull: "…"

Lecter, who was weeding in the yard, heard a loud noise from the laundry room, as if someone had kicked the washing machine hard, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and continued with his work.

Since this small white house is really not big, Magneto, who was lying on the sofa in the staff lounge not far away, also heard it and sneered with his eyes closed.

Zhang Dianyu in the office was relieved to see that everyone's tasks had been arranged properly from the game panel.

Within seconds, though, the Red Skull, who walks into the laundry room, fails his anger management and the washing machine starts leaking. Workers are now prohibited from entering and leaving here. Warren guards reported the situation. Zhang Dianyu looked through the files and found that Magneto had experience in the factory, so he was assigned to work overtime to repair the washing machine.

The Warren guard seemed to be a little interested in repairing items, so he took the initiative to follow.

He has a gun with him - but that's not the most important thing. The point is that even if a gun is snatched, or even a hostage is taken, the snipers at the four corners of the correctional center with self-aiming hangers can kill them instantly.

This is not worth it.

It's been a long time since Magneto has tasted not being able to modify the trajectory of a bullet, but now he has to. But being interrupted for a break and forced to work overtime obviously made him very unhappy.

So Zhang Dianyu in the office watched the Warren guards escort Magneto to repair the washing machine, and at the same time that he and the Red Skull present had bubbles showing each other's heads.

Zhang Dianyu hesitated for a moment.

He felt that this kind of improper and chaotic relationship should be prohibited-after all, this is a prison, and the Red Skull is not young, he is almost a centenarian, and Magneto has children.

But Zhang Dianyu thought about it, as long as the two super-antis kept their own and kept away from the children, there was nothing wrong with developing any strange relationship.

After Magneto repaired the washing machine, Warren guards conveyed Zhang Dianyu's intentions on his behalf.

"The warden hopes that you will not expose your relationship to these teenagers and avoid misleading them."

Magneto and Red Skull have no objection.

But of course there was no plan to do so—it was impossible not to touch the children, and it was even more impossible not to teach them to fight.

Looking at the peaceful scene on the map, Zhang Dianyu finally felt relieved.

But almost three hours had passed, the local police had come once, the FBI had come once, and even the state police had come—because the convenience store was next to the highway.

But Stark still didn't come to ask the truth of the matter.

While Zhang Dianyu breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a little weird.

He's ready for the somewhat retarded strategy of throwing the bill out and blocking the door—because he can't figure out how he's going to tell Stark the truth.

After all, all he can answer is "because I am mentally ill". Judging from the current situation, this sounds perfunctory and like an excuse to get rid of the crime - why is he suddenly guilty

"Are you waiting for Stark?" Act heard his sigh, and asked from behind the green staff.

Zhang Dianyu threw a folder over and slammed the door shut.

Bill reopens doors: "He won't be coming, for now — he's at the Met."

Zhang Dianyu froze for a moment: "Metropolis?"

Bill nodded. "With Lex Luthor."

In the middle of the ruins of the metropolis, gravel and rubble covered the ground layer by layer. Only a trace more than two meters wide in the middle extended straight to the end of the site, covered by collapsed houses. Half of the laboratory's sign was exposed under the gravel, and the writing on it was blurred, as if it had been eroded and condensed again into a crooked appearance.

Luther sat on a raised rock wearing a hard hat, watching the workers on the scene with a blank expression as they lifted the gravel and put it on the truck for transport.

However, he had already changed his hard hat, not the one specially given to him by the warden when he left the prison.

A golden-red shadow appeared from the clouds, flew towards him from a distance, and stopped at a distance of more than one meter from him.

The blue tail flame under Iron Man's feet gradually extinguished, and fell heavily to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Luther frowned and waved his hand away from the flying dust: "What the hell are you doing?"

"What do you mean by what you said that day?" Stark cut to the chase, "You said that child is not mine?"

"Oh, that." Luther casually patted the dust brought by Stark, "Whatever—you've done a paternity test anyway, congratulations Tony, you finally turned over in love."

"I'm serious." Stark took two steps forward, "Do you know something? Don't think I don't know what you're doing here."

"Of course you don't know." Luther said contemptuously, "Do you think I'm Hammer?"

Stark: "You don't think so little of yourself."

Luther: "..."

"I know you're doing some genetic engineering research," Stark said. "I've been told by my corporate spies—and the latest newspapers."

Luther gave him a cold look.

Stark opened his mask, and his brown pupils looked at Luthor without hesitation.

"I said we'd work together," Luther said softly. "Your superhuman registration bill—it might be the best decision you'll ever make, Tony."

Stark took a deep breath. "It wasn't my decision—but I had to cooperate, and you know why."

Luther snorted softly.

"You want to protect them, lock them up—very well, they'll hate you."

"Wait, I think you're misinterpreting my meaning," Stark said. "The Superhuman Registration Act simply requires people with superpowers to register their information—if they don't want their identities made public, the government will keep them secret."

Luther smiled: "You don't look like this kind of guy who doesn't understand the government, Tony."

Stark was silent for a moment: "The information registration does not go through the federal government, the list is only owned by... me and my AI."

Luther laughed. "Looks like you trust yourself—an ex-drinking arms dealer, a dealer in death. Oh wait, maybe people don't trust you? That's why they won't sign?"

Stark didn't answer, and the muscles on his cheeks seemed to twitch slightly.

Luther withdrew his smile and stared at him seriously: "Only I will join your camp without reservation, old friend." He looked into Stark's eyes, and slowly stretched out a hand, "Look at me Is there still a chance to be your ally?"

Stark glanced at Luther's outstretched hand, paused for a few seconds, and smiled when he raised his head again.

"No, Lex, you know I don't like to accept things that are handed to me."

Luther withdrew his hand, his eyes turned cold.

"The only thing you can do with supernatural abilities is supernatural itself," he said slowly. "Tony, you'll change your mind. When you feel cornered—" He held a business card between two fingers and handed it over, "You can Call the number above."

Stark glanced down at the business card, which was the official customer service number of Lex Group.

He glanced at Luther again, who had a contemptuous smile on his face, as if mocking his incompetence. In fact, he couldn't deny it. His connection with the Captain dwindled, and Batman even started making rare appearances.

Only the Sorcerer Supreme seems to remain neutral - but according to him, he has no intention of getting involved in such a dispute.

Stark looked at Luthor's face, and didn't reach out to pick up the business card: "Oh, I know your private number was temporarily frozen when you were arrested and imprisoned—but it doesn't matter, you and I know where to find you .” He smiled slightly, “Prison.”

Luther dropped the card.

Stark's visor closed suddenly, turned around and activated the thrusters under his feet.

"I know you want to ask where that boy came from." Luther's voice came from behind him, "I have records of every one of your sex partners. Obviously, none of them have medical records of giving birth in the hospital."

Stark: "..."

He turned around slowly: "Are you a pervert?"

"I'm paying attention to my business rivals." Luther said coldly, "I don't believe you haven't done this kind of thing."

Stark's voice was full of disbelief: "But it doesn't include such...behavior, for God's sake, this is really beyond the scope of ordinary perverts."

"Oh, so who is the 'mother' of the child?" Luthor raised his eyebrows, "I think you came here to look for me, maybe you have already found a clue?"

Stark's expression was a little abnormal.

Luther looked even more interested. "Someone out of the ordinary? Wait... let me see, I guess we all know each other? Oh my god, what kind of lady is that?"

Stark: "Does it have to be a lady?"

Luther: "..."

Stark: "..."

"Not by natural means, it's true," Stark said, "and you're right about that. But... maybe a little more than natural?"

Luther: "I don't know, I haven't done this kind of thing."

Stark: "Your tone really sounds weird?"