Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 152


Stark looked wary.

Luther was silent for a while, as if he was a bit broken: "What the hell are you thinking about?"

Stark was puzzled. Luther firmly denied it, but judging from the situation just now and his tone of voice that seemed to be deliberately raised, it was obvious that things were not that simple.

He glanced at Luther suspiciously, and Luther looked back in silence, their gazes meeting in the air.

"Well," Stark spread his hands, "it seems that no one knows what happened."

Luther responded with a snort of contempt, but did not speak.

To be honest, he was also very shocked by this incident. Although he had long guessed that the so-called son was not an ordinary child, most of it was produced through genetic technology, but he did not expect that this child was also produced using the genes of two men.

As for why "also" - apparently he has had such an idea, and is putting it into action.

When Stark was about to start the thruster under his feet, Luthor suddenly said: "So, the other gene provider of that child is someone we all know."

Stark's footsteps paused, and then the battle armor rose from the ground and rushed into the clouds, leaving only the glare left by the tail flames in front of him.

Luther waved his arms cursingly, trying to disperse the dust in the air.

In the prison office, Zhang Dianyu was studying how to improve other policies, when suddenly Bill said, "Stark is back."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He turned his head slowly and met the boy's dark blue pupils: "Are you Stark Radar?"

"I thought you were curious about his movements," Bill said solemnly, "you seem to have been watching to see if he will come."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." Isn't this nonsense, of course he is concerned about when Stark plans to come to Xingshi to question him.

"But he went to the shores of Malibu, his own home," Bill added.

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a while: "I don't care where he went, I only care if he will pay a surprise visit to the prison."

"So, where's the other Stark?" Bill asked suddenly.

A trace of doubt arose in Zhang Dianyu's heart: "What are you talking about? Another Stark is in the world you came from, which is another universe."

"I think," Bill replied, looking into Zhang Dianyu's eyes, "he might be dying."

Zhang Dianyu was taken aback and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Bill looked at Zhang Dianyu who came over to close the door.

Zhang Dianyu saw the boy's eyes, and there seemed to be some hope hidden in the calmness, but he didn't dare to ask.

The things in this world have made him burnt out, is he capable of dealing with the things in another world

Bill nodded slowly, with a certain tone.

"However, you are under no obligation to help him."

As soon as this sentence is said, it makes people feel a little guilty.

"He...why is he dying?" Zhang Dianyu asked involuntarily, with some regret.

"He was being hunted down by Norman Osborn, and he himself lost the memory of manipulating the armor."

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a moment: "This is what you said, he deleted all his memories, in order to ensure that the superhuman registration list is not leaked to Osborne?"

Bill nodded.

Zhang Dianyu took two steps forward, his hand was on the doorknob, as if he was going to close the door in the next second, but he didn't do that.

After a moment, he let out a deep breath.

"Can you help him?"

Bill shook his head decisively: "No."

Zhang Dianyu was a little suffocated.

The little thing talked for a long time, thinking he wanted him to help Stark out of trouble-but he said he couldn't help.

So what are they talking about here for so long

"I have already left that world." Bill put his hands on his knees neatly, "I was abolished by... But I can sense what is happening in that world. Stark has left himself a way out, he Backed up his brain with a hidden hard drive, and kept a few friends for himself. Find those people and this hard drive, and he can regain his life."

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the doorknob he was holding, and then at Bill.

"You know, I can close the door at any time."

The bill continued: "Besides Osborn, there is another Lex Luthor in this world. He will spare no effort to promote the superhuman registration bill, and then try to control it in his own hands."

Zhang Dianyu looked into Bill's eyes.

"This is the kind of end the world sees," Bill said, "and the one it is trying to avoid."

"So?" Zhang Dianyu kept himself as patient as possible.

"If I tell you that Stark has discovered that half of Alcatraz has become your prison, and immediately bought the right to operate attractions on the remaining half of the island, I hope you will not give up the Alcatraz prison we have worked so hard for ,” Bill said.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

This means that from now on, Stark can monitor the prison openly.

After all, it is a very small island, and you can even have a panoramic view of the whole island if you stand a little higher.

And Zhang Dianyu, the evil warden who stole Stark's genes and challenged the authority of nature, is next door to Stark's property.

This is simply voluntary surrender.

"I did think about giving up that island." Zhang Dianyu said frustrated, "But it's because of the fucking agreement you made with the federal government to let tourists visit the island and live next door to clowns? This is giving away heads coming?"

Bill looked at Zhang Dianyu.

Zhang Dianyu gradually understood that there was nothing wrong with saying that Stark wanted to monitor him, but more importantly, Zhang Dianyu was not the only one who could think of this problem.

The superheroes certainly don't want ordinary people to go to the island.

Even after Alcatraz was restarted as a prison these people still want to visit the island, so now it's different - they visit the remaining half of the island and the remaining traces of the prison, but now it is the place where the real "devils" are held .

But next door to the Devil lives the Guardians of the Earth.

Zhang Dianyu sat back on his sofa chair. He understood what the bill said—no matter what the future holds, some people never learn to give up.

I don't want to give up either.

Someone knocked on the door of the warden's office, and Banner walked in: "Mr. Warden, the truck sent a helicopter and a driver, what are you going to do with it?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He almost forgot to buy the island with a helicopter.

But when he heard that there was another driver, he became a little wary. He opened the employee panel, and found that a new employee had indeed come in uninvited, the so-called helicopter pilot.

He quickly glanced at the employee files, and to his surprise, the pilot who was "gifted by the system" had a beautiful resume, and even had a retired air force background, which seemed very reliable.

Unfortunately, helicopter pilots need to be paid just like normal employees.

There is no helipad in the prison, there is nowhere to park the helicopter, and there is no way to transport prisoners—of course, Alcatraz Prison still needs major renovations and cannot be put into use directly.

Zhang Dianyu scanned the entire map of the prison, and his eyes fell on the largest and most stable building.

"Let's stop on the roof of the cafeteria first."