Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 155


Zhang Dianyu's mood was very complicated.

Not so long ago, he feared that he had no fear of the emotion. But when he actually discovered what he was afraid of, the situation was a little bit special.

Why did he fear the lack of money

With the continuous sound of gold coins flowing in my ears, the scene in front of me seemed to have begun to change.

The golden sun hanging high in the sky began to gradually turn crimson, and the scorching desert was also stained with a layer of blood. Zhang Dianyu felt a voice coming from behind him. He turned his head and found a dark shadow in the distance.

Those figures were all wearing the uniforms of prison guards, and the stun guns in their hands sizzled.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Should have thought of this earlier. The fantasy of fear needs to be based on reality, otherwise it cannot deceive the human senses.

But nightmares don't need to.

Zhang Dianyu cursed, and ran in another direction.

Walking in the desert is difficult, and the yellow sand keeps pouring into the shoes, which is desperately real.

The small black spot in the distance gradually expanded, and it could be seen that it was a human figure. It seems that a person is squatting down from time to time, trying to dig something out of the sand.

Although this scene looked a little weird, it seemed less dangerous than the normal prison guards chasing after him.

Zhang Dianyu forgot to ask whether Bill’s dream would affect him—if he was caught up by prison guards here, killed or imprisoned, would he be trapped here forever

It seemed that he had no chance to ask Bill until he got out of here.

The figure in the distance was getting bigger and bigger, and the other party seemed to have sensed his approach, put down the things in his hand and turned to look over.

It was a black-haired man with blue eyes as deep as the sea.

Zhang Dianyu was slightly taken aback, feeling that this person looked familiar.

However, the man's handsome face was full of confusion and bewilderment, and his empty eyes seemed to have lost something. He stood there blankly, looking at the direction Zhang Dianyu was running from.

This person does not appear to be a threat.

After confirming this point, Zhang Dianyu ignored the man's eyes and walked past him directly.

However, he turned around and ran back after a few seconds: "Don't you see someone chasing us?"

After hearing what he said, the black-haired man glanced behind him, and replied in a dull tone: "They are chasing you."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"Shall I run together too?" the dark-haired man asked him again. "..." Zhang Dianyu: "How do I know?"

After leaving this sentence, he turned around and continued to flee for his life. Anyway, the person who appeared in his dreams was probably not a real human being—in fact, he couldn't be. Because this is his dream, even if it is a nightmare, it is impossible for another person to exist.

It's just that this person looked so real that Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but spend a few seconds reminding him. As for whether it can be successful, it is not something he intends to pay attention to.

The black-haired man hesitated for a moment, dropped the piece of iron he had just dug up, and followed behind Zhang Dianyu.

"Why are they chasing you?" the dark-haired man asked as he ran.

Zhang Dianyu had no time to answer.

He felt like he had seen a ghost. Even though it was in his dream, he couldn't control what happened. Instead, this man of unknown origin ran behind him very easily.

He had heard of lucid dreaming before. As is the case now, when he realizes that he is in a dream, he can theoretically control what happens in the dream.

Clearly, something is wrong with the nightmare the bill has created.

"You are in my dream," Zhang Dianyu gasped, "you should know everything about me—obviously, this is a nightmare. In my dream, due to the long period of financial deficit, I have changed from a warden to a prisoner. prisoners."

The black-haired man replied half-understood: "Are you a warden?"

Zhang Dianyu looked back at him strangely.

But he had no time to pay attention to this man, and then the prison guards chased him more and more closely, and several faces showed repeated faces—including Guard Adams and Warren, and even some other familiar faces.

While fleeing for his life, Zhang Dianyu couldn't help thinking wildly—the pursuers behind him were several times the number of actual guards in the prison. If the dream could be mapped to reality, he would be able to laugh now.

The dark-haired man behind him stopped suddenly.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but pause.

"Since they are chasing you, then you run first, I will try to stop it." The black-haired man said.

Zhang Dianyu also stopped: "Wait, but you have nothing to do with them..."

The dark-haired man smiled.

"Who are you?" Zhang Dianyu couldn't help asking.

"That's weird," the dark-haired man said with some distress, "I don't know who I am either."

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath. For some reason, when the black-haired man tried to let him leave first, blocking the guards who were chasing him alone, he suddenly couldn't bear to let the character in the dream disappear.

"Wait," Zhang Dianyu suddenly remembered his skills, "Maybe I will have a way."

He tried to open the game panel, but he didn't expect it to appear in front of him. He immediately found the skill in a hurry and used it on the chasing crowd.

The few people in front were stopped by a transparent wall.

Zhang Dianyu clicked all the skills. The two skills "Confinement" and "Imprisonment" were activated at the same time, and some of the guards who were chasing were locked in the transparent wall.

Just like the confinement room and cell in the prison, the objects of these two skills are all individuals-meaning that only one prisoner can be held.

In addition, the two skills really have an upper limit on the number of uses. At this time, there were a total of 12 chasing guards locked up by transparent walls, including six 1x1 confinement rooms and six 2x3 single cells.

But the transparent wall has no blocking effect on others, so the remaining guards are still chasing after them.

Unfortunately, Zhang Dianyu not only used "confinement" and "imprisonment" in desperation, he also used other skills.

"Toilet King" and "Explosive Egg Expert" are both passive titles, and there is no toilet here, so they can be ignored.

But most importantly, Zhang Dianyu also accidentally used the skill "Prison Search".

The moment the skill took effect, the guard who was chasing behind suddenly lost the clothes he was wearing, and rushed towards the two prey not far away with his hands up naked.

At this time, the black-haired man who was still standing in front of Zhang Dianyu finally showed a somewhat frightened expression.

I don't know if it was because the crimson sun was too hot, Zhang Dianyu was sweating profusely, he quickly grabbed the black-haired man's wrist, trying to take him to continue running for his life.

The black-haired man no longer tried to help block the pursuers—maybe the scene of countless naked men rushing towards him was so shocking that he lost the courage to save others.

"What's going on here?" The black-haired man was confused with a hint of fear, "Where am I... No, who am I?"

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but glanced at him. This person is a bit strange, he doesn't even remember his own name, but he still instinctively helps others.

"Don't worry about this," Zhang Dianyu urged, "Run first and then talk, there are still pursuers behind."

The black-haired man nodded obediently, and was dragged by him to flee for his life in the desert.

The guards chasing behind were pulled away by the incident just now—maybe the 12 people locked in the transparent wall created a little obstacle for the pursuers behind, and they slowed down a little bit for a while.

Zhang Dianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and took advantage of this opportunity to speed up his escape.

Just when he felt that he had seen a glimmer of hope, a crackling sound suddenly appeared in his ear.

"Wake up!"

Zhang Dianyu suddenly opened his eyes.

Both Bill and Banner stood solemnly beside his bed, looking down at him.

Zhang Dianyu threw off the quilt and sat up—no matter whether it was a nightmare or a sweet dream just now, being woken up at a critical moment is definitely not a happy thing.

"What's the matter, didn't I tell you not to let anyone in?" he asked Bill angrily.

"Mr. Warden, I'm very sorry to disturb your rest." It was Banner who spoke, "But things are a little bad-just in an instant, all the clothes of the prisoners in the prison disappeared. I mean... now everyone Naked."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."