Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 156


Zhang Dianyu raised his head and looked at Banner in blank dismay.

"Is this what you... saw with your own eyes?"

Banner's expression could not help showing pain, and the muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly.

"I understand." Zhang Dianyu interrupted him before he could speak, "I... believe you."

He actually didn't want to go out and see the hot-eyed scene—and he really believed what Banner said, so there was no need to check it out for himself.

In addition, he can also open the game panel and view the current situation through the map.

Zhang Dianyu looked lost in thought.

But in reality, he was looking at the cell on the map. As Banner said, whether it is a prisoner held in a cell or a prisoner who is doing hard labor in prison, they all appear as a small bare cylinder on the map at this time.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Needless to say, these little cylinders, which look a little cute on the map, are quite eye-catching in the real world.

Especially after they experienced such a mutation, bubbles of panic and anger kept popping up above their heads, and they started physical conflicts one after another.

In theory, what a "jail search" really does is disarm the opponent. Of course, as the name suggests, it will also make prisoners strip naked for searches.

So now among the prisoners, they not only suddenly lost their clothes, but also their weapons that provided security.

Zhang Dianyu read all the skill descriptions, but he didn't find out how to recover these clothes and weapons - but he also found a good news, these clothes that were taken off were piled up in the prison inspection room, and the weapons were automatically boxed Placed in the Confiscated Items section of the warehouse.

Bill looked serious and glanced at Zhang Dianyu.

Banner didn't notice any of this.

"The head of security did not explain what happened in the prison." Banner said, "But due to the characteristics of the prison, it is also a restricted area for superpowers, so supernatural phenomena can be ruled out..." He paused and couldn't help but say , "But that's impossible, Mr. Warden. Nothing but supernatural powers could have caused this—that's hundreds of people whose clothes suddenly disappeared."

Zhang Dianyu coughed lightly.

This aroused Banner's vigilance, and he seemed a little shocked when he saw Mr. Warden's expression.

"Mr. Warden..."

"I did it." Zhang Dianyu decided to tell the truth.

In fact, if he intends to continue using this ability in the future, he will be exposed to Chaoying sooner or later, and there is no need to hide it.

It's better to let Banner be the first to know about it than to leave others guessing.

"This is my ability, which can disarm the opponent." Zhang Dianyu shrugged, "I'm still developing this ability—maybe I can't control it well."

Banner was silent for a while, then nodded reluctantly.

Zhang Dianyu saw that in the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center on the opposite side of the map, the sudden incident caused the children to suddenly become chaotic, and then quickly accepted it, and began to fight under the stop of the Warren guard machine.

This scene was really frustrating, Zhang Dianyu dragged the map away.

In the lounge, Magneto woke up suddenly, furious, and seemed to believe that some brat did it.

But he didn't immediately go out to inquire about the crime, perhaps because his current appearance is not very elegant. But the ever-changing bubbles above his head were the troublemakers among the mutant teenagers, whom he had clearly identified as the culprits.

In addition, the Red Skull in the laundry room and Lecter who was weeding outside were also greatly stimulated—especially the Red Skull, who scrapped a washing machine on the spot to stabilize his emotions.

Zhang Dianyu: "..." He suddenly felt that he had made a wrong decision, maybe the Red Skull should not be in charge of the laundry room.

He glanced at Banner and told him to deliver the clothes of the prisoner opposite.

This kind of thing has to be left in the hands of people who can rest assured.

Banner was ordered to leave.

Now the entire prison is in chaos, so that the prison guards have to fire warning shots many times. Especially when the Penguin is still in the hospital and the prison gang has no leader. At this time, everyone is forced to suddenly disarm.

Fortunately, the guards have already fetched stacks of prison uniforms and are distributing them.

Looking at his map, Zhang Dianyu couldn't help sighing.

He was still thinking about the scene in his dream—maybe it was because this was his first dream, and the things in the dream seemed real, and he was even able to talk to him with a black-haired man.

Is he real, or is he just the embodiment of some thought in his mind

"Why did this happen?" Bill asked with his head tilted after Banner left.

"..." Zhang Dianyu, "Then it will start with your unlucky nightmare."

Bill blinked.

Zhang Dianyu: "As soon as I entered, I dreamed of the prison deficit. I was chased by the guards and wanted to arrest me. I accidentally used a skill—who knew it would be mapped to reality at the same time. You can explain clearly to me why you let me see it. To such a scene!"

"It's not what I let you see," Bill replied solemnly. "It's what you want to see—what your heart's worst fears are."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He felt that something was wrong, but it seemed that nothing was wrong.

Bill frowned. "So, you have a fear? The thing you fear is that the prisoner is wearing clothes?"

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

This is beyond human comprehension!

"What I'm afraid of is the financial deficit!" Zhang Dianyu said angrily, "It's said that I was being chased by the guards to do such a thing."

Bill opened his mouth slightly.

Zhang Dianyu realized his abnormality: "What?"

Bill fell silent. Zhang Dianyu didn't bother to ask, but suddenly changed the subject: "In that dream, there was a man with black hair and blue eyes who couldn't remember his name—do you know who he is?"

Zhang Dianyu paused for a moment, and for a moment, he almost said, "Is that someone I knew in the past?" But his "past" only exists in the self-cognition in his brain, he has no past.

Bill's expression was a little dazed: "A man with black hair and blue eyes? Lost his memory?"

Zhang Dianyu felt that the boy's reaction was very abnormal, so he couldn't help asking vigilantly, "What's wrong?"

"I think that's Tony Stark, him in another world." Bill slowly lowered his head, "He should have deleted all the memories in his brain by now, he doesn't know who he is, and he has kept the super English list."

What kind of person would be willing to have his brain erased to protect a list

The answer is whoever made this list.

Zhang Dianyu's mood was a bit complicated. Perhaps from the point of view of these people, this Stark deserves it. He is colluding with the government to persecute his former teammates.

But he also recalled that Bill had said that the list ultimately did not fall into the wrong hands.

Even if he deleted his memory and gave up everything he owned, he fulfilled his promise without hesitation.

— Never let this list get out.

Zhang Dianyu remembered the black-haired man who lost his memory in the dream, but instinctively let him go first to block the pursuers.

"Wait," he suddenly realized, "you said that Stark had his memory erased—then why did he appear in front of me?"

It stands to reason that a person with amnesia should live in seclusion somewhere—or even live with a tube inserted in the hospital

"Besides," Zhang Dianyu added, "You said before that it was impossible to contact the universe you were born in, and I just went to that world after having a nightmare?"

Bill's eyes made Zhang Dianyu feel a little uncomfortable.

"Obviously," the boy said slowly, as if talking to someone mentally retarded, "—it was just a dream. He lost his memory and everything, and was immersed in a dream, and you... too."

"Can I still enter other people's dreams?" Zhang Dianyu was a little surprised, "Is this also one of my superpowers?" He looked through the list of skills, "But there is no relevant description on it, is this a special skill? "

Bill looked at him more like caring for the mentally handicapped: "No, you can't. Your dreams overlap... Maybe it's because it's not just a dream. He lost all his memories, maybe his spirit can't bear such a blank brain, and he's doing it right now. In a coma."

Zhang Dianyu recalled the confusion in those eyes as deep as the sea, and thought for a while and asked, "So he needs to know his own name?" He glanced at the bill, "Wait—what did you say about saving him for no reason? Is it because if I go in again and tell him my name, he can be resurrected?"

He thought for a while: "But that Stark has no memory, will he live as a person with amnesia?"

Would that be his wish

Bill was silent for a moment, as if thinking.

"Actually, I didn't expect you to be able to enter his spiritual world." The boy said, "Maybe it's because... what you did was not a dream."

Zhang Dianyu looked puzzled.

"I told you before that extensive testing is done on every 'sample' of yours before it goes into service."

Zhang Dianyu looked into the boy's blue eyes and watched his mouth open and close.

"You are not born into this world without any purpose like human beings. The dreamland you entered-there is actually a kind of sandbox, where you and your kind have been tested countless times. Only when you confirm that you are right When human beings are free from hostility and threats, they will 'come' into this world with a mission."

Zhang Dianyu did not answer.

"And Stark's brain is not an ordinary human brain. He has been transformed by the Extremis virus, and it is more like a machine, but the hard drive has been emptied."

"In a way," Bill said, "you are alike."

Zhang Dianyu remained silent.

Bill looked at him for a while, then continued to speak to break the silent atmosphere: "I haven't told you yet because it's hard to accept." However, who knows if he plans to "have" in the future

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the bill, and suddenly there seemed to be a gleam of joy in his eyes.

The bill is a bit confusing.

"If, I mean if..." Zhang Dianyu lowered his voice, "Is there no possibility that normal human beings can also enter that 'dream'?"

Bill looked at him: "I thought you were grieving."

"Oh," Zhang Dianyu said, "sad."

Bill: "That sounds perfunctory."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"Listen," he said to Bill with a straight face, "Alcatraz can't hold super criminals, and long-term sedation is not humanitarian—and it costs money."

Bill looked at him blankly, too.

"So, instead of imprisoning their bodies, it is better to imprison their spirits." Zhang Dianyu smiled slightly.

"The easiest way to upload their thoughts to the sandbox is to inject Extremis," Act replied, "At least another Stark is communicating with you through this method."

Zhang Dianyu was thoughtful.

"The difficult way is to need a brain signal adapter to decode and upload the complex pulse signals of the brain." Bill continued.

Zhang Dianyu's right hand gently landed on the palm of his left hand.

"Then use the simple method."

A small question mark appeared to appear on Bill's face.